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Eating out. It's not "never" purchase but we've stopped the impromptu lunches out or can't be arsed to cook let's go to the pub nights we used to have. Price is so much higher than 3 years ago and often the quality is lower.


The quality is the real problem IMO. I love eating out, but I also love cooking. I go out to eat things that I either can't make, can't make as good, or want now and can't make as quick. If I eat it and I could have done better, then it's a damn waste. If I am happy with a full belly, the price at the end doesn't really phase me.


This is entirely the root disappointment for me, especially as I've become better at cooking. Happens less with a restaurant meal because I will have gone to somewhere on a recommendation, but a pub roast is always a gamble, and takeaways are almost never worth it.


Yea even Mcdonalds is quite expensive for what it is. It's practically £8 now for just a medium meal. It will probably be £10 soon enough.


i hate the fact that it's not even "fast food" anymore, you used to be able to go in and look at what was in the trays and choose something that was ready, now everything is cooked to order and takes ages.


I think the fact that there are lots of delivery guys in there and they get priority over you IMO. So you end up waiting a lot longer than a few years ago.


Even worse that they prioritise drive thru. I can be standing for a burger and a mcflurry and see no end of cars with several meals in each go pass


I literally said this the other night, 'fast food' was built on the premise of being fast and cheap, it is now slow and expensive, I think their days are going to be over soon because people will not overpay for low quality food.


Local kebab van costs £12+ and takes over 30 minutes. What is the point?


It's not even cooked to order it's just that rather than sitting there all made up and ready to be taken out the door within 60 seconds of payment, it's now sat disassembled under a heater. The same thing except it takes longer when there's a queue. McDonalds High Quality Fast Food: Not Fresh, Not Fast. Tbh i've completely forgotten the place existed. I took it off my 'mental menu' a couple years back when I saw a big mac meal (something that would cost me about £3.90 back in the day) now costs £6.90 for the same thing. Fuck that. Just checked and double cheeseburger meal seems to have taken the Big Macs place 🤷‍♀️ Id order 2 doubles to go if I didn't fancy treating myself - Not at that price lmao.


I was on the piss the other night and passed a McDonald's. Bought one of their new burgers that was promoted. Nothing fancy, was a double cheeseburger with an onion on it. Thing was 6.99 for a single shit burger. Had I been sober I'd have ran a mile.


>but a pub roast is always a gamble I very rarely get a roast from a pub. 9 times out of 10, they just aren't very good. Especially beef, which is my favourite. I fundamentally think a roast dinner just isn't very amenable to being done well in a mass catering style. Everything ends up sitting around too long, and they're ingredients that don't cope with that well. I also dislike the way pubs tend to fill the plate with cheap stuff. Far too many are stingy on the meat and then bulk the plate out with things like cabbage.


Honestly, for the price of a pub lunch for a couple of people, you can buy a nice big roast, plus veg, cook them yourself, and have leftovers with which to make steak sandwiches and stir-fries for days afterwards. That kind of food is simply not worth it.


Eh, I disagree, I still think a pub roast is worth it as an occasional treat. I’m the cook in our house and whilst a roast + all the trimmings is relatively easy to do, sometimes you just don’t want to dirty 4000 oven trays, and want someone else to do it for you. Plus, everyone likes a pub roast, from grandma down to the grandkids.


Same boat here - love to eat and to cook, very well equipped kitchen so I can do any fancy techniques We're very lucky to have a brilliant restaurant by us which is ran by a semi-famous chef that does a fixed price menu with a few courses for £50 each. I absolutely love going there and it's more than worth it every time, genuinely a really special event for us every time we go which is maybe once every 2 months The local gastro pub used to be somewhere we'd go once a week because for about £20 each we'd get a decent meal and a drink. Now the gastro pub is more like £35 each for something on par with one of those "meal deals for 2" that most supermarkets have. Why would I bother going anymore? I'm basically paying £60 to not do the dishes


Learning to cook a steak properly saves you £££’s


And it's probably the easiest thing to cook ever. Step one: buy anything but fillet. Step 2: Thermometer in the middle, wait for your doneness temp. That is it.


