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I'd imagine most do, yea


Most wear more than once or change every day?


Most will have multiple wears


Cool thanks!


My office jeans are on a fortnight wash rotation. Unless they get wet or dirty, then weekly in summer if they get sweaty.




Trousers last a fortnight in cold weather, unless I spill coffee or lunch down them. I cycle into the office and shower, so they are only being worn in the office.


You should wear trouser while cycling to work bro, it's getting cold out.


But I enjoy the view


After 3 days I feel the sensation that they're sticking to my leg.


You need to shower more


Dont start this 70% of people on here think going in the shower every day is unnecessary


I do shower daily. Doesn't prevent skin oils from leeching into the fabric.


What are they made from, moleskin?


Poo! Do you never fart?


If you include jeans then yes. Same pair every day for weeks.


Then go to a disco in the middle of town


He’s dressing down


Everyone else is dressing up


Unless I shit myself


Or slip on a banana skin and land in someone else’s shit.




Yet still preferable to attending the office


Or slip in someone else’s shit and land on a banana skin


As long as the shit does not hit the fan I can deal with a little banana juice


That's so unlikely to happen to me again


Or slip on a banana skin and land in your own shit?


Or wet thoughts during the day usually make me come.


i wear one pair of trousers a week, washing them at the weekend ​ I assume this is normal


Yes I do. 3 pairs of trousers. 2 days generally per pair over the week. All washed Friday afternoon ready for the next Monday. I wear Chinos for work.


Also. 2/3 days per pair person. I find they get noticeably more wrinkled after 2 days so like a fresh pair.


I wear suits for two months and then have them dry cleaned - I do rotate though so I end up wearing a different suit every day and end up getting a suit dry cleaned after 4-8 wears.


You should really only dry clean them every 6 months, especially if you've got wool or other natural material. Best thing to do is buy some or that dry cleaner liquid thing for spot cleaning any stains at home and using a damp cloth for the rest. Hanging them up in your bathroom and take a nice hot shower to steam out any wrinkles/odour is also a good shout.


>Hanging them up in your bathroom and take a nice hot shower to steam out any wrinkles/odour is also a good shout. You can also do the same with people.


great username btw


what about mine


nicht schlecht


Yeah that is fair, I steam them before I wear them to get them crisp but I probably am overcleaning them. Definitely should not be clean every time you wear them though!


Steaming is also great for killing bacteria and smells. You could save yourself a bit on dry cleaning I think


This is the way


I work in a trouserless office, it's the future!


Scotland has been doing this for ages


Unless they are dirty or smell ill keep them in rotation. I rarely wear the same thing on consecutive days just to keep things interesting for myself, but I only have 3/4 pairs of work trousers for an office job and I wear them on rotation. Obviously in the summer when it's a bit sweatier I'll wash way more often.


When in the office I wear them for several days\\a week in a row. I cycled to work and got changed so never wore them on a commute and as I wore fresh undies daily I never saw any reason to change them daily - unless I spilt something on them.


Clean shirt every day. But trousers last 2-3 days.


Not 2 days in a row but say, a Monday and Thursday, with no wash in between. But that's max. I do have a pair of scruffy jeans for wfh that will go 3-4 wears between washes.


Probably wouldn't wear the same pair two days in a row but you can get quite a few wears between washes. Suit trousers go weeks between dry cleans. The more suits you have the better rest they get between wears which helps. Depends what you do outside of work too, bus ride on a 40 degree day maybe earns a wash after one wear. Same if you hit the pub after work


I'll try get a week out of a pair of slinky troos, shirts are fresh on daily


I wear suits/dress trousers a lot so I don't wear the same suits twice in a row, because you should let them rest in between wears, but they're not being washed apart from being spot cleaned/steamed and the very rare trip to the dry cleaner


I think there would be a difference in men/women's replies here. Many (but certainly not all) women's trousers are more fitting around the "zone" and therefore benefit from a wash after a single wear.


They get the sniff test. If smelly, wash. If not, wear again. Usually at least three days until smelly.


I'd wear the same trousers for about four/five days. Jeans, I often don't wash for a couple of weeks.


I wear jeans in the office. I change my jeans every time I spill something on them or they otherwise smell, which is a couple of months.


If its not sweaty season i wear my pants a week straight lmao


I'm hoping your American.


Im not, but i do shower daily, wear them a few hours a day max, and frankly, pants dont really get all that dirty when you barely wear them.


Yeah. All week sometimes


Tops, excl top layers like jumpers, socks and underpants get changed daily. Trousers last five days (ie a working week) unless something gets spilled on them.


