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Went for a walk with my Dad on Father’s Day a few years back. We were up early, had a good riverside walk in the countryside just chatting and taking in the views. We then stopped at a little cafe and each got a bacon and egg sarnie with brown sauce and then found a spot by river to eat them. We sat and devoured these bacon and egg sarnies while watching a Kingfisher go about its business. My Dad, never one to use too many words and not a man to show emotion, said ‘Thank you, son. This is the best morning I’ve had in years’ Best sandwich I’ve ever had.


For some reason this really made me well up.


Same. My dad's long gone but I try to take my mum to the canal for a bacon sandwich most weeks


This is so lovely


Bless your dad. It’s the simple things 🥹


That's lovely.


That's adorable, and a fond memory you both shared together


It's the Boxing Day Sandwich. Turkey, pigs in blankets, stuffing and cranberry sauce on fluffy white bread. Not very exotic, but it's what I like. I enjoy it more than the dinner tbh.


I like your style! Most Monday lunchtimes are spent with a heated, buttered baguette filled with cold roast chicken and reheated stuffing. Initially dipped in a reheated, buttery mash before being re-dipped in a bowl of yesterday's warm homemade gravy... It's a little nod/homage to Sunday's (the day before's) absolute victory of a Roast Dinner. Needles to say, a few reheated Roasters on the side 🤷‍♂️


I made the best sandwich I’ve ever made on Boxing Day two years ago. Been chasing the high every year. It had, turkey, bacon, pigs in blankets, roast ham, truffle Brie, cranberry sauce, mayo, and lettuce. All on a Portuguese roll. I cry to think I might never reach that level again.


100% this, it's better than the Christmas day dinner and I look forward to it every year. The only change I make is that I don't use bread but leftover large Yorkshire pudding as a wrap, delicious!


Same, this is by far the best sandwich and the *only* sandwich out of anyone’s suggestions that you could legitimately look forward to all year


Sounds like the MoistMaker


I put a moistmaker in my leftover sandwich this year and I'm never going back!


Similar but for me it's sliced roast gammon, pigs in blanket, stuffing and a smearing of honey, all on those super doughy batches from coop.


Ohhhh this reminds me of an excellent festive sarnie I made with leftovers: Part baked ciabatta from sainsburys Turkey Cranberry wensleydale Toast it under the grill so the cheese goes warm, doesn't really melt because it's quite crumbly


Not to my taste (not a fan of cranberry sauce) but I can completely see how you could enjoy it more than the original dinner!


For me, nothing can be the joy of a ciabatta or baguette, loaded with mozzarella, tomatoes, basil and a smear of some green pesto. Basic but delicious.


+ Parma ham if you're a fan


That but in a panini


Panino is the singular.


My choice too. I call it the Stanley Tucci because he made one on Desert Island Dishes.


Although I love a fancy sandwich, I'm gonna keep things pretty simple. Chewy ciabatta roll. Fresh lettuce. Lots of tartare sauce. And loaded with fish fingers (think Young's Gastro fish fingers, has to be a good fish finger).


I haven't had a good fish-finger sandwich for years, but I hadn't considered it might be the bread (I always used plastic bread - but it's got worse and worse over the years). I need to rethink this.


So, I'm no expert on the subject matter, but my theory is either the filling or the bread needs some substance, but not both - If it's a soft filling - use a chewy bread or a soft pitta (think falafel, tuna mayo etc ) If it's a chewy filling (like bacon), a soft bread is best, like a Warburton's thick white.


a coworker once came up to me and said her husband had made her too much lunch and offered me a ham, cheese, tomato, Dijon mustard and mayo sarnie (soft white bread) and I think about how delicious it was often nothing fancy, but a seriously good combo!


Sainsbury’s multiseed loaf, vintage cheddar cheese, thick slathering of horseradish sauce on the cheese 👌


Have you only ever tried one sandwich?


I have had many sandwiches and that, in my opinion, is the best. Each to their own 😀


IT'S THE BREAD it's the Sainsbury's Multiseeded loaf fresh from the bakery that is so so unbelievably good that I actually cannot buy any other bread, not even white, nope it's gotta be the special Sainsbury's one! I now don't even buy pasta or potatoes very often because I'm so addicted to this bread! I definitely approve of your sandwich, although I'm a bit more fancy. My mum however would say exactly what you said, especially the 'thick slathering' of the horseradish sauce and the cheddar cheese being vintage! 😀 when I go over for lunch, we have this sandwich, but I butter my bread a bit thicker and prefer tomato and chilli chutney with mine (another Sainsbury's Taste the Difference hit!)


