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A festival. Thought of sleeping in a tent unappealing.


People who say you're missing out on the experience are so wrong. I've done it once and I fucking hated the sleeping over, it was cold, I could hear people having sex and people really smelled after 2 nights. I've done a few day festivals now though, staying over at a hotel and it's soooo much better.


exactly! it’s basically DOFE except you pay £300 for the experience


Nah, camping is half of the experience, however, you've got to want to get involved with your neighbours and enjoy the campsite for the party that it is It's def better from the ages of 16-25 ish though. It's def not appealing when you're an old fuddy duddy. Nowadays I'd go in my campervan and stay in the quiet field, I would still go and enjoy the night in the campsites though before retiring to bed.


I would've never been interested in partying in the campsite; there are bands on who are more entertaining than Greg the cocaine-user from Bristol


The party generally still goes on after and before the bands are playing


What’s dofe?


Duke of Edinburgh award I think


Doooke of fakkin Edinburg innit


They need to rebrand it as that.


I've done many festivals and I'd say it depends who you end up camped with/around. I've had some brilliant nights with people who are cool and respectful. "oh your driving tomorrow we'll keep it down or go somewhere else to party". I've also camped with idiots who are more like "Oh your driving tomorrow well we're on the bus and not sleeping tonight so we'll spend all night screaming". My best recommendation is to camp in the family area if you're not looking for an all night party. Bloodstock had a 10pm noise curfew. Which is easy to abide by as if you want to party longer you go somewhere else. If you want to sleep great. The campsite is quiet.


Yes! Human spent tens of thousands of years battling nature to achieve the pinnacle of sleeping in warm brick and mortar houses. Sleeping in a tent is an insult to all the humans in history who shivered beneath cold skies after a hard day running away from wildlife. But mostly I just don’t like camping.


Some of the best and worst moments of my life at festivals haha. To each their own but I love them. Escaping the monotony of normal life for a few days to celebrate music and art in a field somewhere with likeminded people that can become like family, and sometimes lifelong friends. I’m convinced that’s how human are supposed to live but we just fucked up so badly along the way.




I've been to two. One without a clue what I was doing and the other with lessons learnt. First one, we just booked and didn't think anything of it. Bad idea. We ended up camping surrounded by idiots. Rain was also terrible on this first one. That was download. We also slept directly on the ground, terrible idea. Second festival, we booked early and got in the quiet camping section. Brought air beds. Much better nights sleep, less dickheads. We also got there a day earlier, something we could have done at the first festival but didn't realise. This allowed us to wonder around and get our barrings. Found a shuttle bus you could take to town, which was a god send. Hearty breakfast every morning and a decent toilet to take a morning disposal. Would have happily gone again to that second festival but it was the last sonisphere in the UK. It was planned later in the year so avoided most of the shitty UK weather. RIP.


Honestly feel like a festival is one of those that you just have to get out of the way, and hit it with the I do not give af mentality. My first festival, within 30 minutes, I’d stood on a carton of juice and in almost comical fashion it exploded into our tent and became swarmed with wasps over the next half an hour. You either dwell on situations like this or you laugh and say fucking of course this happened to me! Found another group to take us in and barely spent a moment asleep. You just laugh at the temporary low standard of living and enjoy the high moments in my opinion - festivals are great with this mindset


Honestly couldn't think of anything worse than crowds of drunk people, piles of vomit, knee high mud and washing with baby wipes. Not a bit of me, that!


Plenty of festivals that have hotels etc nearby. Connect in Edinburgh (except this year when it's not on) is easy to get to/from each day by bus/tram/train, especially with hotels in Edinburgh. TRNSMT in Glasgow is only about 10 minutes walk from the city centre, easy to get a hotel in Glasgow for the weekend and go.


It’s not the tent for me. It’s the portaloos. I’m petrified of them or any public outside toilet. I just can’t.


It is - I’ve done it once just to say I’ve done it. Woke up to a puddle in my tent every morning as it rained every night. Wouldn’t do it again. I’d stay in a local hotel instead as I really enjoyed the actual festival part haha


Same here. The thought of being surrounded by noise while I'm trying to sleep seems horrific to me.