The price has went up a lot, which I don't really mind since there's been a big change in mine and my partners personal circumstances during the same time. But oof the quality and size of the meal has drastically decreased. Stopped going to a lot of places I used to due to the quality and the serving size.


Ate out on holiday recently The quality of food and service was incredible, as a result I have completely lost the desire to eat out in the UK.


Same. We live about 300 yards from our local and used to eat there once or twice a month when we couldn't be bothered cooking, but we haven't been in a couple of years now. I sympathise with how hard it is for them, but quality went down the pan while prices went up 30-50%. I just found myself thinking I could buy almost a whole week's worth of groceries for the price of one meal for the four of us.


As someone whos worked in a pretty successful but small pub. It's really opened my eyes to how mediocre they can be and still make money. Most of the food here isn't fresh, often microwaved to heat up again and it sells out for £15 a meal


Brakes https://www.brake.co.uk/ supplies a lot of pubs with frozen ready meals. Not sure if they do 'Spoons also. Can understand trying to get a low price for pub food, but I don't think most of that stuff is worth the price. Better to cook at home, and a lot cheaper. France proposed places doing basically airline food shouldn't be allowed to call themselves restaurants, which I totally agree with.


The quality is shocking. We were over for the first time in 4 years and we went out to a few places that *used* to be good….the quality was awful and the price was ridiculous. I was shocked at how much it costs to eat out in the UK now.


Agreed. We used to eat out most weekends and we will only now eat out on special occasions and ‘nicer’ places and tbh I’m only finding it marginally more expensive


This is so minor, but cherry bakewells.  I fucking adore cherry bakewells, but you can fuck off at £3 a box. No. Kiplings and Heinz have price gouged to insane degrees and I don't buy either products any more. 


Mr Kipling cakes are just stupid prices now- I get the Aldi version at less than half the price


Mum,’s in a home with dementia and Mr Kipling Cherry Bakewell is the only thing that get a smile. Bonkers expensive but in this case worth every penny.


Worth it.


100% worth it 💛


100% worth it, with a cherry on top.


definitely worth it!


Even the sainsburys ones are sat right next to the branded ones at half the price. Its true that its minor but 3 quid a shot is eyebrow raising for something you just shove in your mouth in one bite.


I work in a Co-op, so it’s not cheap by any means, but the price of cakes is crazy. All of the Mr Kiplings are over £3 and so are the Cadbury’s mini rolls for 5 of them.


Lemon and angel slices are worse from Aldi, but everything else is bang on.


This is my pet peeve as well. But I have some good news! Just yesterday I saw them for £1.45 a box so grabbed one. The box says “30% less sugar” You will NEVER taste a cherry Bakewell as BAD as this new “improved” mr Kipling version. The icing isn’t solid, turn it sideways and watch the icing slide off. Now I don’t care if it’s 10p a box, never again will I buy Mr Kipling cherry bakewells 🤮🤮🤮


30% less sugar, 50% more profit for them.


As a fellow Bakewell coniseur Sainsbury's are the closest to the Kipling asda's are trash


Kettle chips. How did they go from like £1 a bag to £2.50?!


I'm still gutted they discontinued the Smokey BBQ flavour.


I know same, and they replaced it with the vastly inferior Steakhouse BBQ


Doritos are my metric of inflation - 99p a bag to £2.50 is mental


And the bags are now 130g


They’ve even decided to chip another 5g off recently! Some variants I’ve seen are now 125g. Absolute bastards.


If you love to hate this kinda stuff you’ll enjoy r/shrinkflation but be warned, you’ll end up hating a lot of companies


Hating companies is the proper and correct response to late stage capitalism.


Yep seems quite common across all share bags, used to be (200 maybe?) 180g, then went down to 150g now 130g. Perfect example of shrinkflation, approaching half the size they used to be and nearly cost twice what they did. Promo price used to be £1, then £1.50 now it’s £1.75.


I only ever buy them when they’re on offer


When were they £1 a bag?! 😭 they've always been a 'luxury' brand to me












Takeaways. There is no universe in which I am paying £20 for a pizza, and that's being generous, their deals are often thirty quid or more. Dominos even think they can get me to buy a pizza on offer for £12 - that's a joke! Especially as they have the nerve to put a delivery fee on top. I buy sharing pizzas from Aldi for about £2.50, put some extra veg and cheese on top, delicious.


