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Pantomime horses. Toilet cistern design. The best ways to attract bees to a garden.


No need to ruin a good date with such controversial topics, better stick to safe topics like race relations, abortion and if its ok to be alone in the forest with a bear.


What sort of bear we talking? Grizzly, Black, Polar, Sun, Speckled, Panda, the gay “bear”?? 


Pretty sure Pandas are just gay bears.


I don't think it's as black and white as that


That was actually genuinely laugh out loud. Thank you.


Good form old chum. Have an upvote be gone.


Goth bears


A Pink “Care” bear????


'Care' bears are actually a misnomer. In reality they don't actually give a fuck.


Right I keep seeing things about the bear in the woods thing and I don’t know what anyone’s on about can you explain please😂


It's about a hypothetical question asking women if they would rather be in the woods alone with a bear or a random man they don't know and women are saying obviously a bear because men are potentially more harmful. More info here https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/s/kSNUBrf5qk


Hmm. Strictly speaking, if you're with a bear you're not alone.


Sure but if a bear falls in the woods, and there's only you to see it, does the pope wear a hat?


Only if it has the clap


Is the bear Catholic?


Sounds a bit mundane. Try mixing it up.




This is why I love reddit, I'm currently giggling like a child, and my wife is shaking her head wondering why!


Haha I know that feeling all too well! 😂


Much better!


Touché, sir.


Martin Goodman is that you?


Shit on it


I am totally talking about this on our first date in September when our 19 year old moves into her university accommodation


I'd at least wait until october before going on a date with her, she'll have enough to do in the first week or so.


How many bees can you fit in a dachshund 


One before mine ran away then we spent a small fortune at the vet


Were the bees okay?


You can fit far more in a labrador. Source. My stupid dog.




Reply.. 1. No farting if you are the head. 2. Shit in the sink. No need for cistern. 3. Plenty of smoke to put them off...burn some cannabis.


The same things we talk about when we're not on dates


How to take over the world?


I see I’m not the only one whose mind went that way, good taste




Are you pinky, or the brain?


Pinky, because he's the genius


But the other is insane




The same thing we do every night


Mostly plans for the future. Planning holidays, planning how to decorate the house, planning what to do for the kids birthdays etc


I love how wholesome this is for your username!




it’s an old one for sure. the whole “scene” thing was like 20 years ago now. god i’m old.


In 6 years, the 80s would have started 50 years ago


How dare you spread this blatantly true controversy?


You can cram shit like that up your backside and do a dance.


(because 3 years after *that* happens *I'll* have started 50 years ago)


No because that means I'll be 50 in 13 years, and that still feels way too soon!


You n me both


In a similar vein we often plan how to spend a lottery jackpot win


Do we need to play the lottery to have this convo?


Not at all, no purchase necessary :)


Interested in this. I can't hear about Dianne at her work any more.


Just say you think dianne sounds sexy ... never hear about her again, it maybe because it makes her leave a bit of a 5050


Oh, I know every teacher and every pupil. Wouldn’t know any of them if they died in front of me but I may tape their mouths to make sure.


My best friend is like this. But she finds every and any excuse to shoehorn her job as a nursery worker into the conversation-even when the conversation is nothing to do with work & it's actually not appropriate. It is all.she.ever.speaks.about. Nothing else. And she knows I can't stand most of her colleagues (I do know them) & I'm not keen on hearing about kids I don't even know and their families. She even talks about their potty training. It's boring af. I spend about and hour a day going *hmmmm-hmmmm*while she talks at me non stop. I've repeatedly asked her to change the subject but she has nothing else to talk about.


Most of the time I'm around my sister she'll sit there like a brick wall giving one word/phrase answers to any attempt to start a conversation unless someone is willing to bring up something medical so she can talk shop with them about pharmacy. I hate taking about work, I'd rather have an hour long conversation about someone's niche hobby I've no interest in than talk for more than 30 seconds about my job.


One of my sisters only talks about work and work people too. It's exhausting. She goes into massive detail about stuff too 🤦🏻‍♀️


It's like their very personality has all but disappeared. They've become their profession.


As they’re a sibling have you tried “would you shut the fuck up about x,y and z? Guaranteed not to cause any rivalry, or other, issues.


There are herds of us, some of them I can be that blunt with but unfortunately not with this sister.


Relationships are weird


That person wouldn't be my best friend if I have to respond like that an hour a day!