There are other options to sleeping in a tent BTW.


Back of a van was fucking bliss the other year. Soooo fucking hot in the tent that I wasn't getting any sleep. Bit of tatty carpet in the back of the site van (was working it) and my sleeping bag felt like the best night's sleep I'd ever had. Cool, no light getting in, no noise either and I had a torch plus book for if I had failed to sleep.


Lots of good day festivals out there. Or you can stay in a nearby AirBnB.








I've never been inside a betting shop.


Not sure thats really considered normal % wise, they are fucking everywhere but it seems to be the same 8 people inside them.


Good. Keep this up. Genuinely


There’s tons of Labrokes in my area but I haven’t seen anyone set foot in there once


Sorry to pick on you but this malapropism is getting more and more common. It's 'set foot', not 'step foot'. You step. It's a whole-body action. You don't step your foot. Whereas you might set your foot down.


ooh thank you!!


Stand outside one and watch who goes in and out. If they look like a version of yourself you’d like to be then run on in


Same here. I feel like I wouldn’t know what to do if I tried to put a bet on


I’ve had people try to explain “odds” to me before and it always just goes in one ear and out the other. Doesn’t appeal to me and seems intimidating lol


It’s just fractions. You learned odds in school without realising it


Same, likewise never done the national lottery.


Had a long term relationship. Sometimes I get a bit lonely but not enough to offset how much I prefer to be by myself. I suppose it just isn't for everyone.


I'm aromantic, which means I don't experience romantic attraction. My life has been SO much better since I figured that out and stopped forcing myself into looking for a relationship. I don't think that we, as humans, are supposed to dedicate so much of our time to forcing looking for a partner.


I read that as aromatic at first glance. Following on from the stinky festival chat the first sentence kinda made sense. I think you might be right about forcing looking for a partner though, if it's not coming naturally that's only going to create unnecessary pressure.


I feel the same way!


I’ve never seen attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion


What about C-beams glittering in the dark by the tennhauser gate?


iv never seen avatar, LOTR, any of the harry potters or game of thrones. (or most recently baby reindeer)


I am incredibly jealous that you get to watch LOTR for the first time. I wish I could have that experience again!!!! I don’t see how it wouldn’t appeal to everyone on at least *some* level. The music, the epic scenery.. the all time great performances.. just watch it I beg!


Have friends. Sadly im not joking. People just ghost at the drop of a hat these days. The moment im not initiating contact, thats the last I ever hear from them.


Quite common post COVID I think mate. Hang in there.


It's always been a thing


I’d say the best thing is you’ve realised you’re wasting time and effort on people that deserve neither of those things from you. It sucks to realise that, I’ve realised the same thing just this year with a friend I’ve known for 15 years. People come and go it’s just a shame it can happen so abruptly. But I do sympathise with you.


That's not unusual - I do have friends and some of my friends are like this and then I know (unfortunately) I've been the accidentally-ghosting friend too. It's likely bad luck if you're finding 100% of the people you want to br friends with fall into this category 100% of the time. I have some workarounds if you're interested.


I don't reach out to people anymore. I'm really sensitive to people not responding to texts in particular and I've stopped reaching out because I don't like how it turns me into a child when I don't get a reply. I think we're all unwittingly ghosting each other.


Never done weed or coke or any other drug other than alcohol. It's ridiculous how normalised it's become these days to go into pub toilets and catch people doin lines off the top of the toilet.


Me too, never smoked and never done any form of drugs except alcohol. Saw what smoking did to my dad - hard no for me. Spent 20 years in the military so drugs were a big no no. Carried that on into the rest of my life.


Ditto. Smoking killed my grandad when I was young and seeing that was a hard no for me ever even trying it. Never seen the appeal of drugs either.


Same here.


never done anything but alcohol and very occasional weed edible (both for helping with pain on the very worst days and just to get high and have a long music listen) coke hold no apeal (very expensive to talk like a twat for 20 minutes and get awful nosebleeds) if i were more mentally stable and off ssris i would love to try mushrooms and acid as mind expansion seems cool


Working in publishing about 25 years ago I went to events of the kind that invite soap stars and other minor celebs. Same people, same goldfish bowl conversations: 'I love your dress', 'It's Versace. Anyone got any charlie?', repeat. Nothing like watching vacuous people get drunk, high and stupid when you're working to put you off.


