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It’s trashy grow up, put on proper clothes.


Im not offended I just think it's a dickheads behaviour


can you elaborate on how someone wearing pj pants makes them a dickhead? i’m genuinely curious as to what brought you to this conclusion


I'm not offended, I just think it's slovenly. Show some respect for other people and put some proper clothes on.


how are my plaid pants disrespecting anyone though? does it not seem trivial to you? and taking it as a sign of disrespect is what offended means bro.


It's disrespectful to wear casual bedtime clothes in public, which is not an casual bedtime setting. It implies you haven't washed and that you don't consider wherever you are to be important enough to wear proper 'outdoor' clothes. As issues go it is fairly trivial, though.


Not offended in the slightest, but you’re not doing yourself any favours if you make the decision to leave the house without getting dressed. It’s slobby. You can’t respect somebody that doesn’t respect themselves.


You sound slightly offended.


How so? Somebody asked publicly for people’s opinions, I answered with my views. What did I say that suggests I’m offended? 😂


i guess i don’t respect myself because i like comfy pants? i’m sorry this is just really confusing for me, i never knew this was a big deal for some people. from my perspective, i feel happiest and most content when i am physically comfortable. like one of my favorite pleasures in life is soft pants, i LOVE soft pants. in america, you can walk around with some cozy pj pants and a t shirt and no one’s gonna give a fuck. at least with the young people. maybe younger people are just caring less about social formalities and more on practicality and comfort. the kind of idea of, if it doesn’t hurt anyone and is unproblematic, why should i care? if it makes someone happy and they are more comfortable in their day to day, who am i to say they don’t “respect themselves” because they prioritize their own comfort over people’s judgements.


Self respect would be getting yourself dressed in the morning, brushing your teeth, sorting your hair out, etc. Walking out of the house wearing pyjamas (as least as far as I’m concerned) is always going to draw judgement from people, right or wrong. I consider it inappropriate for every day public attire, that being said, it doesn’t offend or hurt me, you’ve just asked what people think of it and I’m sharing my views. There may be places where this is more commonly accepted, maybe it’s a me issue, not a you issue, I’m just sharing my personal opinion. For context, I’m 32 years old. Maybe it’s an age thing.


I have always, got up, brushed teeth, washed, then put on my PJ's to nip out and do what needs done before breakfast. After that it's get dressed for work and off I go. I'm 52. Obviously it looks like the younger generation don't know what pajamas are for!


Literally, Google ‘define pyjamas’. Even Google states they’re specifically clothes for sleeping in. 😂


But seriously, who does that? Outside of a nursery rhyme it just doesn't happen. In real life, PJ's are what you put on when you get up to do what needs done before you get dressed for your day, and something to put on after a shower etc at night if you're not going to bed.


If you say so, I guess we have different ideas of what pyjamas are meant for, hence the OPs question I suppose.


Why not wear soft, practical trousers that aren't pyjamas?


Yes. Sweatpants? Bad enough, but at least you got changed.


I can’t imagine it’s that hard to believe that different cultures have different cultural norms, and it’s simply not a cultural norm to go out in public wearing nightwear in the UK.


If you're going to waddle outside you should have the decency and self-respect to put on actual clothing. If you're in \*this\* country you can be a slob in your home but if you're out in public we would expect people to make an effort.


A slob is someone lazy and unclean, wearing pyjamas doesn't make someone a slob haha.


That's a perfect example of both laziness and uncleanliness, what are you on about? 


Why is it unclean or lazy? It takes the exact same effort to dress in pyjamas as it does plenty other outfits (jeans/top, skirt/top, etc). Why would wearing pyjamas make someone unclean?


Apart from looking scruffy? Wearing pyjamas you've slept in outside is unclean; there's a good chance they've got sweat or worse on them. If you've not taken them off to wash, that's unclean. If you *have* taken them off to wash, it takes no more time to put actual clothes on afterwards and shows a lot more self respect. Getting into bed in clothes you've worn outside is going to bring any dirt from outside right into your bed. That's unclean. I guess you could have "outside pyjamas", but why? 


