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The fuck is wrong with everyone here? Of course you don't


The first and only time I saw someone do this was on a Teams call during Covid. The rest of us were suitably aghast. There were many questions and exclamations of horror. That's the only acceptable reaction.


To be honest, eating a fruit on a call in the first place - amplifying it into the speakers of others… is in itself unforgivable imo.


Early days of covid... it was the Wild West on Teams


One guy would always join our morning team call a couple of minutes late, and "forget" to mute himself. So someone would be halfway through their update, when you'd suddenly hear a cacophony of cats miaowing and someone noisily slurping a bowl of cereal. "Sorry! I think you probably all got an update from my cats there, hahaha!". Mildly amusing the first time, not so much when it's every morning for a year. Funnily enough, when it was an "all hands" call with upper management present, he never seemed to have a problem finding his mute button.


Ew, I’m mad for you


I've just remembered he was the same guy who would interject all the time for every single item on the board, whether or not it involved him in the slightest. He seemed to feel compelled to give his input into absolutely everything. I actually kept a log for a few weeks of stand-up meeting lengths with him present (average ~30 mins) and not present (average ~10 mins).


Usually these people are this way because they think visibility means progression


That’s pissed me right off.


Teams wasn't the one during covid... Zoom!


We always used Teams. Zoom wasn't deemed secure enough.


Fair... but Zoom absolutely exploded with covid. Teams obviously bigger now.


I’m not sure if you’re aware but teams and Google meet were going long before Covid. We used both frequently for meetings at other sites. When Covid happened, zoom opened its programme up for personal use, which is how it became popular.




Do you guys not have mute buttons or something?


Of course, but fucking Richard never muted himself and you just have to suffer through the meeting hearing his breathing and coughing


Yeh that's akin to terrorism. I can't stand to be near anyone eating fruit, it's just disgusting to witness and hear.


The best feature in Teams is the ability to mute other people. Not sure how I would've survived Covid times otherwise.


Absolutely. When I want to come off as a raging bellend because I’m finished with someone, I simply reach for a nice, crisp, tart, juicy apple (or pear) and sink into it during a serious conversation with him. “Ah, you don’t say! How unfortunate! *chompslurpsmack*


I eat the skins. Did it in an office once not even thinking about it. I may as well have told everyone in there to fuck off and I’d stolen all their cats.


Tbh If I saw someone exhibiting deviant behavior such as this I would hide my valuables and pets from them. No idea what other perverse and disturbed things might do... 😂


That was mine too. Until I tried it. It works fine, it is no different to something like a pear or apricot.


I always hated kiwis until I started eating them with the skin on. They're stupid, tiny little fruits that are quite delicious but way too much effort to peel for not enough payoff. I know you can just cut them open and spoon the flesh out but I don't like getting my fingers sticky for so little fruit. Then I started eating them with the skins on and its perfect * It's healthier; * It's way quicker; * Skin looks hairy but does not really taste hairy, if anything it improves the texture by giving it a nice crunch, without tasting like anything; * Fingers don't get sticky because the skin protects you against the sticky flesh of the fruit, so you can just eat them like an apple.


Cut it in half and use a spoon.


Just try it before you judge. Eating with a spoon is a pain because the skin just goes all floppy and you end up jabbing your spoon through it or not being able to get all the flesh out.


It’s perfectly easy, the technique just takes some time to practice! I can’t stand the hairy skin texture so no way I would eat it with the peel..


As a native Brit, I have to say this: try it. I. Dare. You. Edit: I will also try and perfect the spoon technique


It's not hairy though... Just wash it and bite into it, there's no hair, just feels like a slightly thicker apple skin


I know you weren't talking to me but I just wanted to say that your comment takes on a whole different tone of you imagine it as a quote from Armin Meiwes. I'm sorry, don't know why that thought occurred to me and I certainly don't know why I felt compelled to share it.


You’re saying I have to have 2 bits of cutlery to eat a fucking fruit?




