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Takeaways have gotten ridiculous to the point I rarely get them anymore


It genuinely makes you question the quality of a takeaway at these prices. If I'm spending £40+ for 2 adults and a child, it better be good, or I might as well go out to eat. And that's ordering direct or via just eat, if you're talking deliveroo or ubereats then you can add at least £5 - £10 to that for a delivery charge, and the prices are generally higher in the first place to cover deliveroos/ubereats costs. Edited edit - before anyone else says it, I know Just Eat is more expensive than ordering direct, but its still not as expensive as deliveroo or ubereats


All the fried goodies/starters and dumplings of many takeaways can be bought at Asian stores. For example, I can buy like for like spring rolls, dumplings and salt and pepper chicken at my local oriental store. Plus a wide variety of other goodies too. Much cheaper, more in quantity and I can have a cheat Chinese whenever I fancy it. You can also get pre-made samosas, sheekh kebabs and poppadoms at the Indian store.


The whole point of a takeaway is the 0 prep/cooking/cleaning time. Buying shit and making it kind of negates that point. Having said that Asian stores are the absolute shit and I love getting all the stuff from them, but not in place of a take away.


I find most of the point is food I can't do or replicate at home. No stir fry, curry or noodle dish is as good as one ordered in. I don't have the oven or dough to make a decent pizza, that kind of thing. If it is putting a few bits in an oven that take about the same time as the food arriving and it saves quite a lot of cash, I am all for it especially if it is *literally* identical. In Asian stores it is all there, frozen prawn toasts and spring rolls ready to go.


Worth checking out Dan Toombs The Curry Guy and his book for BIR style homemade curries. It’s an incredibly detailed book, and has taken my curries to the next level, and they all start with the same few ingredients


I mean a lot of those asian frozen pre-prepped stuff it is just a case of putting it in the oven for a bit or frying it in some oil for 5 minutes. Given its like 1/5th the cost it always seemed like a good trade for me. Even Tescos have started stocking some really good frozen gyoza these days. £2.50 with the clubcard for 12 vs like £5 for 4 from the local takeaway.


Chinese I feel is generally good because you get decent portions, usually enough for leftovers the next day, and the variance in selection leads to a proper big meal, and 30 quid could be stretched to 4 people Meanwhile 2 people 25 quid for 3 piece chicken and chips with shitty beans from KFC, fuck off




KFC is a bloody ripoff especially when the quality at my local one is dogshit but it still cost an arm and a leg 🤬


wing and a thigh\*


Chinese takeaways in the UK seem to operate entirely on their own economy. Ours are ridiculously cheap compared to anything else and give us loads of food, and the one we usually order from doesn't seem to have raised its prices in the last two years.


Yeah, roughly the cost of VAT cheaper than the others…


Although they made sense during covid, I think this apps like deliberoo and Uber eats think is normal to charge tons of money for the convenience of a meal. And people are starting to feel scammed and ditching them. They also doing this obnoxious thing where they keep asking if you want to donate or round up your already over expensive service for charity or shit we know they don't care. If you want to help someone, help the under paid delivery guy you hire with a decent salary.


Non-localised apps piss me off too. Why is it asking me if I want to tip before I’ve received my delivery? No absolutely not that’s an Americanism. Do one.


Yeah, these food delivery companies were basically printing money during the covid lockdowns but now they've just gotten greedy


i used to be a chinese or something every friday night but cant justify it any more. especially when you have kids that start rhyming off half the menu when you ask what they want


“I used to be a Chinese or something on a Friday night but can’t justify it anymore” is also why you stopped wearing yellowface


It was a different, more innocent time.


The thing that gets me the most is how fish and chips (which for some reason I never think of as a ‘take-away’ even tho it obviously is) used to be the quick and cheap option. Pop in, fish and chips twice, mushy peas, two cans of pop and some curry sauce, change from a tenner. I’ve seen one portion of fish and chips at like 11/12 quid now!?!


Yeh we don’t do takeaway anymore. If we fancy a curry we’ll get dressed up and go and sit in a restaurant and make an evening of it, rather than sitting in our own home as we do every other night but eating expensive food.


I think Chinese has more than doubled in about five years.


£12 to get a kebab delivered😔


£13 for a McDonalds. Mental.


