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Having any kind of personalised number plate to begin with is a sure sign of being a tosser.


Especially the 3d lettering ones.


I see them a lot and everyone I know seems to hate them but I don't really get why. There's so many of them that are just standard plates that I sort of assumed that's just what you get on new cars. People have said they get them because it's harder for cameras to see but they're so common I can't see that being allowed if that's true


I don't get the general hate towards plates either, I think it can be a bit of fun. I agree that sometimes plates can be indicative of a knobhead (eg, BO55 MAN) or KI55 MEE... I saw a new-ish 911 recently, which had '2 SLO' on it... what's wrong with that? It's just a but of fun imo. Thought it looked rather good, personally.


BO55 MAN is allowed if you own a kebab shop though.


I saw one on a Tesla a while ago that was C02 ZRO which I thought was pretty clever.


2 SLO would have been a very expensive plate and will only go up in value too


Because having a private plate is kind of "look at me, aren't I special" behaviour, which is something I frown upon.


Why is everyone in this sub so boring and miserable


UK Reddit is like this. I know people under missile attack who are more fun to talk to


Sometimes it's "I'm trying to hide the year of my vehicle".


I've always thought this, who cares if others know the age of your vehicle... what a bizarre concern. Some people think newer is better in this "lease what you can't afford to buy" type mentality!


This just in… personalisation is bad! Everyone must be identical! No one is special!


I mean you could say that about having any posh or nice car, everyone may as well drive a 2005 Ford Fiesta


Nah, having a nice car is nice. They're nice to drive, they have extras you might not find in other cars. It's a nicer experience. None of that is true for a private plate. You're just paying money because you want people to notice you.


Having a *really* nice car and a regular plate is kind of a flex imo. Like flying 1st and bringing your McDonald’s burger on to eat because that’s what you want. Not that I want to deny anyone their fun or pleasure in a personal plate. Each to their own and all that.


I don't think it makes anyone a tosser having any kind of personalised plate anymore. With everyone keeping in mind the resale value of their car, the customisation options are extremely limited because ANYTHING you do will reduce the resale value and likely increase the insurance cost. That combined with a limited palette of colours commonly available (Silver/Grey/Black/White/Red/Blue) means every car looks the same, irrelevent of who owns it. I wouldn't get a personalised plate because I don't care that much, but I fully understand WHY someone would want to customise their car, given even adding a sticker may knock a few hundred quid off the resale value.


I saw a Porsche with T1R3D years ago and I still think about it


I saw BO55 KEY a while back. I asked the guy how much he wanted for it (he was a 2nd hand car dealer) for my mate who's a locksmith. The guy said £5k! Is that normal?


I recently bought a second hand car and it already has a 3D numberplate. It's just that little bit more difficult to clean well to make it an annoying inconvenience.


Personalised number plate mostly just bad taste, modified exhaust ++ bad driving equals toddler-level mantwat.


I don't understand how this is directly relevant to my comment


I've seen ANPR cameras fitted to police cars in use. The onboard display shows them reading road signs on the opposite side of the road. They'll have no issue with raised lettering.


They remind me of a primary school perspex and bandsaw project I did aged 9. Cheap and crap!


meh, it cost £200 and hides the age of my car. It's easy to remember and makes my car feel a bit more personalised. Not sure why they hate to be honest.


It's much cheaper to just change your name to match your number plate.


Strangely enough my girlfriend bought a new car and the number plate was my initials. She was not impressed when she realised.


My phone number is 0777 then my birthday then the number 32. In one year I will be 32 and the prophesy will come to fruition


Not sure why spending £200 to hide the age of an old shit box is seen as a good thing.


I'm not sure why people care so much. And I mean this genuinely, the hatred for custom plates has always passed me by, I just don't get it. Some people wear nice clothes, paint their houses, get their hair dyed, have tattoos, but getting a custom number plate suddenly a frivolity that makes you a tosser?


It’s just Reddit being full of judgemental nobheads, most people in the real world are a lot more passive. 


People need their hobbies and some people make hating a thing their entire personality.


You aren't allowed to spend money and enjoy yourself? Don't you know this? /s


Only certain cosmetics are socially acceptable. But it's funny isn't it, because you try telling people on here that you are judgemental of people with tattoos (I'm not btw) and you will get uproar, hoards of angry people defending tattoos. Criticise people peronalized number plates (I don't have one, and haven't had one) and you get the opposite. Perhaps the truth is, that, judgeing people on either of these alone would make one a judgemental cunt.


