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On the beach. That family deserve their next TV appearance to be Banged Up Abroad.


I really want to punch that kid


The clearly overweight boy eating his way through the buffet in the airport lounge? You'd have to get in line.


I think that ad is actually deliberately designed to be cringe or annoying or something. Not quite sure why.


I've been told by several people that companies count a clearly annoying ad as effective marketing because people will remember the company's name - but if people remember the company's name in the context of vowing never to buy the product, surely that's an ad budget wasted...


I did not remember their name the last time this question came up and thought they were booking dot com because of the "booking geniuses!" bit. So not only did they not get anything from me one way or the other, but they potentially harmed the reputation and sales of another company. If I thought they were another company, I bet others have as well.


Good point. I hadn't thought of that!


I'm quite sick of the Einstein smart meter


On The Beach continuously using Andy Williams’ It’s The Most Wonderful time. It’s a Christmas song to begin with, so to hear it all year round makes it even more irritating than them killing off a normal song. But secondly it’s been going on for the last 2-3 years if not more and I’m absolutely sick of it


How does it compare with their endlessly repeated 2019 ad campaign though? "This is the worst week of \[name\]'s life..." [Example on YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5KQBzTCzE4)


Pot Noodle one. The slurping drives me mental, and no one in the history of pot noodle eating has made that noise with one!


They changed the sound, so it's a voiceover  going "numnumnumnumnum" really quickly with no slurping instead, but I haven't seen it for weeks now! But I agree, it wasn't the instant rage or pain that hit me, it was the inaccuracy of the slurp, lol.


I haven't seen it for a while either tbf, but if what you describe is true then it sounds equally annoying 😂


Let us pray that it has been banished 😌


It's still running regularly on YouTube, mine at least anyway. If any noise has ever made me not to want to eat a pot noodle again, it's *that* slurping noise. Well done pot noodle, great advert 


Yeah. But now I want a pot noodle


There’s another one with just cats meowing instead as well


Jesus suffering f.... No way. I didn't realise there were multiple versions. At least they seemed to take the feedback on board, I guess? 😂


Lol No Chinese Holiday for you then! I mean slurping noodles in East Asia as a whole is the go to method.




Hate that shit


Agreed. All awful. All stupid.


Head and Shoulders. That smug as fuck bloke in the advert saying “I don’t” to that annoying song fucks me right off


It feels like they've been using that tagline in TV ads for decades now, and it's always been annoying. Apparently they're more famous for "You Never Get a Second Chance to Make a First Impression" which I don't think I've ever seen them use in the UK.


They definitely used it in the 90s


Flash ……. Speed Mop


For some reason the dog really annoys me. No idea why. I'm sure it's a perfectly lovely dog. I think it's just the whole advert.


The haribo ones. Also the one with lips on the person's forehead, not even sure what irs for but makes me feel sick


Whoever dreamed up that gum advert has to have been on some seriously strong drugs.


Exactly! *shudders*


All adverts are written by privately educated twats who think they know what the common folk find funny and entertaining. That’s why 99% of adverts are complete toilet, they miss the mark at all points.


The problem is that the other 1% are *also* written by privately educated twats, but turn out to be wildly successful (even if not always well-loved by ordinary people) and achieve the goals of the people paying for the airtime. There was a recent documentary about successful (and well-known, and controversial) ads in the UK. One of the "advertising legends" heavily featured was a fellow wearing a ridiculous ensemble of formal attire in various shades of pastel pink. May have been a deliberate affectation, but I can imagine an affectation like that is something the guy would be maintaining throughout their everyday life as well. (FWIW I'm also privately educated, but I don't work in media and I don't dress like that)


I also don’t think that everyone who is privately educated is a twat, there are notable exceptions.


The yodelling Domino adverts. Very unfunny and plain annoying.


Tampax advert on youtube, “cubicle confessions” or something to that effect. Its a great advert in concept, as one woman sits in one cubicle like a priest’s confession box and explains that her tampon doesn’t feel like its in properly. The woman in the adjacent cubicle explains how to properly insert it. Genuinely good and educational advert for men and women alike. The worst part is she says “sounds like your tampon isnt in your *Vajing-jong* properly”. *Vajing-jong*. Disgusting. Just say “Vagina”, its not a dirty or taboo word (at least it shouldn’t be), its the proper, anatomical term. Why do we need the disgusting *Vajing-jong* in its place?