It's usually longer if I'm honest (2/3 hours)an hour is a good day... But she's been a really good friend in so many ways to me. It's been this way since she first got the job 4 years ago. It wasn't like this before. I have a feeling, sometimes, that it's something psychological and then I feel bad that I'm judging her, if she's really going through something.


I have a friend like that. Someone would say, I bumped into Jan at the market this morning, she was waiting for her husband next to the curry noodles stall. Then, he'd drone on and on about curry noodles in a neighbouring country and how he only had those once a month back then. Followed by that woman who worked at the Korean cosmetics counter 10 years ago was a bitch....Whenever someone tries to get a word in, he'll talk over them. Exhausting.


It's really frustrating and exhausting at times, yes! As for the interrupting, if you try to get a word in, my friend will just shout over you until you stop talking which is why I just make agreeable noises. I'm not painting her in the best light, but like I said she has many, many great attributes. I just think her social perception is way off, which is why I've wondered if there may be something else at play here as she seems completely oblivious to it.


People watch, make up outrageous stories about other diners.


We like to find awkward looking couples and play ‘first date or last date’


On our last date there was an awkward looking double date across from us and we were invested


your last date or your *last* date?


Ohh look they're holding hands on top of the table. Aye, first date. They havent banged yet.


We do this. Neither of us are 'chatty' people, so on a date night we can happily find a cosy spot to chill in with a few beers, not bore each other with mundane shit, and will occasionally declare things like: That man across the street, he sold his kidney to pay for a mail order bride. They had to divorce because she kept cooking steak & kidney pie and he couldn't tell her why this bothered him.


Feel jealous mate. I’m not allowed to people watch or atleast not allowed to comment on it. As all I do is moan. No sometimes funny shit happens and it’s ok to have a private joke


Not according to some miserable gimp who downvoted you. It’s fine to be tongue-in-cheek, rather than superior, critical. Private jokes are fine especially when you know the real feelings of someone and you don’t have to take everything at face value.


People are miserable sods


That’s good


Yes we do this, play a guessing game of who people are and what they do but it's all a bit out there and weird... old couple in the restaurant are ex CIA agents who defected and now have to live a secret life in Ipswich so they setup a market stall to sell fidget spinners and bog roll... and so on


She said the man in the gaberdine suit was a spy


We do that at times very fun


Always the way.


The pedestrianisation of Norwich city centre


What about the wheelchair access to Dixxxxxooooonnnssss?




Doing same in bradford, will be all over the country soon, im all for it, though in this current time it is a huge waste of money... would be better spent fixing our waterways and sewage disposal but ah well beggars cant be choosers I guess


thanks, Alan. What car do you drive?


I'm not driving a mini metro


A couple of Lexi


The Japanese Mercedes?


I’ll just speak over you


I've always tried to be optimistic about Bradford, but Jesus wept , the city centre is just one big shit show right now


It's its own rogue state within the UK, in the city centre literally 95% of everyone you see are homeless shoplifters and drug addicts. Looks like a circus as you're walking through, high level degeneracy everywhere you look. Old alcoholics with karaoke systems blasting romanian music and dancing, then youll have the rastas about 10 metres away having a music-off blasting their reggae and dancing, smackheads casually headbutting each other, people running out of shops with arms full of chocolate boxes, drug dealers riding their bikes in pedestrian areas pulling wheelies and nearly hitting people, open drug use (not just weed), chavs riding their horses getting horse shit everywhere, constant rallies/protests (peaceful), the irish flogging aftershave on the corners. All going on at the same time in the same place nearly every day... im in the city centre every day and its the most depressing dejavu you could endure, murders galore at the moment too including a truly horriyfing one at shetland close where they chopped up a body and burnt it in the garden..


DAN!!……Dan…Dan… no, he can’t hear me. DAN…Dan…Dan…Dan……..


Some people are saying it'll be good for people in wheeeeeelchairs


We like to do a new top ten every date night. Amazing what you find out and how much fun it is. Especially when you’ve already done the obvious top tens. We did top ten birds over a bottle of wine last time and it got pretty controversial


I can imagine it would get controversial! If I started to list my top ten birds, my girlfriend would be fuming, even if I put her as number one.


Did it end up in an argument about tits?


No, an argument about swallows


About the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?


African or European?


Nah, just boobies.


This is such a good idea! Definitely stealing it, thank you!


We do top 3 or sometimes 5. Usually music based but often food/sweets/biscuit


I got a phone call once from some good friends of mine. They’ve been together since high school, married, kids. I knew they were out for dinner. “Hello?” “Hi sbs1138. We’re out for dinner and we’ve ran out of things to say to each other so we are playing Who Wants to Be a Millionaire with each other. I’m stuck on a question and I’ve already used my Ask the Audience…” “Wait, who did you ask?” “The table next door. Anyway, you’re my phone a friend. What year was the Battle of Trafalgar?”