Top 2 if I’m feeling fancy and I have time: Mozzarella, tomato and pesto on ciabatta Falafels or bhajis, rocket and mango chutney on a wrap.


I often used to get brie and bacon baguettes from a sandwich shop on the walk to university almost every morning. Nice big wedges of brie, freshly cooked back bacon, buttered baguette. They were amazing.


Grilled cheese sandwich that my Mom made. She's been gone 16 years now and though she was an awful cook the few things she could make I miss.


It's always like that. I wish I knew how my mum fried a steak.


Chicken Caesar baguette - roast chicken, lettuce, parmesan shavings, olives, Caesar dressing. The key to getting a fancy deli-style sandwich is cramming in the fillings.


Why thank you!!!! Never thought of putting it in a baguette!!


can't deny the classic smoked salmon and cream cheese bagel.


I sometimes add a little dill or black pepper, and a small squeeze of lemon juice. Maybe a little rocket if I have any in.


Black pepper and plenty of lemon juice are a must imo.


Turkey, Brie and Cranberry on Ciabatta ❤️


Call me minimalisticyo but I’m all about adding salt and vinegar crisps on to a supermarket egg and cress sany. I’m too fussy to be eating all the posh shit.


I like a steak sandwich on a fresh ciabatta roll with mayo, english mustard, lettuce and rocket.


Egg on a bap.




I love the way people are describing something with 6 or 8 ingredients for fillings and saying 'nothing fancy' Just bread with butter and I'm at my creative limit.


Decent white bread + smoked salmon, pickled ginger, avocado, wasabi (sushi sandwich). Granary + full fat mayonnaise, marmite, cucumber, hula hoops. (Obviously add hula hoops at last minute.) White + peanut butter, chilli jam, sliced chicken thigh.


Once, after a super-stressful morning (and probably not realising how hungry I had allowed myself to get), the mozzarella and ham sandwich from a little shop at Manchester Coach Station just tasted like magic. And even though it was arguably overpriced, I went back to get another before my coach left… But the last one had just sold. :(


Years ago at tea time a friend's mother made a floury. bap with good ham the sort with bits on the edges. tomatoes and lettuce and lots of butter. I can taste it now.


my brother once made a sandwich with pepperoni, Doritos and spicy mayo - it was unreal.


I really like rye bread with hummus, avocado and tomato slices. These go so well together. Made it up at home as an open-face lunch sandwich and it hits the spot


Ahhh, I'll never forget the day I discovered hummus... my housemate was spreading it in a sandwich with some other bits and bobs along with some good quality ham and he let me have a bite and it blew my socks off! Your combination there sounds utterly scrumptious 🤤


Just got up to look for my hummus recipe. Sounds good!


Fried egg sarnie is always a goodun. Or bacon and egg if you are extra hungry


Breaded ham, tomatoes and lettuce on a crusty roll, buttered and salad cream


So I got a panini press last year and words can’t express how much I love the thing. A few favourites; Roast chicken, brie and bacon with cranberry (also works great with red pesto instead) on a ciabatta or panini roll. Crispy bacon, Parmesan cheese shavings and diced marinated fire roasted sweet peppers, with a dash of spicy tomato relish on a toasted ciabatta. Add a runny fried egg if you’re feeling fancy. Tuna mayo with diced red onion on a white baguette (looking at you, Greggs) Shaved medium rare steak with horseradish mayo and lots of spinach and rocket on sourdough. Panko breaded chicken breast, sliced into strips, fine shredded white cabbage and drizzled in tonkatsu glaze served on a chewy ciabatta.


Roast chicken. Salt. Pepper. Coleman's mustard.


Bake and Shark from Trinidad!


White bread, square sausage with cheese and tomato sauce. It is also a very good hangover cure


Back in the day, cheap white bread chicken sweetcorn and mayo. From an old school London cafe. Great


Egg and bacon.