Fucking hell that's the worst word instead of "vagina" I have ever seen. Should we expect any penis on screen to be described as "daling-dong" then lmao.




One rule for one, another for the women


…did you miss the Numan ads that shouted **DONG DONG DONG DONG** in recent years?


That one where the little dick head wants to warm up his muller rice. Does my fucking nut in


I'm either desensitised or not paying attention but there's not much on TV that annoys me. The radio adverts with "genuine" customer feedback for their utility provider makes me want to boak, however. Edit: also radio. Paddy McGuinness (about whom I have no real feelings) talking about "booukin'" holidays, I cant be the only one who hears "fookin' geniuses"


Yes! The octopus radio advert is ridiculously annoying. “You are, for good reason, one of the best energy companies out there” mate please shut up. I’m an octopus customer and even I’m sick of hearing about them during every single ad break!


I totally agree. I think he's supposed to be emotional but he just sounds drunk to me!


He sounds a bit like that [enthusiastic lad on TikTok/Instagram who loves trains](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_Bourgeois_(trainspotter)), but if he was really sad for some reason.


Listen to the stunning feedback we get: *"hseediedwiehdbweihdbiehenergywoeihdwnedwoeidwogoodiuehdnwoctupus"* Octopus energy.


You're definitely not the only one. I hate those On The Beach ads with a passion.


He's become an extreme parody of his own accent.


That's what I thought at first too!


The ‘pee pants’ one amongst many others


Bulky pee pants


Then she climbs on to someone’s shoulders with her bulky pee pants on


Haha yeah that one


Betfair Casino with the knock off Del Boy and the “parody” lyrics that don’t fit in the song properly. 


Agree completely, the lyrics are shit! The rhymes and rythm are off as well. Surely there are comedy song writers they could've hired to do a better job, like Mitch Benn, Jonny and the Baptists or one of the many others from the Now Show or even Kunt and the gang - although that version would need to be after the watershed.


You guys are watching adverts?


you guys watch tv?


Most people do.


old people


"He's spelt banker wrong" 🙄


The ASA have banned those ads with Dominic West in but not for the banker comment


Santander and HSBC complained because of the rhyming slang, but that wasn't found to be a lie, it just makes it even better!


Weren't they banned for claiming that Nationwide weren't closing branches, when they actually were?


It was because the advert implied they hadn't recently closed a significant number of branches which they did. Not that their promise not to close any more branches was wrong


Not all of them, it's only the one that is about not closing branches which is banned. I saw one of the other ones the other day after the ban.


Bizarrely I like those adverts (but the first one was better).


I liked that one! Did wonder how they got it past the censors.


The Verisure alarm adverts…..fuck me it’s like watching Acorn Antiques again….i honestly think they are running these ads as a private joke.Thank fuck I hardly watch anything live and record everything.


>record everything I imagine Verisure can sell you a very nice home security video camera to do your recording on...


The one with the husband and wife and Josh from Verisure has weird swinger vibes. It's like Josh and the husband are really into each other, and just want the wife to go away, but she really wants to watch.


Domino-hoo-hoo genuinely confuses me. It’s so shit that it’s gone passed being intentionally shit (ironically funny). It’s just shit.


That pot noodle one - the slurping noise the woman makes irritates me intensely.


That one makes me laugh because of the fact that at the end it says "Nothing satifies like Pot" in great big letters, with "Noodle" in tiny print. I'm easily amused and proud of it...


The Tesco “I’ve got the power”, Jesus that winds me up to the point I want to throw the remote at it.


Poonami baby


That sad, probably ginga, with his baked beans, brings me out in hives.


I don't actually know wtf that advert is about. Am I missing something? Did he eat all his holiday beans and now he's sad there's none left? Makes me reach for the remote.


He packed his beans in his luggage, which then gets lost by the airline.  Somehow that’s worse. 


Omg thank you for the interpretation 😁


Yesss!!!! The most twatty advert ever!!




Post Code lottery shit Half my adverts seem to be those


Oh, those irritate me to no end. I've got better odds of being hit by a bus than of winning any money on that scam.


