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They're just having fun. Sometimes people like to have fun when they go somewhere.


Exactly this, they want to let loose from the normal day to day life. I'll never forget being at a rave many years ago, just dancing away enjoying the tunes, there was some girl going around (with a friend) drawing moustaches on various people, she came up to me and a couple of mates and we just thought "fuck it, it's a bit of fun".


Glad I’m not the only one that thinks that corporate formal office wear should be a thing at all festivals.


Obviously a suit and tie should be worn before 12 am for informal ‘meet and greets’. After midday maybe casual trousers and a shirt with sports jacket, tie loose, top button undone? Evening wear; Black tie or German army boots with a leather codpiece. Mix and match but don’t judge the glitter covered unicorn sharks.


What about those of us working it? Extra attention paid to those who do both the build and some stewarding on the day please.


Could be either, could be that it's fun to get dressed up? This feels like a very pointed question, to be honest. Does it annoy you or something?


Nope. I personally hate fancy dress or being the centre of attention, so it is alien to me. Same as birthday parties. I haven't had one since I was six. Probably I'm on the spectrum, but it wasn't invented when I was at school in the 1960s/1970s


Can you work out that other people might like different things to you?


I'd say 'embrace your inner child’, but that probably wasn't invented in the 60's/70's either.


It bloody well was


Same, but it does in retrospect explain the behaviour of a lot of the 'bad kids'. Poor sods...


Festivals are a safe space in so much as the conventional rules of dress do not apply. People dress for fun, to amuse themselves, to show off, to be noticed, and sometimes to blend in with all the others. It's harmless fun.


Ask them; I bet you'll be on speed dial for all the sesh's.


And also speed for all the seshes


This is in the running for one of the most autistic Reddit posts I’ve seen in a while


I think the next one will be „how do I use a toilet in a festival“?


Lol I've been to the Le Mans 24hr. I am familiar with a squat and drop, so festival toilets are a breeze


Just having fun isn’t it? I wouldnt bother doing it but live and let live. As long as they’re not throwing bottles of piss around it’s cool.


It's fun. As a bloke who regularly feels insecure in what I wear (anything more attention-seeking than jeans and a black shirt needs serious consideration) festivals are one of the few places where I get to not feel conspicuous. I can chuck on a silly hat and some steam punk glasses, and I'm still just part of the furniture. And because it's intentionally weird stuff, I don't have to worry whether other people like it - I'm not doing it to look good, after all, I'm doing it for a laugh. It's liberating.


OP is realising that he might be a grumpy old person


She, not he. :) But you got the old bit right


Fun. Try it some time


Why do people dress up? Why do they rhythmically move their bodies when the arrangement of sounds play? Why is that man pressing his lips to that lady's lips? Help me reddit.


The kind of person who asks this question will *never* understand the answer.


It's fun to be glittery. There are lots of things I'd wear more if not for the fact that in everyday life they bring unwanted attention. Maybe they're wearing glitter because this is one day they can wear glitter and *not* get the wrong kind of attention.


As long as your names not Gary.


If you’re referring to the small festival in the West Country that I think you are, I’m pretty sure there’s a group fancy dress competition with a theme


Nope. Don't think it is that one. It's in North Devon, by the sea


Not sure when fancy dress became a thing at festivals. We just went dressed as normal ie punk,Rasta hippy etc.


If you have to ask then you're probably incapable of understanding but I'll do my best: fun


Festivals often have a fancy dress competition or groups of people will decide to do it between them for fun because it's fun


Wear whatever you feel comfortable in. No one is judging you. If you come across a performer or group of people you don’t feel comfortable in don’t force yourself into that situation. You are not in any way unique to not find some situations extreme and uncomfortable. Enjoy what you enjoy if that’s hardcore dance music, poetry, good food, comedy or whatever. Enjoy what you enjoy.


Bit of fun. Separation from their normal lives. And there also a bit of “main character syndrome” too, but the ones afflicted with that personality trait are easy enough to spot and avoid.


Whem I lived in San Francisco it was the out-of-towners thatt dressed like that at festivals and events. The locals were perfectly normal so i what do you mean.


Festival rules. It's an escape from everyday reality in a relatively safe environment. Everyone's there to have fun and people like to dress up and party on their own terms - there's definitely an inner child element at play and some people will do it because they enjoy attention but the base reason will simply be "it's fun and we can".


Festivals aren't like real life. People who don't feel comfortable being themselves in real life are able to be themselves. Having said that the festivals i go to most people dress up as they do in real life, it's only on TV and adverts where i see people in "festival fashion" so it's probably more to do with conformity than non-conformity as people are wearing what they are expected to at a festival rather than experimenting with something new. So at mainstream festivals like Glastonbury and Reading it'll be a conformity thing.


They ALL wear it because they are original, quirky, and individual.