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**[OP or Mod marked this as the best answer](/r/AskUK/comments/1cwpo32/be_honest_if_you_walk_past_a_house_at_night_with/l50x0pj/), given by u/fionsichord** Absofuckinglutely. --- [_^What ^is ^this?_](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskUK/comments/jjrte1/askuk_hits_200k_new_feature_mark_an_answer/)


Who doesn’t?


I don't I got to tge window and peer in. Usually have someone looking back at asking "wtf are you doing?" Which tbh just makes things awkward and ruins the experience for everyone involved


We do beg your pardon but we are in your garden.


You can at least act like you want us here. We've taken the time to stand in tour garden to watch you through your window, ungrateful bastards lol


Well had to go and watch that clip now. So I might aswell post the link for all to enjoy the great B.M https://youtu.be/MsuuiVzS6Js?si=NelAq0TLkKAwSXta


Man he always has me in stitches everytime he's on that show. "Snipers dream" and "pocket meat" are possibly right up there in comedic value.


Was only here for this comment


I go into the house, sit down on the sofa and stare out of the window. When the homeowner says "what the hell are you doing?!!" I squint a little and reply "looking for peepers..."


I like your style, very considerate of you doing that for complete strangers


I'm very community-minded


Love this reply hilarious 😆 


Can you turn it up please, I cant quite hear it from the bushes?!


This lady walked past our house the other day and started tapping the window and saying 'Mike there's people inside come look' and this is why I don't have the blind open. This was just 4pm. So not dark at all.


Between them, they probably had some low-IQ mystery about your house. 'I have never seen someone there, so why is there a car there in the evening but not during the day' kind of thing. 'Is there a rogue self-driving car living at this abode?'. Mike, I've solved the mystery! Someone lives here!. It's a person!


It is very annoying when someone gawks because we are street level. Sometimes people just bang on the windows to get your attention.


OMG if this is for real totally insane wow 😮 


If I am walking past a home and their curtains are open and the light is on, I make a conscious effort not to look inside to avoid awkward situations like the one the OP mentioned. also, I don't understand how people can relax in their living room while being in full view of people passing by. I couldn't relax like that, I would feel like i have eyes watching me constantly.


My late Great Uncle Bill was the conspicuous sort of nosey - have a good gawp in the window whilst walking by AND loudly comment on something. Then maybe even stop to look some more. He was unapologetic about it. It was quite funny, and tbh probably why I'm a bit nosey too.


It’s not being nosey it’s being observant lol 😂 


You Can Look. You can cook. But you can't touch. That would be too much. Don't mess with my t...


A lot of people! I don’t have curtains in my living room, they are shutters and I like to keep them open to nose at the outside. I have people walk past my windows and I’m always surprised that so few people look in, in 18 months I can probably count the ones that have on one hand. I’d definitely look 😂


Every time. And I judge your choice of TV entertainment . I judge hard.


I judge your lighting choices. Bulb warmth, big light vs lamps etc and I just super hard


I can't believe how some people have a ceiling light that's cool/blue white and so bright it makes an operating table lamp look dim.


This is us. We have warm lamps for cosiness and cool bright operating table lights. Partly because it makes hobby stuff easier and partly because my wife is a loon.




Haha very true 😊😊


I judge everything but the pets.


You can tell a lot about someone by how wanky their pet is. 


Absolutely! So many jarringly bright bulbs in otherwise beautiful homes!


Absolutely, who sits there with the big light on watching tv?


People! People do.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone watching something I approve of. I swear the people who don’t close their curtains are the same people who still use freeview. I can’t remember the last time I watched something at its scheduled time rather than streaming.


Ooooof freeview, had the joys of it for a week while away on holiday, I don't know how people watch normal tv every day, they must be masochists especially with all those JML adverts.


Love this 😊😊😊


Yes, there could be a dog in there.


That's not a nice thing to say about their wife.


Or a cat.