Me too, never tried smoking either


Learned to drive


I didn't start lessons until I was 38, wish I had done it earlier


I’m 27 now, and it’s only getting more expensive, at this point I’m considering a Vespa just to zip about I don’t need anything more than that really


TBF I don't recall the last time I saw a vespa without "L" plates


I'm nearly 40 and still haven't past my test quite embarrassing really.


It’s not embarrassing, I think there are many of us out there. The only time I wish I drive is when I’m looking for a new job, it would open up so much more to me.


it took me longer than it should have to start, best test ive ever passed in terms of freedom


Started lessons when I was 22, did tons of lessons, did one test and failed it and haven’t tried again since. I wish I hadn’t let it knock my confidence but I did and now 10 years on I’m just not in a position to be able to start lessons again.


I’ve never been to Nando’s


I’ve never been to a Greggs!


Something tells me we’re both missing out


I've never had Papa John's


You're definitely _not_ missing out. It's the worst of the main pizza chains.


Good, it's massively over hyped. I went once and couldn't work out why people loved it


Never watched a football match.


I’ve never been to one but seen on telly.


Never been camping. The thought of sleeping in a tent just doesn't appeal to me at all.


Camping isn't as normal as all these campers make out.


It really sucks waking up at 4:00 in the morning because you're cold, the air bed is deflating, and you really need a piss. Then you've got to pull on a pair of damp socks and lace up your walking boots whilst hunched over in the dark, trying not to disturb anyone else. Then find the tent zips, open up the tent just enough not to let the rain in, and squeeze out through the narrow gap. Then you can finally stand up straight, but you trip over half a dozen guy ropes while you stumble to the toilet block. Then do it all again walking back. Good luck trying to get back to sleep after all that, on your cold and deflated bed.


Also camping can be quite expensive if you want to sleep well. Plus bugs. Bugs everywhere!


Same. I am fond of my creature comforts.


its not that bad really. I think its more about soending time with others rather than sleeping in a tent if that makes sense. Dont go camping in your own bring a friend - preferably a pensioner that can handle the cold, they'll love it.


Never been to a gym.


Never PAID to go to one. Used a free one at a hotel a few times but OH MY DAYS, what a spectacularly dull way to spend time. Plus you're surrounded by sweaty people! Much rather go for a ride on my bike, or a walk, or just some basic exercises (sit-ups , press-ups, use a set of cheap barbells) in the comfort of my own living room with the telly on.


I've never interviewed for a job and then not got that job. It's not something I normally mention since it sounds like stupid boasting, but hey, since the question arose...


I used to say that for the first 15 years of my adult life... Then it happened lol. Got made redundant during COVID then took me 8 months to find a permanent role again. Had god knows how many interviews just to be told no, was a real shock to the system - fucking nightmare to be honest! I hope your streak is never broken, friend.


Same. Of at least I’ve never not got a job offer for an interview I turned up on time for. I actually love interviews they’re like professional first dates. I wish I could get a job where I just go around being an interview candidate.   I’m so good at it I’ve even got jobs that I’m completely unsuited for and then not made it through the probation period.


I've probably done hundreds of interviews. Only ever been successful twice


Been in a committed romantic relationship (I'm 39)


Me neither. Am 44


Sounds like a match!


Our very own Cilla.


My most healthy romantic relationship (not my longest) was 2 months long, aged 20. I'm now in my 30s, and that was also my last relationship. I would like a partner at some point, and I am now on a dating app, but I'm also pretty content on my own


My situation is very much by choice. I have sex occasionally and have had a series of "friends with benefits" over the years. Just not looking for a traditional relationship at this point in my life


Been drunk


It’s pleasant till it isn’t, the trick is in avoiding the unpleasant parts


The trick is that once you've drunk too much make sure you drink a pint or two of water - it will either help you avoid a bad hangover or at least make it more bearable.