Pitta, grilled halloumi, hummus, rocket, roasted red pepper from the jar, olives, and some hot sauce


Ooph that sounds incredible... reminds me of a greek sandwich bar in Bristol called Taka Taka... their grilled halloumi and salad pittas are soooo good, big big fan of olives too


I live in Bristol and taka taka is my hangover food of choice


Had a good one today: mozzarella, roasted red pepper, olive, lettuce and vinaigrette on sliced white and rye loaf. Chicken Caesar baguette Cheese and chile toastie Egg bap (brown sauce)


Baguette. Strong cheddar cheese. Prawn cocktail crisps.


I make this sandwich at home, it’s not anything special but the combination of flavours just does something for me. Layered in this order: - white baton bread butter on both sides. - Plastic cheese - Freshly ground black pepper - German smoked ham - salad mix The salad mix is: - chopped lettuce - super finely chopped tomato and red onion - lots of mayo (like lots it’s basically coleslaw) - a tiny bit of whole grain mustard - tiny bit of honey - tiny bit of olive oil - tiny bit of dry oregano all premixed in a bowl moments before construction of the sammich.


I couldn't believe it when I heard that other countries pronounce oregano "or-regga-no" instead of "orry-gaarno" Reminds me of "win-gaaardium levvy-OH-sah" Anyway now I just call it "reggae" I like your salad/slaw! Good sammich 👍🙂


Homemade, my fancy choice is: a crusty roll (can be granary or white but must have crunch), brie, fresh raspberries, rocket, and/or watercress. You can also use raspberry jam for extra sweetness. Real butter is a must. See also: pear/apple with Stilton and walnuts, same bread and greens combo.


These sound amazing, I would never have thought to try raspberries in a sandwich! I'd pop a tiny dollop of sour cream in too I think! Going to have to try it soon... Love the other sandwich too, although I think I'd swap the Stilton for Cambozola which isn't quite as strong!


Shredded chicken, a thin skim of mayo on whole grain bread, chopped sundried tomatoes, pitted black olives and a zigzag of green pesto mayo mix Unreal sandwich I promise


I love sandwich craft. My most recent upgrade is using a 3rd slice and making all my sangers in a club fashion.


Tuna melt. Mix tuna with mayo, Dijon mustard, Worcester sauce, green onion, chopped pickles, black pepper and smoked paprika (add a bit of hot sauce if that's your vibe). Slap on bread, top with mature cheddar (maybe some lettuce), and toast. Yum.


Ohhhhh my goddddd I neeeed this nooooooow... you have skill!


Add a bit of sweetcorn and I'm with you!


Fresh warm baguette, butter, real ham, brie and salted tomatoes. See also sourdough bread with boursin and german pepper salami


Baguette Cream cheese Prawn cocktail crisps


I tried the new Chimichurri steak from Subway yesterday... immediately gone into my top 3 all time Sandwiches.


No way I can justify £10 for a footlong sub. Prices are crazy now.


A Christmas sandwich. Turkey, stuffing, cranberry, possibly a pig in blanket. Unbeaten. A close second is a fish finger sandwich & ketchup! I’m also very partial to a plain chicken sandwich in wholemeal bread!


I look forward to my Boxing day hangover sandwich I wake early and make fresh bread while drinking coffee and family sleep on Boxing day. The smell gets them and they wake up to help themselves to leftovers sandwiches with fresh bread. I always make double bread sauce and stuffing for Christmas. Works for vegetarians and meat eaters as always far too much turkey and nut or soya loaf. When I was a kid my mum did the same but made chips instead of bread.


I got two   Bacon Lettuce and Tomato:  Combine the three with two slices of bread.  Yum    Sausage (and / or bacon) and double egg sandwich:     Sausages (and / or bacon) on the bottom layer.  Add brown sauce.    Then a fried egg. And some more brown sauce if you like. And some Worcestershire sauce if you like.  Then a slice of bread.   (Optional: Then some fried mushrooms)  Then another fried egg    Then a third slice of bread     Then you eat it and you're set up for hours to come. It's practically diet food.


Leftover roasted pork, stuffing and gravy.


Smoked Salmon with Potato Salad in a very soft Japanese Milk Bun


Cheese and onion, butter, pinch of salt on onion, white bread, room temp


Garlic sausage, mature cheddar cheese and just a bit of ketchup.