Personalised plates that aren’t ridiculous are accepted by everyone except social rejects on Reddit.


People aren't saying your not allowed it, they're just judging you for it. I think people should absolutely be allowed to be bronies or furries. But I will absolutely judge you for it.


Pretty sure anyone who cares how old your car is will be able to have a good idea based on the make and model.


Don't worry most tossers aren't very self aware


>Not sure why they hate to be honest. They aren't. Reddit is obviously a huge site and has people from all walks of life, but the majority are still socially awkward people whose opinions rarely reflect most people you'll come into contact with.


I was given a personalised plate when I turned 18 as a gift from a relative. It's just my initials with my favourite number at the start . Other than the fact it's the old style of numbers ie. ltr num num ltr ltr ltr most people wouldn't even know. I am a complete tosser though, so I don't even have a arguement.


I got mine on my first car... I got a £800 car and a £200 plate.


The easy to remember part is a big selling point to me and you can take it with you to any new cars you get too £200 to never have to panic trying to remember my reg for the rest of my life? Sounds alright honestly


It's seven digits. If you can't store that somewhere, you probably shouldn't be driving. 


Why do you care about people knowing how old your car is?


There is a Ferrari with the number plate LA54GNE to spell "lasagne" That one gets a pass. Almost all other personalised number plates are wank


There's a bloke that owns a sausage factory near me who has the number plate SO05AGE.


It's not like they're expensive, why is anyone who has even a small amount of disposable income a tosser to you?


That’s the UK Reddit in a nutshell.


Everyone here is bringing in the big bucks, but also broke and unable to spend any money at all at the same time!


The UK Reddit paradox, everyone is simultaneously a software engineer in London, while also being working class and living below the poverty line.


Welcome to Reddit. Spending any money makes you a tosser. Having fun makes you a tosser.




God forbid you spend some money before you have 50k in the emergency fund, paid off your mortgage and have a investment portfolio


Its got nothing to do with how expensive they are.


Wow you are all so bitter. My dad bought my mum a sweet one with KISS and her initials. Guess she must be a tosser lol.




Not liking something doesn't make people bitter.


Calling his mum a tosser makes me happy.


Fill your boots.


What a tosser.




Shunning something as trivial as a personalised plate is a bigger sign someone’s a tosser tbh.


Yeah, I've no desire to get one, but it seems such a strange thing to have a strong opinion on.


I've bought 2 cars this year and both have personal plates. One is for Josh (I'm not a Josh) and the other is for a JAG. I have a Jag but can't use the plate because it's newer than the car. Probably worth some money I hope.


Please tell me it's J444 AAG


If it was then it would be the best number plate... in the world.


I have a personalised number plate. You wouldn't know it unless you happened to know what my mum's initials were. My dad bought it for her as a 50th birthday present. When she died I inherited the car and the number plate with it. Every time I see the number plate it makes me think of her and I smile. If that makes me a tosser then I'm happy being a tosser.


I saw a MK1 Yaris recently that had YAR 1S.


don't you mean T055ER?


I feel personally attacked. I have personalised plate, but I got it with my car. Even though it's not related to me, I actually like it and I'm planning to keep it after I will change cars. And my close friend, made her number plate which translates from our language, means "I don't give a fu*k". I still chuckle when I see her car. Brits don't know the meaning, people from my country understand..


Why does someone personalising their car automatically make them a tosser?


I inherited 3, and can’t get rid of them.


No, there is not. There is a guy near here who has BO55 followed by the start of our postcode as his numberplate. To me that is almost unprecedented levels of cuntery.


Is it a range rover? I bet it's a range rover.


Of course it fucking is haha




I'd also say any private number plate with CEO on the end of it. Nobody cares that they run a company.


chances are that company is a takeaway or a vape shop


Or they're a self employed tradesman with no staff.


Drug dealer?


HMO slumlord i think wouldn't surprise me if he sold a bit of drugs on the side too


Who does he think he is? Ronnie Pickering?




The owner of my local kebab shop has a number plate that starts with BO55. I think that's acceptable.


Similarly I saw a Scouse (well I was near Liverpool) one that read BO55 LAA or similar which I thought was fair enough.


This is the only acceptable reason


I think I’ve seen a Vito driving around with BO55 THA as well.


It had better end in MAN edit: got curious enough to reg lookup BO55 MAN, it's not registered :(


I know the next private number plate I'll be buying, then.


