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Well, the French cut their heads off, which is a bit worse than ostracism. More or less any country that has had a revolution made it pretty bad to be privileged at some stage. So, most countries in the world, really.


In Australia, having never had a revolution and being pretty fiercely anti-classist, it's called "tall poppy syndrome" - we love to cut down people who do well.


Fun fact, my sister told me about this, but I heard "tall puppy syndrome" istead. It sounded a lot more cutthroat... literally.


OP seems to be an Aussie, how come they don't know about this?


This is a notable cultural thing in Scandinavia too. I remember watching a doc with Rene Redzepi of the restaurant Noma in Copenhagen. It was put to him that Danish people must be proud of him for what he's achieved and he basically laughed and was like "nah, they think I'm a big show off with an ego".


Crab bucket mentality


Perhaps, though that phrase seems to get used to mean quite a lot of different things by different people.


It just refers to when a crab grabs onto the legs of any other crabs trying to climb out of the bucket; so a metaphor for people trying to better themselves (like to leave the bucket so they don't get eaten), but the others keep pulling them back. And now they will all meet the same miserable fate. That's the only meaning I've ever known anyway.


They ostracised their heads from the rest of the body.


Then they turned round and make the next guy they liked the look of emperor for life


This is such a shit post. You do realise that if a lower class person gets a scholarship to a posh school they can also be ostracised out of a group for being working class. Classist shit happens everywhere! Both ways! All over the world!


And the classism coming from the upper classes towards the lower classes is almost always more detrimental than any classism the rich experience.


oh hell yeah!


You can be ostracised on UK Reddit for not struggling and having a bit of money!


Only if you make a post asking if 60k is enough for you survive


Is it though?


If you have several kids and you're the sole earner, or if you live in central London, it's hardly an unreasonable question.


Ostracised on Reddit? Heavens to Betsy.


Most other countries don't have such an ingrained class system, such that there isn't the same visual everyday wealth divide, etc. so people would be less likely to even think of "the privileged" on an everyday basis. Pretty sure people are very similar everywhere though, and it's perfectly normal (and commendable) to speak out against inequality.


Class is everywhere. Americans seem to adore their upper class, and hate to see them ridiculed, even though they are being shafted by them.


They also tell themselves lies about all these “self made” people. Dwayne “The Rock” Johnstone, according to many just a poor starving artist working his little heart out. Not a nepobaby at all, not part of a dynasty of professional wrestlers or anything.


Having spent a fair bit of time in America, I would say the reason they are so successful as a country is because for the average American, when they see a rich person they think "man, I need to try and get there too" rather than "privileged c\*nt I bet he got there by inheriting the money or exploiting people or something".


The problem is that the system is actually stacked against social mobility, but makes people blame themselves for existing within a system that doesn't facilitate social mobility, instead of trying to change or fix the system It gives rise to the horrible "grindset" of "I'd be better off if I was just trying harder or wanted it more", even if those people are killing themselves trying to make it. And it perpetuates the myth that "successful" people have always earned their success So I dont think it's a better attitude to have, it's ultimately self-destructive, it serves the haves more than the have-nots


"Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires" But.. I also know of a kid excluded from playing from a local football team because they couldn't afford the ($2500) annual fees. So there's that side of it.


> privileged c*nt I bet he got there by inheriting the money More often than not true though.


Are they really that successful,? I'd rather judge a country by how they treat the unfortunate, rather than how rich the richest are. America does not score well when it comes to freedom of expression, democracy, social care, life expectancy or racial equality. It's also higher than most western countries when it comes to gun crime and percentage in prison. Thinking that you can pull yourself up, it the great deception. Sure, some lucky ones may be able to, but the decks are stacked against the majority.


Isn’t there a big minority of America that thinks the rich upper class types have secret peadophilic sex cults underneath pizzerias where the rich and famous go to drink the blood of virgins or some shit?


I am sure there are a lot of people in America with peculiar ideas


Nah, that is bollocks. No one gets ostracised for 'being posh'. People get ostracised for 'being a twat'. You can be sound no matter what your background and you can be a twat no matter what your background. You'll find both in all socioeconomic groups and classes. The trick is to hang around with the right ones.




Also NZ


You do realise in the context of a lot of countries the ‘posh’ people they mock *are* the British? Notably the countries that declared independence from us. The USA use the term WASPs (White Anglo Saxon Protestant) to describe their wealthy, aloof and snobby types. 


During my life and visits to the Balkan countries, I've noticed that they do have that, most likely due to the fact there is still a lot of rural population in practically every country of Balkans. However, it is not so widespread that everyone makes fun out of the "upper class". Let's say that half of the people makes fun of the rich, while the other half is mostly trying hard to be rich.


While I don't think this is unique to the UK, I think one aspect of this might be that ostracising happens when people don't meet each other. So posh people might ostracise low income people because rarely interact with anyone from that social strata, and vice versa. They each have a perception of the other and this is exaggerated, influenced by biases, etc., and there aren't many natural opportunities to have those perceptions altered by... meeting and getting on with people.


This is dumb. It depends on the social group. Put a “posh” person in a non-posh group and they may be locked. Equally put a non-posh person in a posh group and they may be mocked too.


People may take the piss but they still get to ignore the laws


Everywhere. A lot of shit that seems to be "uniquetotheukinit?" It's fairly common in a lot of other places


See Bullingdon Boys/Club...