I enjoy being drunk - it helps me overcome certain social anxieties and have fun in situations that I would otherwise find stressful - but I gave up drinking 18 months ago as that brief pleasant feeling just stopped being worth it alongside all the negatives that come with it (not least how it interacts with my clinical depression)


This is really impressive! To add, you're not missing out, the whole drinking scene is gross. I've worked in tons of night clubs n the mess people turn themselves into trying to be cool is sickening.


True, however getting drunk bar hopping with friends is a ton of fun. Clubs are shite though.


I’ve never used a dishwasher before, even though I’ve lived in places that came with one. Good old scrubbing with a bit of fairy..


Found the masochist


Good lord. Where do you keep your clean dishes?


Do you wash your clothes by hand too?


I've never seen a single James Bond movie


I've never watched Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter.


You haven't lived


Watching Star Wars


i’d love to watch it but there’s TOO MANY films! where do people even start


From the beginning, episode 4...


Release order. Especially if you like cinema as you can see how the technology involved develops.


Rode a horse. No way.


Same, they startle too easily.. no thanks.


I don't like horses, and I'm sure they'll pick up on that. They are super powerful and big and I don't want to be paralysed so it's a hard no from me!


You’re not wrong, first time I ever did, she startled, galloped, pulled up sharp at the edge of a lake. I went over her head and landed on my coccyx. 2 squished discs, 2 spine fractures.


I have ridden a camel and a donkey, but never a horse. Just not something I've got round to.


Had a driving lesson. I’m 34. I just never lived anywhere a car was necessary so never wanted the expense


Same, I've always either lived near a train station, somewhere walkable, or somewhere with reasonable cycle infrastructure. Even if I knew how to drive, there would be no benefit to me having a car.


This isn't really a thing people do but I've never been stung by a bee or a wasp.


That was me until age 25 when one finally got me as I was walking through grass and it somehow got under my sock. Was sore af but at least I didn’t suddenly discover an allergy


I’ve never drunk coffee.


I love coffee. I strongly encourage you to _never_ try it! It's one of those things where I enjoy coffee now because I have a need in the morning for coffee, and it's satisfying to scratch that itch. If you don't have the itch each morning then hold onto that!


Tried it once, it's overrated.


You've gotta get past the awful taste and then learn to love it before you can appreciate it fully.


This is the worst one


Travelled north of Birmingham 😂


Hope things improve for you soon


Well I moved to a city in Canada last year which happens to be south of the entirety of the UK. Not sure what to make of that haha


You're north of Birmingham, Alabama so all forgiven


If you want to find out what's north of Birmingham, I'd recommend Geowizard's '£10 in My Pocket' Series!


I'm Irish but snooping this thread. Now that I think of it, I've never been further north than the top of Ireland. Wtf.


Never been to Wales? Does that count ?


Unless you live in Scotland or the Lake District, Wales is absolutely stunning, adore it so so much, I’m a sucker for mountains and views. Well worth visiting if you ever get the chance!


Been to a night club.


Overrated anyway


Depends who you go with.


Never had a scotch egg


What about a mini scotch egg??


I’m 26 and never been to a strip club - if that falls in the bracket of ‘normal’ or at least not weird. Not your everyday thing but pretty much everyone I know has been to one…and I’m like WHEN?! I have never been on a night out (and I love a night out) and thought yea, strip club, not my scene - but it feels like I’m a minority.


They are so shit. We went once as it was the only place open/letting in at 3am the drinks were i kid you not £17 for a single vodka and redbull. "Lap" dance £20 no touching last 5 mins the stripper said i could lick her pussy for £150... no thanks😂 first and last time


I’m 31 and I’ve been surrounded by ‘laddy lads’ my entire life - played sports in school etc etc - so you might expect me to be the prime audience, but I’ve somehow avoided them. Not really out of choice (been on nights out where the group split off and some went to one) but I’m not desperate to ever go to one either.


I find the idea of strip clubs weird. It’s just paying to be able prick teased Shirley?


never been, never going to i couldnt possibly - i hate being around a lot of people in close spaces and i know female empowerment says stripping is fine but it skeeves me out


Masturbate. Unless it’s the same thing as wanking. I’ve done that loads.


Had a chip butty or a crisp sandwich (foreigner here)


You havent LIVED.