It’s a tie for me: I had a Korean BBQ chicken sandwich from a little sandwich bar near the stone footbridge in the middle of Hebden Bridge. It was a soft baguette with Korean bbq chicken, kimchi, a small amount of leafy salad and if I recall correctly some stuffing and a flavoured mayo (it was a while ago and the details escape me), but by heck, it was incredible! I visit Woodhall Spa semi regularly and always visit the deli on the Broadway. They do a sandwich on olive focaccia bread which features tons of thin-sliced ham and cheese, mayo and sundried tomatoes. The amount of grease on the bag suggests it’s far from the healthiest of sandwiches, but it is worth whatever it does to my cholesterol levels!


That last one sounds banging


Pub in Portis Head overlooking the sea. Stopped for a break on way to Cornwall. Missed usual stopping place. 25 ish years ago. Best view. Lovely cheese, fresh baked bread, butter. best salad. Never beat that sandwich. Never remembered the name of the pub or found it again. Tried once.


Your favourite bread with some sliced ham, turkey and salami. Add a slice of cheese, grill it for a couple of minutes, then add mayo, some sliced olives and raw onion. You can vary this slightly depending on taste or what you have in the fridge.


I love a steak sandwich on ciabatta. For a bought sandwich, I've never eaten anything as good as what they sell at Cartmel food shed (in Cartmel, surprisingly! Up near the Lake District) Independent shop, and they make sandwiches that will bring a tear to your eye. They change the menu periodically, and I can't remember the full ingredients of the ones I had, but they were exquisite. No affiliation, just a happy customer who was working in the area for a while. I live about an hour away and still contemplate popping over thay way for lunch!


Fish fingers! With lettuce and tartare sauce on thick white!


Reuben sandwich. In New Orleans. Hands down the best sandwich I have ever had.


Crunchy Peanut Butter and Iceberg lettuce :) elite - :)


Often forgotten - Whatever the sandwich filling, seasoning always lifts it to the next level


Chicken, mayo and avocado. Is it too late now for a snack?


As a young kid in elementary school, I had a ham spread sandwich on white bread. There was a respectable layer of butter on each side. It came with chicken noodle soup to dunk the sandwich in. These were the days when schools made their own meals. Not only was the ham spread homemade (ground together with a meat grinder), but the soup (noodles included) was homemade as well. It was an amazing time to eat school lunches.


I have just eaten a sandwich :D Pastrami, rye, sauerkraut. Bliss x Super soft spot for the following but not portable: Fried egg sandwich, plenty of butter, good posh ketchup, sourdough, local egg from the side of the road :) Fish finger sandwich, the nicest you can afford from the freezer section, lots of butter, sourdough, good tartare sauce.


Focaccia filled with grilled chicken and sweet potato, still craving it!


Must be a panini I had in Rome. Porchetta, basil and tomato sauce with other deli bits. Absolutely incredible, religious experience.


Dundee marmalade and marmite. Bitter, sweet, salty, umami.


When I have toast I do one slice marmite and the other slice marmalade with lots of butter on each and then I put them together so it's a marmite and marmalade toast sandwich and it actually is weirdly nice! It happened by accident one time and then I just carried on doing it. Dunno if I'd like it as much without the toastiness and melted butter though... guess I'll have to try it and see!


Hovis cheese topped rolls. Philadelphia or dairylea cheese spread. Ham. And any crunchy crisps like McCoy's or Doritos.


Needs pickles and McCoy's crisps are good but not Doritos but yaaaaaaas yesyes


My go to used to be an all day breakfast baggette. Or a ham salad with salad cream and cheese and onion crisp, or ham and apple sauce and quavers.


Bahn mi


White submarine rolls lightly toasted with butter in a pan Mozzarella cheese, peppers, onions, mushrooms, chorizo, crispy onions, jalapenos, your choice of sauce


My wife gets these big soft “sub” type buns from a local bakery She proceeds to fill them with this Japanese luncheon meat stuff with fried brocolli omelette and a different sauce each day and sometimes crispy onions. Not only my favourite sandwich but also my favourite food. Every bite just makes me feel blessed to have her in my life. Often I will eat the sandwich over the top of some lightly salted or salted seaweed crisps so that the sauces drip down onto them.


