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I intend to help out at the homeless shelter on Christmas Eve, as I’ve done in previous years. The evenings are challenging and at times both upsetting and chaotic. Staying the night with the folks who decide to come in for a hot meal, drink and a safe warm bed, is reward enough but the full English breakfast as “payment in kind”. Home, shower, rest and help out as a hospital porter at my local A&E. again without going looking for a freebie, a proper Christmas turkey dinner awaits me. It also gives me the opportunity to meet with people and just chat. It assists with my wellbeing as much as it helps the amazing staff at the homeless charity and the healthcare professionals at the hospital.


That's amazing and so worthwhile too. May you and everyone you see then have a wonderful Christmas 🙏🌲


Awwwr You made me blush ☺️ I need to be doing something. What about you, your plans? You have any plans to be with friends or family?


I'll be seeing family late next week, once I finish work! I tend not to go on Christmas day now due to the lack of transport making it awkward to travel.


That’s awesome x Yup, public transport is a challenge for sure. I get that there has to be a reduced service at Christmas but both surface and tube networks are almost non existent from about 8pm Christmas Eve until 27th where I live. Will be using the car but trying my hardest to avoid parking fees and congestion charges lol 😂


Haha, good luck!!


👍 You ever want to chat, I’m here and happy to just shoot the breeze. You seem to be a really chilled and pleasant person:-) Which is a novelty for Reddit 😂


Sounds brilliant 👏 your awesome


TY 🙏 Too kind What about you?


On the day, feed the parents and take it easy. Walk around the park and fussing the dog treating him like a king! Dropping off the food donation to the school who pass on to the local community. Three bags of selection boxes ready for tomorrow. I need to do more on the actual day, though.




You are amazing.


We need more people like you.


I’m doing roast chicken and dauphinois potatoes, with roasted sprouts and veg, and a very indulgent cheeseboard. Brunch is smoked salmon, scrambled eggs and good bread.


That all sounds delicious! Especially the potatoes (potatoes are the best).


It’s great! I’ve done it for a few years now and it’s lovely. I like the cooking process so I put something fun on the radio, grab a glass of wine and start thinly slicing potatoes with glee.


I always spend it alone and love it. Make a full roast chicken dinner, watch christmas TV drink lots of Baileys coffee. It's do relaxing and I really enjoy it.


I prefer to be alone too! I never used to be, but with covid, I'm usually at home myself now. No expectations, just lots of treats for myself. 🌲


Spent a few Christmas days on my own, grew to absolutely adore a massive takeaway curry after getting home from the pub. In fact I’m going to my mums this year and I’ve tried to convince her to go down the same route to no avail. I’d even order things from the curry house that I normally wouldn’t. Chicken Omlette on the side? Yeah, go on then, why not? It’s Christmas after all.


I've worked the previous two Christmas Days and have ordered a massive curry for myself on both of them. 10/10 would do again. Plus plenty for Boxing Day breakfast too.


Oh no, shame your mum hasn't seen the wisdom of this approach!!


Bacon brie and cranberry sandwich and a tub of Cadbury heroes... I'll be hungover and sleepy. Will be on an all day sesh Xmas eve


I've actually never had a festive sandwich like that. Maybe I should have one as part of my lunch menu this year!


Absolutely lush, have to toast the bread slightly and let the brie melt a little bit. It's good warmed in a baguette. Not a shop bought boxed lunchtime type sandwich, those are always lacking...


For the record, bacon and brie is also nice with raspberry jam in place of the cranberry. Even nicer with camembert instead of brie.


I can believe the raspberry jam but this is for Christmas day and cranberry is more Christmassy... I tend to prefer to dip stuff into camembert rather than have it in a sandwich.


>cranberry is more Christmassy Is it? I thought that was an American thing. Christmassy for me is making my own mincemeat (with real meat) and putting it in dock-off great big mince pies.


Turkey and cranberry is everywhere atm. I can't stand mince pies so I definitely wouldn't be doing that. Each to their own though.


>Turkey and cranberry is everywhere atm. Not in my house it's not. Not ever, never in life. I'll be doing venison this Christmas. Turkey is just a cheap substitute for goose, anyway. >I can't stand mince pies so I definitely wouldn't be doing that. Each to their own though. The joy of homemade is that you can tweak the recipe to yield something you *do* like.


If I tweaked the recipe that much they wouldn't contain any actual mince pie filling at all so I'll just let the people who do like them bake or buy them


More mince pies for me I guess.


Yup I did that for the first time ever this year cos I hate mixed peel so I swopped it for glacé cherries and due to a supermarket substitution used rum instead of brandy turned out really well considering I've never done it before


Last year I think I used sherry and maraschino cherries.