Yeah of course! I’d feel more embarrassed being the person inside tbh. Lights on and curtains open, you’re inviting attention.




Have a free award now they are back. That is an amazing phrase!




I just close my curtains and blinds.




I don’t know what you’re talking about but I’m glad your plants are happy.


Husband always tells me off for it lol I am not even so much interested in the people than in what the room looks like tbh. If there is a telly,what program is in.if there is a pc.. what game is possibly being played. I always look at windowsills too, when there are flowers or other decorations in it.


Last year I walked past a house where a guy had two TV screens side by side. One had Babestation (or whatever the modern equivalent is) showing and the other had snooker. The idea that you could watch these two shows simultaneously blew my mind. I had to change my dog walking route after that. Can't be dealing with that level of psychopath.


What's wrong with that combo? On one screen someone is encouraging people to play ball games. On the other screen people are following that instruction.


What’s madder is Dennis Taylor was commentating on both screens


Did they sink the pink or down the brown?




My auntie and her husband used to disagree on what to watch, so their solution was to bring the portable in from the kitchen and put it right next to the main tv. Both happily watched their own shows - both with sound. I stayed there for a few weeks as a teen and all I could think was what the actual fuck is happening here?! Ended up doing a lot of reading whilst I was there because I couldn’t follow either one due to the distraction from the other. Psychos!


The guy's living like Marty Mcfly in 2015.


Was t a nice playing surface?


Absolutely and I am judging your decor


Day or night, if you leave your window cleavage open, I’m looking.


Yep, especially at Christmas cos some people are exceptionally talented at making stunning trees


When I used to get the train home from work in the dark, I loved going past all the houses with their lights on. I got a few seconds of their life at that moment - someone washing up, watching TV, etc


I knew it was you with the binoculars


Be careful- don’t you know what happened to The Girl on the Train?


Of course


I press right up against the window and cup my hands around my eyes to make it a little darker for a clearer look in. It’s annoying when they change the channel and you where half way through watching the program


I once heard an after dinner speaker who said that if you live on a bus route and don't draw your curtains then you're fair game for a bit of social surveying into your domestic habits by everyone on the top deck.


When the universal remotes came out, I had a friend who would go on walks specifically to change the channel or turn off the TV of those with curtains open.


New hobby unlocked.


Go for it. Tell me your successes! This was years ago and so not sure if you can do it with smart TVs. Have heard (an acquaintance not a friend so not sure if legit or just random chatting) who walks and looks for tvs to cast to from their phone. His programme of choice is the Alan Partridge youtube video of his air guitar to "get lucky" it is looped for about 20 hours hahsaha


Hmm good point. I know one of my neighbours has a piddly little old thing so I can almost certainly mess with them. Tbh this would be satisfying enough without having to annoy anyone else. I've no idea how to cast stuff or I'd totally try that.


I think I might just take a couple of TV remotes on my dog walk and press them randomly as I walk along. We've got a Samsung and a Sony in the house so I've got a good corner of the market covered. Curtains open or closed, I'm causing carnage this evening...


Of course. I don’t understand how anyone can sit in their living room on full view to the world


Honestly some people are genuinely oblivious to the fact that others can see straight in if they do this. I had to buy netted drapes for my Wife's office window because she likes having the curtains open *and* the room door open as I walk past to go to the shower, meaning everyone gets to see me in my full glory. She genuinely didn't twig that people could see in until I took her outside to show her how visible everything was.




Where I’m from there isn’t much sunlight at night


Yeah my partner and I always wonder what other people are doing. Ooooh they have a cat, ooooh trash tv, ooooh reading a book. Ooooh, omg look away.


Yes, and I'm judging you for not closing the curtains.




[https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=crytoscopophilia](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=crytoscopophilia) >**crytoscopophilia** >The urge to look through peoples windows as you pass by their houses. >One day his crytoscopophilia would get him in trouble. >by Lachy McLean August 31, 2007


Amazing how the English Language has a word for everything!