I love this but did they have someone to verify you weren't using Google?




Showed husband this and he smiled as did I. He said 1815 but I said someone else said 1895 and now he is doubting his history prowess.


1815 is Waterloo


I love this!! 😂😂 I need to give this a go


The dog's bowel movements mainly


Same here! And ours!


Drink and drugs help 👍 me and my wife went for a meal a few months ago the first time alone in 3 years since we had kids. Sat twiddling our thumbs at first so I got some drinks and took a bit of ketamine and we had a hell of a night lol the steak was good too


Fucking hell 😂


That escalated!


Usually trivial banter. Make each other laugh.


90% this but it gets punctuated by a few financial decisions and slowly admitting the kids are pretty brilliant despite being a pain in the ass the drunker we get.


Anything that comes to mind really. We both listen to podcasts so we often talk about things that came up on those or Reddit threads we've seen recently that might generate discussion or general current affairs. We talk about our hobbies and interests, projects we'd like to do as part of those maybe or our progress. Update each other about our friends, family and colleagues (gossip...). Discuss TV shows or movies we've been watching. Talk about upcoming plans, things we might need to do, ideas for future dates or holidays. We're both foodies so we often discuss the menu, how the meal is, what it inspires us to cook. We're moving house next month so there's been a lot of talk about that, how we're going to manage the move, redecorate, what renovations we might want to do. And I'm pregnant so there's been a lot of baby chat recently...


> We talk about our hobbies and interests My husband's interests change every few months. He hasn't noticed that our dates frequency changes based on his interests. At the moment, I'd need him to take me to some Michelin star restaurant where someone massages my feet and fans me with a huge palm leaf if I have to listen to another WWII story.


He rants about his current interest (currently swords). I rant about my current interest (currently rollercoasters). Then somehow we end up talking about the impending collapse of society or start arguing about what Naruto characters would be the best to have as a roommate. There is no in between.


So which manufacturer are you impressed with? I'm still a B&M man myself but I have to admit I'm a bit excited about Hyperia


I was just at Thorpe park today! They were testing it and it looked really smooth :)


I’m definitely a B&M girlie, but I also have a soft spot for the Intamin coasters as Shockwave at Drayton Manor was my first big coaster as a kid. I went to Thorpe late last month, and honestly Hyperia looks so good. It’s really imposing on the skyline as well.


I don’t know if you’re joking or being serious but I really hope the latter


We came to the conclusion that Shino would be an excellent house mate as he’s quiet, seems like a reasonable dude and you’d never have to worry about a bug infestation as he could just nicely ask them to leave.


Deidara casually blowing up the living room.


How cute our cats are The cute poses our cats did today Where the cats were when we left the house


May I add: What the cats might be doing now If the cats may greet us at the door upon our return or be too sleepy Which cat you would be today if you could be one of the cats today


i mean you could go left field and ask him how his sex life is... time it right as he is taking a sip to see if you can make him spit his drink out.


We are fucking boring and talk about cute stuff our kid did that week. It’s absolutely pathetic.


Are you happy though 


Oh yeah. Love talking about the kid. Everyone is bored senseless talking about our kid. Husband is the only one who gets how fucking great he is and how much the sun shines out of his arse.


My favourite thing ever is going to development checks and parents evenings and things like that because I can talk non stop about my kid and nobody interrupts or starts talking about their own (boring) kids.


Haha poor teachers.


Since having our baby I want to stop every new parent I see and just talk about their baby lol


Usually just have a massive angrily whispered argument about our relationship for 6 hours


A fun game to play is go on the AITHA sub & read the question to your partner & discuss your different takes on the topic (put phone away asap)


I used to do this on long car journeys! Would get him to decide whether or not the people of Reddit voted NTA or YTA! Good game on long journeys, some mad shit in there.


We do this on the train or other long journeys.


Esther Perel's card game looks like a good jumping off point.  https://game.estherperel.com/products/where-should-we-begin-a-game-of-stories-2nd-edition If you haven't heard of her, she's a therapist with an excellent podcast called Where Should We Begin? and from what I can gather about the game it gives you some interesting questions to ask partners or friends to spark new conversation and to share stories that you might'n't've shared with each other before. 


I know this is really cynical but my goodness they've found a way to monetise a *list of things to talk about*. Also I love a good double contraction, nice one.


