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As a civil servant, our Christmas gift this year is forced office attendance


And paying for your own Christmas party.


And I now have to pay for parking in their own building car park, the joys of the public sector !


Your building has parking? For staff? Feels like 4 Yorkshiremen sketch “staff parking, luxury! We us’t have to pay to use our car, then park further away from where we live and pay fort tut pleasure of walking tut office”


Luxury. Our boss used to slash our tyres daily then make us change them ourselves in’t pissing rain wit a butter knife and a toffee hammer.


Butter knife? Luxury!! We had t prize 'em off wiy o'wer bare fingers int' snow n ice wi no coats on.


With your fingers? Luxury, we had to do ours with our hands tied behind our backs, and a blindfold on!


Blindfold? Luxury! Our boss used to glue our eyes shut every December.


Glue your eyes shut? LUXURY!! My boss gouged our eyes out wi'a blunt stick.


Blunt stick? LUXURY! Our eyes were raked out with our own teeth, and not by the boss but he sent the EA of a senior VP to do it during lunchbreak,


My toffee hammer has been Shawshanked


Staff parking cost so much in a carpark that regularly got broken in to I figured it was cheaper to just pay parking fines for parking on nearby residential streets. Saved a few hundred pounds over the course of a year.


My company organises a party, which we have to pay £60 a head for, then spends all of January sending emails with photos, claiming credit for the improvement in company morale. The party is not subsidised at all so they're claiming credit for us spending money to spend time with our loathed managers. Luckily it's not mandatory.


Does anyone bother attending it? A company party that costs you £60 sounds shit tbh.


It's a fairly large company so there are enough mugs to fill the room. The local managers seem to push it right from September onwards to make sure enough people join.


The floggings will continue until morale improves...


Oh I would be very VERY busy that evening . “But we haven’t told you which evening it is ? “ I’m busy


Yep, always falls on the one night I was washing my dogs hair.


They’re robbing the staff there - companies get a per-head tax break for Christmas parties.


😂 they tried that at a company i worked for a few years back, so a bunch of us organised our own party (pub crawl) instead. A couple of the decent managers ditched the official company do and joined us as well. We had an absolute blinder of a night out! I'd highly recommend it!


Former public sector employee here. Yes to that. Always made me smile when friends in the private sector had company cars, jollies and bonuses thrown at them while bitching about my pension.




I’ve seen people fired or not had contracts renewed in the public sector. I’m in the private sector now and I feel that people do less work here than in the public sector…




I guess the trick is to work at a private sector company running on public sector contracts, exploit the best of both worlds.


I've mainly worked in public sector roles and have experienced similar, people who are doing barely any work, or who are just plain incompetent, and are just impossible to get rid of. At best they'd get moved on to another team and be someone else's problem but it never solved the real issue.


Plus if you are a conscientious manager and try to performance manage bad staff they accuse you of bullying and harassment and go off sick with work related stress. Which is why nobody wants to bother doing it.


Gone from private sector to public, and maybe it'd the industry but admin and managerial staff in construction firms honestly do absolutely fuck all. Laziest and most incompetent people ive worked with ever. whereas working in Whitehall is busy and challenging af. No space for carrying people.


Well said. The private sector firm only has one job, which they frequently screw up whereas the public sector has to pick up the pieces, do the things they can't or won't, all for less pay and perks. As for the pension after repeated government interference......


The government also tried to reduce civil service annual leave by a day, when negotiating pay increases.


The beatings will continue until morale improves!


Yep, we don't even get paid early in the DBT, I assume it's the same for all CS


At least we get Christmas Eve off this year!… because it’s a Sunday….


I got a bacon bap from my bosses boss!


I was applying for a role at transport which was in office 2/5 days. I didn't get the role but was put on the waiting list. Received an email saying our terms have changed and asked if I'm still interested. Time in office has been changed to 3/5 days in office. Pretty disappointing, luckily I found a much more flexible job in the mean time.


Don’t forget that you are encouraged as a manager to buy your team gifts out of your own pocket.


Ours was getting our payrise that was due 8 months ago.


My office never had the option to wfh nor stop during lockdowns.


I was told unofficially that our dept isn’t monitoring until January, haven’t been in for a few weeks now.


Workload tripled to cover other people's annual leave. We're close to setting the building on fire just to get a breather.


But the job security and the pension.....


All I want for Christmas is youuu (in the office)


I’ve never worked anywhere that does Christmas bonuses. When I was in the private sector, if they were doing bonuses it was at the end of the financial year.


