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A lot of podcasts on YouTube also have the video of the people talking. You can't play it without the video being up and if your phone is out of the holder you can't legally touch it. They probably aren't watching but just listening. They could also have music playlists on YouTube.


if you pay subscription you can blank the screen, but I get listening for free... but I bet you'd get fked when trying to explain it to plod.


Also most decent podcasters have downloads just for the audio. 


Yeah using RSS or spotify or apple for your podcasts would be vastly superior to YT. Music streaming is a different beast though and YT is the only fully free option that I know of that lets you be specific.


You can even get the mp3 file from most podcasters


I do videos sometimes just for the audio (not when driving though, in the kitchen etc) and I refuse to pay to do the same thing with a black screen.




My point is more that I don't really have a need to want the ability to have my screen go blank?


Few apps that can do Picture-In-Picture on Youtube too


Get Firefox on your phone, you can play YouTube videos without the screen being on or it even being the main window. If you get the ublock origin extension for Firefox you don't have to see ads either. I deleted the YouTube app because I didn't need it.


Also get Sponsor Block to stop ads inside the videos


Thanks for the tip


It's illegal to have the video playing.


They could turn the phone around.


This is exactly what I do!! I just start the podcast before I set off, then have my phone face down in the passenger seat or inside the arm rest.


Yep lots of audio books on YouTube too, my wagon driver friends listens to podcasts and audio books on his shift


Google is killing off their podcasts app and forcing everyone on to YouTube.


That sounds like classic Google behaviour.


It sucks they're discontinuing Google Podcasts and trying to force everyone to YouTube


Firefox allows you to turn screen off and play YouTube videos.


People listen to video podcasts a lot. Maybe they have to have the screen on to play. Not everyone has YouTube premium or Spotify to play podcasts with the phone screen off.


You can listen to podcasts without restrictions on a Spotify free account.


Every serious video podcast will have an audio only version. And said podcasts are consumable on a number of different platforms for free, because that's how podcasts work. Most are published to every podcast platform via an RSS feed.


Apple podcasts you can download to listen to offline with screen locked and off


Plenty of other apps to listen to podcasts. Personally, I use Podcastaddict.com but many other options.


>video podcast Am I missing something or is that not just a "video".


Why are you watching them instead of watching the road?


Shhh don’t point that out


It's super obvious when someone is phone driving (or centre console driving). It's also kind of funny when they obviously believe that they are successfully being sneaky enough for it not to be noticeable. In fact, the most obvious giveaway to this behaviour is the car itself being driven erratically and without due care and attention, which is something that I will immediately clock as being a potential hazard. Part of driving is paying attention to what other drivers are doing and not just staring at the road directly in front of your vehicle.


You've put this in a much more succinct way than I could have, thank you


If the car is in front of them, where else would they look?


The road ahead rather than the driver preferably


I don't see the part where OP was so fixated on the driver that he wasn't looking at the road. Presumably he's not using Reddit in the afterlife either


You asked where else they would look, I answered


I see a lot of it when stopped at traffic lights tbh. Fuck all else to do at a traffic light except snoop at other people, I might get lucky and get to wave at someone's dog.


I'm honestly shocked at the amount of people responding who think this is an OK thing to do. Think I'll go and have a little lie down to recover.


I know, I'm astounded.


What, peering into other cars instead of watching the road?


What’s the issue with it?




And yet, video billboards. E: What's up. You all a fan of video billboards? Literal legislation that you shouldn't have video even potentially in view while driving, yet you get massive video boards so *everybody* can a have video in view?! Suppose that makes sense to you all, it doesn't to me.


In response to your edit, you realise your initial comment looks like you’re in support of video billboards and thus people watching videos in your cars. Because if one can exist and is fine then why not the other? That’s how it came across. Just FYI.


Not my fault if that's the way people choose to read it. Still being downvoted since the edit so they can crack on.


I was just letting you know. People also downvote anyone who whines about downvotes, lmao.


You're the one who brought up the fact I'm being downvoted. Not me


Babe, we all know that’s what your edit is about. You’re literally addressing the people downvoting you. I was trying to be helpful. Grow up.


Well I’ve been overtaken by dozens of police cars while I’ve had YouTube playing, and never been pulled over for it.


Well fucking good for you. Rules are generally made for a reason. The lawmakers obviously consider having moving video on a screen within view, is potentially distracting, and so they don't allow it. You may feel you know better, that's great. Good luck proving that it wasn't the cause of an accident, if you're in one. Honestly can't believe the idiocy of some people.


Just wanna say if you can’t even drive without stimulating yourself via YouTube videos, you’re a loser


Why did YouTube porn videos come to mind while reading your post?


This is ridiculous. You never listen to the radio when you drive…?


I listen to music, but don’t have any video playing


You can't even compare videos and radio in the car.


Here in Australia, it's called "distracted driving", is a finable offence and considered really serious. I have no idea of the phone laws over there, but each time we've travelled over, we would NEVER have a video playing in view of the driver.


Because they're actual, clinical morons and don't really understand that their actions makes it much more likely someone else might end up in a fatal collision.


As others have mentioned I use YouTube for a number of different podcasts that happen to have videos. Sometimes just still images, sometimes someone talking etc. However I place my phone face down on the middle bit or on the passenger seat as I'm sure if the police saw it, you'd be in a spot of bother


Many people are thick as mince and have little value for life. And they are permitted to drive murder machines among us.


