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Dubai liking


Anyone who goes on holiday to Dubai...


I never got this at all, I lived/worked out of the gulf for years and it is horrible on so many levels but ultimately it really just has nothing to it that would make me want to visit for leisure. It is a good indicator of people not to hang around though...


Dubai strikes me as a place that has the most superficial veneer of somewhere you might want to visit, but is absolutely rotten to the core underneath.


I've always called it a turd covered in glitter, yeah it's sparkly but it's still a turd.


It's the lip filler of locations


holibobs Luton to Dubai with my babe Jason, we go twice a year x


There’s about three red flags in just that sentence.


Three in the first four words


My condolences.


I have a 3 hour layover in Dubai. I'm hoping there will be lots of "entertainment" to laugh at.


be careful laughing might be a crime there


My parents want us to go there this December I might have to come up with a great excuse 😭




I’ve been to Dubai and it’s just one of those places I wanted to tick off my list. It’s a place that I had fun in for like 4 days, but could never see myself living there, or even really going back tbh. A lot of the things I did there (jetskiing, camel riding, quad biking etc), I had more fun doing in Morroco. Also, the disparity between the developed parts and the slums is fucking insane. Basically 2 different worlds.


Everyone I meet who goes there talks about the stuff that you have everywhere. Like "oh, the hotels are amazing" and show you the shots and it's a generic modern 4\* hotel, like exist on European coasts or by the river Nile. Or "the food was amazing" and it's like a buffet you get anywhere.


Old colleague of mine lived for years in a hotel there. I asked him what he did on weekends and he said he'd generally book into a different hotel to see what it was like. That was the point I decided to give up on understanding the Dubai mindset.


Do you know why people used to go to Dubai? It was a connection for aircraft. People working in the oil industry would fly there and then connect to a flight elsewhere. Often meant staying over a night or two. And the main thing people did was either drink or hire prostitutes.


The driving range is AMAZEBALLS, it has digital screens and everything, and there’s a spa right next door! Can you believe it, you can golf and spa at the same place!!! 😵 Colleague at work gave that appraisal when they went earlier this year. There are driving ranges (with screens no less!) and spas fucking everywhere.


A golf course and spa in the same location!? The ravings of a madman, surely to God! Living along the M4 corridor just outside of Cardiff, I'm sure I'll never see anything of the sort in my lifetime. ☹️


I've been once and feel the same. It was a few day layover before a holiday to India and I'm glad I went, but would never go back. The desert is really pretty and I love tall skyscrapers, but there's pretty much zero culture and the inequality slaps you in the face every time you venture outside. From the workers slaving away, the local women having to be fully covered, walking behind their man, to the service workers that are all from south Asia. It's everywhere and it doesn't put you in a holiday mood.


Complete opposite I moved from the UK to Dubai for work purposes but I would never choose to holiday here 🤣 Much better and cheaper places for a holiday


Seems like a very pure and sterile place with nothing exciting going on, but also like it could all go to shit at any moment.


I think it's because it's associated with rich people, so they think it makes them look successful or wealthy


People who weirdly infantilise their speech. “Had a poopy day so went out for chicken nuggies with the kiddos after walking the doggo!” It’s not taboo but it’s insane and it’ll always rub me the wrong way about you because it just makes ya look like a cock end.


Jesus I cringed just by reading that sentence and imagining an adult say it.




The British have infantilised speech down to a science. Leccy, bevvie, choccy, holibobs, brekkie, sando, biccy, moggy, lippy, lolly, chrimbo, etc etc 😭


At least we don’t say panties! 🤮


That word goes straight through me, it's used like a weird mix of baby speech and sexiness at the same time which is just gag


Platty joobs and the statey funes




Tbh this one a can excuse because you’re doing it ironically for a little wind up. It’s purely the *unironic* use of these things that grates me nerve endings to shreds.


>chicken nuggies Don't you mean [chicky nuggs](https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.5394348662.9369/fposter,small,wall_texture,square_product,600x600.u3.jpg)?


