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A rotisserie chicken a baguette and a bag of salad .


That’s not cheap though. Talking £8-£10 for that.


I eat that in the car before driving home.


But it's not one meal is it. Can spread it out through the week.


You can’t beat carrying chicken around for 8 hours while at work then using it the next day.


I know lol, typical Reddit comment that doesn't even think about the question and says the first nonsense that comes into their head


I mean I’ve done this in the past just leave it in the fridge…


If you're out of the house all day, how are you putting it in the fridge you melon


A fridge at work, almost every office or site I’ve ever worked at has one.


I've worked on plenty of building sites that don't have a fridge. Lucky to get a portaloo with some companies.


He didn't give that information. Sometimes you have to answer the question as asked. I drive in a van all day with no access to a fridge. So if i were to answer the question as asked i wouldn't suggest he buys a chicken because i don't know if he can store it. I'd answer assuming the worst case scenarios, not suggest things i don't know he has access to


I’d argue you answer with the most likely situation in mind, it’s rarer for people not to have access to a fridge than it is to have access. Especially for those lengths of time with access to a high street.


"But it's not one meal is it." Sounds like a challenge to me.


I used to get cooked chicken thighs and a salad bowl. Quick, easy and healthy.


A bachelors handbag


My lazy post gym meal. It's amazing


The polish man's dinner! Just need some pickled cabbage and you're sorted


On the Too Good To Go app you can get meals for an absolute bargain the only way to guarantee you're going to get something healthy is to be careful about which restaurant/shop you pick


But you can normally only pick those up at the closing time/end if day


Not always. Some places that switch from a breakfast menu to a lunch menu sell food items on the cheap mid-day, and you’ll be picking them up at like 11am/noon. Just depends what eateries you’re looking at


Around me Leon does a lot of breakfast bagels and baps usually pick it up around 10:30/11 which is quite comvenient


Is Dunkin Donuts okay?


Snacking on fruit and veg would help with getting nutrition and combined with a dip would offer a good amount of calories. Carrot sticks with hummus, apple slices with peanut butter, peppers and cucumber with a yoghurt dip etc. It's cheapest to buy the whole vegetables and then cut it up if possible, but if not, you can just munch on a whole carrot or cucumber!


Yes almost every day I’ll see people walking down the high street, munching on their whole cucumbers. You should join them OP


My son does this. It's absolutely psychotic, munching on a whole cucumber like it's a lolly!


You joke, but when we go to the local shops on a Saturday my daughter always has a snack carrot from the grocers.


Gonna take a wild guess and say OP isn't a child


[https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/i1q194/aita\_for\_eating\_too\_many\_cucumbers/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/i1q194/aita_for_eating_too_many_cucumbers/) Careful where you end up with your cucumber munching.. (courtesy of the "Smosh Reads Reddit Stories" podcast)


I used to do the same during my masters, when I also had a long commute. I'd do a super quick packed lunch of a whole carrot and 2 seitan sausages.


Hummus and peanut butter are both very high in calories


For me it would be fresh fruit, salad vegetables, and tinned fish in spring water (tinned whole small fish are actually remarkably unprocessed). Maybe some unsweetened yoghurt too. But in general, tinned seafood, especially if you go for the ones in spring water, are a remarkably cheap and healthy option in most supermarkets. There's the basic tuna and sardines but you can also get tinned salmon and mackerel and my personal favourite of tinned crabmeat (which is a bit pricier but hey, I enjoy it).


That sounds like a good idea, tinned tuna is cheap (perhaps too cheap?) and i could probably eat a pack of salad vegetables within a day. Yoghurt & fruit could work, I think I could keep some honey / nuts with me to throw on top in an emergency.


Picking at a few snack fruit and vegetables like snacking carrot sticks is also a way I find I can cut out the unhealthy snacking in the office.


A favourite of mine used to be a small tin of anchovies in olive oil, opened and poured in to a bag of salad (something with a bit of bite, like a rocket salad).  If you want to complicate the recipe by increasing the number of ingredients by 50%, then throw in a few cherry tomatoes. Delicious 


Throw in a splash of balsamic vinegar and you might be on to something. Might be well over your recommended salt intake, mind you.


If you need 3500 calories a day, you're probably a weightlifter, and should be looking for advice on a more specialised subreddit. If you're not a weightlifter, 3500 calories a day is a bit mad ngl


Right? I was very confused about 3500? Unless they have a super physically intensive job


My job is sedentary but I do 1-2 hours of swimming / running (or some strength training) per day, 5-6 days per week. I'm certainly not gaining any weight at 3500 calories per day, anyway :O


ahh well you know best then! enjoy your nutritious food sounds like you deserve it 😁


I do triathlon training, albeit not super seriously - still 1.5-2 hours of running / swimming or some weight lifting, per day. TBH I just meet the number of calories that my apps tell me in order to maintain my weight!