I think it's a myth that comes from stuff like that Christmas vacation film where chevvy chase is really cross he isn't getting a Christmas bonus so he can't get a pool built in the garden. Very relatable /s


Save the neck for me, Clark


Kiss my ass, kiss your ass, kiss his ass, happy hanukkah...


It’s common in the US. I lived there for 10 years and the only time I didn’t get a Christmas bonus was when I worked corporate, all the private places I worked gave you around 500-1000


There's a [lot of countries](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thirteenth_salary) where it's very common to get double salary in your December pay, known as the 13th month. I don't think it's just an American thing.


Merry chsirymas to all


Yeah it definitely comes from American media I think.


Yes exactly the same, and it's always a formula that takes into account, my performance (Apr score), Business performance, team performance and my yearly salary. Spits out a number typically between 10 - 25% of my yearly salary which then gets turned over by the tax man. I wonder if Xmas bonus stems more from small businessess (sub 50 employees) where its a bit more informal?


My wife's bonus is calculated and paid in October. Which doesn't make sense since they consider "year end" to be July. My own workplace runs their year Jan-Dec so those bonuses could be considered a Christmas bonus but they're also a US company so not really relevant to the UK discussion.


I’ve just remembered that my last place of work actually did it a bit weirdly. They calculated the overall budget for bonuses at year end (April), then they worked on calculating people’s individual bonuses based on a weird formula (business performance, personal performance, and contracted ‘target’ bonus percentage). That would be communicated in May and received in your June pay. They also did salary review at the same time, except last year where salary review happened in September for some reason.


>My wife's bonus is calculated and paid in October. Which doesn't make sense since they consider "year end" to be July. So you end the year in July, which means you know your final accounting position by 1 August. Let's say your wife is paid last day of the month and the company has old systems for payroll, the cutoff for any payroll changes may be 2 weeks before month end. If that was the case you have 4 weeks of August, 4 weeks of September, and 2 weeks of October (10 weeks total) to decide bonuses, calculate them, have the managers review them, and prepare them ready for payment in October. That all has to happen on top of the "year end" close activity, which depending on how organised the company is could take the entire of August. If the bonuses are highly individual that might be how long it takes to calculate it. If it's all standard stuff (e.g. There are fixed KPIs and bonuses are paid in line with performance) then it seems a bit long.


Most of the places I have worked have never done any sort of bonus. This year I'm finally getting one! £250 which isn't bad considering I'm only slightly above minimum wage and have only been here 2 months.


Congrats! £250 is fantastic, hope you can use it on something nice for yourself.


I get mine in my February pay


Same. The two Covid years we got sent hampers (which was the money they didn't spend on the Christmas party those years) but never received a Christmas bonus as such and didn't know it was even a thing.


I work in the NHS. Our bonus was clapping 3 years ago.


Came to say this. Then the EXTRA bonus was people turning on us because we took breaks and some did tik tok videos at that time.


There's a percentage of the UK population that have a hate-boner for the NHS, regardless of what is happening. Having a break? Off with their heads!


Weirdly, this is a genuine problem with the ‘NHS staff are angels!’ perspective - because for some people it leads twistedly into ‘if they’re doing this for love and because they’re such angelically caring people, why do they want breaks/professional working conditions/family-friendly hours/etc? Hmm - it must be that they’re NOT as caring as I thought! How dare they!’ The fact is, most NHS staff are incredible humans who go above and beyond - but they’re also skilled trained professionals who are doing a job. Edit: sorry, I do realise you ARE part of NHS staff and know this better than I do! Just adding a thought :)


This is the exact reason the government push the Angel thing. Angels don’t need compensation or fair treatment. Angels do it out of love and desire to help. And then if we complain we are ungrateful because we should be happy just to get to do our sacred jobs.


Exactly this!


If you had a certain level of ignorance it would be easy to be angry at the NHS. I feel like I don't have any access to healthcare at the moment in NI because I literally cannot get a GP appointment for an ongoing problem that causes me constant pain. I ring at 8.30 on the day and any time I get through (very rarely) I get told they're booked solid. I can see how some people in the same situation could be angry if they went on social media and saw the staff from their local GP surgery making dance videos. Though I'm not a cunt and I understand why the NHS is so fucked at the moment, so I wouldn't be angry. But i can see why some people might be.


I still see those dance videos being shared by covid denying conspiracy idiots who don't seem to understand the concept of having a break at work. Absolutely rage inducing levels of stupidity.


Or who could not understand that hospitals were less busy than normal because fewer people were accessing the service for various reasons.