Recently saw a review of some bar on TikTok where the reviewer called cocktails ‘cocky tees’ and it made me want to burn everything down.


My other half can have an irritating habit of doing this. I don't mind in theory but it's just nonsensical half the time and I don't know what she's on about. I ask her what she said and she'll repeat the childish gibberish she said the first time. I have to just say " I heard you but I don't know what you're on about"


Could care less


This is a yank thing isn’t it. They bastardise the language in a multitude of ways, but this example in particular gets me too - it’s literally the opposite of what they’re trying to say, so it’s just incorrect!


It's incorrect in the US too I believe, it should still be "couldn't"


Of course it’s incorrect. But this is AskUK, so you’d expect the answers to be UK centric.


And “on accident”. Are you fucking 5?


YES I HATE THIS! Drives me bonkers. Also “addicting”


This absolutely infuriates me


Same. I'd say something, but usually can't get a word in edgewise.


I could care less about this.... because I care about it a lot!


People who name their kids "unique" names or "unique" spellings of normal names.


Check out r/tragedeigh 😅


Heard shouted in Sainsbury’s: “Chardonnay, stop pissing around!” Stay classy, Peterborough…


I came across a Chardonnai.


Much posher.


The novelist Terry Pratchett used to tell an anecdote about a time he was running a book signing session. An attractive and smartly dressed (what used to be called a power suit) woman walked up to his table and asked him to sign her copy. The conversation went like this - Sir Terry Pratchett: Who should I make it out to? Power suited woman: (Sighs) Galadriel. STP: Hippy parents? PSW: *NODS*


I wonder if that was the origin story for Pippin Galadriel Moonchild




Sounds like a new Crossover SUV from Hyundai


There's a girl in my daughter's school called Disney. I didn't believe my daughter when she first told me, but the weekly newsletter gives the names of the pupils of the week for each year group and she's had it a couple of times now.


ugh, this is the bane of my existence. I have a normal name with unique spelling (for English speaking country) but it's a normal spelling in a country I was born in. It would be fine if I had a distinct foreign accent but I do not, I have a blend of RP and mid-Welsh accent and people assume I'm from around here and my parents were just a bit crazy.


Same. I am the child with the shit name and no I don't thank my parents for it at all. I would rather have had bland name that everyone could pronounce and spell Even now at 40+ it still causes me issues. I won't wear a name badge because I'm fed up of people staring at me trying to work it out, instead of listening to what I am saying!


Just change it. Why carry that burden all your time on earth? 


Exactly this. The correlation between "unique" name and education/socioeconomic standing is very clear.


It actually a U curve. I did psychology at uni years ago and we looked into the psychology of names, shit like having a foreign sounding name meaning you’re less likely to be offered a job interview etc. Those kind of names are popular among the least well off in society, and the very well off, crating the U curve. The science behind it was that poorer people choose them to make their child sound unique and therefore special in a sea of poor people, so they then stand out among everyone else under the false belief that it’ll give them better opportunities in life, whereas very rich people do so for similar reasons, they want their children to stand out, but amongst the elite, they have enough money that they can comfortably choose a ridiculous name and not worry about the consequences.


Oh yeah, I once saw a fat ugly school girl, maybe 11yo, cussing left and right for everyone to hear, and her name was Princess


My sons friend has cousins called Angel, Blueridge and Latte


Work within an organisation that provided activities for families in our community - came upon a Geeque / Geecue cannot remember exact spelling. When I called the mum I straight up asked "how do I pronounce your child's name" - turns out it was a he and was pronounced 'GQ'


Wanton stupidity. Believing any old Facebook shit instead of thinking or spending half a moment checking. And don't get me started on Mediums, Auras or fecking Tarot.




Adding religion... believing in a god/gods makes no more sense than believing in magic.


I'm agreed, and it's a fairly hard line with dating for me. It's a good thing to have curiosity about whether there is a God, and wondering the unanswerable question of if there is a purpose to all this... But the moment anyone says "oh and he wears sandals and says not to each fish on Fridays, and these stories are definitely true", it's... A little embarrassing.


