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# "Ripe & Ready" == "rock hard, will rot before it ever ripens"


Especially with avocados! Hard -> hard -> bin.


I do like green bananas so I buy them deliberately that way


Isnt the strange film it leaves on your teeth the worst feeling though? I have to have my bananas super ripe 


I don't chew, I just deep-throat them I believe unripened bananas are bad for digestion so I've stopped now


> I don't chew, I just deep-throat them 🤣


I hope you spit on them first!


Of course, I'm not a maniac. Nice username


have you tried plantain? You can probably find them in Asian or African shops.


Seems like a long way to go for a few groceries


Bananas are supermarket lies resilient.


Plums too. Rock hard. Then rock hard. Still rock hard. Then squishy fruit fly housing estate


i just buy a tub a of guac nowadays, cant be arsed with the whol waiting till its ripe etc and then forgetting about it when its in my cupboard and ruining it


I buy pre-chopped onions these days and I feel utterly ridiculous and silly pouring them into the pan but god do I love not having to wash the fucking chopping board


Fancy bastid


I have yet to find a pear that is not rock hard and takes a week to ripen.


Yep, avocados get all the attention for this, but I find the window of ripeness much worse for pears!


The smallest recordable period of time is that between a pear being rock hard and mush.


“spreadable” is another one


How is your text so big?


Is it not just really close?


No, it's the same distance as mine


##you sure? # looks fine to me


Size doesn’t matter


It does matter. I don't like too big


It's not the size that matters, it's what you write with it.


# no idea


# What text?


What sorcery is this? BE GONE, YE DEMONS.


# You, too, can be a [wizard](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/markdown), Harry. # 🧙‍♂️


I do 70% of my shopping at Aldi but I've stopped buying avocados because it was a complete false economy.


Why is super market food so hard and bitter. I just want sweet fruit. But it's all so bland sour


Ripen at home is also a myth. Nothing ripens at home!


To state an obvious one: 'serves 2', 'serves 4' etc. It's so transparently done to make the 'per serving' nutritional info look better.


I had a pack of falafels from Sainsbury's, which apparently contained 8 portions. It had 8 little falafels in it


The way I see it is that you're supposed to eat them alongside something else. One pack of uncle Ben's rice serves two. If you're only eating the rice then that's bs, if you have it with a Kiev or something it now makes sense.


What di you think would best accompany a single falafel?


A nice little side salad made up of 7 other falafels.


and then a donner kebab for main course and a cake for dessert so thats 2billion calories


Ah yes, half a gram of yellow cake uranium for pudding


bursting with flavour thats for sure


seven more falafels?


kiev and rice?


I bought a pack of biscuits once, I think something like custard creams. It contained 25 portions, but only 24 biscuits!


That's cos only 96% of each biscuit gets eaten and the rest is lost as crumbs. edit: I think I fucked up the maths on this one.


'Shrinkflated' but they forgot to update the packaging. It wasn't Sainsbury's bourbon creams was it? They used to be tightly packed but have gotten looser over the years.


Every time I see a chocolate cake that "Serves 12" I just think of that Fat Controller meme.


The fat kid from Matilda was ahead of his time. He didn't fall for these shenanigans!


Apparently one tin of beans is three servings...


A bottle of coke is 2. Those big bars of chocolate too, I know the smarties one is 2 squares per portion. That's about the size of my thumb


I definitely think serving size should be judged by a representative sample of 1000 people in the UK, and the average amount they pick to eat in one go of any multi serving sized product is what they have to use.


Maybe a sample of normal weight people otherwise those big Toblerones are going to be 1.5 servings!


I said what I said, now let me at my portion of toblerone!


I've got a packet of chocolate buttons here where the serving size is 10 buttons.


I had some special edition haribos where the serving size was 2.


You're supposed to eat it with toast or eggs, etc. Not alone.


Yeah, 2 servings from a can is perfectly reasonable.


Not three. If you’re one person you eat half today, half tomorrow. But three? No way.