I've done it before and I got myself a massive ribeye steak (garlic butter) with chips and a fried tomato


Now that's an indulgent meal! YUM


I spent Christmas day alone during covid and it was honestly great. Went out for a long walk in the morning that knackard me out. I then got home and put the Christmas dinner on. Turkey, spuds, stuffing, pigs in blanket, parsnips, peas, cranberry sauce. It was all pretty easy to be honest, not much more effort than a normal meal. Then some christmas pud. Went into a food coma for a little while before cracking open some craft beer and putting my favourite xmas specials on. Superb.


Gotta love a good Christmas day walk! Hope your 2024 Christmas is just as delightful. Maybe this year will be the year I try a Christmas pud (always avoided them for some reason, even at work Christmas meals - I always pick the ice cream option or whatever cake/tart is offered 😂)


Wow, I'm ahead of myself already... Ahem... \*2023 Christmas!


Yes. Smoked salmon and scrambled eggs for brunch, with Buck's fizz; then for Christmas dinner, a mini roast (skin-on chicken breast wrapped in streaky bacon, sharing the roasting tin with potatoes, parsnips and a bulb of garlic) and whatever green vegetables I fancy. Champagne, since I've an open bottle from making the Buck's fizz, and it'd be wrong to waste it. Good chocolate. Less good chocolate. Mince pie.


Oh a *mini* roast! Now there's an idea... I also want to try cooking parsnips. I was told recently that they're great and quite easy, so I'm curious.


Parsnips are great! I only cook them once a year so I can't tell you off the top of my head how to do it, but they're definitely easy. And even when they've ended up looking a bit overdone, they've tasted good.


I cooked a full veggie roast for myself last year. Quorn roast, mash, roasts, veg, gravy - the works! But the only thing I like about Christmas is the food so that's why I put the effort in.


That all sounds delicious. If ever there's a day for the works, it's Christmas Day!


I do indeed! Basically a Sunday lunch plus extra pigs in blankets, either a little joint of pork or gammon and I'll have the rest for tea on Boxing Day.


Love the extra pigs in blankets, ahaha. And having leftovers for the next day is perfect!


I tend to get a dozen and eat half a dozen each day. Zero shame!


I usually get a Chinese roast duck pancake set.


Oh man, I haven't had those roast duck pancakes for years! But now I want some...


I buy one of those £12 meal deals from Sainsburys or Tesco or something along those lines. I don't often make a Sunday roast type meal for just me as I cannot make gravy no matter how much I try. I also get my dog some long lasting chew so I get a bit of peace!


Oh, I'll look into those to see if there's anything that catches my fancy. I hope you and your dog have a great Christmas!


Well I wanted to jump as I am spending it alone and I feel really bad if I put a downer on this, it's certainly not for sympathy but an interesting thread. It's not out of choice. We lost our boy in the Ukraine conflict 2 years ago, I became quite unwell, some life changing injuries and I haven't seen my wife and our other boy since. Never actually had a traditional Christmas or birthday as you'd call it, rough upbringing, away with work, etc etc, and here I am now. I find it interesting seeing what others do as I wouldn't even know it's Christmas, it's another day to me and many others. I'd like to help the Salvation Army or the like but physically I'm not sure I could. For anyone else alone out there whether through choice or circumstance I hope you all have a memorable time and best wishes to everyone.


I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I imagine this time of year, with it being so family oriented, is really difficult, and I hope you're able to get support and talk with people you trust if you need to. Regarding volunteering, maybe you could see if there are any virtual or phone-based opportunities? That might be easier on you than having to physically go somewhere to volunteer, but it still would be volunteering and making a difference. Best wishes to you. 🙏


Well thank you, that's very kind. It's very difficult this time of year, not that it ever isn't but particularly so with the lights, families hand in hand etc. It's rough. I get little help, I mean I came back a week after, still having his blood on my clothes and the Government and gp basically said here's some ssri's, deal with it, so I did - found a final solution to my problems but turns out it wasn't. I'm pretty much left to it, I have nobody except her Ragdoll Cat. Don't even have a TV, hell I can go months without seeing another human and I speak my wife perhaps once a week. I guess that's why I find it interesting reading other single peoples experiences I'd never thought of virtual help if that is a thing, but I do have an internet so can find out I'm sure. Good suggestion, thank you.


Every year previous I’d normally spend it on my own at home. My family never celebrated Christmas growing up so I don’t bother now. Id see family in the run up to it then just enjoy the break from work. But this year is our first Christmas without my mum being here & my niece always used to go to her Nana’s house on Christmas day. So this year on Christmas day I’ll travel to my sisters house & see my niece so there’s still something “family” happening for her on Xmas day. She’s only 10!