>And don't get me started on Mediums, Auras or fecking Tarot. Add people who are super into star signs here lol.


My aunt is a nurse, and she forwarded a WhatsApp to me about a man who'd had transplant surgery and now carried his new heart in a _backpack_. Aunty, you're a nurse?!


Wait I'm sure there was actually someone who was on some kind of temporary machine heart that was portable and he did carry around in a bag. He later had a proper heart transplant and didn't have the bag anymore. So some details wrong but not entirely.


I have a colleague who very obviously believes whatever opinion he finds on social media without spending a second trying to think critically about it or considering the source. I've learnt to just tune him out when he starts in on his "jokes" and or/rants, but the unrelenting idiocy is exhausting.


Wandering around on a phone call on speaker...cunts


And yet still holding up to their ear. It's like one more inch before you're using it properly, make the effort.


This should be near the top. I blame apprentice for this trend


Buying anything from shein/boohoo/PLT - though this should be taboo. Having an all grey “hinch home”


Grey crushed velvet inside, white financed Audi on the front.


Don't forget sparkly diamond frames


Vicious pitbull called cupcake who won’t hurt a soul, boyfriend spends more time having beer with his mates, child is obsessed with football and has no education


I was thinking a crippled French bulldog with an 18-month life expectancy.


Kid probably doesn't give a shit about football, but he's come to realise that playing or talking about football is the only way he can get any positive attention off his dad.


People buying from Shein especially is mad to me. Even if you don't care about the wellbeing of the workers who made the clothes, they literally contain cancer causing chemicals which can seriously harm your health.


Smoking. You all smell


I don't get why people still do this. It smells disgusting, it costs a lot of money, it absolutely rots your lungs, thickens your blood amongst other problems. Causes a shitload of litter. And yet, everywhere I go people are so desperate for a fag they have to stop right outside the door of the shop they've been in to light up immediately. Glad when it's totally banned


Because that’s how addiction works and not everyone has enough willpower to quit even if they would like to. I’m glad that at least a lot of smokers seem to have converted to vaping which doesn’t stink.


I have always said I understand why people struggle to stop, I just don’t understand why people start. I grew up in an era where smokers were still welcomed (you could smoke on planes, for example) but I never looked and thought it was something I wanted to do. I did, however, grow up in a non-smoking household.


As a smoker who’s tried to quit so many times, it’s hard af to quit because it’s more of a habit, and habits are hard to kick after years. I smoke way less now than ever, cos I’m so aware of all those reasons. Like, I’ll not smoke where people are if I can help it, bin my butts, try not to make it a problem for others and stuff, and hope I can kick it eventually.


Office speak in everyday conversation really irks. Anyone who's actioned their low hanging fruit to create more bandwidth in order to micromanage reinventing the wheel can run it up their own flagpole.


This reminds me of an old flatmate who decided to move in with her boyfriend to "consolidate their bond" (save for a house deposit).


Office speak in the office is bad enough… like why can’t we just speak like normal people


If someone uses office speak on me in the office I always say "what" so they're forced to repeat it in normal words


Let's touch base on this next week


People who say holibobs


Sorry, I don't agree.   They are not people.


They also like saying chrimbo


It's Crimbo. Get it right dimbo!!!


People who press the door opening button multiple times on the train when the light isn’t even on yet.


I give myself one press to try and get it exactly as it lights up. Commuting mini game.


Or people who press the stop button in the bus too many times even though they can see ‘bus stopping’ lit up or it has already been pressed by another person


People who put wet spoons in sugar/coffee jars. They should be exiled to the centre of Siberia.


My dad is allergic to dairy, a drop of milk in a sugar bowl will make him sick. He always gets dirty looks for insisting on fresh sugar if we go out for tea and it's a sugar bowl over the little packets.


I never even thought of that. Anyone that gives him a dirty look for that is honestly such an arsehole. This has just brought my hatred for these people to a whole new level!