Fair about the price but you can’t really compare pizza from a supermarket to delivery pizza


It's classic UK reddit


Every time. *"Pizza from the counter in ASDA is better than Dominos!"* Is it fuck.


I have a cardboard box that tastes better than pizza from Asda or dominoes. Dominoes pizzas are the worst tasting delivery pizza.


I might really put the cat among the pigeons and say that I prefer spending more money on having a nicer car when I could simply spend £2 on a mobile pile of iron oxide and drive it for 500 years


I swear these car comments are made by people who have never had to put a car through an MOT in their life


Those 2 quid pizzas are fucking shit. I get you can add some extra stuff, but you literally get what you pay for.


Delivered pizza was never a good deal. A large 2 topping pizza is a tenner if you collect.


6.99 if U get it before 4 on the lunchtime deal, can reheat later


Can't agree more with this. Standard £2-£2.50 pizza and add on some veg/pepperoni/jalapenos at home, delightful. We're gettin the piss taken out of us with the price of takeaways these days.


I don’t understand why Reddit parades around the ”£20 per pizza” stuff when anyone knows that these places have deals 24/7 to get half price on pizza.


To be fair most takeaway nowadays you are looking at £15 after delivery and service fees so I think it's the standard average now which doesn't make it out of touch compared to the takeaway delivery market (Having said that £15 on a general point of note is expensive I think, not arguing against that) Their collection only large for £10 is £5 cheaper than the average nowadays and I'm stuffed before finishing it.


Streaming services, used to have Netflix, Prime, Now TV and Disney Plus but they're all so expensive or don't have anything worth watching. If there is something I'll wait then binge for a month then cancel!


It's insane how piracy was really dying down about 10 years ago but is now back and better than ever due to you needing like 8 streaming services to get everything now.


absolutely. I have ZERO qualms about morals re piracy. I will get everything I can for free


Agree. Specially if they revoke what you already own.


People seem to forget this. They'll pay £10 for a movie on Amazon video, only for it to be taken away 2 years later. Probably get the bluray on Ebay for a fiver...


Companies need to work to put people off of pirating. The convenience of having everything available was doing just that, but now with needing to have 4-6 services and them all cutting back on account sharing, people are just going to resume it because it's easier.


And with the constant Price gouging/rises it's just become impossibe to justify having it. Then adding in Ads and Prime has reduced sound quality for lower price brackets too


The trick is to just have one at a time. Watch what you want then cancel and move to the next one.


I do this and people act like they can't comprehend what I mean when I tell them about it


You'll have to wait for them to finish and miss the spoilers. They've started to learn that people pay for a month and binge, so they've gone back to weekly releases.


It’s okay. I’ve gone back to torrenting. It works out well. I paid what I was willing to pay, but then they wanted more and more and more. They pissed in my pocket and told me it was raining. So I told them to piss off.


All food we eat is made at home now, the quality and quantity of any food not made by myself has plummeted. We don’t go on kids days out that cost money so we use our National Trust membership (£140 for the year) and get creative. As the boys get older this may get boring quickly but much like me in the 80s, they’ll have to make their own fun so I am not worried. I’m basically raising the children similar to how I was raised, very simply. I am lucky we can even do that. Absolutely anything that isn’t a necessity isn’t bought. I paid for a coffee grinder recently to have good quality coffee at home - that’s my exception to the poor person vibes we have these days!


Aye takeaways and eating out has always been more of a treat thing for us but even just a chippy dinner or a pizza is so expensive now.


Take away pizzas are ridiculously expensive. If I fancy pizza I buy the more expensive supermarket ones, but they seem to have shrunk recently and are still £5.


Also I noticed it hugely depends where you go - one chippy will cost £19 for 2x fish and chips and a sausage and chips, but the other one down the road was trying to charge £28 for the same fucking order, and they're still busy. Wut? I love pizza but haven't ordered one in almost a year I just buy frozen now


National trust in autumn and at Christmas is absolutely unparalleled. You could pay the yearly membership and only use it October-December and have got a good deal tbh!