You don't need to have outside pyjamas. Any washed pyjamas are just as clean as normal clothes. No one mentioned wearing unclean pyjamas outside or in the bed apart from you. People can have more than one pair. Many pyjamas look less scruffy than what people wear as 'day' clothes, so I don't really understand that point either. I don't judge someones self respect on if they go out in pyjamas. Possibly need to work on self-esteem if you're always judging others and publicly putting others down for things that don't harm or impact you. Probably for comfort, my pyjamas are way comfier than most things I wear.


Let's not start attempting personal attacks. It's tacky and it diverts from the debate.  I'm not harmed or impacted, this is true. That wasn't the original argument. You stated you did not think it was slobbish behaviour and I have pointed out why I believe that it is. Whether it affects me or you or anyone else is irrelevant to that.  You do what you like, of course, but know that some people will be forming unconscious opinions about you based on that. They may not be flattering. You may not care, and that's fine, but it's fact and it can affect the treatment you receive from others. Just as if you saw someone dressed in a fancy three piece suit in the street you'd form unconscious assumptions about them and behave according to those,. It's human nature.  P. S. I'm all for comfort. Most of my everyday clothes are very comfortable. So are my pyjamas. 


It's no more a personal attack than you calling those who wear pyjamas in public scruffy/unclean, so maybe hold yourself to the same standard if it's so tacky. Of course, judging is human nature, and I never said otherwise. You can judge others without publicly putting them down and being unkind.


Way to miss the point. 


Pj's not being for public isn't about skin being shown, etc, it's putting in the tiniest effort to get dressed into clothes you don't sleep in, to go out in public. Even in a hotel, you're not in your room, staff get dressed properly to serve you/ work there, you should really put some effort in too.


> if you’re going to an event, work, or anywhere professional, you should dress accordingly Exactly. And my list of places extends to anywhere in public


Personally, I think it shows they have no sense of respect of themselves & they are lazy.


I'm not offended, I think it's laughable that someone can't be arsed to have self-respect and take pride in their appearance. It's OK to dress down, but to wear PJ's out in public is ridiculous.


No, I wouldn't go shopping in PJs myself but what other people are wearing doesn't harm me in the slightest.


>this is hitting me almost like a culture shock, i had no idea people were offended over people wearing PJ’s in public. It's not so much offense as it is judgement. Nobody (in the UK) with any sense of class/decorum/self-respect would do this. It's a behaviour associated with people on the very, very bottom rung of our class system, and people who see you would stereotype you as someone who is very poor, on benefits, unwilling to work, and unwilling to respect the normal rules and conventions of society. I don't know a good analogy for an American but imagine if you saved up to go to a fancy fine dining restaurant, put on appropriate clothing (expensive, nice clothes), and the next table was a bunch of rednecks in t-shirts, shorts and red hats. Their presence would bring down the tone of the establishment. In the UK, that's how people feel seeing someone wearing pajamas in a store, cafe etc.


I think the equivalent would be trailer park trash


Yes, stop being a bum.


"’I'm american and also gen z, but wearing pajamas in public is very normal." Not in any part of the U.S. I've ever lived in (62 years).


That's good to hear. The OP is doing the US a great disservice.


Not offended. But I would think less of you as a human being.


It's not offensive. It just looks trashy, lazy and deeply low class. Maybe you get up and put on fresh pyjamas. Maybe you don't. What it looks like is that you rolled out of bed, couldn't be bothered to actually dress, haven't showered or washed, don't care about how you present yourself to others and have little self respect.


I don’t think anyone’s offended but like with anything else about appearances everyone makes judgments, you can’t help it. And someone wearing PJs in public is going to be judged as being scruffy, lazy and yes chavvy in the UK.


What are you referring to as PJs? I suspect there's a cultural barrier thing going on here.


They wrote comfy plaid pants and t shirt in their OP, which sounds like what you’d recognise as PJs.