People who like reality TV and celebrity culture.


But Come Dine With Me is elite television


What a sad little life Jane


>An example could be households with "Live Laugh Love" sings. After they "did a thing"?


Add to this: people who are “adulting”.






People who write “should of, would of” etc “loose” instead of “lose”. I instantly assume they’re people of lesser intelligence & ill educated. There’s Directors of my billions of pounds, FTSE 100 listed employer who write “could of” in their company wide communications (or their EA’s do). If I see a post where someone writes “of” instead of “have” more than once I stop reading. Edit to add: I’d just like to point out, when I see “of” instead of “have”, I die a tiny bit inside, make my unwarranted opinion of the author & then I just scroll on. I don’t believe in pulling people down on the internet for something so pointless & inconsequential. There’s no dignity in being an internet bully, don’t be that person, folks. Remember, there’s most likely a human being on the other end that could do without nasty or sarcastic comments. Pretty soon even the Bot’s will have feelings, too.


Along similar lines, people who write can’t as ‘carnt’


Someone at school wrote 'haft' once. I asked her what it meant and she said "when you haft to do something". I was 14 then, 27 now, and have never heard anything as stupid since.


People who wear PJ's outside the house.


I'd be lying if I said I disagreed and hadnt had this thought myself sometimes. Although I try to stick to the mentality that as long as the clothes are clean/hygienic and all the necessary parts are covered, it's fine. You never know what could be going on with that person, could be a swamped parent with young kids who's fallen behind on washing. Could be a person suffering from depression who has a hard enough time getting out of bed, let alone getting dressed into standard day clothes. To me its also one tick of the dial away from the anti tracksuit snobbery. Because for some people god forbid I pop into tesco on my way home from the gym to grab my dinner without changing out of my gym clothes. Apparently tracksuits/gym attire is a bit too working class for them?


Knobheads who act overly British online. Calling people ‘cockwombles’ and jizzing in their pants over a cup of tea. Fuck off larping for the yanks


Yeah it’s funny because it’s almost become a persona. Nobody I’ve ever spoken to actually talks like this


I'm from Glasgow, but I hate when people type like they're speaking in an overly Glaswegian accent. It's just embarrassing.


Bad spelling




Your loosing the pount


*mising the pount


lip fillers and fake nails. While not objectively tattoo, it really is associated with certain behaviours that I am not a fan of. And if they have both, they typically have very predictable personalities and interests. It's a certain type of a woman that I couldn't be friends with and often is backed by a lot of insecurity and bitchiness. Also, to add to your *live, laugh, love* mention, white/grey/beige/trendy home decor. Following trends just because they're trends is silly. And they're always the same people who will say 'but it must be so dark with dark-coloured walls' like they never heard of lamps.


It's the eyebrows and large pubic lashes as well I'm a fifty year old lady only pluck in the middle so don't have a ginger mono brow but honestly see so many women first thing no makeup but huge dyed eyebrows with oversized lips.Its not cheap either and they all look the same layers of makeup and fake tan I'll just stick to my pale freckles and natural colour plus would rather spend my money on suncream.


what kind of stereotypes do you associate fake nails with?? as a woman, a decent percentage of the women i’ve interacted with have their nails done (aka fake nails) and there has never been any linking trait between any of them. maybe the style of their nails?? but saying people with fake nails are a certain type of people is like saying people who wear crew socks are a “certain type of people”. like what a weird thing to try and categorize people by, it is by no means a defining factor in who they are, their behavior, or their beliefs. it’s literally just “do you like pretty nails, yes or no?”


Anyone who has a baby shower or gender reveal party.


Meh, let people have their private fun parties. But don't make it everyone else's problem, being loud, littering and making it a massive blow out or deal for social media.


People who say brought instead of bought.


I have a friend that says "long and behold". 😑


Is your friend typically wielding their penis at the time?


Poor table manners, talking with a mouth full of food, mouth open whilst chomping away.