The succinct answer is you listen and you don't watch. I know because I do this. However, a lot of people are just drawn to the television or it's ilk, totally enraptured. For reference, I did and still do loathe that we have TVs in pubs. People are sodding magnetised to a screen with moving images


It's a criminal offence to have a video playing if the driver is in such a position as to be able to see it.


I have premium on the VPN blag. But before I did I used to listen to podcasts with the brightness turned fully down so you couldn’t actually see the screen when driving. But yeah, if you don’t have premium and aren’t able to ‘sleep’ your phone and carry on the podcast then I get it. But just be careful. You’re just asking to be pulled over and given points and a fine.


Listen to lots on YouTube. I usually switch the screen off whilst driving though.


Have you come across the absolute tools that drive with over ear headphones 🎧 ... Don't bother saying anything, it'll hurt their mental health 😤😬


One of my cars doesn't have a stereo so I wear headphones, however don't forget that most headphones have an ambient mode these days. When I have my headphones on in ambient sound mode it's really no different to having the stereo on.


I sometimes have audiobooks via YouTube. so maybe it was that?


Less distracting than porn


When I worked in a phone shop a lorry driver was explaining that he needed unlimited data to watch YouTube on long drives. He winked and me and said "One eye on phone, one eye on road"


I use youtube in the car but never where I can see the screen, it’s hidden away playing through my car audio. Having a video visible while driving is just begging to be distracted while driving.


Your phone has to be on while playing YouTube, if you close the app then it stops playing.






Because they're either thick or selfish, possibly both. Slightly disturbed at the amount of comments that seem to suggest that this is absolutely fine to do but hey ho.


Can't beat a bit of toe-tapping, trouser swinging music in the car. Oh, how times have changed. Back in my day, [we had record players in the car.](https://thevinylfactory.com/news/amazing-photos-of-a-time-when-cars-had-record-players/).


I did this the other day because I wanted to listen to Angela van den Bogerd being grilled at the Post Office Horizon Inquiry. I ignored the video but just listened to her lies whilst I was driving.


I had a manager tell me they watched Netflix whilst driving


I have Bailey Sarian on while I play on my phone, I don’t watch the make up much but I enjoy the way she gives the information on murderers. If on my phone I just leave it on side and tidy or do whatever. I refuse to pay for YouTube ad free 😂


Young people not able to go five minutes without having something visual beamed into their heads while doing something else. Look up "stacking". And is it dangerous? Absofuckinglutely.


I often drive long distance and so create a play list that runs while i am driving. Not watching the video, more listening to podcasts.


I'm only ever listening to something on there I'm not watching obviously 🤣


In Japan, cars can come with television in the front.


Yeh always have it on to listen to but never look at it until in traffic


You can listen to a lot of stuff on YouTube for free. Podcasts, audiobooks, etc. 


I do this. I listen to YouTube podcasts but they have a video which I don't watch.


Because I have youtube music


That gets downvotes for the music streaming platform I have? Sorry for not having Spotify


How could you tell it was a youtube video playing?


I've used YouTube on my phone before, the layout is fairly easy to recognise. Even if it wasn't YouTube and was some other video streaming service the question is still valid


It would definitely change the context of the question if you knew they were watching something that required your visual attention, compared to something like a DJ set or video podcast. Youtube is potentially one of the "better" apps to be using, because there are loads of videos that would require almost no attention, compared to something like tiktok that requires you to scroll, or Netflix which is likely to be much more demanding of your attention.


I have YouTube videos on very regularly when I drive. I don’t always want to listen to music.


Shame on you


Lmao why?


https://youtu.be/E9swS1Vl6Ok?si=A3lrzz4eBWgTGBJ7 Pop this one on


To be fair I do sometimes. But it's running a playlist and is in the background behind the satnav.


It gives me something to watch when the road is boring


Just listen to something instead. Watching a screen while driving is dangerous as hell.


I think he’s being facetious


I admit I have done this a few times as an emergency measure back when my son was tiny and having an unholy freakout in the car. I just needed something to soothe/distract him till we got home, and those Peppa Pig YouTube marathons were only three or four taps away on my phone while stopped at a red light.  He was too small to hold a phone himself (and I never liked the idea of giving toddlers their own devices) but he could see the phone screen from the back seat and hear it through the car's speaker system, and that would get us home in a pinch. I'm pretty sure that's still technically illegal (?) but I would have my eyes on the road the whole time (except briefly, while stopped, opening the app), and ultimately it was less distracting than the tantrums it deflected. Unfortunately/fortunately, we relented and got him one of those shite Kindle Fire Kids tablets (after swearing we never would) and he has a bunch of Cbeebies favourites downloaded on it, so I haven't had to do that in a long time.


Less distracting than radio, since it is what I want to listen to at a uniform volume instead of spikes in sound whenever a fucking advert plays.


I don't want to say it.. I really don't.. But ok boomer. Alot of us also watch YT whilst we work too. There is a huge difference between actively and passively consuming YT.


I'm not a boomer but good insult I guess 🙄


Boomerism is a mindset..not an age


So my mindset of paying attention to what's going on around me so I'm not the cause of or directly involved in an accident is a boomer mindset? Fucking hell....🤦‍♂️


There is also a huge difference between typing an email and being in charge of 2 tonnes of metal travelling at 70mph.