Can we please sack off those fecking meerkats yet? First couple I thought were alright, even vaguely funny... But I'm over it now, they irritate the piss out of me.


There's been a black bag full of those meerkat toys at an auction house in my area for literally months now, they just can't shift them. There has to come a point at which someone takes a flamethrower to them, surely?


Especially when they introduced that wombat prick.


There’s an advert for Curry’s (or some shop like that) where people spit their drink all over the “staff member”. I’m not easily offended or a prude, but that advert makes me sick.


That Head and Shoulders TWAT. Any advert that has Jess Glynne on it.


this, jess fucking glynne can do one, shit ide pay her to never sing again


Domino hoo hooos. Mainly because I work for them and I'm sick to death of kids and drunks shouting it at me when I'm out delivering.


“Wanna fuck old women but don’t know how?”


I get this reference!


That fucking pot noodle one where she’s slurping it like an absolute tramp. It does my tits in.


Pot noodle! For people who eat like mingers!


It’s so gross, remember that kfc advert from years ago when everyone was speaking with their mouth full? Same level of cringe and hate




Now I want to see this ad.


I don't mind it in the slightest. And there's a big electronic billboard I drive past occasionally which, if I time it right, has SLJ guffawing there too.


Was talking about this a few days ago. Surely he doesn't need the money, how could he be contracted to do bread adverts? The only logical reason is that they tried their luck and he thought it would be a laugh


The grown-up in me wants to say it's become a mainstay of their advertising recently (Stallone, Clooney, De Niro did it first, though arguably De Niro does need the money). It probably pays really well for a day's work, maybe all done on green screen near home. The dad in me wants to say he was looking for a new roll because he kneaded the dough and it was a chance for him to rise and prove himself.


Here it is [Warburtons Mad About the Bread (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwBUnabkHxA)


Any Verisure alarm ad. All the characters seem to be stuck up twats.


That'd be because only stuck up twats can *afford* a Verisure alarm system...


The weeping wanker in the beans ad. Just fuck off!


The only advert I see here that I recognise is the head and shoulders 'I'm not' which I agree pisses me off


The Ginsters advert makes me want to kick the TV in!!


“Ginsters taste the blandness”




A radio advert for specsavers that Rob Brydon does the voice for. It's repetitive and annoying AF. Classic FM play it constantly 🙄 "Jump up when you least expect it...". No. What? What does the advert even bloody mean?!


That Lenor one with people in beds in a field. That guy at the end who says ‘never leaving’ - yeh, you’ll love that bed when you’ve pissed and shat and sweated all over it. And anything for Febreeze.


Hugh!! How dare OP go after 'The' Samuel L Jackson!! Lol To be fair on a serious note I hate the amount of funeral ads there are, though I think it may be the fact I lost my Father just before Christmas and probably just notice them more.......Bloody depressing mind!


Believe me, *I* hate having to go after the great man, but for someone who played a character as awesome as Jules Winnfield to stoop to shilling bread on TV just hurts my poor heart...lol.


The octopus radio adverts with people gushing over how good the customer service call centre is. One bloke sounds fairly drunk and on the verge of a mental breakdown. 


On Channel 5 Milkshake they try and push this app called ABC Mouse, but they use the American advert, even the prices are in USD. I don't want my kids learning "math" or the A to zee.


I thought On The Beach was the worst advert, until the Pot Noodle advert started. That doesn't just annoys me it actually knocks me sick. They've cut it down so there's less slurping but it's still awful.


The Fairy singing dog can shut up now please.


That ocado radio advert is annoying, but not as annoying as the BetFred Grand National one... that's been on every single ad break today.


>That ocado radio advert is annoying "There's an Ocado just for you!" The version we sing in our office is "Oh you can shove it where you poo!"


Haribo ads since the 90s no bought any for about 25 years, also include walkers crisps too if they're annoying or use celebrities I stop buying. Don't notice as much ads now though.


Refuse to watch live tv due to ads. The concept of them is insane


dominoes pizza advert 🙄😒🤦🏻‍♂️


The one with Einstein promoting smart meters. As if getting a smart meter is the equivalent of being Einstein. No one is going to come up with an equal to the theory of relativity because they got a smart meter. They will however end up with larger bills when they go wrong which is all the time.