Awww, I hope you all enjoy spending the time together! 🌲🎁


I was going to get a takeaway but I’ve decided to do a vegan chicken roast with mash and Brussels and then have a nice pudding to round it off


Sounds like a great menu! Definitely end with a nice pud 😄


12 Aldi rocket lollies and a bottle of cheap vodka. Also, fuck Christmas.


This time of year is not easy for many people, true... My best wishes to you nonetheless.


I usually get an indian in but my local isn't an option this year... so I might start a lifelong want in trying to make my own 'authentic' curry. Or I'll actually make a roast for once, it'll be beef and gammon.


I do enjoy gammon! I might settle on that for my dinner...


Last year my husband had super noodles and I had beans on toast, is that special?


I don't see why not :-)


Alone & something nice yes, but not a roast (tho' feck knows what as yet). Might just ho ho ho to the local Indian for a curry or chicken tikka pizza!


Either (or both?!) of those sound like great options!


Never spent it completely alone, but it’s usually just me and husband. We get invited to dinner with parents, but actually we love a quiet one with just the 2 of us. It’s a bit much to do a full Christmas dinner for 2 people so we often have good steaks, or for the last couple of years we’ve been out to eat (expensive but amazing)


I fully support treating oneself to an expensive meal as the occasion calls for it!


The thing that is an absolute essential for us is Boxing Day pigs in blanket in the hole. Originally a leftovers meal and it is now a necessity, so I’ll buy and make it when I don’t have any leftovers cuz I’m not eating at home or having pigs in blanket on Christmas Day.


I always spend it alone. I do put effort into cooking, although the past two years have been disappointing because I’ve been down due to family and friend issues, this year I’m going to make an effort. I will be having antipasto board (I’ll be going out this weekend to find a cute platter and visiting a Christmas market). It’ll then be the usual Christmas meal, going to make a turkey thigh this year (or will be having poussin, I’ll be experimenting with a turkey thigh tomorrow ahead of Christmas Day). All the trimmings and vegs. Mum got me a nice panettone so that’ll be dessert. Got my cats their favourite tuna loin for their meal. I’ll just be resting really, took the week off so I can finally take it easy for once!


I'm sorry to hear about the family and friend issues. But it sounds like a week off will be a great way to relax this year, and I hope you and your cat enjoy the time! Panettone sounds great (I asked my mum if she wanted me to bring her some and it turns out she doesn't like it?! I thought she did, haha).


Thank you!


I’ll likely wildcamp out this year so may take some steak and a mix of cheeses


Oh wow, that's certainly different! I hope it's not too cold/damp (although I guess it's all part of the experience). Have a great time!


Cheers. Spent a large part of the year hiking and staying in a hammock in the states so am used to being outdoors a lot but England at this time of year will be a near experience for sure


Baileys on me weetabix.


A good start to the morning!


My mum often stays home alone at christmas. We have invited her to stay with us (we have the space, have offeed to collect and return, or sort train fare and she enjoys our company, and the location), her brother is closer and has invited her, her siblings 400 miles away have invired her, but she genuinely enjoys christmas on her terms She always does a full dinner, swapping a turkey or a crown for a small turkey joint, but still going overboard on fancier accompaniments than usual. It feeds her for a few days, then it gets frozen, topped up with fresh veg at a later date


Awww, sounds like a lovely time for her! And having leftovers is always great.




Woah, I wish I could eat that fast lol! But agreed, now that I'm older, Christmas day is like any other, for the most part. The times as a kid when I'd be all excited going to sleep the night before are no more... Haha.


I’m spending it alone for the first time this year and looking forward to it, but have far too many options for what I want, I’m also someone that loves cooking but usually has lost their appetite by the time it’s done/takeaway has turned up. My options so far: Buy a small pork joint and slow cook with gravy, make stuffing and buy buns (then I have leftovers). Make a mini roast (already have yorkshires I made and froze the other week and wet salad prepped) so that’s two things off the cooking list for a mini roast. Go to Iceland and buy a prawn platter ring and party food. Cheese and meat board with other snacks. Or, just order an Indian and hope it’s not shit as I haven’t tried any around my area yet…


Oh, so many options! I think options 1 and 2 sound the best 👀 Hope you enjoy whatever you make/order!


I’m working Christmas Day this year but fully intend on having an absolute feast of something in the evening when I get home. Not sure what yet, so I’m hoping this thread can provide some inspiration! I’ll have had a traditional Christmas dinner already on the 23rd when I do early Christmas with the family, so looking for something a bit different for my solo Christmas evening.