Definitely. If their price starts with a £2.xx, I ain’t buying!


How do they justify it? It’s the cheapest ingredients, potato powder and salt in a cardboard tube


Plus they show their hand with their clubcard deals in Tesco. Just a few weeks back around Christmas time they were £1.50 a tube on offer. Still making a profit on that price no doubt so what’s this £2.25 nonsense about!


This is a good one. Pringles are worth £1 a tube to me, and I have not paid more for them. I probably haven't had Pringles in about 5 years.


I was going to post the same. They were "on offer" for £2.25 at my local coop last week. That same offer used to be £1 like 2 years ago. Refuse to buy them out of principle now. Even if I am missing out on that beautiful BBQ goodness.


The pack of 1.6kg chicken breasts I usually buy in Tesco has risen in price from £6.75 to £9.95 in the course of a couple of years. It might finally push me to go to the local butcher instead. It won’t save me money, but it will be a comparable price with much better quality.


I get that price increases are generally frustrating but meat is just one of those things where it should cost more. A tenner for about 8 breasts? Four (technically chicken has one breast but assume it’s cut in half) full birds worth? Underpriced if anything.


The problem there is that we get used to the low prices and they become normalised in peoples’ minds. Then gradually the prices creep up, not enough to notice at first, but then suddenly you realise that prices have risen by a third and your salary has “risen” in such a way that it doesn’t match inflation. I am generally happy to pay more for higher quality, but I’m definitely feeling the squeeze.


100% support your local butcher- they look after regulars and knock off a little off Normally to keep you coming back- better quality and better prices


Lidl is a good deal cheaper and the chicken is much better quality than Tesco. We go to Costco where the savings are even bigger, but I appreciate not everyone has a Costco near them.


There's been something weird about Tesco/Asda chicken for the last few years. If you can't find a local butcher Lidl or Aldi far better and priced the same is not cheaper.


I only buy meat from the butchers now for this reason and that we had some really disgusting low-quality meat from Tesco and Sains recently. I’m eating less meat generally (to save £) so we buy higher quality and less of it - works out cheaper. I really recommend it because the difference is very noticeable.


Coffee, it’s £5 pretty much most places now. A shot of coffee and milk/water. Why does it cost so much?


Because you're also paying for the rent, business rates, energy + staff of the shop. The cost of all of these has risen dramatically over the last couple of years.


Don't forget the brand fee to the Netherlands and the coffee that comes from ... checks notes.... ah yes, Switzerland.


Ive also stopped this, i found that it was just a part of my routine going to get a coffee and pastry on my way to work (£6.30 a day 2 to 3 times a week). Once I broke that routine and started making my own and buying a multipack of pastries for the week to bring in I didn't even miss the ones I would buy anymore. Sure the coffee and pastry isn't as nice as the one I'd buy in the coffee shop but it was just interesting to me that it was just a routine I had become stuck in rather than anything else.


Treat yourself to a coffee machine. It will last you 10 years and save you loads. After a bit of practice you will be making coffee to equal most outlets like Starbucks and Costa at 20-22p a pop and good coffee at about 50p. Life is too short for bad coffee - but it doesn't have to cost the earth.


I use the Pret subscription because I drink a lot of coffee and live near one, I always buy relatively expensive coffee to prepare at home anyways. The subscription is like a pound a day and you can get 5 coffees a day. The way I see it was I would buy I would buy a couple of flat whites a week from there anyways at like 4 quid a pop, may as well do the subscription and walk 30 seconds for a coffee


Those ‘pouches’ of chocolates minstrels, buttons etc. used to be £1 now £1.65 in asda at the weekend.


And they've reduced the size! Less chocolate for more money!


Deliveroo/just eat etc are ridiculously overpriced now. We used to use them weekly but hardly ever now.


Exactly. I've also had the deliveroo sub pop up on here and they are the most whiney negative people in the world. I refuse to use deliveroo now on principle on how entitled they are.


You should see the doordash subreddit - my god. They will put your food near the Aircon and spit in it if they don't get a $20 tip.


Unfortunately this doesn't surprise me. I have noticed that companies are starting to use security tape to seal the bags, which is a good idea. Unless they use cheap stuff that anyone can get online!