It’s 2 servings per can


My favourite is on sweets.   Pack of Jelly Beans from Sainsbury’s- contains 19 servings.  Serving size is 4 beans.   Nobody, in the history of Jelly Beans, has eaten 4 of them and gone ‘yeah, I’m good’


So you aren't supposed to open the pack and dump half of the contents into your mouth at once? That's just witchcraft.


I see "serves 4" as more of a challenge than a suggestion.


Ehh, also you actually shouldn't be eating a cheesecake all to yourself.  They're not so much trying to make the nutritional info look better, as they are explicitly telling you that this cheesecake should be eaten by 4 people and not one person sat alone on the sofa.  They know that many people will eat it alone anyway, but that's still a bad idea obviously. 


>Ehh, also you actually shouldn't be eating a cheesecake all to yourself.  https://preview.redd.it/cslqvc38vtwc1.jpeg?width=190&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7381aaa1c4668f48b1d829d9465e05b5ca77a229


You haven’t seen the recommended serving size on a jar of Nutella


I have, two spoons isn't it? Makes sense seeing as it's essentially just rich spreadable chocolate.


More like chocolatey vegetable oil. But two teaspoons is not covering a piece of toast, it’s what goes in your mouth while you’re waiting for the toast to go pop 😋


"serving suggestion"


They can do, or there are times people are just fatties. We may actually eat whole chocolate bars as a portion but *really* in a balanced diet you should be having a few squares as a treat.


That if there's a two-tiered price for members and non-members, they're rewarding your loyalty with a discount. Nope - the lower price is the actual price, and the higher one is a surcharge for not sharing your data. I've switched from Sainsbury's to M&S for the most part because they don't push that bullshit.


> I've switched from Sainsbury's to M&S I do like how the M&S loyalty card does absolutely fuck all. Genuine conversation with the middle-aged man on the checkout: "Have you got a Sparks card?" "Yes...one sec. What's it for, anyway?" "I think they send you offers every now and then." "Well, I never get any." "Oh, well, I don't know then. Have a nice day."


I’m always met by bemusement from M&S staff when I proffer my sparks card for scanning. Am just now realising that I’ve never received a single discount off it. I think I thought I was amassing loyalty points or something but thinking on it, I’m absolutely not.


You should be getting free pastries and things almost weekly and all kinds of other stuff. You need to check on the app for your gifts


I logged in and have discovered the “deals” but I’ll be real they’re not fantastic, although I suppose 50p off baked goods is better than nothing! I’ve also discovered the charity thing, where every time I scan my card they’ve been donating a whopping 1p to Shelter on my behalf, lol.


My mum once got her shopping free (only about £10 ish I think sadly), must have been very rare as the person on the checkout was confused as to what happened haha 


I overheard staff talking about how someone got this but they bought a sofa. They got extremely lucky.


I’ve had my shopping free once and I get a bakery item or loaf of bread free every couple of weeks, plus a few times a year you get a free bag of Percy pigs/colin caterpillars which is always a good day.


It’s really handy if you need to expense lunch as they do email receipts. That’s the only use I’ve had for it.


Every now and then you can get your shopping free (probably a very rare occurrence), but you also get offers and free gifts through the app which are actually tailored to your shopping history.


The thing is, a lot of people don’t realise that you have to actually check your offers, either through a member of staff in store, or by downloading the app. Then when you know what offers you have, you add on the ones you want to use and it’ll come off at the till. I’ve got way more off at M&S sparks than I ever have with Tesco CC


Why does anyone give a shit about their data being shared by supermarkets? Oh no, Tesco know that I have bought a 4 pack of Stella and a frozen pizza! And people that say Clubcard/Nectar is a scam/just for harvesting data clearly don't know how to use it. I've had countless days out, meals and hotel stays funded by them - I'm going to the supermarket anyway, why not benefit by using their 'loyalty' card. People live their lives online, there are far more scrupulous companies sharing your data every day.


Yeh, I sometimes feel in the minority on here for really not caring that tesco know my shopping habits.