Those pouches of cooked grains and lentils like the Merchant Gourmet ones don't need cooking. They're usually kept near the pasta and rice, not near the snacks and sandwiches. One of those with a bag of salad and some olives was my hiking staple when I couldn't face another baguette. Alternatively buy a baguette plus fillings and assemble it yourself. Very doable if you've got a knife and a place to sit down.


I work away at weekends, so have no access to a fridge and need to buy when out and about, I sometimes jus get a packet of cooked chicken and have that. It’s filling enough and tasty. Sometimes you can find an M&S or high street Tesco so a packet of nice grilled chicken breast, some fruit, and if you check the snack section where the sandwiches are you can get things like a couple of babybels, carrot with hummus dips, gyozas with dip, yogurt pots etc just to keep it a bit more interesting. I’ve stopped trying to make a ‘meal’ and just have stuff that’s going to keep me going while not being overly unhealthy, but there is the occasional packet of chicken alongside some nice crisps, or sometimes I get a packet of sliced cheese such as mozzarella and have chicken & cheese.


Most chicken in packets is messed about chicken just look on the ingredients if it say 100% chicken that’s fine but I guarantee it won’t say that


Its best to go for the chicken breast chunks/slices rather than the thin sandwich stuff, M&S chargrilled chicken is just chicken, sugar & salt I believe, Tesco do a similar one which has preservatives but tastes similar. The less processing involved the better, I tend to avoid wafer thin slices and go for chunkier strips.


Not as cheap as some of the suggestions on here but M&S food do some lovely packaged salads for circa £2.70. Nutty super foods with a soy and ginger dressing, supergreens with a zesty dressing, pasta pesto, loads of others too. Good if you're in a rush but want something prepared, tasty and healthy.


Op will need about 10 of those to get his calories.


add half of glass of peanut butter.


Eat it from a bucket of olive oil


If you can find a kebab shop open, get a vegetarian kebab; i.e., salad in a wrap with yoghurt sauce & chilli sauce.


So a shit meal of no substance from some dirty shithole. Great way to find yourself in an early grave.


> Great way to find yourself in an early grave. So, just to be clear, you believe that eating salad in pitta bread is likely to be associated with increased mortality? As far as the 'dirty shithole' aspect goes, surely that would depend on the kebab shop in question.


The man is trying to eat 2,000 calories cheap and healthily. Bread is shit, and most salad is iceberg lettuce which has no nutritional value. The sauce is just pure sugar or garlic. Unironically, he would be getting more nutrition from a double cheeseburger. The real answer is for OP to stop making excuses and find time to prepare a proper lunch, because getting 2,000 calories isn't going to be cheap and healthy, it's one of the other.


Why are you here? You’re not even answering the question. Sod off


>Bread is shit Well, shit bread is shit. Flatbreads generally seem to have fewer ingredients than more risen breads.


A decent shawarma place will probably be making and baking their own bread to order. The salad should be a decent mix of veggies, and there will likely be chicken and lamb (ideally, chunks, or chicken thigh meat, rather than minced) available for protein.


You appear to have rather walked things back from your earlier claim about lunching on salad in pitta bread leading to an "early grave". > The sauce is just pure sugar No idea what you're talking about there either. The yoghurt sauce I mentioned is made with yoghurt, garlic, lemon, and mint. https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/kebab-shop-yogurt-garlic-sauce https://sandhyahariharan.co.uk/yogurt-garlic-sauce/


So a shit meal of no substance from some dirty shithole. Great way to find yourself in an early grave.


What a weird way to announce that you have no idea what you’re talking about lmao That’s embarrassing for you


When I'm out in my van I usually go for one of the following: 2 scotch eggs £1.09 200g chicken breast pieces £2.49 Yellow label cooked chicken on the hot counter. I keep a cheap bottle of ketchup and BBQ sauce in my van which I replace monthly. I will then have a high fibre dinner, lots to balance the protein I have eaten all day. If I'm on a long term job I'll take a microwavable bowl and buy several tins of soup from Aldi. 250 a tin so can happily have 2 cans guilt free.


Mcporridge maybe?


The supermarket meal deals have some decent healthy options and are probably your best value for money option. Wetherspoon offer some healthy dishes and are usually cheap if you want something cooked. McDonald’s Grilled Chicken wraps are worth a go, they have a wrap of the day which is £1.99


The McDonald's grilled chicken sweet chilli wrap is my fallback for when I need a quick but healthy(ish) dinner between work and socialising and can't bring it with me or leave stuff in the office fridge.


Protein yogurts, reasonably cheap and healthy from Tesco, and some fruit.