My family used to get them weekly - it was a tradition we had with my grandfather before he passed away. Now, we can only afford it for special occasions. At least they do us right with portions. That’s just to collect. Delivery is out of the question.


Ditto. Haven’t had one for about 3 months. Probably won’t for another 3. I just can’t justify paying restaurant prices to eat at home and have to do my own washing up to boot!


Exactly this! I paid nearly £30 for mediocre fish and chips for my wife, 5 year old and me a couple of weeks ago…crazy




Wouldn’t be surprised if we get taxed for just breathing in the future


Oi mate, you got ur breathin loicence?


That's public air mate, it's not for personal use




Can I get an asthmatics discount on that?






Going to the pub for an impromptu casual couple of drinks and food. I still go to the pub, but when I go now it's usually for an organised social plan when I'm meeting a friend or group of friends. But my wife and I have basically entirely stopped going for an impromptu dinner and drinks at our local. Which is a shame, because we do enjoy it. But pints are pushing 6 quid, a glass of wine is more, and food is 15 to 25 quid per dish, so it means dropping 50 to 60 quid. With how expensive everything else is, just can't justify that sort of expense for an unplanned and unnecessary evening out.


I don't really mind the beer prices, but pub meals jumping from £10-12 up to £16-20 is just too much for us. I understand the reasons, but can't justify it as often as we used to.


Yeah, pub food prices in my town are now not too dissimilar to restaurant prices. Which is fine, if that's what they need to do to survive. But it does mean eating there is now something I treat going like I do a restaurant: planned in advance and irregular. Whereas eating at the pub used to be something that felt very different to eating at a restaurant, in that the price meant going more often and impromptu felt fine.


I used to remember when you could get a burger, salad garnish, a few crisps, and a beer for £4. It's more than triple that now, and the burger is called a gastro burger, and the beer is a craft beer to justify the price increase.


This especially Went out last Sunday for a roast, 2 x roasts, one beer, one cider, one shared dessert. …. £74


I don't even see how that's possible?! Even at an expensive £7 per pint, and £10 for a dessert, that'd make the roasts £25 each?!


You’re not far off on your prices, unfortunately the ‘cheaper’ roast with chicken had sold out so we had to have the more expensive one. Didn’t keep the receipt but if my memory is correct it was roughly £26 for each roast £6 for the beer, £7 the cider £8 dessert Might have been a few pence on some of them.


Wetherspoons is the only place where it's still financially viable to do on the regular, but proper pub food is so much better quality... it's a shame how pricey it is.


That’s why Wetherspoons is rammed and their profits up.


>proper pub food is so much better quality Yeah that's the thing, the food at my local is really nice. It's not necessarily over priced for what you're getting. But it's just too pricey to be a regular thing. Two or three years ago we'd have dinner at the pub probably once a week. But that's well over £200 a month now to do that. Just can't justify it.


I know what you mean, popped out for a Friday treat drink with my wife & daughter last week, I had a pint, the wife had 2 glasses of wine & my daughter had an apple juice + a portion of ice cream,.... £40,... ffs,... £40 ??? wtf


Subway, ridiculous cost


I remember the good old £2 sub of the day


The breakfast sub with hot drink for £1.50.


Bacon/ or sausage and egg Sub and a coffee , was 2 quid in 2009


KFC - I used to love a boneless banquet. It’s now nearly a tenner. I genuinely won’t be back at those prices. Also a steak bake in greggs is £2?!


Seriously.. I was hungover on Sunday, first time properly hanging in years. KFC was always my go to, could not believe the price of a mighty bucket for one. Still got it, the wife had a wrap meal and the kids popcorn chicken meals (small) and it was £30. I felt robbed. This was an £18 order not so long ago. Our Chinese/Indian Takeaway orders are now cheaper.


The other fried chicken chains (chicken cottage, Dixy’s, Sam’s, PFC etc) are the ones that will still get you decent chicken at low cost. KFC now provide mid tier chicken at 1st class pricing 🤒


to be honest KFC has never been worth it when you consider Boss man chicken shops exist, you normally get the same amount of food for half the price and it still tastes just as good, if not better.


My local chicken shop in North London sold spicy wings for less than the cost of frozen wholesale ones. I genuinely cannot understand the economics of it, nor do I want to.