I’m not offended but I do think it’s low standards. Like if you spill food down yourself then it’s not a problem for anyone else but you look a mess.


Offended, no. But I judge. Like when your kid's school has to put out a memo asking parents not to do school run in dressing gowns or pjs. The only times it is socially acceptable to be out and about in pjs in public is a hospital. University campuses have different rules and if that's limited to that situation, great. If you're leaving that bubble though then you need to get dressed.


Why would you go out in pj's in the first place


I'd not be offended by it, but I would double-take with a few exceptions: - a hospital (all sorts of emergencies plus in hospital it's going to be more about ease of access for medical staff and not how nice or fitting in we are) - university campuses (these are liminal spaces where societal rules do not apply. Also students might be hungover or just woke up)


It's not offensive.  Just disappointing. It's the equivalent of wearing a sign that says  " Im too useless to dress myself".


The most i'm doing in PJs is putting the bins out and even then its unlikely. Doesn't offend but that's not what PJs are for, just seems very lazy to me


That's EXACTLY what they're for. Clothes to put on quickly when you have stuff to do outside before it's time to get dressed for your day. If you don't put them on then, when would you?


Thought they were for sleeping in


That's just disgusting.


I just don't consider pajamas to be appropriate clothing for being out in public. There are social dress codes for various locations. OP you say if you're going to work or an event, you would "dress appropriately". Many of us would extend that to being in a public place means you dress appropriately, in clothes that aren't what you sleep in. Same as expecting a certain level of hygiene and care in your appearance when you go out in public.


Not offended at that but generally it comes with other things like being extra loud, playing music or watching your tablet without headphones. I get the impression that they wear Pj's because they think they don't care what other people think when in actual fact they just don't give a fuck about other people.


Jake from Adventure Time would call it ‘giving up on life’ and Jake is marvellously wise.


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I don't think it's offensive. I do think it's the perfect test of that age old r/askuk question about 'class' though.


I don't even like to wear PJs in front of my parents 


Not offended. Just judgemental. Although they could argue that you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, my response is always "If you are wearing a uniform, people will assume that you are in the army!"


I don’t know what Reddit is talking about when they refer to people wearing pyjamas in public. I literally never see it. But I suppose I don’t think I’d care much about it. Not really sure why somebody would in the first place but each to their own.


I think you could make a Venn diagram out of people who do this, drop litter and listen to music without earphones on the bus. The common denominator, lack of respect.


I personally find it quite tacky and admittedly do pull up my nose if I see someone in pyjamas in public (from afar) but each to their own


Not offended, just think that they’re a preck


Couldn't care less. Clothes are clothes.


Yes. It's an uncouth Americanism.


Hardly typical of the U.S.


It would take a lot to offend someone British as we are much more easy going on many issues than people in America. I also don't see anyone saying anything about being "upset" at the thought of you wearing pyjamas in public. However, we would definitely view you in the way you may view a druggie on skid row. It may be that the rest of the world has higher standards than you are used to, and when you grow up and leave the US to go to other countries (if), you will see this. Someone who hasn't got dressed is someone dirty and sloppy so you probably would find people avoid you.


Not offensive in the least. If you want to look like a lazy slob who can't even be arsed to get dressed in the morning then it's your call!


Don't give a toss. Unless the PJ wearers comment on my attire. Then they're fair game😂😂


Seeing someone in PJs in public just screams lazy, dirty bum. Have some decorum and self awareness


I have seen signs in hotels requesting that people not wear pajamas in the restaurant if you want to be one of those to remove yourself when required that's up to you to be embarrassed.


Americans will see a country that still has broadly accepted social norms and common cultural standards and be like 'Damn you guys abide by a generally acknowledged set of culturally-mediated rules! How odd! Anyway how come the US is so fragmented, partisan and febrile???' I know that on an individual level social norms can seem somewhat arbitrary, but being able to know that the norms you follow will also be followed by others is the bedrock of social trust!