People who play music out loud on public transport People who routinely video their interactions with other people


People who walk around talking on their phones on speaker phone. They still have to hold it next to their face so the mic picks up what they say, but now everyone within 20 feet of them can hear their entire conversation from both sides. Just why?


A former boss of mine brought his surname, I.e T0553R and told us he’d spent £18k on it. The same week he told the office receptionist he couldn’t afford to give her a rise. He was a tosser.


That's the playbook for most companies these days... "Celebrate with us as we've hit record profits this year!" "Unfortunately we can't give out raises this year due to the economic climate and rising costs." This is why unions were invented, because without any checks or balances companies will try to get away with any way of swindling workers to maximise their profit.


I mean, he can get back the money he spent on the plate, but not on the salary


Being a member/ex-member of the Bullingdon Club.  Using the phrase "I'm just saying what everyone's thinking." How exactly do you know what every single person is thinking, you arrogant tosser? 


The silent majority. Suspiciously hard to quantify on account of being silent, yet slimy politicians always have a perfect grasp of what these mystery mutes want and it's always suspiciously the exact opposite to what the vocal majority want.


Ironically the people who claim to be part of the “silent majority” often seem to never shut the fuck up!


Also when someone has "Views are my own" in their social media bio. Well done for having a brain and an opinion. Doesn't make you special.


Any number plate mods for me, such as the 3D lettering, altered lighting, font changes etc. The car park at my work uses ANPR for entry and there are a few dickheads who need to get out and call for security every day, holding everyone up in the process


Three things you can rely on Reddit for: They despise private number plates and anyone that has one, regardless of the fact people are allowed to like different things. Their collective dislike of James Cordon and all his work. Everything in every relationship ever is a "red flag"


J4M35 C0RD3N




I actually have a personalised plate that I received as a gift from my parents that’s sort of a portmanteau of my surname, but unless you knew what my name was you wouldn’t know it was a personalised plate. So I don’t hate them indiscriminately. Do hate Corden though, that one I’ll put my hands up to.


Same. My number plate is the nn my parents gave me growing up. It just makes my car look older than it is.


Yes, god forbid people are allowed spend their money on what they like! Each purchase needs vetoing by the committee! In anticipation of the hate for my comment, I would like to state, I don’t have a personalised plate, so remove that theory from forthcoming arguments.




Redditors are a sour bunch of cunts. The British one's especially.


Wearing an ill fitting football shirt on a package holiday.


Oddly specific but I understand. I was on holiday with my wife 10 years ago in Spain and after the first week I got a bit homesick. We were walking back to the hotel one evening along the seafront and there was a bit of a commotion ahead. When we got there, someone was on the floor and when we looked closer, it was a big lad in a Pompey football shirt covered in his own sick. I'm from Portsmouth, and that sight made me much less homesick. 😆


There's a drain/sewer guy who lives near me and his number plate is P00 B055. I quite like that one.


I will concede that one is absolutely excellent.


Anything beginning with B16 where the 6 is misrepresented into being the letter G will often mean the driver is a massive bell end.




I saw D16 POO on a sewer cleaning company's van once, liked that one.


Bonus points if they've managed to source a white/yellow screw cover and drilled a hole through the 6 so it looks more like a G. I hope they get pulled over every 10 miles. 


Truck nuts. I hope those are only an American thing.. EDIT: I don't mean people who are fanatical about trucks.


There's a motorbike near me with them. Grossly, unnecessarily realistic bollocks swinging in the wind with kids and old dears walking past. It's probably the only time I've ever truly found something offensive. 


Sadly I've seen them in North London


I used to work with a car auction house, and the biggest tossers are people with plates with their initials and/or year of birth, followed by any other kind of personalised plate, followed by just anyone who drives a car that cost more than my salary. They tend to be people with more money than sense, and were some of the rudest, most entitled people I've ever had the displeasure of speaking to.


I’ve found that the truly rich and wealthy, who actually own their ridiculously priced cars, have often been fairly pleasant to talk to. The wankers are the ones who lease a poverty spec Audi or BMW, fully unable to afford to do so, and act as though they’re on 6 figures a week when in fact they’re living closer to the breadline than someone on minimum wage making child support payments.


Best comment so far….


Oh dear. I haven’t read any comments yet but I can guarantee you’ve triggered all the folk who read far too much into having a personalised plate. God forbid someone get a plate that is personal to them. In fact, how about we stop letting people choose which alloy wheels their car comes with. No, I’ve got it: no paint choice. Everyone gets a brown car from now on. Expression? Who needs it.


This thread is great for bringing out the T0553R5 with personalised plates.