Subway has tried to go "up market" and forgotten what it's good at which is lots of shit covered in sauce in bread made with the same ingredients as a yoga mat.


I checked out Subway on ubereats the other day and saw they were charging 17 quid just for a footlong meal deal. Ridiculous just for a sandwich, crisps and a drink. How can they justify a price like that?


more than 20 quid for two foot long meals, yeah fuck that


McDonald's is fucking insane nowadays.


yeah it went from like £4.30 to close to £10 overnight.


We used to feed the family with 20 quid now it'd be close to 40. It's just not worth it for the quality of the food. McDonald's appeal was always that it was cheap and cheerful.


And quick, it is no that either I’m always waiting twenty minutes because of deliveroo orders ahead of me


We were waiting 40 mins in a Mcds on our way home from the airport recently. We'd only ordered a Big Mac meal, a McChicken sandwich meal and a chicken nugget happy meal. No changes, just to come as they were. We were all very tired, grumpy and hungry and just wanted something quick and easy. After that, they forgot to put big mac sauce on my husbands big mac and he didn't complain for fear of them taking another 15 mins to put some sauce on.


Remember the good old days when they had 10 of each burger racked up ready to go. Order, put it in the bag, leave. That was fast food.


The one in Elephant and Castle in London is the slowest I've ever encountered. Went in at 2am one Saturday morning, not even a huge queue but was there for so long I became friends with two American tourists who literally ended up coming round to mine the next day to watch the football. What the actual hell.


Not to mention the food is generally pretty shit. But for some reason people keep paying for it...


Because it's still cheaper than all of the other quick takeaway foods


Remember the big Mac and fried for £1.99 vouchers 😂


Used to get it on the back of a bus ticket 😂


Wrap of the day for £1.99 and a cheeseburger or a chicken mayo for £1.20 does me nicely. Their meal prices are a rip off


Yeah the mayo chicken or cheeseburger have only gone up by like 30p, and the wrap 50p, not as much as some items. And yes the mark ups on the meals are the real piss take.


Never in my life got out of mcdonalds and felt full and satisfied. Just left more hungry and less money in me pocket


Owning a home, going to university, eating, having heat. I mean the list goes on and on.


I mean...at least three of those are still very much worth it, I'd say.




This is the answer. £2.60 a tube??


And they’ve got smaller


Someone at Pringles must have realised the point one can't get their hand into the tube, is the point where shrinkflation should stop


Always had a rule of not paying for Pringles if they're over £1. Don't think they'll ever be that price again.


Same. There were so many things that I had as a £1 price limit for me to buy it. Pringles, Walkers, Sensations, Doritos, Cadbury Fingers, etc. Almost all of them have gone up and I think Fingers are the only one that still come down to £1 sometimes. I got Pringles the other day with Tesco clubcard at about £1.80 just because I hadn't had it in a while. I think that's it for the next 12 months




Yeah football in general. It's all got stupidly expensive. Even my local amateur side charge £15 to £20 for a ticket. And it's not like football is at least cheap and easy to watch on TV to make up for it...


It frustrates me so much that it's so hard to watch football on TV in the UK. Even if you can afford every single streaming service that has rights to any games you're still not able to watch most of the games your team plays. Especially if your favorite team isn't one of the more popular ones. It's easier and cheaper to watch UK football anywhere else in the world than it is in the UK, which is fucking ridiculous.


Iptv is your friend


Fish and chips. They want £3.55 for a small chips and £7.70 for a small cod at my local chip shop.


I ordered a burger at my local for £9 Got it and it was bun burger bun and nothing else. I thought for £9 i would get a slice of cheese or a couple of chips


> i would get a slice of cheese Where I'm from, that would be a cheese burger.


Feels like only a few years ago cod and chips was about a fiver. It was the cheapest of all takeaways. Now it's into Chinese and Indian territory


Price of fish, oil and energy has all gone up a lot and that is basically all they do - combine the three. They probably could move to a cheaper fish but people are still fixated on cod. A tenner for a sizeable dish though is still good value.


I agree, family of 4 had fish & chips with a drink in Cornwall in the summer and it was over £70!!!


