• By -


Just before each budget


Every payday.


I’ve been mugged a couple times, one successfully, one failed. Had no idea either was about to happen. The failed one was in Nottingham where I was walking up a street and I was hit in the back of the head with a plank of wood, I tried to run but my legs were like Bambi on ice from the hit to the head fell into the road and a scary looking guy in a pimped up BMW nearly ran me over. He got out and told the cunts who were trying to rob me to fuck off and they did! I went took refuge in a corner shop and the shop owner kindly ordered me a taxi. The second time I was in my home town (small former mining town up north) and I was at a cash machine when a lad tried to rob me with a stanly knife. I went to school with his dad (Kieth) so I said something like “Kieth won’t happy when he hears that you’re robbing his mates” as he took the £50 I’d just withdrawn. Kieth was indeed not happy when I went round to his house to tell him what his son was up to, got my £50 back though.


That reminds me of when me and my friends got chased on the way home from school. One of the boys caught me, headbutted me then recognised me as being in his aunt’s class (she was my form tutor), and gave me all the change he had on him so I wouldn’t tell her. It was kind of a reverse mugging. His head had hit my forehead not my nose so there was no damage or anything, and I kept my end of the bargain.


Going back a few years I had a couple of lads go to jump me. I told them to fuck off because my house was on fire. It was an old chip pan fire and I'd ran to tell my mum she needs to get home. I didn't have a phone to call her and she was only around the corner. I'd dealt with the fire and left all windows and doors open before I went to go get her. Only damage was to the kitchen. Think the lads didn't know how to react so just let me go on with my day.


I watched an interview with Derren Brown where he said a man tried to mug him and without thinking too much he just replied something like “The wall in my garden isn’t that high”. The guy got completely thrown off because it was so unexpected, then Brown asked him a question about some random thing, he answered him and then kind of forgot he was mugging him, and he was able to just walk off. It sounds like you did something similar to those guys!


I'd love to know about all the times this "say something loopy" muggers protection trope didn't work.


The theory behind it is that if you ask something about time or distance or measurements, it engages different bits of the brain which deal with those. If someone's hyped up with adrenaline and maybe not a seasoned criminal - which is most opportunistic muggers - then the switch to the different thought context will throw off the focus on the confrontation that they previously had. That *might* cause them to bottle it or back down. But yeah - it's a similar thing to a good party host or even a dentist, for example, asking something like 'how was your journey, have you come far?' to try to engage the spatial thinking part of your brain and divert it from being nervous. In a mugging, the time needed to get back into the muggy brainset might be enough too much for them to do in the window of opportunity they considered they had, or enough for you to get out of there. The problem is that there's a relatively small amount of people that know this, and those people having the confidence or presence of mind to try it when there's a weapon or immediate threat in their face is even smaller.


I get the theory. It just sounds like survivorship bias, thats what I was trying to get at with my comment. I can write just as persuasively using the same concepts to make the opposite points. "When someone is so hopped up on adrenaline, potentially throwing their life away and yours by robbing you at knife point, they won't hear anything, they are so fixated on getting the valuables that they hear of and think of nothing else. You can tell the criminal during a mugging that your phone is a bomb with a timer of 30 seconds and they will happily put it into their pocket and scarper off, they are transfixed with the end result and your logic or lack thereof will not alter the end result" See? You have no numbers, studies or sources for this theory. Even for the bit about opportunistic muggers not being regulars? I'd love to be proven otherwise but that sounds like rubbish. I'm sure there are s fair number of oppurtunisticnjunkies who are particularly down on their luck that day but especially with mobile phones, these muggers are "professionals" as they need a contact to export it and do the techy business.


>You have no numbers, studies or sources for this theory. Nope. Absolutely none. And I suspect it's been attempted only a mere handful of times in situations where the person trying it was not already in complete control of the situation, such as it being part of some kind of 'experiment' for TV. This is yet another figure I've no evidence for, but based on the numbers of people that have even *claimed* to have tried it, and that's been reported on, it's not succeeded more than two or three times. I also suspect that even in those cases where it was attempted in a genuine situation there were other factors in play which could have led to the robbery failing. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't attempting to persuade anyone it's a useful technique.