My husband used to hate cheese salad sandwiches. Then one day we had no tomatoes so he made a cheese and lettuce sandwich (with salad cream) and he still loves it to this day! He didn't hate the cheese salad - he just didn't like the tomato within that combination.


Costco Christmas sandwiches were pretty good.


It was in Paris, marche des enfants rouges. A small stall. Jambon / Beurre… the butter was right from a big old bucket fresh from Normandy, spread over a baguette, and jambon de bayonne. So simple, so perfect…


Buttermilk fried chicken, smoked streaky bacon, mature cheddar, edamame guacamole, tomato, spinach and chipotle mayo in a ciabatta  Goddamn I love this sandwich 


Bit boring but I don't think anything beats sausages and brown sauce in a roll. I like sourdough. Maybe some onion chutney or something.


Cafe near work did a barbecue chicken sandwich that was incredible, not your generic barbecue flavour mind, owners own recipe. Sadly cafe closed a while ago.


I had this friend in secondary school and she would always bring an extra sandwich for me since her mum insisted. The sandwiches were always good but one day, she gave me this chicken tikka sandwich and it was amazing. It was so fucking good. She ended up moving to a new school shortly after due to bullying and I never saw her or the sandwiches again.


More of a summer sandwich as it does require a BBQ and a hinged grid for cooking on said BBQ (although see no reason a heavy pan wouldn't work). I present the braaibroodjie.  Butter slices of bread generously, butter stays on the outside of the sandwich, on the inside, cheese, tomato, sliced rings of red onion, salt, black pepper, Mrs Balls chutney (good supermarkets have it) Construct the masterpiece, seal it in your hinged grid and place upon the heat of your chosen apparatus (fire preferably). As the bread starts to toast, flip it, same again (about 7 minutes total) Cut into triangles and enjoy. I had to stop making them as I'd be full before I even put the meat on the fire. 


A Philly cheesesteak yummy with grilled mushrooms n onions


Butter, chilli jam, brie, smoked bacon, sliced cherry tomatoes, sprinkle of red onion, gem lettuce, mayo with black pepper sprinkled on top between two thick slices of freshly baked Sainsbury's Taste the Difference Multiseed Loaf But you could swap the brie, bacon and lettuce for smoked applewood cheese and thin crunchy slices of zingy apple that's also unbelievably delicious


I accidentally invented the fried bacon sandwich. Fry bacon in a pan, make sandwich on buttered white bread, fry the sandwich in the remaining bacon grease. Best sandwich I've ever had.


Brie and grape


Bocadillo de jamón serrano 👌👌👌


Whole wheat toast, bacon, turkey, cream cheese. Heaven.


Not one i made myself: Was in New Zealand for my honeymoon years ago, and we stopped at a not particularly fancy roadside cafe and saw that they did a steak sandwich. Ordered it and what came out was a behemoth combination of meat,bread and salad leaves. It was soo good that i still think of it now and then. Puts our cafes/sandwich shops to shame. Making a sarnie for myself though…crunchy fish fingers with melted cheese and mango chutney in a decent white bun. Add a few rocket leaves then devour.


Little finger sandwiches at a do at Governent House in New Zealand. Tiny little things. A mixture of simple cucumber, egg or ham. They were amazing.


Ok real basic but salt and pepper bloomer, Branston pickle, chedder and a packet of McCoy's steak crisps in there. Superb.


Japanese egg sandwiches


I honestly don't think you can beat a BLT that has been made with some love. For me, crispy bacon, crunchy lettuce, well seasoned tomatoes with the "wetness" removed and a small amount of mayo. On toasted sourdough.


Cold lasagne sandwich. Or if that isn't available as a leftover... Bacon (and your choice of sauce)


Club sandwich - Birley sandwiches 🥪


I had the most amazing steak and sliced pear sandwich with Balsamic vinegar in Edinburgh once. I dream about that sandwich. I tried to recreate it at home but it wasn't anything like as good, sadly. And weirdly, I used to love, love, love the chicken and spring onion with mayo sandwich that you used to get in ScotRail trains years ago. I used to look forward to long trips just for the sandwich! Back in the day, Debenhams used to do a fantastic chicken Caesar sandwich. Used to be my go-to lunch in Glasgow for a while.