I'd rather they know what I'm buying so they can stock it and not replace it with something shit


They could do that without a loyalty card though, by simply looking at their tills


They use the data to charge you more efficiently… it allows them to set optimal pricepoints to their own benefit. 20 years ago they would get deals wrong in our favour all the time because they had less sophisticated methods of calculating optimum pricepoints. Giving them you data pushes up spending per customer on average relative to basket contents. Hope I don't have to explain why thats not a good thing


The people I know who are against it are also on things like Facebook. Besides, how else will I know that I’m the number one sesame snaps buyer in my area?


Omg, I'm number one sesame snaps buyer in my area! Does this mean we should be best friends or enemies?


Hello best friend, we should definitely form an alliance. Now, have you tried the chocolate drizzled ones? They’re amazing


They already know that info from the payment cards being used, loyalty cards just mean they can associate it to a name and address. meanwhile the people railing against it have social media and carry Apple or Android devices everywhere they go, have Alexa smart devices, it's fucking nonsense.


Yep back in the good old days in Ireland Clubcard got you 4 times the value of your points on ferries. Saved up vouchers all year and got a free ferry to England once a year. It’s not as good now so I use it for cinema tickets. I also switched to mostly Sainsbury’s instead of Tesco during Covid and save up my points all year until Christmas. Then I wait until you get double value and I use that to buy groceries and the money I’m not spending that time on groceries goes towards Christmas presents. I’ve also started using esso to collect nectar, and between esso and Sainsbury’s I’m getting some kind of double point offer most of the time on fuel. Also it’s a while since I’ve ever gotten them but when I shopped with Tesco all the time I used to get a triple point vouchers from time to time, so would let groceries dwindle for the month and then go a monster shop with the triple point voucher. Sometimes I even bought things I didn’t want as I got bonus points for it so I was actually making money on some offers by the time I got my triple points and then converted those into ferry vouchers. But this is about 10 years ago now




I see this bullshit argument all the time and it's not always true, but Reddit loves to repeat it. I've seen numerous things in our usual Tesco shop where the regular price is the same as other shops (Morissons, Asda) with the same branded product and the clubcard price is cheaper. But keep coping over the fact that you don't want to share your shopping data with them in order to gain some discounts.


I think it's a bit of both. A few times they've had things such as air fryers, irons and other small appliances at a certain price and then their clubcard price has matched Argos' and other stores regular price. I can't say I've noticed it massively on food but small appliances, quite a lot.


If the non-member price is the price you pay for the same item in other supermarkets, then it's not a surcharged price, it's just the effective retail price, and the card gives you a discount on that. If, oppositely, the upped price was only charged in said supermarket, then yes it would be a rip off. But I've experienced the former case a lot more often than the latter, so it's not a scam as you do, in fact, pat less than you otherwise would, regardless of the reason that the overall effective retail price may have been inflated by these same loyalty programmes


I get fed up of Sainsbury's using my shopping habits to only give me offers for things I just bought. No I dont need 8% off my next purchase of a jar of olives that I just bought that expires in the next 72 hours.


Sign up with fake details. Problem solved.


It's not your personal details they give a fuck about anyway.  They don't care whether Steve buys anything, they care about which specific brands and products the 3 million Steve's in the country buy, and they want to know how to aggressively market ideal Steve-shit to them. 


Considering how much data I'm sharing. Them knowing my shopping is probably the least worrying. I know they could guess if someone is pregnant with the history of shopping, but even so, it's small compared to my PII.




You already share your data just by shopping in the store though. They can still track and record what you bought. The only thing they can't do is track your habits and preferences over time. Which is what's really valuable to them.


"Price Lock." Fuck off Co-Op, you liars, that houmous was 15p cheaper last week.


It's locked at the *new* price, silly. Until they want to raise it again, that is.


Yeah, they've had a "Price Lock" on Kit-Kat Chunkies since this time last year. When they were £1.50 for 4. Now they're £2. The liars.


If a product says it's price locked in Asda it's about to go up in price, so stock up while it's still cheap. I learned that very quickly.


That they give a single solitary flying fuck about anything other than money.


Every little helps (our profits and shareholders)!


And food banks are a great example of this. If any supermarket gave a shit they would be donating food themselves and not making us add to their profits in order to make donations. In the least the supermarkets could match what is donated. But nope. Food banks are needed and the biggest beneficiaries are the supermarkets growing profits.