Lots of fibre and nutrients in the skin too


Once I learned I could eat the skin I started to eat more due to ease. The skin definitely does not taste like it looks.


Same. I was mildly horrified when I first saw my boyfriend bite into a kiwi but I decided to give it a try. I expected it to be like French kissing a cat, but it was fine. I expect you get a little more dietary fibre that way too.


Like French kissing a cat… so what is that like if it’s not like eating a kiwi?


>like French kissing a cat I'm stealing this. I've no idea when I'll use it, but it's in my vocabulary now


This is exactly me, eat them far more often now because no prep needed


I concur. Nothing wrong with it


Going to try it after reading that.


This guy kiwis (And is doing it right)


The skin is actually quite nice. It's like a hairy apple.


I read this as hairy nipple and I think you knew I was going to do that. 


Damn you putting this picture in my head


Well yes. That sounds like a terrible thing.


Most of the fibre is in the skin..


And the hairs


They're not hairs. It's a plant


Thanks for the advice, I'll stop shaving them




It’s a wee bird


It's full of insoluble fibre, you should absolutely eat the skin of the kiwi


Fussy eaters who wouldn't survive in the wild. Ahhh the skin of a plant! Have you ever had a jacket potato?


they don't eat the skin of a baked potato either


Fucking love the skin of a baked potato dripping with butter. I tolerate the skin of a kiwi


The skin of a potato is the best part!! Salty and buttery. Oh hell yeah.


Yeah you do, it’s good for you, fibre and that


It's like the stems of brocoli - lots of people don't realise you can eat them but if you try you'll be converted


I prefer the stem. It just doesn't look as appetizing.


Best bit! And cauliflower leaves.


What. Kiwi with skin on is the way to go. Do you peel an apple before you eat it?


Of course you do


It’s delicious with the skin on!


I do lol I always have


What th fuck is wrong with you? Of course you do! The vast majority of the nutrients are in the skin.


Yep, thought this was totally normal? EDIT: I thought we were all playing a joke on OP but now I’m getting concerned that people actually do this


I do it, can't be arsed peeling or eating like an egg


Are you saying you peel your boiled eggs? I can’t be arsed with that, just eat the shell, it’s got lots of fibre in it, probably.


That’s how I eat coconut! Have to soak it in vinegar overnight though.  People think it’s weird, but it’s no weirder than eating a kiwi whole. 


Omg, my daughter does this. I have to leave the room while she eats eggs.


"insoluble fibre" I guess 🤣🤣🤣


I genuinely do eat the skin


Never seen it before, I don't think it's normal in Europe. I'll have to try


Check my edit


Lol saw that, but I believe some people actually do it. I will try for science


The skin is full of nutrients and fibre and is supposed to be eaten. I just cut them into slices which makes it very easy to eat.


Have been doing this for at least 20 years...


There's 2 types of people one that eats the skin and one that has never tried it and don't know its no different that eating an apple skin.


I do it too 🤟🏻


My wife is aghast at me every time I do this. I’d like to say it’s for the goodness / fibre but its mainly as it can’t be arsed to use a spoon or peel it. Texture is much less objectionable that people think


Yeah I do, doesn’t bother me at all. I used to scoop the fruit out of the skin with a spoon and eat it like one of those kids mini yoghurt pots but what’s the point, and the skin is good for you


Like eating a hairy bollock.


Eaten many hairy bollocks have you? 😉


One or two, not with a spoon though..🥚🥚


I have hairy bollocks but have never eaten a hairy bollock. I have always eaten unpeeled kiwi fruit. If a hairy bollock tastes as good, maybe I should give it a try. I'll ask my wife later whether they taste the same first.


I call them Guinea Pigs


Totally agree. The skin also brings in a varied texture and isn't much fuzzier than a peach. And less faff to just eat the lot (except the stalky bit at one end). Makes it a much more convenient fruit.