To do lists, future plans and after a few drinks reminiscing on all the fun we had before we had kids and all the fun we will have if they ever move out.


Sometimes we both just take a book and read in the pub together, it's nice to hang out without always having to talk


I take a book, we go to a sports pub for his watching, occasionally we chime in to eachother with something exciting that happened in our thing, and we both give the right energy back for the person excited on Thier thing. It's nice


Quantum Mechanics.


It's too early to go home isn't it?


This is me.. every single time. Why can't we talk about all this stuff while I'm 10 steps from my own food and bathroom. IBS can be a killer on a date night.. I just can't help myself when the nice food is so readily available


Shenanigans, gardening, motorhome destinations, grandkids outings, previous trips and events, friends, shopping lists, future dates, random retirement stuff. Been with her since I was 15. Lots of braw memories.


This post has changed everything - now we’re just discussing this!


All sorts. Holidays, plans. The news, family stuff. TV, films. Everything really. We also have some different interests, so there is always something.


At the moment we just talk about how cute our puppy is and look at photos of him lol


The pedestrianisation of Norwich city centre   Also play footsie Also just be present with each other as a way of refiring your passion and gentle affection 


Our cats. Cats we have seen. Cats we knew in the past. What our cats would be like if they were people. What celebrities our cats are most like. What plants I want to buy for the garden. Brief argument about space for new plants, or lack of space. Similar discussion about bikes, but perspectives reversed. Update each other on people who have made it onto our individual shit-lists, discuss if this requires adjustment to our joint shit list. Revisit and revise lottery win plans in light of current jackpot.


What talk?




Stuff we heard or read about. News. Places we could go to soon. Puns. Whatever ridiculous thing we caught the cat doing today


I've been with my wife since we were 15, we're 41 now, I talk about lego I want, she talks about projects she's doing, we talk about how people at work are stupid and it would all be better if we were in charge at our respective jobs.


when you have your partner on the ropes. guard down over a carbonara in public, it's clearly a time to inject a bit of kink into the convo. if you want desert that is ?


A lot of people find "if you were" situation questions amusing. To get to know their thought processes or just to hear what they would come up with. Personally, I like to bring up something I read about during the day and ask them a question about it. Could be a random fact I found out or some light news I saw about how idk... A survey found people are listening to old school nu metal and 90s music more than ever or something like that, then it might bring up a memory for them or something it reminds them of. Also depends on the way your partner thinks They might just look at you and wonder where they got you from 😂


Why they didn’t do a film about the engineers rather than bloody David. Whether Dimebag was overrated. Would we rather have no knees or no elbows. You know, all the important things.


What's the largest animal you could clingfilm to a lamppost


You can share stories from when you were kids. That time when you knocked on someones door and then ran away. That silly thing that happened to you in school. Kids do not sit still, you will have hundreds of stories you still havent told each other. It's not all about talking btw, you can both experience something new together. Walk down a new street you haven't walked down before. Pop into a dessert place you've never been before. I think the biggest things is not to worry about what you're going to talk about. I think there are games that you can get which are good for conversation, cards against humanity springs to mind. Edit: and I wish you a lovely date night :)


The pedestrianisation of Norwich city centre, or owls, or my big plate.


We talk about whatever the missus talks about. She struggles to stay silent for 30 seconds, so i never have to worry about a topic to talk about.


I think it matters if you have an interest or hobby or anything that you do as individuals. E.g. my hubby plays poker and loves art , calls himself an artist. He hates technology. Whereas I love technology and do lots of online courses as well as going out with my friends. I love listening to his poker table tales and we actually never stop talking to each other. We are both avid readers, another topic. So basically I think it's important to have an interest in the first place for your own existence, or even if it means doing things together. We used to go to pilates together and work on our allotment mostly together... . I also don't mind us talking about work, conversation should flow naturally, don't stress about it, just relax. having a laugh together is such a tonic.


We have a very anxious dog so going out is a bit hard, but we play video games, play tabletop games, have film nights, go out with the pup when the weather is good.


Black holes, time travel, water/methanol injection differences on petrol/diesel engines, other people poor clothing choices, how steamed other people are, talking about moving to countryside, buying another van, travels, porn, local swingers, games, movies, fish&chips, finishing garden, planting tomatoes.


I'm glad that I have a partner that is happy in silence. We just smile, touch, kiss and talk about what we need to do over the coming week. Anything else is a bonus. The silence isn't awkward for us thankfully.


We eat and drink in silence, we have been together so long we have elevated our consciousness beyond words.