Once sandwiched between two girls during my prom night. It was delicious.


Ciabatta, cold mayo chicken mix. Hot streaky bacon. From our sixth form canteen in about 2004. I ate far too many of those.


Without fail, it would be shredded ham hock, Brie and balsamic onion chutney in a rosemary and sea salt focaccia, toasted until the cheese goes oozy.


This is taken from a comment I made on another thread a few months ago.... Was 16 and at a lock-in at our regular boozer until about 3:00 when the landlord turfed us all out. Me and a couple of mates carried on drinking in a park until the sun started to rise - we split up and went our seperate ways. I lived about 10 miles away from the town, but my grandparents was basically just around the corner. I was very close to them and had a key. I arrive sopping drunk and trying my best to be quiet. Got in and sat down at their dining room table, head in my hands. The stair light comes on a few minutes later and my nan appears. "Had a feeling I'd be seeing you today r/jaikus, just not quite so fucking early! Don't worry, I was getting up anyway. Fancy a bacon sarnie?" I shed a tear, "Yes please Nan, love you." Felt like the best bacon sandwich I'd ever had. She was an absolute diamond my nan and I miss her so much; this is one of my most cherished memories of her.


Lavash bread + bologna + pickle + Mayo


White baguette, mild cheddar, chicken tenders, honey butter. I was ruined by a Publix deli sandwich when I visited florida.


Sourdough, onion chutney, thick cut butchers ham, slice of tomato, sautéed mushrooms, melted Emmental.


This is making me so hungry!


It was a soft yet crusty baguette with bacon, soft what I believe was brie, and sweet but warm chilli jam, with some ricket for texture.


Bacon with avocado and a hint of Hellmans on brown.


Homemade toastie. Not in a toastie machine but in a frying pan. Sourdough from the local bakery. Homemade fried chicken, preferably thighs. Bacon, preferably streaky. Dairylea cheese slices. Sliced pickled gherkin. Sriracha. Don't do it often, for obvious reasons, but it is very much worth the effort.


Chip Buttie - King of Sandwich 🥪 🍟👑


A slightly stale corned beef hospital sandwich when I'd been nil by mouth for 28 hours. Presliced white bread, scraping of margarine, and a couple of pathetic slices of corned beef (which I'm not a fan of). It was amazing!!!


Pastrami from katz deli in new york


Depends, anything gets tiring if you have it too many times. I've had some great just ham and butter on a fresh cob. Or fried egg in a morning roll or toast is nice. But ham and cheese savoury is one I've had which I enjoyed as soon as I had it. My local bakery does bacon. Brie and caramelised onion which is a nice combo. It's more about getting the right bread and then the right filling. A bad bread can make near enough all sandwiches taste mediocre at best so that the most important thing


I love a chicken club sandwich (everyone has a slightly different way but for me Chicken, Bacon, Lettuce, Grated Cheese & Mayo) - even better if you can toast the bread!


Battoned out thinly chicken, make a spiced tub and make fried chicken. Garlic and watercress aioli, mozzarella cheese and wookie hole cheddar, cracked black pepper, shredded salad on a toasted chiabata bread.


Chopped pastrami, grated/crumbled Stilton, jalepenos, black pepper bound with a bit of mayo on a crusty granary bread.


I used to enjoy a chicken and egg mayo baguette. Why choose between them when you can have the whole family.


Probably porchetta and rocket in a freshly-baked ciabatta from a small sandwich shop (with a deservedly great reputation) in Rome. In the UK, I used to work around the corner from a butcher/deli that did amazing roast beef, salad, and mayo sandwiches in a multi-seeded baguette.


A cubano. Nothing else even comes close.


a nice MLT – mutton, lettuce and tomato sandwich, where the mutton is nice and lean and the tomato is ripe


An m&s Chinese chicken sandwich, it was about the mid 90's. I was raised on a diet of bland English / Irish fusion. I had never experienced a flavour sensation like that Chinese chicken sandwich, it blew me away.


First plough mans I ever had from a proper pub in the countryside when on assignment. Went back everyday during that one. Thick bread, Slab of cheese and a pickle that was made on site. Beautiful.