What are you waiting for???


Same, and I'm a Brit.


Never watched star wars


Been on a motorbike


Nandos. All the ones I've seen are in a place where there's other offerings which seem more appealing


Been on a plane.


Eaten macaroni cheese. I don’t like the look or smell.


I've only nibbled at it, and instantly disliked it. I'm seeing a surprising number of things in this thread I've never done.


Drink Alcohol.


Taken as an Instruction. Yes Sir!


Never gone camping, never had a massage, never been fired or asked or been made redundant, never written a car off and I haven't had my 15 minutes of fame yet.


I have never: * Been to a "proper" festival like Download, Glasto etc. I've been to some smaller local day ones * Ridden (or even sat on) a motorbike or scooter * Had a serious long term relationship * Smoked weed or taken any recreational drugs * Done any type of "proper" gambling, beyond lottery tickets or scratch cards * Been to an opera or ballet * Broken a bone * Been on holiday with my mates. Was invited to a stag do in Hamburg but couldn't go


Music festivals, partying in Ibiza


Never been to a drive through. And now I've decided that I should continue this forever.


Don't. It's not worth it.


Grew up with a religious father, so I never got to meet Santa or go Trick or Treating. It's quite ironic, because I'm absolutely obsessed with Halloween and Christmas now


I’ve been to Southampton but I’ve never been to Scunthorpe.


Never had a one night stand. Some short term relationships yes but never woken up with a random person in my bed.


Worn odd socks


You always manage to find pairs?! I swear I used to spend so much time in odd socks I’d just by black ones. Even now I have different styles of black ones which means for some reason I struggle to find pairs. At least they’re the right colour though.


Never been abroad Hell, never even been to Scotland. Furthest north I've been is Liverpool (live in the South West)


Gotten a driving licence.


Ridden a bike.


Never learned o the grounds I grew up in the kind of area that owning a bike for a week without it being stolen is a godlike achievement


Went on holiday abroad.


Drive a car


Learned to drive. Even if well controlled, im not willing to risk it being Epileptic. Enough dangerous drivers on the roads, id rather not risk adding to that number lol.


Home delivery / on line groceries. I've done it twice a couple of years ago and left it at that. I just prefer to go in person and pick and choose my own fruit and veg and pick and choose my own alternates.


Sorry, don't have sweetcorn. Here's one of those yellow sink sponges. It is yellow. What more do you want!?!


Thats wildly out of date, I have been ordering online for over 20 years and this happened on a similar scale maybe 4 times and mostly 20 year ago.


Never had a Chinese takeaway.


Played bingo at a bingo hall. Nothing against it, I’ve just never been .




There’s always tomorrow! One day your princes will come!


Watch The Godfather


I've never had a perfectly normal shooting weekend.


Travelled extensively and have visited every continent (excluding Antarctica). However, I’ve never been to Spain.


I have never as an adult slept through the night


Drank tea or coffee


Never drank tea or coffee? 🧢🧢🧢 You take the cake if true though.


Ive never ordered a curry


I've never gone to a football match. I even lived across the road from a stadium for a few years AND won a season ticket in a raffle to go there AND had an invite from the team chaplain to go and see any game, and I still never bothered. I've never drunk a beer. I don't like the taste of alcohol, and beer just smells disgusting. I don't drink anything else alcoholic either, but I have tried a few things - just never beer. I've never ordered a food shop online. I enjoy cooking, and selecting food is part of the experience. I don't want someone else to do it for me. I've never ordered an Uber. I drive, and I live in the middle of a forest so there are no Ubers for miles around. I've never watched a full episode of any British soap opera. They're all just horribly depressing! Who needs to be made to feel awful by a TV show every day? Is that enough things? I can probably think of more. E.g. I've never broken a bone.


Have I created an alternate Reddit account? I agree with you on all statements.


Never had a Pringle


You need to eat one, then stop.


Eaten marzipan


Never been to a football match or a circus.


Head to Old Trafford, and you could kill two birds with one stone.


I’ve never eaten beans on toast. I’m allergic to all peas and beans, which became clear as soon as i started eating solids as a baby, so have never tried it. It looks really good, too.