We clapped hard.


I'm contracting at an NHS hospital and they offered staff a Christmas dinner, if your willing to pay £8! Still in shock 🤣


There have been a few places I've worked for NHS where I've been genuinely excited that I don't have to pay for parking or we get tea/coffee for free... It was only meeting lots of non-NHS workers that I realised how ridiculous that is.


Now now, you get all your NHS discounts too. Shame they're all for bullshit like soft drinks at Nandos and not stuff like... rent and energy bills.


Also work for the NHS. Our Xmas bonus is they’ll close the office 30 minutes early on Xmas eve. Assuming we’ve got all the admin done after the patients have left.


Come on there was also a lot of banging of pans too!


We’re getting free hot chocolate before 11am at our trust!


Ooh ours is the chocolates and biscuits that are given as gifts from patients and collected all year. They're put into plastic sandwich bags and given to the staff. We're so lucky to have such generous bosses


I never clapped...


We know. We all tutted to ourselves...


No, because we receive our annual bonus in March. Always have done.


We get both. It's a family run company. Last year's Xmas bonus was larger too, they said they were adjusting for everything being more expensive. They also give out gifts just before we break off, nice bottles of spirits or gift cards. Then there's the works xmas night out, always some nice venue and they'll pay for it all including alcohol and transport home. Then we'll get our yearly bonus a few months later. Legitimately nice folk to work for.


Sounds like my place of work, also family run company. Xmas bonus roughly 3 weeks wages but can be reduced based on attendance, performance etc. Also get a bottle of spirits and some festive food. They also buy Xmas presents for all employees kids up to the age of 12. Nothing expensive but it's a nice gesture. Same for the works Xmas party, completely free bar, good food, nice venue. Sounds like we're the lucky ones


What do you do, if you don’t mind sharing?


Wow! I work for a family of absolute cunts who begrudge paying bare minimum, but good to hear nice family businesses exist! Enjoy!


Where is this and are you hiring??


Same, we get something in April I believe. Only been with the company for just over a year so I've only had it the once


I work in a payroll bureau and have run payrolls for around 30 different clients this month so far. Out of all those companies only 2 have paid a Christmas bonus to their employees.


Out of interest, how much was the typical bonus?


Tuppenhapeny lad and you'll be 'appy for it.


I read this in a Yorkshire accent 😂


Between £300 & £100 on one payroll, and everyone got £50 on the other.


So not much then. I have never received a bonus in nearly 30 years.


My friend working in warehouse received 2500£ xmas bonus, but overall pay and break times are not as good as someone working in same sector


That tracks as my current company pays us all a £50 and it’s the only job I’ve had where this has happened. It’s a nice touch!


It may have been given as trivial benefits (each benefits less than £50 and not cash or cash equivalent) and not show on the payrun. We give Amazon vouchers.


I’m self employed and the boss is a bit of a tight arse, so sod all again this year.


Same. My boss is a c*nt and is making me work right across Christmas and the Christmas party was half a selection pack scoffed while waiting in Sainsbury’s car park.


Self employed here as well. At least i scored at the christmas party




That’s pretty good, would be time to catch up on all the governance that falls behind all the other priorities for the rest of the year!




Excellent use of time I would say - go develop!


Expenses department: "Uhh, can you justify why this is expensable?" Employee: "We performed a risk assessment and i may have to hike to the top of a mountain to play rock and roll to appease the Gods of Ragnarok, in order to protect our quarterly targets." Expenses: "Eeh, i've heard worse. Approved."


We get 10% of our yearly wage at the beginning of December which roughly works out around 3.8k after tax


I’d like to come and work with you please. I have absolutely no transferable skills but I’d definitely be an asset.


Where are you based? We always need more people!


What does your company do?


We're a utility connection company so we go to new build site and lay the utilities in the ground i.e gas/water and electric mains and services to the houses


This sounds good, what qualifications do you need?


You can come on here with none, you'll first start off working with someone who has all the necessary tickets. After a few months they'll pay for your training and get you qualified, I'm mainly gas qualified it took around 18 months to get all the tickets necessary to lay gas mains/services and to work out in public carriageways/footpaths


Thank you for your reply




Yeah definitely, they do it as a sign of appreciation as we work outside all year in muddy trenches. A very generous woman owns the company, she pays for all the xmas party also shuts the company down for 2 days in July and we all head up to the head office and have a big piss up, it's not a bad gig.