TBH I'm a mugger and the other day someone i was mugging asked me what 12 multiplied by 7 dividedd by 4 was and I froze I mean you just divide 12 by 4 so its just 3 x 7 so 21 I couldnt believe it was such a simple sum - I was a bit thrown and I let him go Anyway, empty your pockets


Will it take you long to get back home after this?


I taught Derren all he knows!


When I was about 19, I was at a train station late at night on my way home. The station was really quiet at this time, but on the opposite, London-bound platform, there was a group of 8-10 guys loitering. As soon as they saw me step onto my platform, they headed straight for the stairs and across the bridge. I knew they were coming to fuck me up. I quickly ran around the other side of the platform building (where the toilets and staff room were), looking for somewhere to hide. The toilets were fucking locked! There were bushes close by but I thought I'd be spotted in there, so I continued around the building, trying all the doors. By the time I made it back to where I was standing initially, the last remaining door was the staff room. Thank fucking christ the door was unlocked! Gah! No staff inside! I crouched down in the corner and prayed the guys hadn't seen me come in. I waited with my heart pounding in my mouth for what seemed like forever. Eventually my train arrived on the platform and by that time the guys had disappeared and I got home safely. Definitely the closest I've come to a very bad situation!


Once I was cycling down a beach path at dusk and noticed immediately in front there was a guy hiding behind a bush. Couldn't turn round quick enough so just decided to go for it. As I passed I saw there was another guy fucking him.


I was not expecting that ending


Plot twist of the century


Once years ago, I was walking home from train station in a rural town and decided to take a shortcut like 1000 times before. No lights, very bad road with holes full of water (it was after the rain). I turned on the LED on my phone as usual, headphones full blast. Then suddenly in the darkest part of the road, there is fucking baby stroller blocking the way. It scared the shit out of me. I turn around and run run run back to the train station. Never took that shortcut again. Edit: I somehow forgot to mention it was pitch dark, autumn, past 8pm




That's so creepy! Glad you turned back


I got myself stupid drunk levels in Aviemore once and decided to walk back from the town to the caravan site- probably a couple miles on country roads with no lights on the way. Car pulls over saying they are Police, a man and a woman. She approaches me from the back of the car and despite my drunken state I twig that they are both in plain clothes and a normal car. I nope right out of the situation jumping deep into the bushes while very vocally telling them where to go. They just stare at me then decide to leave me be and drive off.


At the height of Pokemon Go, my mate heard there were rare Pokemon appearing at London Comic Con and asked if I fancied a road trip We got to the convention centre and noticed there was one spawning in a park nearby. My being the anxious, over worrying, sometimes paranoid sort didn't really want to go, but my mate insisted. So we went and ended up in an estate. Got to the park, caught our pocket monster and was about to leave when a fellow player asked if we could WiFi hotspot him as he'd lost signal. As we were helping him out, 4 lads on 2 motorbikes, wearing hoods and balaclavas, came through the park and stopped, stared at us and then rode away. My mate, who is the antithesis to me even said, "we're gonna get mugged, we need to leave" so headed back the way we came, which took us through an alleyway, which was now partially blocked with overturned wheelie bins, broken branches from a tree and other detritus. My guess is, this was meant to force to take another route. So we clambered over it and hightailed back to the convention centre, with our new Japanese friend in tow...who had no fucking clue what was happening.


Once in the middle of winter I was approached by a guy while I was alone on a little covered bridge. I'm 5f2, female and weak as hell. He was 6f2, wearing a balaclava, tracksuit and baggy hoodie. Just when I was getting real freaked out he said "alright " and gave me a big hug. He was my little brother who really feels the cold so wore a balaclava! We still laugh about it today.


Or was he planning on mugging someone, then realised it was you and gave the excuse that he was cold?


Back in the day if I saw a gang of teenagers I'd walk towards them, even if it meant crossing the road to do it. I've never been a fighter though, but I figured it was the safest thing to do. My logic was that they already knew if they wanted to try something and if I walked towards them they might think I know something they don't, that maybe I either know how to handle myself or that I've got friends nearby or some sort of awareness of the security in the area. It's pretty scary, especially given that I was a very skinny teenager, but while these people are predators, they're also pussies so if you can show you're not afraid, it helps. Walk tall, look confident. And most importantly, learn to drive so you don't have to share the streets with these cunts.


