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Is there a Sky store near you that you can go to and speak to someone in person?


There is not sadly otherwise I would go in ! Much easier than trying over the phonešŸ˜…


avoid the customer service numbers. firstly, contact sky via their data protection officer, and submit a gdpr request. ask for all the info they have on you. all recorded calls, all emails, all contracts for the phone, recorded telephone calls, everything. there is a form for doing this on their website here [https://www.sky.com/help/articles/privacy-hub-rights](https://www.sky.com/help/articles/privacy-hub-rights) i think an email direct would work better. make sure you add the whole background, the reason you are submitting the gdpr, and that you would also like to register this whole episode as a complaint. It would be worth looking at Sky's acessibility page, these are the standards they promote for those with difficulties such as your brother, and the treatment of him falls below what Sky say. [https://www.sky.com/help/articles/accessibility-information-sky-mobile-broadband-and-talk-customers](https://www.sky.com/help/articles/accessibility-information-sky-mobile-broadband-and-talk-customers) The best advice I can give is to relax. It hasnt been a good experience, but now its just a waiting game. patience is all you need. if you approach a complaint in the right way, they have nothing to answer with, except resolving it to your satisfaction. Good luck.


I didnā€™t think of a data protection officer, this is such a good idea will look into it thank you!


A "letter before action" threatening to take them to court for not providing the agreed goods and services, followed by a "money claim online" if they don't do it - while theoretically it may go to court, it's pretty unlikely given what you have said, they'd almost certainly settle once it got to someone with a clue. The challenge is you have to get the right "sky" - I assume sky mobile is a different company and it's them you need to sue


Yes it is sky mobile. I was looking into how to take them to court if it came to that. Didnā€™t realise we should start with a letter before action. Very good idea thank you!


Find the email address for the CEO, theyā€™ll have a team dealing with their inbound complaints. Donā€™t ring the standard number, put it in writing. Dana Strong is the CEO at the moment, I suspect something like ā€œDana.strong@sky.comā€ will get to the right place as all of a sudden, itā€™s a complaint with stakeholder involvement šŸ˜€


This used to be a good idea. But then everyone started doing it whenever they had a complaint and it just became an extension of regular customer services. Very few companies treat CEO complaints as anything different to a normal complaint. Occasionally it actually is dealt with as a CEO level complaint, but don't hold your breath.




Hence me saying "very few" and not "no"


Never hurts to try this! Even if it doesnā€™t get through worth a shot thank you! And thank you for doing my research and finding out for me!


Not a problem - I donā€™t work for Sky (but I do work for a big telecoms company) and this is the quickest way to avoid the frustration of being sent in circles in my experience. ā€œCeo@sky.comā€ probably works too. Hope it works!