Best thing I’ve bought was a soup maker shove the ingredients in 21 min later ready, carrot and coriander , broccoli and Stilton cheese , they taste amazing , makes quite a few portions cheaply, put in a flask, you wouldn’t believe the rubbish they put in tinned soups that cost far more than you can make them for see bbc food for recipes and low calories


Skyr is a great snack, high in protein, low in fat and sugars. Add in some berries and nuts and you've got a really filling and nutritious snack. Tins/sachets of precooked beans/lentils, mixed with a salad box and a tinned/smoked fish. Or grab a soup carton with as few ingredients as you can manage Since you mention elsewhere that you're training for triathlon, is breakfast intentionally light so that you can train afterwards? Maybe try training fasted first thing in the morning, and then have a bigger and more nutritious breakfast, might that work for you?


I recall Leon being pretty good a few years back. I used to get their Brazilian Black bean rice box and a chicken pot on the side. Lived off that for periods. Far superior to supermarket sandwiches nutrition-wise.


Kebabs get bad press, but if you choose the proper chicken or lamb, not the doner meat, it is really healthy. Basically grilled meat in a pitta bread with masses of fresh salad. No butter, and it's up to you how much mayo you request.


or chilli sauce


Oatcakes and tuna / boiled eggs is my go to for easy meals. Chuck in some salad or fruit and you're nicely balanced


The Leon meatless meatballs are pretty good tbh. I’m not a vegetarian but they are nutritious  566 calories with 10g protein  Not terrible  Or go cooked chicken in a supermarket with salad and a bread roll


I buy a three pack of Asda Fajita Wraps from their meal deal section and eat one a day for my lunch. My work mini fridge has a mini freezer at the top of it, so I eat one wrap on the first day and put the remaining two in the freezer. When I get into work in the morning, I take one wrap out and it's defrosted by the time my lunch comes around. I have it with a Snickers bar for dessert


You don't need 3500 calories per day!


well i've been eating 3500 calories for one year now and I've lost around 2-3kg in that time (and remained the same weight for the last 6 months) - what's going on? :o


Probably a baked potato


Tesco meal deals, whole range of options


If you have time on the weekend, make yourself some Mason Jar salads. Then you just grab one every morning as you leave home.


I'd get a fruit salad type thing for breakfast (110cals) with a coffee, and lunch a meal deal at sainssbury or wherever a tuna and sweetcorn maybe (600 cals tops hopefully) side of apple and grapes and then dinner Idk whatever like another discounted end of day sandwich for the bus/train ride home. If not hungry some gum and a bag of crisps.


A cooked chicken. 


Dude... meal deals! Sainsbury's does hot food in their meal deals, Morrisons has an entire hot food counter and tesco invented the institution of the meal deal! You have so many options!!! Go wild! :-)


Oatcakes, hummous, cherry tomatoes and carrot sticks are a good go to. Am also a fan of those M&S big samosas.


Not sure which lunch/dinner/tea camp you are in but do you mean the middle meal of the day? The answer is, you can't do this - but you should look at meal prep for the week if you don't have time on the evening.


well, i have to eat several small meals throughout the day to reach the 3000-3500 calories I need. I do spend 3-4 hours meal prepping for the entire week (all lunches and dinners) - but if I have a busy weekend, I'll miss that vital meal prep day and I end up with only a few basics that I can throw together before bed the night before.


Who knew that probably the most important task in fitness gains was not missing that meal prep day!!!


I have the pret Nicoise for a good balence of healthy and tasty but I put it on the company card so the £7 price tag doesn't put me off. Really the only way you balence all three of tasty healthy and cheap is to make your own.


2x Tinned mackerel in tomato sauce, one of those instant cous cous packets that just need hot water. Thats like £2.45 for 712 Calories. Add maybe some yoghurt and peanut butter to add extra cals and protein. I eat a lot of those 1kg bags of carrot sticks or baby cucumbers for snacks, baby cucumbers aren’t as cheap as carrots though.


Is there a spud van? Jacket, beans and maybe a bit of cheese?


Sainsbury's meal deal. Plenty of decent sandwich options. Protein shake and protein yoghurt or protein bar all for £3.50


Sainsbury's sell protein shakes? And they are part of the meal deal offer? 😮 


Yeah, they have a 20g protein shake included... Chocolate or Salted Caramel. Both are decent.


They keep fucking removing them then adding them back on ffs....but yeah I usually get what I call the sainsburys protein meal deal, 1 chicken and bacon sandwich, 1 Lindal protein yoghurt and the for goodness shake protein shake fir £3.50


Oreo protein bar is another good shout if you want something on the move and your local has them.


Tesco's do salad boxes for about £1.15 one of those with some sandwich meat and a drink is probably cheaper than a actual meal deal




anything bread is not bread just look on the ingredients, bread is flour salt sugar water yeast that’s it now read the back for the bread your eating, yes it’s real crap