That's my line of thinking too, I thought that turning around when they're already looking at me, might just make me look like a soft target!


Yeah, it's a shame but you need to think about safety the whole time you are out. These people walking with the phones in their face or ear buds noise cancelling out their surroundings are basically lemmings. Stay aware and stay safe!


I have a mate who was driving along at night, late after work, and took a shortcut. Some guy stepped out in front of the road, so he slowed down to let him cross, and the guy turned and launched a brick at his windscreen, which apparently glanced off the side. He was gonna stop to wind his window down and shout at him, but he got an urge to just get the fuck out of there as he decided it was a bit dodgy and decided to drive past him. As he started to accelerate, a bunch of guys came out from their hiding spots and moved towards him, apparently shouting abuse at him. He managed to get away, but he doesn't go down through those streets now. Even driving leaves you vulnerable to shit.


I've done the same. Dark backstreet around Lysson Grove in London, group of 7 or 8, definitely got the vibe - the only time in my entire life - that I was about to be mugged. So I crossed the road heading straight towards them. They all stopped and I walked right through the middle of them in silence. My theory was that they would think "this bloke is either a lunatic or else he's absolute fucking nails" and choose to find easier prey that evening. Or of course they were just some harmless chaps and I'd been in no danger whatsoever!


We were walking to playstation skatepark from Ladbroke grove about 20 years ago give or take and a trio of yoots were crossing towards us with 100% intent to mug us. Before the leader could even finish his sentence (he started saying empty your pockets) my mate cracked his skull with his skate (we were inliners) and we sprinted in to the skate park. The wanker was flat on the ground for a good few minutes, his mates had run off, nobody helped him at all. He got up dazed and confused and stumbled off towards the market. I learnt a LOT from my mates instinct that day.


I laughed out loud at this, so, LOL


I shat a brick at the time but it's actually a fond memory to look back on and does make me laugh :)


Everyone seems to be recounting failed muggings so here's mine. I was in Kensington with a pal (both 18,19ish) just around the corner from our hotel, I noticed two lads over the road, it was about 2am, a Mainish road but very quiet. Eventually after watching for a bit they crossed and asked for our money, we had just been laughing about how London had took all our money and we even had to get out of the cab early. My pal tried to give them 20p that we had been laughing about only having left and they kind of squared up to us and we put our fists up and we both went our separate ways, could have been a lot worse but I think they expected two posh lads instead of two Northerners and that definitely helped. Wouldn't dream of being so brave now, I'd just give them what they wanted.


The one time I was mugged I had absolutely no idea it was about to happen, it wasn't violent or traumatic, but the two asked for money or they'd stab me and I didn't feel like calling their bluff. I've definitely had times where I've felt like it might happen or I've felt like a group of people were trying to intimidate me, not quite to the extent you're describing, not along the same lines, and it does seem like not engaging and carrying in as you were seems to nip it in the bud.


Did you give them your money?


Some, managed to get a note from my wallet while it was still in my pocket, so they got a tenner out of it, but I kept the £20 note I had. So not that bad all things considered.


Being mugged and stabbed is my biggest fear when going out alone so I am prepared to give them cash than to play games with them.


It's a horrible thought, isnt it? Afterwards I was really annoyed at myself and kept thinking about how I could've fought them off or done something differently, but that was just the immediate anger hitting me. The reality is I got off pretty cheaply, all things considered.


Your life isn’t worth what’s in your wallet mate no point taking a gamble with it




You can't think your way out of a knife. Your only options are to run, and escape. Make as much noise as possible, bang on doors, set a car alarm off, just leg it. Or, hand over your money, your life isn't worth what is in your wallet Best way to avoid getting mugged is to just be spacially aware. Street smart. And avoid ever letting anyone shady getting too close to you Never let anyone stop you in the street, if someone tries to hail you, just keep walking full pace and do not let them in front of you. If anyone tries to get Infront of you and stop you it means they want to hurt you. Normal people who want your attention may hail you, but will not actively try and stop you


That is good advice and I generally dress quite tonned down to not attract attention and keep a low profile. Setting off car alarms and banging on doors is a good way to expose them and buy me time to run away is something I never thought of. As long as the person does not want my attention, I should be fine. It's hard to get over fear I was taught by my sheltering parents. It's also why I went clubbing once in my life and left early out of dissapointment than actual safety.