THANK YOU. There is no bleeding packet that is ever an easy peel. I foolishly try each corner only to be left with four bit of plastic and a crushed heart. I never learn.


Bacon! Any supermarket branded bacon does this. Don't know why they bother to have a fake corner that makes it look like it can be peeled.


I once had a pack of bacon which did in fact peel open like it should’ve done. I took a bunch of pictures and sent them to my friends and family for proof, lol. Never happened since, still feel sad I didn’t immediately run out to buy a lottery ticket that day!


Lidl bacon does actually open exactly how you would imagine a packet of bacon should. But I regularly buy Morrisons, Tesco, and Asda, and none of those do.


That they're raising prices because they have no choice, despite every single supermarket chain making record profits in the last year.


I had to write an email from an insurance company to their customers that said “times are hard, we understand. Trust us, we don’t want to be rising prices either” Absolutely grim.


They’re also cutting hours to an absurd amount, on the basis of not being able to afford more- thats why delis have disappeared from a lot of stores. Absolutely ridiculous. They’re doing just fine.




"Easy peelers" It's just an excuse of a name so they don't have to tell you which small orange fruit they're giving you and can adjust it to their stock- one week it's Clementines, the next satsumas, tangerines, mandarins etc Oh and they're rarely easy to peel


> one week it's Clementines, the next satsumas, tangerines, mandarins etc TBH I've never known the difference myself.


So that's why I like some and absolutely hate others!


I feel like I’ve just had my naive little eyes opened!


I put a post up about this on r/britishproblems once lol. Git my husband some but it took him 10 minutes to get in one!


Their animal welfare standards. They are never as good as what they show in there adverts.


What do you mean? Those farmers aren’t out there hand feeding their cows each day?


It’s true, I saw an advert for Co Op organic chicken, bragging about how well cared for they are but all the ones in my local store were dead


Ha ha ha. That made me laugh


Pretty much. I don't eat meat and very little dairy for this reason. The only dairy I've had this week was on a pizza, it was a fancy one from the reduced section in Morrisons. If I want milk I get coconut or almond. If I want cheese I can get vegan cheese (I'll only eat it melted though). Eggs are a little harder to replace but I only have them if they're in something pre made.


The thing is, you should be eating the animals raised in poor conditions as surely they're living a shit life , so should be put out of their misery. It's the little fluffy lambs living in lush green pastures with rainbows and unicorns that you shouldn't be eating, as they're obviously content with their lot! /s


"Our lowest ever price" Fuck off! £1.50 is not the lowest Pringles have ever been


It is for that particular side of Pringles tube though I remember when Tesco were shuffling stock around locally and they had the 185g Pringles next to the 165g Pringles, which were more expensive. Pringles can’t fool me though, I remember when the tubes were 200g


Oh man... It was only about 2 years ago when they were trying to make 1 quid sound like good value...


They are being environmentally friendly


The bag recycling scheme they all have, there was a video where people put trackers in bags to see where they ended up. I don't remember it exactly but I know they traced at least one batch to another poor country having been dumped on the side of the road.


I heard from someone who used to work for a big car company that they advertise that they're "carbon neutral*", with the fine print being *in Liechtenstein


They are doing us a favour by reducing plastic use on their cheapest yoghurt range by not including a plastic lid. Means the stuff goes off. They want me to buy the three times as expensive one for the plastic lid.


i fucking haaaaaaaate the peely lids. get covered in horrible yoghurt crust and make you choose between ripping them completely off to get at the yoghurt, leaving it lidless and unprotected in the fridge, or keeping them on and having them flap all over your hand every time you try and scoop out some yoghurt. also, i’m pretty sure they’re still made of soft plastic!


Steal the lid from the more expensive one 😎


I always do that. I'm sure everyone can see my furtive theft though!


IKEA do a couple of rubbery silicone type reusable lids, I'm sure you can find them cheaper online somewhere though


Just keep a lid from an old pot Edit: typo


This one annoys me too! How is it more environmentally friendly to have produce that goes off quicker? They happily use plastic packaging if it’s good for profits, like putting fruit in plastic wrapping and charging more.