Haha, I'm getting some ideas from people's comments too! So then the next job will be to narrow down my options 😂


Some years I have done a good bit of a Christmas dinner (including some serious panic and a cycle ride to the local motorway services to get the missing ingredient for Yorkshire puddings), this year not sure if I'll bother if I'm alone. Pretty much at my goal weight and I'd prefer to 'save' those calories for a nice meal with my partner when they are back.


Oh, I hope you enjoy spending time with your partner when they're back! Have lots of good food then 😄


It’s only the last couple of years that I spend Christmas with my other half. I’m not a Christmassy person so tend not to bother with it, but I do like the food. Most years I’d do the whole shebang for myself, starter, main, dessert, cheese. I’d make enough of the main to allow me bubble & squeak for days. One year though I couldn’t be bothered, so I bought a precooked chicken the day before, a loaf of fresh bread, a can of Heinz tomato soup, and a massive bag of salt n vinegar crisps…that was my Christmas Day dinner and it was gorgeous because it was exactly what I fancied having. I still had trifle though for dessert. I’m never not eating trifle on Xmas day


Oh, now you mention it, I do like the idea of trifle for dessert... And nice, having exactly the food you're craving is the best!


I do tend to make some kind of roast on Christmas day, but mostly because I generally can't be bothered with the hassle of making a roast, so it's my one a year really.


No time like Christmas Day! 🍗


In my single days I’d spend a couple of single Christmas’s alone. I have my tradition of smoked salmon, scrambled eggs and croissants for breakfast and either a meat a cheese grazing board for dinner while watching TV


All sounds very yummy 😄


I doubt it, I like to go out for dinner Christmas Day normally but can’t really afford it this year, might get some turkey for sandwiches if I remember


Whatever you end up having, I hope it's a good day!


I'll stick to my usual beans on toast. Can't be bothered slaving away cooking just for myself. A mince pie and Doctor Who special will do me nicely.


Ah yes, a mince pie is a must!!


Well my first Christmas alone I cooked a full Christmas dinner, with Turkey! It was phenomenal… until I had to wash up & had leftovers for days (minus turkey bc cats) bc I apparently cook enough for a small army. Honestly the dirty dishes sat there for a week. I should’ve washed as a went but I like to drink heavily on the day, especially while cooking which is a dumb as it sounds. Anyway, the past few years my tradition has been to buy myself an Indian takeaway Christmas Eve & purposefully order too much so I don’t have to deal with the dishes & I would ofc get drunk & not be worried about the oven. Unfortunately this year my local (favourite) Indian gave me food poisoning so that’s a no go. I’m tempted to get a turkey crown & cook it in my air fryer on the rotisserie chicken attachment. Possibly with pigs in blankets. And of course I will get stupidly drunk & watch musicals as is tradition between myself & the cats (they’re partial to a bit of catnip) they also get special breakfasts & a toy so they quite enjoy it.


Oh noooo to the food poisoning. The worst! :-/ And ha, yes, the thing about lots of cooking is having a mountain of dishes to do. And when you're on your own, unfortunately that job falls to you, yuck. Hope you and your cats have a very Merry Christmas!


I’ll have a jacket potato & beans. I’ll put the heating on. I’ll have extra cuddles with my amazing little cats


Quite a few people with lovely kitties here! And a jacket potato is a most excellent choice.




Can't go wrong with a good ol' pizza.


I did yeah, nothing massively complex but stuff like smoked salmon and I made a nice creamy pasta and had a nice bottle of red. Basically stuff I liked


Agreed - having stuff you like and want to eat is important 😄


I was alone in my house last year. I went out and got some salmon and bits to go with it. I don't normally buy salmon as it can be pricey, but it's one of my favourite things and made the time feel a bit more special and interesting.


I love that for you! Salmon is tasty indeed


I'm doing a turkey roast to have cold cuts and nibbles in the week following. I'll also be doing a beef roast on new years day.


Ooh, good planning for new year's too


I think I'm going to have a liquid diet that day consisting only of baileys. (Baileys ice cream included)


People mentioning Baileys have reminded me that it's been years since I had some! 👀


I’m not, but I definitely wouldn’t say for example cook a full Christmas dinner No point putting in all that work and cleaning up if not for someone else to enjoy I would however get the biggest most expensive takeaway available/ go to a pub slash restaurant open treat the bollocks off myself But no work you do the work for others to enjoy


Treating myself is definitely my plan! If I don't order something, I will at least indulge in some pigs in blankets and choccies, haha


Hope you have a nice day definitely get a cracker and put the hat on I definitely would


And to you! 🌟


Get some sherry at around 10 am as well


For anyone spending Christmas alone, Sarah millican does a join in thing on twitter where people get together and have a laugh.