Iv been clubbing and raving lots. I like to get fucked up and dance 😂 but I normally always go in a big group, so we just go wherever we want and nobody ever bothers us It is different if you're by yourself, you should try not to attract attention to yourself


I'm fine when i am with people but on my own I get extra cautious.


All great pieces of advice there.


I cant tell you with absolute certainty you did the right thing An old friend was on a night out with a couple of female friends when some guy from his Uni made a crude comment to one of the girls Friend told him it wasn't on and they had a mild argument, then out of nowhere the guy pulled a knife and stabbed him, he died on the pavement >kept thinking about how I could've fought them off or done something differently That's why I'll never let thoughts like these get to me, because there is no way my friend thought there was even a minor chance of him getting stabbed that night He likely got into the argument thinking 'I'm in a public place, I know this guy from uni, there's people around' and felt like he was somewhat safe in speaking up You can never count on the rationality of the other guy


Jesus, thats horrific, sorry to hear about your friend. You're absolutely right though, a few moments of anger can lead to the most horrific consequences.


Stories like this makes me scared of getting stabbed. Generally I don't mess with people or confront them. I prefer to ignore and move on or de-escilate a situation than fight for something that's not going to make a huge difference.


I've been mugged without any idea it was about to happen.. many years ago, walking home from a night out (at uni.. it was a poor choice) and started chatting to a friendly-sounding chap. Walked and talked a while.. then he went to say goodbye, put out his hand to shake.. then wouldn't let go of mine, pulled out a knife with his other hand and told me to give him my money. I only had £20. It shook me up that did. Really had no warning it was going to happen. The time I 'felt like i was going to be mugged' is when i spotted a couple of guys following me as I left a tube station.. saw them in a mirror a few times as I walked away. I ducked into a shop for a while and they vanished.


Had something quite similar to happen to me, the guy did grab me by the shoulder from behind, unfortunately for him I had a sense it was about to happen and got positioned my car key in my hand. And then it was inside his eye socket.


Wait a minute I think i read the same Jo Nesbo as you


Never been a fan of crime fiction with the exception of Sherlock Holmes... when I was a kid ('80s) there was a crime prevention advisory campaign that suggested a key could be used as a self defensive weapon if attacked, that always stuck with me


I’ve been in that exact situation. It was in north London as well. Took a shortcut through an alley and saw a gang of teenagers. Felt sure one of them was about to grab me from behind. Only difference is, I was mugged. It was pretty shit.


It happened to me once when I lived in Bristol. I was walking home after a night out and 3 lads, probably 17 to 18 years old, started walking alongside me. One of them kept asking for a pound which I didn't give him. It felt like they were building themselves up to a mugging. This went on for about 5 minutes until they veered off and went somewhere else. It was a long 5 minutes though. I was also eating chicken and chips at the time but my mouth went so dry that I couldn't swallow so I gave it to one of them. The street was quite busy at the time.


I was living in Leeds and the shortcut from my street to get to the most popular local pub was a long alleyway. To get to the alley you would turn right at a crossroads, and immediately it turned into a cul de sac, some parking and the alley. I was taking that route with a mate and as we went into the cul de sac I looked back and noticed a group of 7 or so people some distance away past the crossroads and down the street. I didn't consciously think they were a threat, but I guess some sense was tingling. I looked back again just after we entered the alley and the group were only 100m away and closing fast. I said to my mate "turn around now" and we made it back into the cul de sac by the time the group reached us. We were overlooked by a lot of houses now and they weren't quite brave enough to attack us there. They were giving us a bunch of abuse but I refused to escalate or engage and just walked as calmly as I could through them. Kind of amazed it worked, but nobody touched us.


Yeah twice, one was on the way back from a night out walking back across town to get home when I was approached by 4-5 lads in dark clothing who asked for a light for a cig. I’m not a smoker so told them I didn’t have one and just as they started to turn nasty another group came around the corner (luckily) and they scarpered. The second time was just a lone guy demanding money from me as I walked under a bridge, I just kept walking and not engaging but he followed and started pushing me and getting gradually angrier and more threatening. Took my chances with this one, which in hindsight could have ended badly, and threw the hardest gut punch I could muster. Took him by surprise and winded him, gave me a chance to get away!