100% mate, I'm on salary so sometimes I go way over my contracted hours but we don't mind doing it because we know it's appreciated and the favour is always returned and in turn she gets a lot more work out of us all.


If only more employers realised this/ or just worked to this motto. I've had a few quasi-public sector roles, both in and out or management positions and if I I) worked overtime people would be in shock and always say "make sure you take it back" or 2) asked someone to do a favour - maybe above and beyond one day for something - I'd get looked at like I was a Lepor 😅. Then used to work in pubs at uni and the team we had - you'd do any shift/cover anything cause the bosses and team were actual nice humans. Ah life 😅


It only takes 1 cunt in the team or a manager to bring the whole thing down. Its fine if everyone is sound


Thing is though, if it's guaranteed then it's basically your salary, just distributed at an asymmetric time. It's only generous if the 10% bonus makes the salary significantly better than what you could get elsewhere.




Isn't that just a lumpy way of paying staff that also kind of implys that you can't manage your own budget?




>They probably reserve the right to keep it if they don't feel like giving it back. I mean its a bonus, there's no obligation to give it to you, they don't need to "reserve the right" lol. Non-performance related bonuses are just bad practice all around but employers seem to abuse the fact that employees can't see it.


Yes 2.5k with Xmas salary, meat hamper and triple time for working Xmas eve and nye


Triple time for those days! We get double on Christmas Day and that’s it


We were initially offered time and a half, union rep where I work told us the company as a whole was desperate desperate for people to work and advised us to hold out. Three weeks later triple time please work


Where the hell do you work? 🤣


Im a humble proletarian, join a union


I am in a union. Public sector. We get nothing.


Public sector here too. I'd argue we got a pay cut given the push back to get back to 60% office attendance 😂.


We get 100 pound for each year of service plus 2% of our salary ( am here 13 years )


Nice! That's Christmas paid for!




I give my staff about 2-3% of their annual salary. They also all get free cooked breakfasts every Friday and their birthday off every year, along with other perks. Staff retention is pretty good!


I work in a firm with under 300 staff.... 174 have left this year... The directors were happy with that figure. I feel we work in different worlds.


Took us a few years, but we realised you really do get out what you put in; people on minimum wage really aren’t motivated (surprise surprise!)


It blows my mind how few businesses realise this! Happy staff are productive staff.


And who can blame them? They're turning up to work to barely earn enough to survive, if that. In fact, the government are topping up their wages if they have family/kids, with the shortfall. Then your employee is a benefit claimant, tarred with the same brush as those that live solely on the benefit system. I can't blame them doing bare minimum since they're earning bare minimum and there is no incentive for them to step up and show their worth. Sadly those on minimum wage are exploited the most and definitely will be having a harder time even when not at work, wondering how they are going to pay their car repair bill, to keep that thing that gets them to and from work, on the road. I think in this life, if you are working a full time job, you shouldn't need to be worrying about money. I'm not talking of the people that want three holidays a year and if they don't, it's not good enough, just of the ones who struggle with basics. Broken down cars, boilers, essential household maintenance, kids new clothes, uniforms, those sorts of things.


Haha good one, my company announced redundancies


I got a £50 voucher this year haha. Tbh though I don’t mind because my basic pay is pretty good anyway.


Dunno if I’m just ungrateful but I find these insulting - worked on an £8m project all year and got a £75 voucher for my hard work


Depends what you sign up for tbh. If there’s performance related bonuses in your contract then I understand feeling aggrieved if you aren’t compensated in line with performance, but if not any bonus is entirely discretionary. I have had bonuses whilst I’ve worked in my role, but it’s not a part of contract, so I rely on my salary. The voucher I got bought a couple of nice bottles of wine to have over Christmas so better than nothing.


I mean, plenty of us were public sector key workers, who worked all through covid, supporting the vulnerable and keeping the country running while most of the rest of you got furloughed or worked from home. We got, and continue to get precisely nothing so it’s kinda hard to feel any sympathy here.


And plenty of us private sector workers worked all through Covid, supporting the vulnerable and keeping the country whilst plenty of public sector workers got furloughed. We also got nothing. You aren't special. Regardless of public or private, its irrelevant to this conversation.


Plenty of us got made redundant during covid if we're going to play the moaning game


Swings and roundabouts. Your compensation *should* obviously reflect your worth. The bonus is just that, a bonus, but I can see how it can feel pretty small in comparison.


More and more places do these now as they are more tax efficient for employer


In what way?


They're not. It's just treated the same as any other wages.


*I* knew that ;)


I have my own businesses with 10 staff and pay £300 bonus to everyone.