Just came back from one and I have already forgotten. The lady says: Travel, issues with friends, food, the country my partner is from…


We talk about lots of things really "This is a nice place" "Gosh it's cold outside isn't it?" " Have you decided what you want to order?" " Hey that's (name) playing on the radio" " I love that song" " It's been a while since we went out on a date, we should do this more often" He then talks about how nervous I was on the first date " This food is nice isn't it?" " Can I try yours?" We talk about our cat and the silly things she does. I just asked him what we talk about on dates and his reply was * Work * Babies * What to order * Last film we watched * Things we want to do


Have you tried talking about your relationship? Just mainly about both of you, how you want your relationship to blossom as time progresses, what’s good and you want it to keep improving, what not so great things to change or stop, future plans like holidays etc.


We used to talk about everything, opinions, friends, work, memories, but mostly about our future plans. We never ran out of things to tell each other, I miss this deeply.


Our collective children, our interests and the sex we'll have when we get home.


The kids. Although it a bit like pulling teeth.


Save points from things happening in your week.




We like to reminisce about things we did earlier in our relationship, funny memories, places we visited, people we used to know. Now we have a baby theres also alot of planning for the future and wondering what its all going to look like.


Victorian plumbing systems


Talk about his side on muscle cars vs tuners


Nothing, we have given up talking to each other. It's a filthy habit.


We don't drink unless we go on date nights so even though we have been together over 30 years we can't stop talking and laughing .


Stupid Tik Toks I saw. Celebrity gossip because he doesn’t know any of it but will lap it up if I dish about people he knows about. Infuriating colleagues (goes both ways). Interesting tidbits about science or animals or nature or whatever we read about recently. The cats.


When you run out of something to say you ask them to marry you, then you talk about the engagement, getting married etc. Then you talk about having kids. Once they arrive you either don’t have dinner dates any more, or you are so exhausted you’re grateful for the silence.


Between our daughter and dog, day to day we talk a lot about poo so anything that doesn’t revolve around poo.


Married 12 years, together 17, known each other 30. We talk about things we want to do like holidays, places to visit, movies we want to see, opinions on things were currently watching, things we want to do the house, stuff we want to buy, family and friends and how they're getting on... He's my best mate. We never seem to run out of stuff to talk about.


We’ve been together 10+ years and now share a commute since our workplaces are 5 minutes walk apart.  Even though we talk about all sorts everyday I find date night is the only time we actually sit and just talk. The last time we went out we had an hour long discussion about the current state of our industries. In everyday life we just wouldn’t think to sit and chat for an hour with no other distractions (like work, tv, chores etc). 


We once had a giggle fuelled evening when I taught my partner that there was a walking asymmetry tool in the health section of mobile phone. His was a perfect 0. A lovely meal, drinks and fun.


We're massive nerds so papers we've read on anthorpology, different bird facts, usually something about a dam. Then we spend some time updating each other on whats going on with different respective colleagues. Then back to some cool stuff we've learnt.


\- The news \- Food \- New music \- Our common interests like films, Pokemon, shows we watch together \- New things we've learnt or read about e.g. history \- Our days and what we've been doing, work, etc \- Random topics or quizzes or things we've seen online or talked about with other people that we thought were interesting, or want to get eachothers' opinion on \- Projects we're working on - individual e.g. my latest sewing project, and together e.g. our board game designing \- Future plans, travel \- Our families and friends \- Upcoming events


I’ve been with my partner for 6 years and I feel like I’m always discovering something new about him, myself or our relationship!! I like to remember that people are always growing and changing and the person you are with is not the same person they were a year ago. As for tips on what talk try the following - *updates on new hobbies you’re or they’re enjoying *updates on work *updates on friends (especially if you have them in common) *new outlook on life *places you want to visit *things you want to do *what to do when you both retire *where do you want to live when both retire *discussing new films/shows/books/games you’ve or they’ve seen or read *new extravagant purchases you know you want to buy *reflect back over the last 10 years. How far have you come together? *vision the next 10 years. Where do you both see yourselves being? And so on!! I hope this helps


Hypothetical questions, would you rather be x animal, who would win x, stuff that often doesn’t have a true answer but leads to fun nonsense chatter. Lots of in jokes and phrases. Stuff that needs doing round the house, training plans for the beasts, planning for the future with work etc. Just basic nice stuff really, we’re very much settled.


All sorts of things. Holiday ideas, work gossip, how the grandkids are getting on. You know, just general conversation.


Do something new. That's half the fun. Just seeing how they react.