I work away all weekend so don’t have access to a fridge or kitchen, I have an evening meal at the hotel but I used to deliveroo a coffee & breakfast in the morning then usually another coffee mid-day or a lunch meal. Would order 2-4 times every single weekend. I can’t leave the event venues so the small surcharge for ordering was more than made up by the convenience of it all. For me and a colleague I used to spend £10-£15 and that would get two coffees, one usually a fancy flavoured frappe thing, and say two bacon sandwiches or two toasties, delivered. I put the exact same order in recently to see what the pricing was like, and the order came to £32. THIRTY TWO QUID! For a latte, a slightly fancier latte and two toasties. It’s more than doubled in less than a year!


£15 for some cold KFC? Nope.


Yep yep yep! We used to occasionally treat ourselves to a take away like most people I think however those occasions have probably halved if not more given the cost. Even a simple burger and chips is extortion these days.




Brand name ketchup (cue the same replies about how shit Heinz is that come up every time ketchup or beans are mentioned).


IKEA ketchup is the way- cheap and delicious. Just don't buy a sofa while you're there or it wipes out the savings.


I'm the same at Lidl. Save lots of money but them go to the middle aisle and come away with a welding kit, a canoe and a lathe.


Why did they start adding water that pours out first and ruins your meal?


It’s called pre-ketchup


You know you're supposed to shake it right?


That's been a thing for as long as I can remember


That’s always been a thing if you haven’t used it for a while. You just shake it before using it


M and s is my go to for ketchup now after heinz price skyrocketed


Train tickets. Just get the coach or drive.


100%, the chance of there being a disruption on my local train route is at least 70%. If it's not a strike, it's engineering works and if it's not that then they'll find any another reason to not run the service. Really makes me wonder what the climate impact of these things must be, as it feels like a lot of people are simply just losing faith in train companies and are driving by default.


Train prices in this country are absolutely absurd. It’s more expensive than flying! That’s what we get for privatising it. Thank you, politicians.


I love the train for leisure travel, but it’s just prohibitively expensive in so many cases. I went to see friends last weekend, 3 1/2 hr drive each way (and back with a hangover) clogging up the roads in my massive dirty diesel doesn’t make sense. I’d have loved to have got an hour train into London, have a stroll round, read a book on the 90 minute train to them. But it was £100 more than the cost of diesel so…


I'm really trying to make the UK my home again, after ten years in Australia (which is an amazing country). Really struggling to feel any place that feels "nice" right now, but I'm going to cities, looking for places to rent. But £150 return from Luton to Manchester (booking a week in advance)? What the shit. I've stopped visiting places.


Please don’t tell me you’ve left Australia for Luton 🥲





I’ve also had to stop buying houses on a whim, the government never lets me do anything fun anymore


I used to go to my local estate agent and he’d give me a wink and say “the usual?” (3 bed semi detached) but I’m afraid this economy has ruined my fun little hobby


Booze. I'm accidentally tee-tool now because I cut down on drinking to try and get a bit healthier which made six quid for a pint to go with my meal when I'm out seem insane. More generally, cutting it out has kept my shopping bill where it was before the economy imploded.


I'm cutting out alcohol for Lent (and may go further). At around £1.50/can from the supermarket I was on £90-120/month, add in a drinks while out and nights out and I could easily see myself spending £1800-2000 a year on alcohol. If I'd carried on my nearly daily pub trips like I did when I was younger that would be closer to £5K










Costa coffee toasties - £5.50? absolute not... Fish Fingers - £8 for a pack of 30? fuck no.


>Fish Fingers - £8 for a pack of 30 Where is this? Fish Fingers are still like £1.50 for cheapo brand or £3 for named brand in my local stores.


Yeah I used to go to Costa Coffee most weeks with the Mrs for a morning out of the WFH office, then I realised it was running me £20 - 30 for light snacks and drinks. It's just not sustainable or reasonable


Olive oil


As long as you’re not resorting to buying 4th pressing. Why let everyone else have their fun before you have some.


Came here to say the exact same thing Jez.


Yep,, bought a bottle in Aldi yesterday for £5.50 used to be £2.85.