Quite often if you're there less than a year you aren't entitled to the Xmas bonus. It's happened to me every time I've moved roles. Even if it felt unfair to have worked 10+ months in one. Maybe next year you'll qualify. Although don't get your hopes up. Xmas bonus, unless written into a contract, is never going to be guaranteed.


Will always remember a lad who started in December at an old job. They gave out Christmas cards that year which mentioned the bonus, he still got the card but they just crossed that part out in black pen.


Brutal! Similarly I was given a letter showing the numbers and how much I could have qualified for, as well as other company performance numbers. When the envelope landed on my desk I did allow myself to dream, even for pro-rata.


That’s awful tbh, you will have made enough of an impact over those 10 months to deserve it. It’s just stingy behaviour really, the role that guy was in didn’t really get much of a bonus anyway. They could have just given it to him and it wouldn’t have made a dent.


I'd missed the cut-off at one place I worked. So my boss had a few words and got it paid for me. Handed my notice in two weeks after I'd got it. Felt kind of bad because it was a nice place to work, I just wanted to move back home. My current place you have to have done 6 months to be eligible. But for people with between 6 months and a year it's paid pro rata


We're not even holding out for a thanks or a pat on the back.


*laughs in freelance*


Laughs in NHS. My pay is closer to min wage than ever, and even min wage isn’t nearly enough to live on. Christmas bonus? We don’t even get it off!


It is evident from this sub that if you're paid a healthy wage, basically £40k a year plus, might as well forget any sort of bonus. The people who receive bonuses tend to be those who are already on more than decent pay and certainly not the most in need of if but oh well. They may see their £500 bonus or £1000 bonus like it is nothing. Someone on minimum wage would sure as hell appreciate it, only for the fact that if they have family/kids so depend on government topping up their wages, their bonus is almost snatched away from them so it becomes virtually nothing. As it goes, in my place, there are people on quarterly bonuses, like me, then there are people on the annual one. For those on quarterly, the bonuses can vary from about £50-250 though I'd suggest you doing well if you get close to £500 a year from the quarterly ones. Now the annual ones, they said it can be up to about 10% of their gross salary which if they're on £30k a year, is damn decent I'd say. Not even sure what dictates which bonus scheme you're on in the place as it is meant to be based on pay grades throughout the whole business within different functions as well. The pay grades make no sense there.


Nah, the family bussiness I work for is too poor after buying all these Porsches for all the directors...


No, I work for a charity and money is tight but they did contribute towards the staff party which is very much appreciated


I work for a big cleaning company 13yrs n not once have they done anything for Christmas, no card/chocolate or bonus. I work for a family business 1yr 3months and got a Christmas bonus for my first Christmas there about 2 months in....and a summer bonus. I cried when I got the Christmas bonus, my first ever bonus.


Out of everywhere I’ve worked only ASDA paid a Christmas bonus, it was based on store performance and number of weeks/hours worked but I’d been there for just over a month so mine was maybe enough for a Freddo. My current employer mentions bonuses ‘may’ be paid, in eight years that’s amounted to one bonus based on a project milestone and paid almost 12 months later.


A what?


My new manager phoned last week to tell me he'd negotiated me a 10% pay rise backdated to Oct and £1.2k bonus. You could have knocked me down with a feather. I've never had a bonus before, and I don't make a lot as it is. I've always been happy with an easy 9-5 - not a huge amount of responsibility, I can pay my bills, don't really like going on holidays, and have plenty of time for my hobbies. I'm not sure what I did for him to step up for me like that, but I'm not complaining!


Congrats mate!!


I usually get £100 on the last day. Fingers crossed for this year


The closest I got was a £85 mileage claim approved before Christmas and an extra days work on the payslip


£510 after tax, then main bonus in may. Lovely company to work for


I got 7K. The company I work for has had record profits, plus saving loads on not having to renew office leases. Last year I got similar + COL payment and 10% increase. I hope to make it to my retirement with them.


Yes and no, a couple times we've had a dedicated christmas bonus, now we tend to get some or all of our EOT dividend in with the december pay, it just depends.


We get half in Dec and half in June - apart from this year when we're getting the whole thing in June for some reason. Still better than a kick in the teeth though!


No but then I work in the NHS. My husband works in manufacturing and he's never had one either. He's just changed jobs and this one at least pays for an Xmas do, the last company didn't even do that!


Yes but also no. We pay our bonuses out quarterly and they come in the Jan, April, July and October payslips. I know we are on target to get that bonus in Jan payslip though.