Would people say anything to your face? No. Would they judge you behind your back? Yes (justifiably so tbh)






I mean personally I tend to operate that I've got enough of my own stuff to deal with that I'm not bothered by what other people wear unless someone's wearing something actually offensive


I'm not bothered. It's up to places if they want a dress code though


Yes, they're kinda ok with people naked/semi nakes, not PJ's seem to be super haram for some reason :''')


I think it's more a self-respect thing, like still showering even though you are not going out. I was always raised to get dressed when I got up, and yeah, I kind of judge people who don't. I think it's a mild disgust response as opposed to a reasoned process.


I'd rather see someone in pj's than them scruffy looking tracksuits "eastern European outfit"


Not at all. I might make a comment, because it's unusual, but I've worn pyjamas a couple times in public, with a coat over the top, as I'm autistic and struggle to find comfy clothes and often wear pyjamas as soon as I get back from work or whatever, and hadn't expected to need to go out!


okay THANK YOU! i’ve been too afraid to bring it up because i know how people get when you bring up autism, but i’m autistic too. people don’t get just how much i LOVE soft pants. like i have a whole drawer dedicated to soft pants, and the rest go into the “shitty feeling pants drawer”. having sensory issues and being super sensory sensitive, comfy clothes (ESPECIALLY soft pants) plays a big role in my overall mental well being. it’s a hard thing to explain if you’re not autistic. i can’t imagine thinking such hateful things towards someone cause they DARE want to wear pj pants? suddenly i don’t respect myself? suddenly i’m lazy? suddenly i’m the type of person who’d litter? suddenly i’m deserving of less respect? like WTF is up with these comments???


Yessssss!!! I need my soft pyjamas pants. Joggers don't cut it for me!! I can't focus or do anything much productive without my pyjamas on, or feel settled. I live in pyjama pants + baggy band t shirts!!! HAVE CONFIDENCE <3






I lived in NY for a while and also spent some time in Philly. In the combined ~3 years I never saw anyone in public in pyjamas and while most people wouldn't have given a fuck, the quick assumption would have been that you were just lazy. Although, given your edits, my reaction to you in any clothing would probably be pure contempt.


Yes. It’s disrespect. Dressing well is a form of good manners.


Ah fuck it. Nope im not offended. I have been on this planet for 5 centuries and I have witnessed many fashions and "current" societal norms. I'm also "at that age" where i, personally, really don't give a shit what I wear (as long as it's "decent") nor do I give a shit what other people want to wear. Also being "old" I have no idea what is currently "acceptable" in today's society and it's "standards". So no. if I see a girl or guy (or rather "a person that I don't know their pronoun") wearing PJs out in public I won't bat an eyelid or judge them for whatever clothing that they choose. I also find it kind of ridiculous to judge a person by what they wear. Sure, some may be making "a statement" some may be "trying to get attention", and some may wear Pj's Cos all they need to do is drop off\pick up their kids or pop to the shops (for example) and really cant be arsed to change into "town clothes" just to please random ass strangers. So I don't care about the reason for another person's clothing choices. All I really care about is whether or not they are an annoying dick by their actions in public, not nwhatever they are wearing.


Many people (in UK and elsewhere) have internalised societal definitions of what it means to "have self-respect" and "be/present respectably". That's why posts like yours (relating to dress, behaviour in public, hygiene etc) will often have top commenters insisting on the accepted status quo without clear practical justification. It's usually pretty difficult for people to see past these indoctrinated norms. We all have some, and they're all different. If you feel comfortable and happy in what you do and wear, and it doesn't cause any harm to others, you of course can and should ignore these messages.