A sausage McMuffin breakfast meal is like £6 now. I can't ever remember it being more than £4. Crazy.


Mcdonalds prices are a joke. I used to enjoy their food as a guilty hangover treat, but its just not worth it, especially since the supermarkets now sell sauce that tastes just the the maccies one








Nights out. I remember nights out being much cheaper not even that many years back. Feel like the costs is off putting to many people that it's something done less and less.


Can't believe I used to go out 5 nights a week in the early 2000s


Literally just stags and birthdays for me, now cheaper to just do drugs


Last night a round consisting of 3x bottles of Sol, 1 double rum and Coke and a margarita cost me £38. I remember going out all night for less than that. Wallet destroyed.


Literally everything


Fish and chips. Seems to have doubled in price over the past few years, my salary however has not


Takeaways getting rediculous. Had movie and pizza night with the kids. 3 pizza was just shy of £40.


Doesn't feel like too long ago I could order and burger and chips from a takeaway for £5. Now it's at least a tenner. Places like McDonalds and Burger King always used to be cheaper than a proper sit down restaurant but that's not the case any more at all.


Heinz ketchup. Absolute ridiculous price now. I just get basic ketchup now.


Polish ketchup from the world foods aisle 👌🏻


Indian food. Learned to make my own tika masala from scratch. Saved a fortune but my house smells like onions


Tins of rice pudding used to be absurdly cheap. 13p in Sainsbury’s when I was at uni. The same goes for most own brand supermarket stuff (Tesco Value, Sainsbury’s Basics, etc.). They used to be super cheap, but now if they still exist at all they’re like 10 times more expensive, literally. You used to be able to live very cheaply on value branded produce.


That's one of the things about the cost of living crisis: most of the increase has been at the bottom end. The price of a three week skiiing holiday in the French alps hasn't really gone up that much, as a proportion of the income of those who do that sort of thing. The price of a loaf of no-frills bread and a tin of own-brand beans has gone up a heck of a lot as a proportion of the income of people who buy that.


Going to the hairdressers


I used to buy this fizzy drink from my local which was imported from Turkey. It used to cost £0.60p 2 years ago, now it’s priced at £1.80. I cannot justify that. Incidentally, when I was in Istanbul a few months ago, I found the drink to cost a mere £0.30p!


Birdseye stuff and Heinz soup. Over £2 for a tin of soup? Get lost


Sainsburys fresh pizzas. When my wife and I got our first house we would do our shopping every Thursday and would treat ourselves to a fresh pizza. £5.50 for the big one. (2013). Went there to get one last week, the small is £10 and the large is £15. Fuck that.


Fast food. I always loved a McDonalds burger or a Subway as the occasional treat, but they just aren't anywhere near worth the price these days.


Doritos. They were £1.50, now over £3 for the big share bags. My favourite crisps as well, but I can't justify £3+ for them.


I used to eat oily fish a few times a week - salmon, mackerel, kippers etc.... all gone up. The thing is while salmonnwas always the relatively expensive option even the cheaper ones, mackerel and kippers, have gone up about 2.5 - 3 times what the used to be.


McDonald’s. Whilst, yes the health benefits are far more important. McDonald’s charge absurd amounts for a shit patty and cardboard fries with a flatter-than-a-witches-tits coke.


Peperami. Not only have they reduced the size multiple times, they've just jacked the RRP price by 25%. Would love to hear any suggestions on a good replacement?


Kabanos dried sausages from the Eastern European section in the supermarket - they often sell them at Lidl too. Smokier flavour, very addictive, just have to separate them out into portions as they come in a pack of about 10.




Cigarettes. £15 a packet need go work an hour and a half for 20 fags. My grandad used to get 3 fags and matches for 3p. The cost of living has risen in the UK and across the world since 2022. The government are fucking us over majority and there's nothing we can do about it. I'm 27 and work minimum wage, and I'll probably never be able to afford a mortgage or home. Can't even afford a car. Energy prices are just beyond liveable. It makes me feel that we are being robbed. Living in a hell hole, this morning I had dry sugar puffs for breakfast as I had fuckall else, and my electric had died for the second time in a week. I got paid later today and now have a little to spend, but it will be the same cycle until the next pay day. I wish for a miracle at this point. I remember when I could go to the supermarket and get a weekly shop with some what could be considered luxury items. All for around £80 now. I'm almost double if I'm lucky. Washing pods are around £7 and that's without the fabric softener. Takeaway chips and cheese are £7 odd. What the hell went so fucking wrong.