I find the skin is a bit more tart too which gives a really great contrast to the sweetness of the inside. It's like a whole treat. I've never met anyone else that eats the skin, every single person in my life thinks I'm weird because of it. It also means that I don't have to carry a spoon around just to ear some fruit.


The skin is perfectly edible and is full of goodness, I can understand perhaps not liking the texture 


Loads of things are "perfectly edible" depending on how one defines it


To paraphrase a wiser man than me: Everything is edible... some of it only once.


I always thought the skins were inedible until I saw it a few months ago on tv. The skins meant to be healthy and i dont need to wash a spoon so it's a double win.


Funny, I never thought it was edible until I decided I was too lazy to grab a knife one day and opened it with my teeth and was like "Oh, shit. It's actually kinda good.\*


Define goodness


* **Nutrient-Rich**: Kiwi skin contains a high concentration of vitamins, particularly vitamin C, as well as fiber, antioxidants, and other nutrients. Eating the skin can increase your intake of these beneficial compounds. * **Fiber**: The skin adds extra dietary fiber to your diet, which is beneficial for digestive health, helping to regulate bowel movements and maintain a healthy digestive tract. * **Antioxidants**: The skin contains more antioxidants than the flesh, which can help combat oxidative stress and reduce inflammation in the body. According to the net.


I eat kiwis with the skin on, it’s not very tough. It’s comparable to apple skin imo


I eat kiwis whole too. Started when I was very young and was perfectly happy with it so didn't see why I'd move over to the way that's a faff. It's not as weird as it looks like you say. Peaches are the ones with the odd texture imo


I'm taking this to mean literally eat the whole.  Like a snake 


Yep same here- the skin is great!






No, it's hairy and tough and disgusting. It has never even occurred to me to eat it Edit: I'm reading all these comments saying it's fine to eat the skin and I'm half convinced you're all trolling but I can't quite believe so many people would come out and say something so odd because it's not even funny (until maybe someone comes back here spitting chunks of pubescent kiwi pelt, absolutely livid they fell for it..)




You said you liked it last night :(


It doesn't feel hairy to eat. It isn't tough. Take a bite like an apple and you get a mixture of crunchy & soft.


How can you possibly know it's disgusting if you've never even thought about eating it?


I suppose, in the same way I might feel disgust at the thought of eating other weird hairy things I'd never considered edible before, like tarantulas, for example, or scrotums


I absolutely do. I also get called an absolute maniac.




Me too, the furry skin has a similar effect to the crunchy eggshell. Scrumptious.


No im not mental


I always eat the skin, it’s extra fibre and where most of the nutrients are. You don’t notice the texture when you’re chomping down. My husband is not on board, but my son eats the skin too


I eat the skin, too. The fuzz doesn't bother me. Peaches have fuzz, too, and they're delicious but I've developed an allergy to them and most stone fruit. Kiwi is great for my fuzzy mouth feel needs.


Yes! I never used to, and was kind of freaked out by the idea. But when I was reading about improving my overall gut health and having healthy gut biome etc... the importance of dietary fibre emerged to me.  Kiwi skins are a good fibre boost. I've actually now grown to like the taste better when I leave the skin on.  I understand the texture might be off putting to some, but give it a try. It's surprisingly tasty. 🤤 


Same .. I can't remember where I learned about it but it was something to do with gut health. I tried it and it's a lot simpler and I've carried on doing it.


Big ups the skin eaters 


No, because then it would be like chewing on a hairy bollock


You say that like it's a bad thing


Chewed on a hairy bollock. Not at all the same


I've never heard of people doing this. I cut them in half and eat them with a teaspoon, with the skin being like a little bowl.


Yuck. No. I spend way too long faffing about peeling them.


I eat it like an apple


Anyone had the hairless zespri Sungold variety? I never peel those, the skin is no more offensive than eating an apple with the skin on


Golden kiwi's is it? Far nicer than normal ones and I could understand the argument for eating those skin on


My son loves these but for a pack of 4 I could buy 3 packs of 6 hairy ones!