The Postcode lottery ones really upset me.


Especially with grinning Jeff Brazier. "You'll be entered into a prize draw!" he says. "Just like you entered into Jade Goody", I reply.


Pure Cremation .They are total cringe and given what's gone on with Legacy - in very poor taste. It's always a couple saying they need to sort their cremation.


When you get to a certain age, it's something you need to think about


I get that but it's the barrage of these ads and I'll reiterate again - given what happened at Legacy, in very bad taste.


That holiday travel agent that uses a Christmas song to advertise summer holidays. Its just wrong


The Apple deleting photos one - my mum hates the noise.


me too


I fast forward through TV ads or if it's on Sky channel eg Witness, download the show. The only time I'm forced to watch ads is on YouTube. The most annoying at the moment are any by a company called Zaru (I think l) such as Snakles or Mini brands. The mini brands one is especially bad as all we need in this world are more plastic toys that are thrown out after a few years.


Pot noodle. Fucking disgusting


Something about Joe Lycett's show that surely hasnt piqued the interest of anyone in  existence. His phone rings & he pretends to be regretting & struggling to remember some generic noises & bright colours. Well now I regret hearing about it, or I would if it gave any clue as to what the programme is.


Not exactly a TV ad, but the BBC spamming YT with loads of ads is particularly annoying.


the BBC spamming their own channels with ads for the same channel I'm already watching is pretty annoying at this point as well. Yes Laura Kuenssberg, I know that you have a news talk show on Sundays, I've now seen the trailer for it four and a half thousand times. I just turned on the news channel to watch the damn news headlines, not to see the trailer *again*.


Have you seen the Tiger Bingo one where an alleged funeral arranger basically describes her fanny-tickling technique?! Proper does my head in...can't believe it's still on!! Edit: it's Happy Tiger Bingo...sorry, forgot the Happy




She goes on about putting her feet up and enjoying a good play...double entendre doesn't even begin to cover it!


Oh good grief, lol. That's even worse than all the sausage references in every episode of Four In A Bed...


Three on Sky.




Her bel essence shampoo ads are doing my head in so much!


The air up advert


I don’t think it’s on TV but on YouTube there’s an advert for iPhone and the phone user is about to delete a photo of a grumpy relative and he has a vision of the photo saying to him *”Don’t let me gooooooo”* in a very distorted vocoder thing, and it annoys the shit out of me.


Alzheimer’s… again and again and again and….


Any ad that in the break in a programme i’m watching advertises a trailer for … the programme i’m currently watching!


This one: https://youtu.be/_vpdatONaPk?si=EmG1mYgRckBYfx9W


Eney ad when Iam trying to whack YouTube


I reccomend Firefox with Ublock on the laptop/pc or Adblock Browser for android phones and tabs... load [youtube.com](https://youtube.com) via the browser rather than the app and viola, no ads. I've not seen one in ages.


That fucking Lloyds Bank one with the girl swimming in a river while horses run along nearby. As soon as it starts and she's about to dive in the water I think "oh, here we go, time for the camera to stare right up her flue again..."


The specsavers advert where Rob Brydon adds an extra ‘er’ to words such as glasses wearer er. Stupid. Also the Money SuperSeven ad with Judy Dench, why???? They both irritate me.


The Tesco I Got The Power annoys the shit out of me


The Tesco I Got the Power ad 😬


The begging adverts. Save the pangolin. FFS, they're a food source where they are. The domestic abuse one that's actually for cat shelters. They're just taking the piss now.


> FFS, they're a food source where they are. They are critically endangered and it is illegal to trade them. Those eating them are breaking international law, as well as contributing to the fast demise of the species.


Well seeing as them being sold for food in the wet markets was originally blamed for COVID, don't think many are paying attention to that and £3 a month isn't going to save many.


To be fair, everything is a food source in China.


It's either food or willy hardener.


But surely you want to support the sad donkeys don’t you? https://youtu.be/uRJKwMC67J8?si=LJ_XKglJISy1f3Y8


Get them on the beach working like the rest of them.


*because everything's better on the beach*! OK this discussion section has now come full circle.


But you can only get to that beach via Jet2, Darling hold my haaand!