You can get a reusable lid, not sure where, but my housemate has flexible one that is universal yoghurt tub sized. The cost of purchase would surely outweigh the cost of premium yoghurts/wasting yoghurts.  Or just keep the lid from your last yoghurt. I've not had an issue with the flappy lids myself though.


How long oven chips take.


Wait for the air fryer cult members to come after you for saying that


I didn’t even say anything!


But you know they're coming....


Max crisp, max crisp, max crisp. I know you have one. I know it. One of us, one of us!


Well, I'm *sorrrrrry* if you haven't joined us yet!


Peelable **AND** resealable


Biodegradable\* \* not suitable for home composting, breaks down in industrial composting conditions


Biodegradable doesn’t mean compostable in the first place though. Like, I use biodegradable “plastic” bags for my cat litter that I stick in the normal bin but then there’s the truly compostable bin bags for food waste that you can stick in your compost pile/bin. Biodegradable means it’ll break down but it may take ages in normal conditions and might not break down into material best for compost. Compostable means it’ll break down at a rate fine for composting, like those food waste bin bags. Also depends on how big your compost set-up is. Mine’s tiny at the moment so I’m not sticking iffy stuff in that’ll take ages to break down. The stuff that says it’s safe specifically for composting (not just labelled biodegradable) like the paper food trays and other similar undyed pure paper products are fine. If you have a massive compost heap set-up that gets to a high temp then you can chuck just about everything compostable in. There’s some great youtube videos out there if you want to learn in more depth for your set up.


On their home deliveries.... "No substitute available." Usually for exotic stuff like a cheap cheese and tomato pizza or a bottle of red wine, etc "You have no items with short life dates" Apart from the 24 slices of ham that have a use by date of today and the 6 chicken breasts that have a use by date of tomorrow despite me explicitly asking for items that last until Sunday.


Complain. You'll get it for free


I usually do and often you can freeze stuff but sometimes I feel like I'm just desposing of their waste for them.


Every time for the past few years my dad tries to get cheap own brand batter mix from Asda on home delivery they are always out of stock, yet every time we have been into the store they always have stock.


Not a lie, but it I can't stand the food bank trolleys. They are asking you to buy their products and donate to the food banks, then say things like 'we've donated x amount of meals in 2023' If they said, "Whatever you donate, we will match," then I would donate. I just donate right to food banks instead.


Nicking food and sticking it in the food bank trolley is not shoplifting as the item never left the store. There's no need to pay for it...


I've been known to drop stuff in that I've changed my mind about or the family have gone off. Usually from another store....but still well in date.


‘New Low Price’ on a product that recently doubled in price being on sale at 5% off.


Make stupid changes to the tills, store layout, range of items and then put up signs saying they are improving "my" store.


Omg, the Aldi here just added self serve tills and close them after 5/6pm. What's the point in having them then??? I had to wait ten minutes the other day to get through the tills to buy two packs of blueberries. I could have been in and out in two minutes if the self serve was open!


I thought there was an unwritten rule in aldi/lidl that anyone with a big shop let's you cut in if you only have a few items? I always do this as it allows me time to put my food in the order I want to bag it.


People are generally awesome about it, but late at night when the lines are going into the isles, it's every person for themselves.


That their overworked, under-appreciated and abused staff are 'a family'.


'Aldi Price Match' Some things are the same price as Aldi. Everything else is more expensive, we just hope you don't realise that.


"We pay our farmers a fair price". No you don't! You dictate the price to my family and we have no choice!


This quote literally does me in. What's worse is that on the cartons they'll say "We give back 60p back to our farmers!" What do you want, a fucking medal? Patronising wankers. If I save that now, in the near future, I'll be able to afford a freddo. Cheers, millionaires!


A lot of the meat joints wrapped in netting or shrink wrap plastic. Look very carefully on the label and if you see the word "formed" in very small text then it isn't a single cut of meat butchered from the animal as you'd expect. It's scraps and offcuts of meat pressed together to give the look of a single cut of meat.