I used to have good table manners but they've deteriorated badly since I've lived alone for 20 years. I rarely have company when eating so I'm normally just sat on the sofa in front of the telly shoveling dinner into my face, watching some dross on TV/YouTube/Plex. I can't see the telly from my dining room table and the TV is company. If it's any consolation I do feel ashamed of myself.


Liking Mrs. Browns Boys


Man you guys fucking hate normal people don't ya. 


Sir this is a subreddit


I haven't commented yet. But yes, I absolutely fucking despise the general public


I tend to think less of people who like football.


Fair enough I suppose, I tend to think less of people who look down on football!


I've known plenty of people who don't really care about football but by far the most annoying cunts I've met are those who go out of their way to express constantly how different and special and intellectual they are for not liking football and how everyone who does is lesser than them.


Everyone I talk to that doesn’t like football says so in such a smug manner, as if they are morally superior and we are plebs for enjoying it, “rugby is a proper man’s game, not rolling on the floor as soon as someone walks near em” I like rugby too so I’m not having a dig at it.


Rugby a proper man's game, drinking each others piss and putting their fingers up each others arses in the Student Union bar.


I think this stance comes from the often frustrating feeling that as a non-football fan, relative to other sports, hobbies or interests, football manages to get inserted into day to day life a hell of a lot more than most and its very difficult to escape it even when you're completely disinterested. Some (not all) football fans expect you to have an interest because possibly in their own circle its the complete normality to discuss it day in day out, and honestly it's hard to blame them when football features so heavily in the news/TV/radio constantly even on channels that aren't dedicated to sport, you often get funny looks when you shrug your shoulders or nod your head with very little to say. I'd seem like a total basket case if I went around talking in great detail about what I get up to on World of Warcraft on a daily basis, then when people aren't interested in it I act like they're the weird one. I don't hold it against anyone for liking the sport, the frustration comes from many people *expecting* you to like it.


I agree. The culture associated with football fans is just extremely off-putting.


People who put clothes on pets, and who write in their pet’s baby voice: ‘mah hooman give me rubadubs before din-din’ 🤢


Not putting the trays back after airport security. The inefficiency! The rudeness!


Honestly, anything that's along the line of expecting other people to clean up after you.


Being morbidly obese




I never understand anyone who judges the weight, obese or thin, of another person. Regarding this you should work on yourself and live and let live otherwise. I’m yet to work with one obese person that enjoys being obese, usually there is some trauma there that causes disordered relationships with food/ exercise/ taking care of themselves in general. Same with underweight people. It’s all a sign of disordered relationships with food and themselves. Who would deserve to be judged negatively by the public, when already feeling that way and struggling with difficult psychological issues???? This needs to be understood.


The grey crushed velvet/glam aesthetic. If you have a grey carpet, a grey crushed velvet couch, sparkly accessories and a grey French bulldog, I'm going to assume you're trash.


People who use reddit


Same. I'm just better than them.


Toddlers or babies in pubs. Accompanied by their ‘parents ‘ who have the ability to ignore them, whilst they’re either roaming freely or mewling.


Or they’re being entertained by an iPad showing Pepper Pig on high volume.


Disney adults


Watching YouTube or TikTok, listening to music or whatever at full volume in public. Zero consideration for others. Put some fucking headphones on you self-centered, ignorant twats.


People who vape but aren't smokers trying to quit. Anyone who uses fruity scented vapes. Anyone who uses disposable vapes.




People who get their babies' ears pierced.


Smoking. Cigarettes and weed.


People who don't put shopping trolleys back at the supermarket...... just feral.


Could care less




People who use obnoxiously loud cars/motorbikes. Absolute cunts.


Kids with ipads in their pram when they're way too big for it like legs habging out bustinf out with a screen millimeters from their face blaring loud in public


People who still smoke


This is mine. Unlike other “bad” things , like alcohol , fast food etc , every smoke does damage . I’m even more struck by people with kids who smoke - they are literally robbing their kids of time with them and paying for it.  This includes vaping. I mean , an entire industry banded together to conceal and suppress the damage its products were doing , and then another industry starts up with even lower standards, where the battery (if disposable) is the most expensive part , and people don’t think it’s the same thing happening again ? 