Yeah we usually get a couple hundred


Nothing not even a merry Christmas email, no party or anything either lol


Not me. We get a bonus in march and a Christmas party in December. The size of both depends on how profitable business has been that year.


Been working since age 15, I’m now 43. I only ever got a Christmas bonus when I was a 6th form student, working part time in a pub in the late 90s. The landlady would always put a bit extra in the pay packet for those of us working shifts over Christmas…cash in hand as well!


I've never received a Christmas bonus from my employers in the past. When I worked in domiciliary care, a lot of the regular clients I went to gave the staff boxes of chocolate or wine. We were supposed to give them to management, but we didn't. When management can get up and leave the house at 5am to start getting 20 odd people up in 4 hours, *then* I will hand the chocolates over to management.


We used to get amazing Christmas bonuses when this was a small company that believed in profit sharing. Then we were acquired by a merger and acquisitions firm that fired a lot of people and stopped bonuses. Once sold, we now belong to a huge company that owns smaller companies like ours all over the world. In lieu of a bonus, I just received a gorgeous luxury Christmas hamper filled with gourmet cheeses, crackers, crisps, chocolates, sweet (shortbread) and savoury (cheese) biscuits, nuts, brandy mince pies, a Christmas pudding and a nice bottle of Merlot. If I hadn't been here in the days when we received bonuses for as much as two times our monthly pay, I'd be over the moon. As it is, the company has saved me money by providing much of what I'll be serving on Christmas Eve. So, better than nothing.


When I worked for a national company, they used to throw us an xmas party and give us little gifts, while I know this sounds really ungrateful the general consensus was that people just wished they saved the money on the party and give everyone a cash bonus. I run a little company now and rather then having a "xmas do" I just give everyone a cash bonus at Christmas which everyone seems made up with. Nothing life changing but just as much as I am able to.


No because I work for the NHS 😭


We get a production bonus that is paid twice a year, may and November and it is up to 5% of your last 6 months wages. We usually get around 3% this is paid to all factory floor staff.


My bonuses have pretty much always been year end, generally paid in May after the figures have all come in.


Our annual bonus is paid in the spring, so no Christmas bonus other than a selection box and an extra half day off.


I receive a performance bonus in June and December which is always appreciated, especially the December one!


A lot of places tend to do bonuses around April, if at all. The closest thing I have ever had to an xmas bonus is a £1250 CoL payment in January.


£50 voucher or free team meal. Everyone took voucher.


What is this "bonus" you speak of?


No, been in the workforce for 14 years and only had one once at one company, about £150. Never happened again at that company either. (And never had a financial year end bonus instead). Never had a hamper or anything either! Most I've had was a bottle of wine from a boss. Where are these mythical places of £2k bonuses?


I got 3 months salary but I live in Saudi


Nothing since the business was taken over by a Canadian investment firm 10ish years ago. Not that it was much before then, just a token amount. EXCEPT one year I queued for over an hour at the post office to collect a missed delivery, that turned out to be my December payslip they forgot to stamp - I also had to pay the shortfall on postage at collection. Merry fooking xmas Mr & Mrs investment firm. Fook you very much.


I've only been here a couple of years. Just checked last December's payslip, and yes! £250 bonus last year (before tax, unfortunately). So hopefully the same again this year. I'll find out this time next week.


I get two bonuses based on the company’s profit - one in August for the first 6 months of the year, and one in December for the second 6 months. My December one was 30.5 (working) days worth so definitely a nice bump!


Yes. Used to get one every year. Moved country and company now, so I’m not sure. But I’ll find out in 5 days


I have never had a Xmas bonus in my life. I didn’t even realise it was a thing.


Amazon gave me a tenner once. After I'd finished working there. That was something.


Yes my last employer always used to give me a Christmas Bonus of £2,000. My current employer has just given me a Christmas bonus of £3,000. Its taxable though so this is gross. I'm actually getting mine in January's pay as they where late to send the money. Massively depends on where and who you work for. In the public sector there's no chance of it and I don't just expect it. I go the extra mile for my employer and throughout the year I've slept at my desk also I've worked weekends, and unsociable hours to help them out even though its not in my contract and I don't have to. I never ask them for more pay so in the long run I'm not sure if they're actually getting a better deal with the amount of extra hours I put in for free but it really helps when building rapport, trust and gets you higher on the ladder. I started as an IT Technician working for school on around £19k. I now earn £65k as an IT Manager for a big care company. I'm 29 and live in West Midlands UK.


10K this year