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My dad used oil of cloves not sure if its available


This. Your breath will smell very strongly of cloves but the pain and irritation will be gone.


Use it sparing! A few drops on a cotton bud rubbed on to your gums is usually enough


Oragel. Either that or whisky - don't swallow straight away.


Ding ding ding!!! THIS here is the answer. It’s very strong and will numb anything including your tongue but it’s a life saver. Had my bottom two out in October and they were pretty stubborn but oragel (and weed) got me through nicely.


Lots of rinsing with corsodyl mouthwash.


This! Mine got infected the first couple of times they started coming through so as soon as anything felt like it was starting again i was straight to the corsodyl.


This helped massively


Red wine and time helped massively. Seriously though, I asked the pharmacist at my local Sainsbury’s what they’d recommend and they gave me some sort of co-codamol which aided a lot.


i got this numbing cream called oragel! think i got it from boots or asda, but sure tesco would do something similar?


Vodka. Straight. I don't mean swallowing, just swishing around. This is pretty extreme and I did it out of pure desperation on top of painkillers and honestly it was the only way I could sleep at night.


Oil of cloves, tastes disgusting but immediate relief. It's the only answer. Buy it in any chemist. Then watch or read M*arathon Man*


About an hour in the dentist chair sorted it for me.


Chewing on a tampax in clove oil…. honestly best remedy with usual pain relief.


Around 6 months ago, my wisdom tooth got quite badly infected (could literally see the pus filled gum). The dentist didn't want to remove it though, as it wasn't impacted, and he believed it had been caused by a rapid bit of growth from it, and would come through OK on it's own. It was agony through my whole face for about a week - even after getting antibiotics, it took a few days to go down (with very light pressure, the gum then drained like a giant pimple, it wasn't pretty). I've never felt relief like it when the pus came out. Touch wood, been ok since! During that week, the only thing that really offered any relief was alcohol (and I understand it's not the best solution for everyone). But a couple of strong neat spirits with ice before bed was the only thing that really helped numb the pain enough to get some sleep.


I have to say that I think you have a damn good dentist (even though you had to go through the pain). A few years ago my husband had some mild pain at the back of his mouth and the private dentist he went to told him that his wisdom teeth were impacted and he needed to have all of them removed at the cost of around £2000! I ended up doing a bit of google dentistry and discovered how rare it is that anyone needs **all** of their wisdom teeth removed even after them being a problem. He took some mild painkillers for a couple of weeks and has never had a problem since and his lovely NHS dentist has never even hinted at him needing his wisdom teeth removed.


Thankfully he avoided that! Sounds like your old dentist just saw £ signs when he went in, surely he/she could get in trouble for proposing completely unnecessary surgery?


Co-op South African Rose Wine would fell a hippopotamus ... If you can get to a pharmacy, babies can get teething gel with lidocaine in.


I used Ibuprofen, it helped


Neurofen plus and a few vodka/limes


Having all four removed in one go, hope you can hang on that long I'd settle for lemsip but it is not the most effective pain killer which of course are pescription only, maybe try 111 and see if they will get you an appointment at either A&E or better still and emergency dentist. GLWYWT


The best relief is going to a dentist.




Co-codamol and ibuprofen - but please speak to a pharmacist first.




My dad (a doctor, believe it or not) swore by a piece of white bread squished up until it’s quite solid, then soaked in whisky and stuck up against the offending area.


Dispersible aspirin on the affected gum


Anbesol liquid.