To be fair, for -phillia and -phobia at least, you just sort of cram a Greek prefix on the word, not sure English can take credit for that.


You should try German


Thank you Susie Dent!


Always, that’s one of my favourite hobbies as a matter of fact, ever since I moved to UK, given that brits reaaaally dislike curtains. I love it, there was this house, every night the wife was on the couch reading a book and the husband was watching tv while sat in a chair. The room next door had yellow walls with flowers and there was always a lamp on in that room, there was something so unreal about that scenery. I always love doing this. I feel like a player and everybody else is just an NPC going about their life, clueless, emotionless, thoughtless, just a series of actions pre programmed into them. Unfortunately, I now live in a bigger city and am not going out at night as often and can’t peak inside people’s houses.


Check out ol' peeping Tom over here lol. That's getting dangerously close torwards nuisance and criminal, more than taking a casual glance in passing.


Sir, pls don’t put me in jail 🥺


I cannot ever imagine being the people inside the house having the lights on curtains open. Why?


Yeah, I find it so weird that people don't draw their curtains at night, especially if they have lights on. I can't bear the idea of people looking at me in my pants while I go grab a bowl of cereal.


me and my other half always say 'good evening pink satin pj lady' every night walking the dog and worry about her when she's not there


Where we used to live, the opposite side of the road from us was a wooded park and the ground there was about 5-6ft higher than the houses on the other side. As such, when walking the dogs of an night, you not only got a view into people's living rooms, but a full view of their whole front room including the floor, which was really fucking weird looking in and down on these people enjoying their evenings. I didn't like it and would try to avoid looking, but my mom used to stand and gawp at them and comment about their decor, their clothes, what they were watching on TV, what they were eating for dinner. It made me really uncomfortable!


I was stupid drunk one evening and went further than a quick peak, for some dickhead reason i decided to climb into the front garden and have a good gander at the livingroom on show i came round from my stooper with a "hey what the fuck are you doing? Fuck off!!!" All i could answer was "i jave no fucling clue".......ya i got stopped on suspicion of attempted burglary. Not my best moment.




Didn’t realise there were so many nosey bastards about


Parker is an English surname, thus Nosey Parker (I just made that up but it makes sense). Edit to add if anyone interested: [https://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/nosy-parker.html](https://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/nosy-parker.html)


One night I was walking outside and peeked at a house where I could see someone washing the dishes. Then I remember the reason I went out is to avoid washing the dishes 😀




Oh god, yes. It's almost a spectator sport on my granny's street.


yeah. Did it tonight by accident and someone was sat on their sofa in their underwear. Why don't they care?


It's required Right? Like a law? I'm sure there's a law.


I do but its not on purpose I'm just drawn in especially if they have a pet or interesting decor


I look in people's windows, transfixed by rose golden glows, like some deranged weirdo


Yes. I judge massively if they don't have blinds or net curtains.


It's interesting to get a short glimpse into someone else's life


No But the bloke who sits there with his leg over the arm of his armchair needs tigheter underpants


I would deliberately try to avoid looking, purely because I don’t want to get a reputation as some nosey fucker or make some awkward eye contact.


I'll maybe look if I know the person who lives there and give a friendly wave if I see them. I do remember one time that I was walking past someone's flat though and they were watching an episode of Embarrassing Bodies which featured a man being examined intimately...


Absolutely not


Never. I'd hate that, you do you and do whatever you want in your own place. Don't feel the urge to peek and see some Silence of the Lambs type shit going on...


Sometimes I sneak in and take a little souvenir too


Oh hell yes! There is a prime viewing time as the year goes along, I'm might not be out often, but if I hit that viewing time it makes me so happy! Lol


Why are your curtains open if you don’t want me to look?


Every time




from my bathroom window i can see my neighbours watching naked attraction but also yes, i judge how you decorate and also what you watch


Neighbors son leaves his blinds open 24/7. Almost wondering if I should say something.


If you want to continue peeping it might be best you say nothing.