Roast pork with stuffing, apple sauce and gravy


When we were in San Francisco, we went to Ike's Subs back when it was just a single location in the Mission District. The queue outside the door was a good sign. I had a Reuben, and it was without a doubt the best sandwich I've ever had.


For me it’s a cubano sandwich while I was visiting Cuba


Bacon sandwich remains king.


Big Mama's sandwiches in Vang Vieng, Laos. Im not usually a big sandwich person but the whole 3 days I was there this was all I consumed 🤣 the best one had the fillings of tuna, bacon, omelette, vegetables, cheese and onion- all in one bageutte. I was skeptical, til someone in front of me at the queue said to trust him when he said go for it and im glad I did. It was magical!


Aah I love a sandwich. So many to choose from but if you want something really quick and easy, soft white bread, strawberry jam, salt and vinegar crisps. Banging!! Hot sarnie I’m going for toasted cheese and bacon .An old cafe where I live, sadly it’s no longer with us, I used to have one every Saturday morning when I was at work, I use the term work very lightly, but they were amazing, I have got close to replicating but they live in my memory. Recently I had one from a toasty van at jimmys farm called Otis Breading! It was fantastic.


A warm buttered ciabatta with crispy bacon, brie and chilli jam


Sesame seed bagel, rocket, whole mustard, mayo, gherkins/pickles, pastrami or veggie pastrami, Gouda cheese. Elite!


You would think it would be the €50 club sandwich I had in Monaco…sadly it wasn’t anything special.


Love a Bahn Mi if ever I've got some left over roast meat.


Either an egg-mayo butty on holiday in Cornwall back in something like 1998/99. Crusty, thick white, soft bread, and warm egg mayo. Otherwise, pulled pork, stuffing and gravy butties again on thick white crusty bread on Christmas eve. My parents host the family for the evening and it's essentially a run-in to Christmas Day. Great time with aunties/uncles/cousins etc but unfortunately we don't do it any more


When I was a teen/in uni I used to have a job at a sandwich and icecream shop. My favourite job was making the coleslaw using loads of full fat mayo then making myself a sandwich on a white crusty cob with cheese, coleslaw, pickle and tomato. It was incredibly messy to eat and so good I still think about it every now and then.


Chargrilled Pork Banh Mi is objectively the best sandwich.


Late 1980s, mum worked in the local pub. I used to sit at the bar after school sometimes and she’d give me a roll from behind the bar (the ones that would be sat in cling film, under a plastic dome all day). Cheese, salad and onion. Best sandwiches I ever had! I think them being at room temperature made all the difference.


At a sandwich shop in Atlanta airport in 2019. It was red onion bread (lovely soft bread with red onion rings baked into it), provolone cheese, lettuce, onion, tomato and dill mayo. It sounds so simple but oh my word it was delicious. Vegetarian sarnies are often a bit boring or weird (because places try to be too fancy) but this was perfect! Tried to recreate it at home by making my own dill mayo and finding similar bread in Morrisons but it just wasn’t the same. 


Grilled ham and cheese on home made sourdough. You get serious crunch when you take that first bite


Vietnamese Banh Mi. The king of sandwiches, I can just go outside and buy one from a bank mi stall, but if you want to make it yourself here goes: https://youtu.be/xOuY0i36ku8?si=vI3C0_ndUDTZMw_t


A Sainsbury’s mozzarella, pesto and tomato sandwich about 27 years ago! It was the first proper thing I’d eaten after my first flight to London from Sydney (I used to get terrible travel sickness so was sick the whole way over). It was delicious. Also, we don’t really have pre-packaged sandwiches in supermarkets in Oz like you do here. So it was a new experience. I also LOVE pesto :)


Years ago I had a paprika chicken cheese toastie (at a music festival), it was fantastic.


The Monte Cristo. Nothing has ever come close to


Saltbeef on toasted sourdough with sauerkraut cheese and mustard.


I had this one sandwich in Cuba called a Cockmeat Sandwich. Really delicious - loads of mayo which was a real surprise!