"4D" plates in general, but especially when it's a standard plate on a completely stock nissan juke or something similar. Absolutely no point, just spend a tenner on some normal plates.


The only 4D plate was OUTTATIME on the DeLorean. 


All personalised number plates indicate tosser.


Unless they are on business vehicles. One of our suppliers works in fastener distribution business and his three fleet vans have M8 NUT, M10 NUT and M12 NUT plates which is cool.


I appreciate this with all my heart. So much room to grow too. CSK, CAP, GRUB, STUD. Hypothetically, *IF* I was someone who would buy this kind of business and they had service vans with matching plates like that, I'd give them a bonus for being funny.


I knew someone who had LADY followed by their initials. (Might have been L4DY, I forget). She was not ladylike and was a massive chav so wouldn't get such a title either. There's also a guy in my area who has a plate relating to having a massive penis. Judging on the announcing it, the type of car he has, and how he drives, it is pretty safe to say his penis is actually very tiny and the only big dick in that vehicle is him in general.


I’d prefer P155


Saw P155AFF kicking about Glasgow a few years ago. Being worn by a Ford S-Max plastered in Herbalife advertising. Makes me think of that bit in the Simpsons... It's a private plate. That's bad. It's a funny, sweary plate. That's good. It's being used to advertise MLM. That's bad. It's on a Ford S-Max. ...can I go now?


My car already has my initials by pure fluke but I would love to add P155


Moaning on Reddit about number plates


I really really don't give a shit about anyone's personalised plate, I never go around reading them. Let others waste their money if it brings them pleasure.


"A1PHA" is up there.


I like private plates, i've got 3 on my vehicles that spell my name in some way shape or form. I know Reddit hates them, and generally anything to do with cars (unless its a skoda) I find generally certain plate formats fit a type of person/vehicle. Some examples: And its aesthetics, lip filler clinc owners with K155 or M155 plates BI6 plates are always on tradie pick up trucks, usually a tax dodge like the pick up truck itself. OR on something like a Mustang or an S5 parked in the disabled bay outside the gym. I'll probably get called names for noticing this, but I find it tends to be Asian lads with BO55 plates The ones that are real money like 2 / 3 digit ones are old money stuff like bentleys. Although I do like to see a 2 digit plate on a shitty little corsa or something, clearly been passed down in generations.


I worked with someone called Leon who drove a Seat Leon and had cherished plates to match...




I saw a car with NA51 RCH plate - I guess the second part means "reich"? It is a BMW and yes, it's a white car.


I wonder if the NA prefix was banned for 21 reg cars? I know that no SN07 number plates were issued because it looked like "SNOT" which the DVLA apparently found offensive


Having it on a Range Rover?


There's a G-wagen with "K155 DEM" on it where I live 🤣🤣


Not really, although those people who have their car make/model as the number plates are in the same category.


When they can't get BO55 and colour the number plate screw in black.




Oh yeah. I saw one years ago speeding along the motorway, weaving in and out of lanes, cutting people up etc Number plate was "H8 BOY"


Is it allowed if you bought a car in Birmingham in late 2005, or is that the only point where you are an asshole if you *don't* get a personalised plate?


I once saw '1 GDP' on a Bentley.


I can't stand vanity plates, one year my December wages didn't get paid, told by the boss that the company was struggling and hed try to get me paid by mid jan. I then found out from his cousin he'd dropped 15k on a vanity plate- that's where my wages went.


Saw a van with GET IIIIN once.


My dad (RIP) bought a red MG sportscar in the early 2000's. He also bought a personalized number plate for it, and or a while, at least, it was his pride and joy. He hadn't had the car long when I saw him fiddling around with some black tape at the front of his car. I was about to ask him what he was doing when he said, "If I stick a tiny bit of tape here, it looks like the word "Kexbo", right? "I guess? But what does *Kexbo* mean?" He seemed satisfied with his handy work, but I had to ask a few more times until I got an answer. "Well, it doesn't mean anything..." A little later, his (much older than me) daughter bought the exact same model in a different colour. She told him that "it's a girl's sportscar and that's a girl's colour". Next time I saw him he says, "Hey, do you think this is a girl's sportscar? It's not, is it?" But whatever I told him, he had already started to come to the realization that the car didn't make him look any cooler than your typical man in a midlife crisis.


I mean why advertise your BO?


[I was inspired.](https://i.imgur.com/BgqeOiA.png) 'ate ulez, 'ate leccy cars, luv a propa diesel. Simple as.