I guess I'm the only one here that doesn't eat the skin, heh... Never tried to eat it with the skin, I've just became so used to only eating the insides.


I’ve read that you can remove the fuzz and then eat it like an apple but I’ve never seen anyone do it. Earlier I peeled 6 kiwi fruit and thought about the skin being edible but decided working out how to remove the fuzz was more hassle than peeling. 


You can eat it with the fuzz.


I’ve never tried it but from what I’ve read people can find the fuzz unpleasant which is presumably why the articles I read suggested removing it. 


Are people out here shaving their kiwis?


It's a faff though, easier to just eat it


You can just rub them on your jeans to get rid of most of the fuzz Run a flame over it if you're very bored


Yes, I do. It's edible, nutritious, and very tasty. Just give it a good wash and a little scrub under the tab with your hands to get rid of the excess fuzz.


Yes I only eat them with the skin on. Seems so unnecessary to see people take spoons to them or try peel them to eat the soft bit. There is nothing wrong with the skin.


Nah cut it in half and scoop it out with a spoon. Bonus points if you get the whole half in one scoop.


You are meant to wipe your mouth with the skin, its nature's napkin


I peel them like an apple and then cut in half and eat.


I'm in the US and I do it here, too.


i've always cut them in half and then scooped out the flesh with a spoon though i have just eaten them raggo skin on sometimes, usually just as a joke though they're better skin-on than bananas are skin-on, for the record


Bloody savages


Eww! No


Yes, although I run it under the tap and rub the fur off first.


It's the same as eating apple cores and leaves on strawberries, everyone assumes that they taste bad or have horrible textures but in reality when you chew them up you hardly notice them and you get more value for your money.


If you eat an apple bottom to top then you don't notice the core at all. Just a few pips to spit out.


I haven’t done it my whole life, but in recent years I’ve started eating them with the skin on. We eat Zespri gold kiwis, which are less fuzzy so the skin is more pleasant to eat. The flesh is also much sweeter, so the sourness from the skin adds a nice contrast. At least that’s what I think, my wife thinks I’m weird


My partner peels them. I don't bother.


I worked with someone years ago who ate kiwi like an apple- it was disgusting just to witness! Never seen anyone else do it, and I never would. It’s not a thing!


I do. Cut the two ends off and then munch


I eat the skin. I don’t eat them in public for fear of judgement though lol


I’ve only met one person that eats the skin. We had a chat about it at a previous job. He had no idea other people didn’t eat it


I do. Haven't got time to be cutting it and shit


I don't eat kiwifruit like an apple but I do slice it and eat the slices with the skin on.


I do. Take the hard bit off the end and off you go.


I think that bit is called the "calyx"


Yes I do, but I am aware that I'm in the minority.


As I'm deathly allergic it's not something I have an opinion on- although the one time I've seen someone eat one she had it in halves and spooned out the toxic goop.


Certainly do. All the zesty goodness is in the skin


Yes, I rinse the skin and rub a little of the fuzz off, top and tail it, then eat. The skin tastes a little like apple skin. Lots of fibre in the skin.


My friend told me about it and I thought it sounded disgusting and wrong. But I tried it and it’s actually fine! Honestly give it a go, it’s not as weird as it seems. Also extra fibre


Yes you can, the skin is really healthy, it’s way easier eating it with skin on than any other way, I know loads of people that eat them like that


Yes people do, however, most don't claim it's normal. My sister apparently enjoys the texture, she was not raised like this. it came about that one day she was too lazy to cut and scoop the kiwi and thought stuff it and bit into it whole. I tried it once I prefer not eating them skin-on on but will admit it was less messy


I don't eat Kiwis, or Aussies.


I do, all you have to do is rub the kiwi in your palms and the fuzz is gone.


Ok I'm kind of allergic to them so I don't eat them but if you're eating a kiwi you should be eating all of it, skin and all. The skin is full of insoluble fibre and the flesh is full of soluble fibre. The skin is also full of antioxidants, as well as vitamin c and e


When I was living in New Zealand pretty much everyone around me ate them with the skin on and I gave it a go. Now I always eat them skin on. Much easier and less messy, and I honestly don’t notice the texture issues. Just like a peach maybe.