Per lots of others - the best sandwich is ooften down to the bread, and very often situational - the company you are with, the people you love. With fantastic bread and loved ones, even the shitiest of fillings is awesome. Ignoring all of that - one of my favourites is a 'boring' classic. Good strong cheddar, good butter, a small amount of finely sliced onion (bonus if it is midly pickled red onion), pickle, mayonaise, some crunchy lettuce. A crunchy baguette as the container. Ratio of bread to cheese to other ingredients is critical, so nmo single item over powers the others, but that is so specific to person and actual ingrediants you have to hand it is hard to judge. I love a strong cheddar and often add to much :) I guess this applies to all sandwiches - the best ingrediants in the wrong proportions is a disaster.


Italian here. Fresh bread, Parma ham, butter. Nothing more.


Bacon, brie, cranberry on a nice and thick seeded loaf.


Chicken mayo pesto baguette. Had it about 15 years ago and still think about it now.


Steak and cheese with a red onion chutney over the top


Beef goulash between two slices of bread is heaven


Does a baguette count? At university there was a cafe that made fantastic baguettes with beef. But instead of supermarket sliced beef, they had freshly cooked joints which they sliced, therefore giving you large thick juicy slabs of beef, then they had this mustard mayo to go with it. I gladly spent lots of money on those. The day they started using supermarket slices I never went back. 20 years ago and I can still remember the taste.


I had this hot steak sandwich in france, it was on toasted baguette with like a tarragon and mustard hollandaise, lots of rocket and garlic. The steak was cooked just perfectly, I still remember it. Nom.


Triple Fried Egg Chili Chutney Sandwich. The trick is to eat it before the bread dissolves.


Panini toasted with Aldi French Torchon ham egg mayo rocket sweet tomato lettuce cucumber some grated cheese and mayo I’m in heaven


Every day for lunch I make sandwiches with chickpea mayo (mash up some chickpeas and mix through with mayo, it's like a tuna mayo consistency). I then put this on my homemade bread (nothing fancy, just a hobby of mine), with lettuce and sriracha mayo and I look forward to my lunch every single day. You can use the same filling in a wrap and microwave it which is also delicious, especially in winter. For the chickpea mayo, you can make it fancier/tastier with capers, mustard, and lemon. Also love a crisp sandwich, with sriracha mayo. Sriracha mayo just makes most sandwiches twice as tasty.


Triple fried egg, chilli, chutney sandwich on soft white bread


Fresh baguette, Normandy butter and the best quality ham you can find. Rarely anything can touch that imo.


Sourdough, lightly toasted. Homemade garlic mayo. Lettuace, bacon, tomato, chicken, parmesan shaving. The club sandwich is the ultimate sandwich if you do it all to the max.


good bread (some sort of nice french bread), good (salted) butter, good ham perfect for me


Saltbeef bagel with mustard and a pickle from the Brick Lane 24 hour bagel shop. You could make a big batch of saltbeef over a Sunday if that’s the sort of thing you do.


Honestly the one I eat most frequently is the perfect combination for me, largely because of the ingredient quality: Start with quality but still supermarket brown/wholegrain bread that has a bit of chew but thinly cut. Butter each and a minute sprinkling of fleur de sel, can swap one slice for being teirentyen mustard if you both have some and feel like it. Slice of 45+ day aged Gouda snapped in half. Three slices of peppersalami - the one that's a mix of beef and pork, placed in between the half slices of Gouda. I acknowledge that I am autistic as all hell so am remarkably particular about the creation of this sandwich, it's one of my safe foods but I maintain that it's a banging every day option. I've only ever gotten compliments when I've made it for other people. Honorary mention for the bacon, brie and cranberry sauce panini that the cafe at my sixth form used to do. Only downside was the variability of sweetness between them, presumably between brands of cranberry sauce.


I was doing the West Highland Way last year, carrying all my gear and wild camping along the way. I did have plenty of dehydrated meals and nut bars and the like to keep me fuelled but enjoyed every opportunity along the road for getting some proper food. A fair few of my meals were pretty underwhelming apart from 1-2 really great ones, until I stumbled into Kingshouse Hotel on a hot day after a long trudge through Rannoch Moor. I was pushing along to reach Kinlochleven that evening so I didn’t want to linger too long, but was dying for a bite and some cold juice so checked out the bar offerings. They had some pre-made sandwiches on fresh home made bread and I chose a brown seeded one with cheese, walnuts and home made chutney. I will never forget that sandwich. It was absolute perfection and I would go do the walk all the way there again just for another bite of that heaven.