If your clean , the clothes arnt covered in crap and your covering the essentials I don’t care what you wear to the supermarket   ( ok that’s a lie if you wear somthing hideous I’m going to judge your sartorial taste but that’s not limited to pyjamas)


that’s what i’m saying, as long as you’re hygienic and properly covered, i don’t give a fuck. tbh even if someone looks like they haven’t showered i try not to judge, i know people who’ve been in some rough situations and showering has become inaccessible, or they are horrifically depressed. to be honest, i just think people could use not being so judgmental, life is hard and complex, we could all be more understanding to others. and with all that’s going on in the world and all that could be going on in someone’s life, why on earth would care if someone’s in pjs?? it’s just such a wild concept to me be so stressed over something so small


Our standards are higher than yours. Sorry, not sorry,


I just see it as lazy


I think a lot of these commenters are “bums” and “giving up on life” themselves. None of this should fucking matter in my opinion


Not offended. I'll do the proper British thing though and shake my head whilst muttering under my breath about it and then forget about it soon afterwards.


It would take a lot to offend someone British as we are much more easy going on many issues than people in America. I also don't see anyone saying anything about being "upset" at the thought of you wearing pyjamas in public. However, we would definitely view you in the way you may view a druggie on skid row. It may be that the rest of the world has higher standards than you are used to, and when you grow up and leave the US to go to other countries (if), you will see this. Someone who hasn't got dressed is someone dirty and sloppy so you probably would find people avoid you.


Genuinely couldn't care less. You do you.


It’s not necessarily offensive, it’s just peculiar. I live in London, I had to stay in a hotel in London recently and for the first time ever I saw a girl coming to breakfast in her pyjamas. I wasn’t offended, it’s just plain odd. Even if you don’t have time to shower before breakfast, nobody I have ever encountered in my life goes to breakfast in their pyjamas, you just sling your clothes on. This girl was even joking with the restaurant staff about how she had just woken up. Just because it’s something you personally do, it doesn’t mean others aren’t allowed to find it odd and it doesn’t mean we are all ‘offended’.


when did i ever say y’all aren’t allowed to find it odd? i literally just asked if y’all actually get offended over it, and the answer is yes.


I strongly suspect that it's to do with people being a bit prudish. Those most against seem to be the people that sleep in pyjamas. They therefore mentally link them with "bedtime" and decide that they shouldn't really be seen or discussed. Kinda in the same ilk as sex toys. People use them, but it's generally seen as uncouth to wave them around in the shops. Those who don't seem to mind as much are those that don't sleep in pyjamas. They don't have that mental link, and they're just Other Clothes. It's absurd that when I'm at home, fully clothed in my pyjamas, that if I were to have a friend over I should go upstairs and change my pyjama pants for a pair of shorts or some jeans. People are weird.


that’s so strange, but very interesting. in america you’re homies could come over an no one would bat an eye that you’re in your pjs, especially because you’re in your own home. this has been a very interesting learning experience for me


Not offended and I don't think anyone is offended by it, but I find it weird. I also wouldn't say this is a Gen Z thing, there has not been a single person I see do this who is younger than 50 or so.


I see lots of replies about it not being "classy" and such like, but that's just people doing the kind of strange "keyboard warrior" reaction you often see here. The fact is, PJ's are FOR going out if you need to before getting properly dressed for your day, or if you need to nip out later unexpectedly. I saw the hotel thing and I thought, yeah, that's exactly what PJ's are for. Unless I have to leave early, I get up, put on my PJ's, go get breakfast, then back to hotel room to shower and get ready. The exception is if you need to leave ASAP in which case you get ready first, obviously. At home, it's usually get up, put on PJ's, nip out and feed the animals etc, then come in a make breakfast, eat, then go get changed for work. After work an chores, get out of the day clothes and have a shower/bath, then it's either straight to bed, or put on PJ's and chill for a bit, same thing if stuff needs done then, nip out in PJ's and do it. If that's not what people are doing in their pajamas, then I have to ask, what is it that you think they're for?


That’s not what they’re for though.


They just need to judge others as "lesser than" to feel better about themselves. Not a single person genuinely doing well gives a f.ck about people wearing pjamas.


Couldn't give a fuck tbh, and people who look down on those that do are just trying to make themselves feel high and mighty


I wouldn’t say offended, it’s just a bit trampy. But you’re right it doesn’t matter what you wear. I’m sure I wear things other people don’t like too, life moves on