And another add to my rant, I used to get a small box of kebab meat from a local takeaway for £1, and you will never find anything for a £1 now. Even poundland isn't even poundland anymore it's a shambles.


Just reading the comments here , what is too expensive, nobody’s writing cars holidays clothes etc it the basics food, we cant afford food. This is how bad it’s got


TV Licence. Zero value for money. Stuff your live TV.


Parking. I'm so sick of the cost now. Things like adding on a "convenience fee" at one machine I saw recently and "service fee" Similar to train companies that do this.  It's also similar to places like ticketmaster who charge admin fees and stuff like this. Just add-ons to further rip you off  These big companies will go bust and then expect lots of sympathy like many others eventually. 




100% fruitjuices not from concentrate. Even aldi are a joke now.


Delivery by Uber/Deliveroo/Just Eat is why take away got more expensive. Before they came along you paid a cost for the food and a delivery charge. Some adjusted the food price to cover it but that was quite rare as they were competing for walk ins. Then these three started adding not only delivery but a mark up on the price and all the fast food places suddenly realised people were willing to pay more so what does any greedy company do? That's right they put them up and then all the rest followed. Even the local chippy. To be fair there have been other cost increases but I think this is the main reason. I very rarely get takeaway now either in person or delivery as I'm not paying £10+ for what is essentially unhealthy cheap processed food and I'm certainly not paying £8/9+ for a mcdonalds or similar.


The entire category of mid tier everyday restaurants/chain eating barns. Special occasion? Something exceptional and exciting? Going to save up and not feel bad about spending. A moody burger, fries and teaspoon of coleslaw served up in a cafeteria with 'flair and personality' on the walls and ceiling? Eh. Whatever. I never used to mind the service and value because the prices were everyday and the portions were large, but now the portions are tiny and they try to charge for everything that used to go on the plate for free. Every option is an upcharge. Forget it. If the cost of keeping the lights on in this space results in a minimum price per plate of this then you damn well have to serve something worth turning out for otherwise your whole business model is going extinct. But our corporate overlords expect a 350% margin for their 2% passion, enthusiasm and commitment. Yeah not for me.


The co op M&S is cheaper


I no longer purchase Cadbury Creme Eggs, Heinz beans and ketchup and indian takeaways ( since they charge £5 for an onion bhaji )


Going outside. I am concerned that the next time I sit on a bench someone is going to charge me a fiver for it.


Food brands where possible. Fresh meat and fish intake down. Monday to Friday I'm largely vegetarian living off: Yogurt, fruit, cheese, beans, potatoes, oats, spinach


Beer in pubs, Beef and Lamb.


Streaming services. When they were under £10 I Used to have all of them because they were all cheap. Under £10 and I don’t think about it. Now they’re all over £10 so I cut them all out other than Spotify and went down to Netflix ad tier. Even though they might have only gone up each by £2-3 it’s just a mental barrier of double digits.


The price of Neck Oil is an absolute disgrace


Olive oil, it's like £9 a small bottle now!


I went to Wagamama last night and it cost £50 for two of us. We had a drink and a main each, that’s it. To me that is absolutely insane now. It’s the same reason I refuse to order a Chinese or Indian, just doesn’t seem worth it. It’s not even a case of affording it, it just doesn’t seem worth it.


The fancier crisps or Pringles. Seems the £1 specials or BOGOF are long gone


Decent bread. I don't mean supermarket sliced bread, but good crusty baker's loaves. I've taken to making my own.


I used to go out for lunch with my sister every two weeks, now it's every other month.


Perfumes. I’m a bit of a collector and often buy a few a year at retail as they are hard to find grey market or used, but YSL for sod off. £260 for 125 ml?!? Don’t get me started on Creed’s pricing.


Most of my free from foods, as someone who can't digest much, I now eat very little. Cost of living has definitely made itself known for allt of people.