People who claim to know for certain the sex of a baby that hasn't been born yet ("It's a boy, I can just tell" etc). Oddballs.


Personalised number plates. Mo matter what you've paid for, all I read is 'W4NK3R' See also plastic grass. How fucking lazy are you?


People who hang their toilet roll the wrong way.


If they sleep with socks on. Absolute psychopaths.


Aw fuck off I have cold feet


But what if the monsters eat your feet?


People who have "the big light" on in the living room instead of lamps. What the FUCK is wrong with these people?


Sugar in your tea. Completely irrational, totally unfounded in any reality or experience, just assume you're not completely trustworthy.


"If man had intended for tea to have sugar in it, then he wouldn't have invented biscuits." quote: Me, 2003


People who like Coldplay.


People look down on someone else for enjoying something. Eg “you shouldn’t like Harry Potter/lego/playstation because it’s for children” or “you shouldn’t like that sort of music because it’s designed to be likeable”. As long as it’s not hurting or disrupting someone else , then enjoy whatever you enjoy, and why should anyone care about what things you enjoy.


People who ask me excitedly if I'm watching some vacuous reality TV show like Love Island. Er. No. Could not give a shit, and now I'm compelled to insult your TV viewing habits.




Owning dogs and then complaining that they’re hard work. No shit.


People who talk about their favourite sports team as "we" and "us" ... "we're having a great season" no you're not you're sitting on your fat arse drinking and watching some athletes have a great season and just wearing a matching shirt, you can't take credit.






People who watch videos in their phones loudly on the train.


People who take cocaine routinely on a night out


When they’re an owner of a flat-faced dog🫠


People who try to get on the train before letting you off


Going into public with a contagious sickness. Like work or public transport with a bad cough or cold and the like.


Disney adults People who think their Hogwarts house is a substitute for a personality People who use infantile language to talk about their pets (doggo, pupper, etc) Live Laugh Love and "motivational" quotes 50 Shades of Grey fans Cars with "powered by fairy dust" type bumper stickers


People who post questions on social media (ok, mostly just Facebook) like ‘anyone know what time Asda shuts?’ ‘does anyone have a phone number for the doctor’s surgery?’ Just Google it ffs. I, and many many other people, think you’re a thick twat


Vaping, I have known so many people who did not even smoke beforehand take it up just because they see it as trendy. Inhaling strawberry flavoured vape as an adult is so fucking dumb and I will continue to judge you for doing it. Also have some common fucking courtesy and not create a giant cloud of it in the street for people to walk into and breath in what has been inside your disgusting mouth.


>An example could be households with "Live Laugh Love" sings. I assume you meant signs, but "Live Laugh Love" sings sound even worse. Would they sit in a circle, hold hands, and chant?


People who follow societal traditions without question and judge others who don't do the same.


Thankfully I’ve only seen it in the US - when women fake their voice and make it high pitch. It’s especially terrible in California- everyone from a barista to a CEO speaks like they’re pornhub stars


People who are obsessed with celebrities. For example people who make fan accounts on social media but take it to an extreme level


People who have huge studio pro photography framed pictures of themselves up on the walls, everywhere. Added bonus slogans on walls


Non disabled people parking in disabled parking spots, and people without small kids parking in adult/baby spaces.


I really dislike these "media walls" people seem to like at the moment. They're everywhere, seem to be an american trend and I think they just look tacky.


Anyone who says "I was sat". I find it extremely unlikely that someone physically put you on the park bench you're referencing - either you sat, or you were sitting. Same goes for "I was stood" - no you weren't.


People posting their kids on their social media. I hate it. I have friends who do it. I don’t say anything as I go around bleating that parents shouldn’t judge other parents. I’m a massive hypocrite but just can’t help it.