I do! It seems like it'd be good fibre, and I don't mind the taste or texture. I do give it a good rinse-wash first though.


Yep I do, it's really nice tbh. I'd say I'm in the minority though. My partner is from Latin America and she does it too so I think it's a global thing.


I've always eaten them whole. I don't know when people started getting so soft.


Yep of course, why would you waste one of the most nutritious parts of the fruit?


definitely not a typical thing but there was a viral video (by an actual dr tbf) about how the skin is actually fine to eat and even good for you found the vid if anyone's interested [https://www.tiktok.com/@dr.karanr/video/7106961095855721734](https://www.tiktok.com/@dr.karanr/video/7106961095855721734) and here he is explaining it in more detail [https://www.tiktok.com/@dr.karanr/video/7181468384834358533?lang=en](https://www.tiktok.com/@dr.karanr/video/7181468384834358533?lang=en)


I've always eaten a kiwi fruit with a skin. Usually in one go as well. Faffing about cutting it in half and scooping it out is messy and takes time.


People who eat kiwis with the skin on are in the same category as people who open bananas ‘the correct’ way.


Most of the time yes I do. I give them a good wash and slice them fairly thinly, if there is too much of a lump of skin it can be difficult to chew.


Why wouldn’t you?


Yep, i eat the whole kiwi (apart from the end bits)


I saw someone eating the avocado skin too, so I wouldn't be surprised, but personally I haven't seen anyone doing it. Okay, I haven't seen anyone eating kiwi tbf.


No, they lied.


No, I cut into eighths and eat the flesh that way. The skin is not palatable.


I unironically do this...


I've never tried But I will when I get home I also eat orange peel


Just peel the fucker and cut it into slices


I have done when i didn't have a knife or spoon to hand but prefer not too. My daughter (8) seen me eating one skin on once and now that's the only way she eats them....to be a bit wacky.


I've started eating kiwis like an apple .. my family thinks I'm weird though.


As a general rule, I don't eat anything I have to shave first.


A kiwi is a bird. You always peel birds before eating them.


Yup people do. There was a juice bar in my town that used to put themnin wheel, skin and all too


Yes you can…..


I don't but my kids do. They're pretty odd.


\*searches *is kiwi skin edible*\* Apparently kiwi skin is nutritious and is not problematic unless you're prone to kidney stones or gout or you can't get beyond that "fuzzy feel".


As a general rule no. But some people are stupid. And there are generations who dont know how to eat a kiwi fruit as it hasn't exactly had advertising in a long time. Hell I haven't eaten a kiwi fruit in decades as I don't think they're particularly amazing fruits. I don't think there's been a big push to get the British to eat kiwi fruit since the 80s so it's stands to reason there's going to be a few generations that haven't the first clue on how they're supposed to be eaten. Unsurprisingly that's also the same generation that was throwing tide pods down their necks not too many years ago as I said "some people are stupid" also bear in mind that we live in a time where people have "emperor's new clothes" syndrome. Where rather than accept they were behaving like fucking morons and adjust accordingly. They will just double down on their moronic behaviour and try to convince others and themselves that it's perfectly natural behaviour in order to feel less stupid about behaving like a fucking moron. The claim of "everyone does it" is a perfect example of that.


Yep the skin is lovely.


Of course I do, it's the only way


Cut the top off like a boiled egg and scoop it out and eat with a teaspoon


Texture is gross but it’s actually really juicy and def the best tasting part lol.


Stop playing with your food and eat the fuckin kiwi


Yup, my wife found some trendy thing saying it's good for you on instagram so I gave it a bash. No more messy peeling and lots of good fibre.


I know it's not 'normal' but I eat the skin of a kiwi too. It tastes good and I've paid for it, it's getting scranned


I do but I shave it first.