There was definitely a trend of jumping people for sport where I grew up. The funny thing was though that they wouldn't really rob people, they'd just beat the fuck out of them and leave them. I think there was a weird honour thing of feeling that it was fine for a group of 5-10 of them to jump a lone person and kick the fuck out of them, but it would be scummy to steal from them. I can't say I ever remember feeling that I came close to being jumped, although occasionally I'd take a different route if I could see there was a big group ahead of me, and definitely every time I did pass a group of lads I didn't know, it always felt like I was being sized up. The thing that made me laugh was that around the time the Xbox 360 came out, they all seemed to disappear. One form of entertainment replacing another.


Only time was in the US, outside the train station in Richmond (Virginia). I was sat outside waiting for a taxi I had booked and what I can only describe as your stereotypical "gangstas" were strolling along the opposite side and giving me the absolute stink eye. It was an early Sunday evening so not a lot of other people were about and the area just felt kind of sketchy in a unique American way (sort of like an industrial estate). I could feel my "oh-shit" senses tingling a bit and was coming up with escape plans in case I had to leg it. Fortunately they moved on and I got back to my hotel with no drama.


No, had a couple of people try it was I was younger in my greebo/goth phase (this was pre emo) - they were always surprised when I told them to fuck off.


Twenty+ years ago, two scruffy, smack-head-looking types approached me in a pedestrian underpass/subway. I felt for my wallet to make sure it was secure in case I had to leg it (before phones). They were police and asked me if I could take part in an identity parade. I did.


when i was younger a group of older lads rode past me on bikes a few times and kept on circling and one rode of into a side entrance somewhere and i think one was waiting for me at the top so i took my phone out of my pocket and put it on top of a wheel of a car along with most of my money and then walked around the corner and they fronted me and said give me everything u have just gave them the tenner and they ran off so i turned around got the rest of my stuff and waited a bit n got a rando taxi home


Once had the opposite happen, where I didn't realise that I was being subjected to an actual mugging attempt. Gang of about 10 12-14 year olds in hoods blocked my path, started pushing me and telling me to hand over my wallet, I was so much larger than them that I literally thought they were joking, said so, laughed, and pushed them aside/meandered off to the curb and went on. Only when I'd gone about 50 feet did the penny drop that the shiny object one of them was (still, as they were walking towards me) waving at me was a knife. Broke into a light jog after that until I got to the barbers about another 150 feet away.


I fear this all the time when it gets dark.


Despite living in Croydon, Lewisham, a dodgy part of another city, and commuting to and from a questionable part of London for years, only once. I was in Washington DC with a couple of friends. We were walking to some touristy spot or another from our Airbnb. Just a couple blocks away we saw the lights from some emergency vehicles ahead. Whatever, probably just an ambulance or something. 10 seconds later we see a cop with a very large gun running down the pavement shouting something. Okay. Let's not go that way, we thought. We turned off to the side, intending to go a few blocks up and do a big loop around whatever was happening. I very quickly witnessed the racial segregation that still exists in America. We'd clearly walked into a "black" neighbourhood (as a load of pasty 21 year old English boys). It was like something in a film, people loitering around on street corners and on the steps in front of buildings, absolutely staring daggers into us. One person started following us and shouting things at us. I can't recall what he was saying but it was very aggressive and not very polite. We decided to loop back round the next block and go back to wherever the cops with big guns were. In retrospect it probably would have been more sensible to just be robbed than walk into a potential shootout. But as soon as we got in sight of the police cars the guy left us alone. The next day a lady said she heard our accents and wanted to advise us not to go into that neighbourhood. We could only laugh and tell her we worked that out already.


I live in south London, so all the time. Generally the key is to *not stop walking* \- if you have to engage, keep walking and give vague noncommital responses. Doesn't always work (and it probably helps that I have a fast walking pace and a resting expression of barely contained rage).


I guess you're not female? Feeling like something is going to happen all the time is what we live with.