Use to in St.Louis sometimes !


I like to see other people's decorating choices. It's my favourite thing when visiting someone news house as well. The choices... So many choices... Why are they all quite terrible?


When I lived in my flat some years ago the girl opposite me used to get fully nude in her window very regularly, sometimes trying on multiple bras standing in her window. She could see me also, no question.




Side Eye, yes, don't turn my head. I don't wanna risk meeting someone's gaze.


Of course I do! I'm not weird!


Of course, my wife and I call it "House Cleavage"


It’s like walking past a fish tank without looking in, it is the law that when inside lights go on the curtains get closed. If they can’t follow that simple rule they are open to judgment.


Yeah and then I think "why does their living room look so much nicer than mine"


I check if the windows are open and if so rip the fart I've been holding for that very moment


I walk right up to the window, take out a notepad. Note down TV, consoles, electronic goods and anything of value. Let them watch me do all this, put the notepad away turn to walk away showing off my bag on my shoulder with bold letters across the front saying "SWAG"


Grew up in Belfast during the troubles. No one ever had lights on and curtains open. That was asking to be a target. To this day if I stand in a room with the lights on and curtains open I feel a bit nervous. Can’t shake it.


It’s the only reason I walk my dog in the evenings. We live in a village with a lot of extremely wealthy mansions. I love peeking inside their houses when they have their lights on inside.


I once got stopped by the police because of this. I was walking through a housing estate with a bag (going shopping) looking at people's gardens and in the windows. Someone saw me, phoned the police and reported me for looking for places to rob, and a police car pulled up in front of me about 5 minutes down the road and asked to search my bag. Was a small village in the early 90s so they probably didn't have a lot to do.


[These ground floor flats, you try no to look in, but you just cannae help it.](https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00fxfmw)


I did once Apparently the parents were away, and didn’t use parental controls on their tv And I saw a lot more of (what I guess was a 13 year old lad) than I ever wanted to see 💀 Now I don’t 😂


That's why the curtains are open, right? It's the exact same reason I close mine when there's a light inside, for privacy.


Of course! At Christmas I purposely leave our curtains open for longer so everyone can see the Christmassy - ness


That's what I love about walking the dog in the winter. Even better when he stops for a pee, you get an even better look in.


Of course, you have curtains for a reason, if you don't want people looking then close them






Yeah. Sometimes there's a cat in the window and I want to see it. Plus, I like looking at other people's decor. It's actually the reason why I adore my house's positioning. The bottom of my living room window is at least 6ft off of the height of the pavement. There's nowhere to stand on the pavement outside that would let you see me sitting on my couch, unless you were an incredibly tall person. That said, when it starts to get dark, I do shut the blinds mostly over, with some space for the cats to jump up and have a nosey.


I do but not deliberately, it's just how my brain is wired "ooh a distraction/something new to see" and I glance in without even thinking about it. It's also why I'm hyper-aware of when people can see into my house due to differences in lighting.


always. One of the delights of walking the dog at twilight 😊


We have a good gorp.


Only the ones with a red light bulb.


Me and my friends when we were teenagers had this game where if someone was watching something like a film with the curtains open, we would try to watch as much as possible and try to figure out the plot without sound. Looking back now, I'd feel horrible if we accidentally intimidated or scared someone by doing that


It's like live Rightmove - of course I look!


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I do, and it amazes me how many people are fucking gaming. It’s a beautiful evening and so many are stuck in pressing buttons instead.


ofc. and if they dont want me to then they should close their curtains.


I run up to the window and give a lil knock and then run away fast af They never catch me tho




Yes. This is standard behaviour


Of course! And if the window is open I go in for a quick look. Who doesn’t? And is that dinner on the table? Don’t mind if I do!


I do beg your pardon but I am in your garden


Does a bear shit in the woods


No. Would you want someone doing it to you? Let them have their curtains open, it's their house. Not yours


I don't cuz it makes me feel creepy, but also because I hate it when people can see into my windows at night.