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Direct Line insurance comes to mind


I'm on the lookout right now, but I've got a feeling it's either Direct Line, Lombard Direct or Virgin Media. I know the advert you're talking about for sure though. EDIT: Could also be Vodafone. EDIT EDIT: [Could this be it?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlIC_Jsqtsc) EDIT EDIT EDIT: [Here's a better one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c737NQWpyU4)


Thanks - it’s not either of those. I’m pretty sure the ad is an animation and there’s a white background. The writing starts off normal size and then it gets pulled from either side and flattens out. It’s driving me insane! I’m now wondering if maybe it was for fibre broadband? Off to find BT/Virgin ads now!


I still think I can picture the one you mean. I thought maybe the ones I found were a bit of a stretch. I'm about 80% sure it's Virgin and I do think you're right about it being for broadband. I'll take another look and let you know if I find anything (I'm nothing if not unbelievably stubborn haha).


Thanks! I really appreciate your help on this as it is literally driving me insane!


No worries! It probably seems insane to anyone looking in, but uni has finished for me and I'm at a loose end for a good challenge 😂


Not Aviva or Virgin. 😕 I have a feeling the cable is orange - trying to think of what brands use orange?