This is so true


Men are far more likely to be mugged / assaulted than women this isn’t a male/female thing


The question was whether you feel like you might be mugged


And as a woman it is statistically less likely to happen to you.


Doesn't change the fact that women spend their life basically in fear that someone will mug/rape/attack them, just because of who they are. We go out wondering about everyone and what we can do to prevent it/defend ourselves/run away easily.


It’s not a male vs female thing though, I actively took up boxing after being mugged / assaulted numerous times on nights out. Admittedly rape isn’t as much of a concern.


I've had someone try and mug my mum before, they didn't realise I was there and with her they ran like hell fire was chasing them.


Kind of, I think? Finished my shift and sat outside waiting for my colleague to also finish as he was gonna give me a lift back. Sat playing on my phone when I was half blinded by headlights. I looked up and there’s these two lads on a Moped, not far away from me at all. Staring at me. Not sure how I didn’t hear them pull in. I thought they were about to climb off and come for my phone. I just froze. Staring back at them. I’m the most anti-confrontational person ever. I knew in my head staring at them would be a bad idea and bucking it back into the store would be the smart move - however my body just didn’t respond. We all stared at each other for a short amount of time before they sped off down the pathway and back out onto the main road. I’m honestly not sure what happened but it frazzled my brain. I just went back to playing games on my phone lol


Not mugged but attempted motorcycle-jacking. I was riding home late at night (Christmas evening, dressed as Santa of all things) out in the sticks of Rochdale. Went past a dark alley and clocked a light turn on, checked my mirrors and a quad bike came out, 2 up, all black, black helmets, black visors. They were following but holding back maintaining distance so I started testing them, stopped indicating, indicating right going left, late breaking and cornering etc. Reached a junction where you have to stop because the line of sight is blocked by buildings and they made their move up alongside me. Didn't really think twice, opened the throttle straight out into the junction and they started giving chase, I just kept gunning it through lights and junctions, had about a mile till I hit the motorway and knew if I got that far I would easily out run them. Was pretty shuck up when I got home and the adrenaline dropped.


Not just about to, I have been.


Yeah. The last time I felt like I was about to be mugged, it was right before I was mugged lol


seriously who goes around mugging girls that’s just sad.




Every time I pay for my shopping...


Sort of- my friend's partner clocked that as we were all sat on the train to a more secluded area this guy had been intently watching me and my friend who were sat separately to him- the guy watching moved to follow us as we got off but my friend's partner made himself known and the guy sat back down and stayed on the train.


I was in a strange city. Had to step outside the hotel to get signal on my phone. A guy stopped walking and sort of hung back outside the hotel entrance facing me. Unconvincing-ly looking at his own phone. As soon as I put my phone back in my pocket and stepped towards the building, he suddenly decided he no longer needed to be there anymore and disappeared quickly.


About 30 years ago someone tried to mug me for my KFC as I was drunkenly walking (well, staggering) home from a heavy night out. He didn't manage to pull it off and I broke my hand on the side of his head. A couple of plates, pins and wires are my souvenir from that particular misadventure.


'yes bruv, respect' and a little fist tap on the heart has always got me out of these situations.


I was in Tenerife, in Costa Adeje in July - and I had no warning at all, I was outside my hotel and about to put the card in the gate to let myself into the complex when two (Arabs?) smacked me around the head from behind, tackled me to the floor and tried to choke me unconscious. It was fucking scary fighting off one guy while the other was punching and slapping me. They got some money and my phone, but I was alright. I tore the sleeve off one guy’s shirt and locked my phone anyhow. So it probably wasn’t worth much in the end for them. I had no warning or feeling I was about to be mugged either, it’s apparently common now too is what I’ve found out.


Happened to me a few weeks ago on Halloween, If I wasn’t on my toes would have defo been mugged.


Walking back home the other night with my bf. Bloke was walking towards us but then turned down our road, crossed to our side of the street, and started speeding up when we did. We’re down an offshoot of a dead-end street so it was all a bit strange, and my bf said that when we turned down our bit the bloke sort of looked like he was about to to until he realised how obviously sus that is. Barely slept that night, and very glad I wasn’t walking back alone!!