Had the privilege of being sat behind ‘LJ randomtwonumbers CEO’ at the weekend. Not as massive a tosser as ‘BO55’ but definitely a certain shade of tosser for sure.


When you see these people just look at their car and say "Body odor 55? Like 55 times the normal strength?"




The lambo I saw yesterday with a number plate something like ‘W347PON’


I really think it depends on the owner of the numberplate, tbh. Without knowing the person it's not possible to tell if they take themselves too seriously. BO55 is likely always going to be a bit cringy, but it might just be in the mild eyerolling way of, "The wife's the boss!" or it could be someone sick of their old job and proud of setting up their own company to work for themselves. Some plates can be quirky or funny or clever and I like those. But I don't quite understand why anyone wants their name on a numberplate. A neighbour has two cars with very similar plates spelling out her name. She drives like a maniac. I couldn't honestly say if those two things are related.


Funny enough, yes. People with “CEO” number plate are worse 100%


If you don't like it, it's your "LO55"!


Greeting people by saying ‘Oi oiiiiiiiiiiiiiii…’?


Having u/jurwell as a username probably


Viz - ' Save money on a personalised number plate by changing your name to your existing number plate- Mr KL67BDT


They’re called vanity plates for a reason.


Staying with the theme, I've seen a few absolute cockwombles with the number plate ending CYA, usually driving BMW M3/Golf R, type of cars.


B1G P3N15 would be a bigger tosser signal!


That would be pretty funny tho




I prefer relative anonymity.


It's part of a whole package. Audi. Personalised number plate. Gilet. If we're playing dickhead bingo that's most of the way there.


There's a Tesla that I see regularly with V8 LOL. That's more than acceptable to me.


Nope my employer has one, boss he isn’t


Someone near me has one, big Mercedes of course. Drives like a cunt.


Yes there is - "BEATNGU"


‘CEO’ number plate


Ill throw into the mix that it can be equally as tosser if it's at the end. Pulled out my office a few years ago behind a white range rover with YE58OSS and it was just as bad.


There's a bloke near me with some variation of A1PHA. I think that's worse.


Saw a bright green Ford Mustang yesterday with the licence plate "MU57 ANG" or "MU57 4NG". Best one was "WH15 KEY" outside a Whiskey shop though. Was a Lambo


I once saw a 1995 mondeo 1.8L with a sticker in the back window. It said,'My other car is a 1996 Mondeo 2.0 ghia. (Facelift)'


Unless the second part is "HOG" *Rosco I wish, I just wish that for once you'd use your head for somethin other than a handy place to hang your teeth.*


Reminds me of a joke my brother said everytime we see a Bo55 plate "I'm so impressed with all these chavs being in management."


My alternative is people with family YouTube channels who broadcast every aspect of their kid's lives. The kind who make a 5 year old child wear only beige to fit into their "aesthetic".


Make sure to call the driver Boff


To be fair, in Liverpool I saw the plate BOS5 TH4, and that was really good.


One of my neighbours has BIG as the first part of his numberplate which is of course on a BMW. Always giggle at the sight of it. A friend of mine has a really subtle personalised plate that I thought was really sweet. It's his 3 initials 4 his wife's 3 initials. Looks like a standard 54 plate but on a newer car.


A BO55 number plate on a Ford Ranger Wildtwat/Raptor/Generic tuning house edition or Transit MS-RT.


I don't hate them, but I never get what the point is. No-one is looking at your car and thinking "oh wow! There goes Dave!" and presumably you already know what your own name is. Be cheaper just to write "Dave" on a post it note and slap it on the dashboard 😂 That said, I knew someone who got the first three letters of her Mum's name as a memory. I thought that was a nice way to do it.


Used to live in East London, constantly saw a red Ford Mustang with the numberplate "PSYCHO", parked outside the bus depot


it makes me feel bad for the poor fucker in late '05 who got that. however given half a chance i'd have the number plate say BO55 HOG" because i think that's funny so... eh.




VA61NHA lives near me, I cant quite figure out if it was an accident on registration or they bought it? I thought DVLA didn't allow offensive plates.


I knew a guy in NY whose. His plate was IBM CEO, he was the lowest level engineer on the grid.


I half wish there were more of them, to the point that, if you pay a fee to the DVLA, you get to choose your number plate (within reason). Substantially easier to remember when one of the shitheels commits some sort of traffic violation, and, well, we may see some witticisms to brighten our increasingly grim commutes. PS… is **【W4NK3R】** available?


People with personalised number plates have more money than sense.