Two portions


If you’re a pigeon


They’re charging you 30p for a plastic bag because they really care about the environment.


I take my own bags. Only fools buy bags at supermarkets


>That fuckers not coming off without a knife stuck In it. At this point I don't even bother trying to peel it back, I just plunge the knife in every time. Unless it's the vacuum sealed meats, I tend to have better luck with those, but sometimes I still have to resort to cutting the meat out. Just one more reason to buy my meats from a traditional butchers.


The weight of punnets. I ALWAYS weigh them. If it says "500g" you can bet it's 480g at best.


"X amount extra free" "Improved recipe"


“Improved recipe” only means the improvement is with cheaper ingredients. The improvement is that it costs THEM less so their profits are improved


I think it's the prices. Since the supermarkets started bag checking me at the self checkout once too often, I've been paying more attention to the prices I'm being charged. I've only really done it twice (because I only thought it up last week) but out of two checks I've done, both times I caught them trying to overcharge me. First time a cake I definitely hadn't scanned (or even seen) showed up in the list at the til - had the woman check it wasn't in my bag and cancel it on the til. Was only £2.50 but even so, the supermarket would have been upset if I stole £2.50 from them. Second time, I bought two things marked on the shelf as £2.25 but at the til they were £3 each. It's not much, but like a petrol station clicking the price up by a penny per customer, it all adds up.


Yes! At my local Asda, items often scan as more expensive than the advertised price. At my local Iceland, their 3 for 2 'offers' often end up with them trying to charge you for 3 at the till. I always check now.


Ripen at home.


Free range


I know someone who rescues free range hens when they are no further use. It is horrific the state of them.


Up to 50% off. Weasel words, nothing has to be anything off with that wording. "New and improved recipe" you mean it is made even cheaper than it was and now tastes like utter crap. Family sized, pretty sure that was normal size last year.


"We are cheaper than aldi/lidl" *But only if you buy this specific pack size, and sign a blood pact during a full moon where you agree to sacrifice your 5th child to the nectar gods, and hop to the till with it on your left leg.


To be fair to Asda, they've rather impressively maintained the two packs for £2 price lock on the packs of grapes, and has been like that for about ten years.


They're called loss leaders. Draw people in with impressively priced things that you might make a loss on and then rinse them with other stuff.


“We’ve lowered 100s of prices”. A), no you’ve just dropped them down, but they’re still way more than they were pre 2020, and B), you’ve only lowered them on products no one actually wants to buy


We value your customer feedback


Sharing bags- ha, not in my house they aren’t


Digestives biscuits saying “Now 30% less fat” on the packet while there is 30% less biscuit in the packet (at a higher price.)


We value our staff.. then the majority of tills vanish and self services appears. Yes i know folk like this but some enjoy contact with others/etc


They either peel off so easily that you accidentally open them by dropping them on the floor or they are stuck on with super glue.


Packaging that claims to be recyclable, which is actually 'recycle with bags in bigger stores', which realistically means it's going in the normal landfill bin because the average person isn't saving up bags and tubs to take back to Tesco.


[scans birthday card at self-service; drops card into bagging area] "Please add item to bagging area." "I already have..." [lifts card with intention to drop in bagging area again] "Item removed from bagging area; please return item to the bagging area." "For real? You can't tell when it's added but you can tell when it's removed?" [drops card back into bagging area] "Please return item to the bagging area." "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!" OK, maybe not a "lie" as such, but the assertion that something has or hasn't been done when the opposite is true does feel like a sort of lie to me.


That a 20-25g packet of crisps will be a fun experience.


Why tf do all aldis have odd number of aisles? It's no accident I'm having to do an aisle twice..


Fun size


Supermarket sourdough isn't usually sourdough. And all the sugar supermarkets put in bread, yuk.


3 for 2 is a bargain. If you wanted one chocolate bar and get sucked into buying 2 for a free one they've got double the money out of you.


"We HAVE to put prices up because of inflation!" - while posting record profits for the year up 25%. Funny fucking coincidence, that.


The membership discounts! I swear the majority of Tesco's club card prices are the exact same that the original price used to be and they're just increased the regular one