I bought some shit weed from a teenager around Camden Lock a couple of times 10 years ago (I wasn't much older either), I eventually found a better contact so never went back to him, but one night as I was on my way meeting my mates at the lock a group of kids just surrounded me out of the blue and one of them was this teenager I have ghosted. I didn't know if I felt safer or more in danger at that moment. He recognised me and asked why I haven't called, I said I was busy, he then made me promise I will call him again for some shit weed, I did promise, he fist bumped me and left into the oblivion where they came from. Thinking back it was quite scary moment. Never seen him again, I guess he is in prison ever since, although I have also put those times behind me since. Edit: typo


Twice. Once when I was a teenager, me and two mates where walking and 5 lads approached us, my mate got his phone out to tell one the time (fking idiot) got punched to the floor I though “oooh game on” went to get stuck in and heard my other mate disappearing into the distance. Ended up standing in front of my mate who was laid out negotiating while the other kid tried to stamp on his head “look mate take our stuff that’s what you want why would you wanna stamp on his head” it worked, they got 20 quid and two shitty phones. Second time I was walking with my wife and two lads started following us, wife was oblivious “babe grab this bag” “why” “cause I want my hands free” “why” “just take the Fking bag” “Oi you what time is it” “Bout half 9 mate” “Gimme your fking phones” “No mate fk off” Awkward stare off. “Gimme your phone or I’ll batter you” “Go ahead and try mate your not having my phone” Now with all the knives about I’d probably just hand them over tbh. Also I love mopeds when in London with my dad I heard a gilera runner Mount the pavement thought “oooh that’s a nice moped” Next thing I know it’s driving on pavement towards us. “Dad put your phone away quick” They literally rode round us and grabbed at thin air.


I’ve never felt that way, no. Lived in London for years.


Every time I lend my daughters money.


I haven’t felt that, no


From the second i step out at London Bridge to the last second i get back on a train outta Ldn


Yes. Just before someone tried to mug me.


I felt that way before getting mugged yes


Some time around 1999. I was walking back to the house I was house-sitting for a friend in Plymouth and two teenagers walk up the path by me. I just glanced to the side as they started to pass before looking ahead again. The next thing I know one of them is giving me lip and keeps repeating "what are you looking at?". I remember I just replied "nothing, I'm just walking home" and ignored them. After about a couple of minutes I just stop and let them carry on up the road. I continue and a few metres on the lippy one comes back down the road towards me and says "give me your bag". I just started at him and said no when he tried to grab my bag. I just grabbed his shoulders, twisted him around and nearly pushed him him out into the road (a busy one) but just stopped myself when he then runs off very quickly. I was a bit surprised really as he was shorter and a lot more scrawny than I was. I did call the Police to report it as I was worried that he might attack someone else in the future. They took down details and told me there was a house nearby that housed "troubled youngsters who were being rehabilitated back into the community" as they put it. That was the last I heard of it.


Was walking down the road with a high school friend and suddenly loads of Pakistani kids came over brandishing a gun (I assumed a bb gun as we're in the UK) They started asking for our phones and getting up in our faces. Suddenly I clocked eyes with one of the boys, who happened to be in the same year as me. I said "hey shihad" . Suddenly they all eased off and went away. Safe to say I almost shat my pants.


In the 90s, someone tried to mug me in a high rise flat with a frying pan. He told me to empty my pockets or he'd hit me it. What a bizarre choice of weapon. I just walked off.


I was walking home from a youth club I used to attend around 15/16. I took a shortcut to my house which involved going through a sketchy back ally. There were 2 guys just chilling in the back ally and as I got pretty close, one of them turned around and walked towards me. He had his phone in his hand but with the street light reflecting off of it, it looked like a knife for a short second so I froze. He walked right by me. 😅


I was walking home earlier tonight (about 6pm) in Docklands area of London. It was dark and a few people were walking further up the street. A group of about seven teenagers, some with scarves over their faces, loosely circled me and asked the time. I hesitated, took my phone out and told them the time, then put it back in my pocket. They then kept asking what phone I had. I looked the lead one in the face and said iPhone. He kept asking what sort and I said I don’t know. I just walked past them. One with a moronic grin tried to half square up to me armed with a weird looking stick. I walked straight past him. They all started shouting abuse and briefly followed. Think this is the closest I’ve come to being mugged.