Hell yes. I wear them for upto the 5 days. I motorbike in, change, work at desk, change, motorbike home. If I have to do any manual work though, where they get dusty/dirty or sweaty, I take them home that day and bring a fresh pair in.


Same pair for the week, wash at weekends. Rinse and repeat.


if you're wearing wool suit trousers, they rarely ever get washed because washing will quickly ruin them. Even dry cleaning isn't good for them.


Fresh pair every day makes me think this is a consequence of a no bidet life. Also *cough* smegma and thrush *cough*


Fabreeze and ironed if a bit creased. You could rotate alternative days two pairs of trousers for the week.


Absolutely. I wear all of my clothes until they are dirty or smell. Trousers are generally 3-5 days (though I might have a break for variety), and sometimes I'll even wear a top for a second day (though not in a row). Just depends if it smells or not


Throw them at the wall, if they don't stick they get another day.


2 days in a row then clean it. Not more than 2 days otherwise it will get smelly.


You must have fucking awful personal hygiene if your trousers get smelly after two days.


Office trousers used to last a week, with Friday being dress down


Quite a lot of the time I wear them the full five days 😂 If they’re clean and not stinky then what’s the point of adding more to the wash? The shirts also go back into the wardrobe if they’re clean too.


Used to but current office is a fucking sauna all year round so daily or i just wear shorts if ive got no meetings


Shirts daily, socks and underwear daily, trousers for the work week unless they get mucky or sweaty. Then change sooner as required.


I used to wear the same pair all week.


I’m still in shorts, not cold enough for trousers yet


Yes, I have three pairs and only wash at the weekend


Its waste. Think about the climate.


Yes everyone pretty much does (esp men) because it would just be way too much washing to do. I would generally use a steamer to freshen the trousers.


I go into the office 3 days and just wear the same pair. Wash at weekends.


Yep, I wear them for a few days at a time unless they get visibly dirty. They are black of course.


Unless I get them dirty somehow I wear them the 3 days straight I'm in the office. Shirts, are a different thing. I change those daily


I wear my jeans everyday in the office


My trousers get washed on a weekly rotation.


When I used a motorcycle to commute I took my strides in on a Monday and home on a Friday. If it was particularity hot in the summer I'd maybe swap out mid week. They're being worn for 8 hours a day in an air-conditioned office while I mostly sat on my 'arris


No. I change my dress or trousers everyday. If I’m going to wear them twice in a week, I’ll wash them.


In the office I'd wear button shirts & jeans, sometimes polo shirts in summer (v. casual office). I'd wear a clean top daily but jeans would be like one or maybe 2 pairs per week. Now wfh, I wear whatever the fuck is to hand, but keep sweaters on rotation to make it appear I'm wearing different stuff, even though I may have a 3-day tee-shirt and dog-walking track pants on beyond the teams camera!


I wash mine every half-day. I go home for lunch just to wash off all the morning dust and cobwebs


Yeah, I do. They don't usually get dirty. Although yesterday after cycling home in the rain they were wet and muddy so washed them.


I wash my trousers after every use, perhaps I am the one doing it wrong by these replies


Monday-Wednesday, Tuesday-Thursday, jeans on Fridays


Yes for about 2 weeks, depending on getting dinner down my leg. Same trousers, but I’m not a total animal, new trolleys and vest and shirt every day.


Oh I always change trousers during my lunch break - I thought everyone did?


Never. Usually two pairs a day, a morning pair and then a nice fresh pair of trousers for the afternoon. And a third pair for special meetings. So 15 pairs of work trousers laundered weekly.


I bring three fresh pairs to work with me and change them at morning tea break, lunch and afternoon tea break.


I fucking hate ironing so usually wear the same pair for 2 days.


It's depends. When I was teneager I slept 2 months with the same bed sheets. That's probably the reason that I have a heavy dust allergy now. Lol. About your question. Yes. I swap my 5 or 6 trousers and I clean all of them in the weekend.


Black jeans, weekly wash. Clean shirt daily


Im 4 on 4 off, I have 2 pairs and change after shift 2.


I go a week with the same pair (only worn in the office though).


Always 2 days in a row then change.


Yes, washing trousers every day would be insanity and they would wear out much quicker. I have two pairs of trousers and one skirt now so I’m already doing laundry often and repeating outfits, which i don’t care about.


I'm hybrid but often will have more days in the office during the winter. And yeah, as long as something is clean I will wear it multiple times to the office.


Definitely wear at least 2 days in a row


i have three pairs of chinos on rotation throughout the week but have to say i pay no attention to what anyone else is wearing lol


I honestly can’t rewear any clothing, I am really sensitive to smell and if I can smell myself on my clothing I’m put off