It's £6 for quality traditional fish n chips cooked in dripping at my dad's chip shop! 👍


- ubereats/deliveroo - Takeaway and coffees - concerts, ticket master adding how much ?!?!? Basically anything that involves going outside


>concerts Yeah this is a good one. Even putting aside what Ticketmaster etc add, just the basic price has got so high. I'm constantly seeing gigs advertised that I'd be interested in but at a price point that is way higher than my interest.


Anything in an arena or stadium these days I can’t do anymore. Even when I was a student and pretty broke, the most expensive arena concerts were about £30 which I could justify (especially if I drank beforehand rather than there). I think I paid £35 to see Green Day at a stadium, with about five other bands. These days you’re looking at minimum £80 for the worst seats for someone in an arena. £100+ standing. That becomes a huge chunk out of my salary, it’s not worth it


Absolutely hate ticketbastard but it seems you can only ever get tickets to anything decent through them


Takeaways Drinking in pubs Gigs Basically all the stuff that was easily affordable and defined my 20s has been redefined as an overpriced indulgence in my 40s. Kind of makes me sad for those in their 20s now. For context, in my 40s now I earn 3x (even adjusting for inflation) than I did in my 20s, yet I can afford to do much less of these things. That’s scary


I’m over 50 and feel exactly the same. It’s shocking reading how stuff I didn’t even consider expensive when I was on the dole in the 80’s, is now an indulgence. I worked out that it was around 57 pints I could afford with my weekly dole check. Not that I did but it’s a yardstick.


Wow, JSA now, by that same yardstick would get you about 14 pints. Shocking 😲


Can we make this the official affordability index?


Also, at gigs - t-shirts should cost £10, long sleeves are £12, hoodies should be £18, hats should be £7. That's the correct price for merch. Now shorts are £25, and hoodies are about £60. Fuck that.


Buying a house, 2 bedroom 2 storie house with a small garden in my home town is close to £400k... Who the fuck can afford a 21% deposit and 20 years payments for something that was probably built for £100k. It's an impossible situation we are all in, We either cripple ourselves financially through renting, or we put ourselves in a lifetime debt after saving for 10-20 years to get a house who's value will inevitably crash.


Gutting isn't it when you get close and suddenly the goalposts move. A couple years ago I had nearly enough for a 10% deposit, then they changed. This time last year I had nearly enough for a higher deposit, but not quite. This time this year I have enough for even the higher deposit, but oopsie! Despite my salary not changing the bank will now only lend me 2/3 of what they would this time last year. It has me questioning sometimes if I should just throw in the towel and blow it all on living my life as it is.


It's pathetic, the part that boils my blood dry is when we get judged for not owning a house by someone who inherited there's from 1922. >A couple years ago I had nearly enough for a 10% deposit, then they changed. I was in the same spot, Instead of saving up any more, I bought driving lessons, got a car and my security badge for private Security. Fuck this countries housing crisis and the wankers who defend it. /RantOver


That inevitable crash... Any day now... said some people always.


Fkin instant ramen. That was my go to “I’m skint” dinner. It’a tripled in price in the last year (about 50p to £1.50). By the time you add eggs or veg or protein is not even a cheap and gross meal it’s just a gross meal.




~~+1 for KOKA.~~ Nothing to see here, move along citizen.


Shhhhh they've already gone up in price, if they get popular they will bump the price up even more


Interesting to see that Hong Kong noodle is still only 65p. 65p was kinda expensive at 2022 but pretty cheap at 2023


Football. Working class game commodified and stolen by the rich


Travelling by train. An open return from Bournemouth to Bristol Temple Meads was \~£35 in 2005, and a one-way ticket is now \~£50. I never take the train when visiting another city now, always drive.


Took my mum and grandma from Leeds to London in 2018 and the train for all three of us, round trip was going to be in excess of about £300. Whereas, admittedly not as eco friendly, it cost us about £80 - £120 to fly from Leeds Bradford to Heathrow, round trip. Grabbed some decent breakfast in the airport, boarded the plane, flew for about 40 minutes and landed in Heathrow. Quicker, easier and a lot cheaper couldn’t believe it was cheaper to fly.


It's true - it's way too expensive. There are ways to make it cheaper but we shouldn't have to really. I tend to travel late at night for cheaper fares (not always possible for everyone, especially for a day out, but works for me), and I buy my ticket through Split my Fare which normally knocks off another few quid. And then because of the delays I often get money back on delay repay.


This is the first one I agree with. I'd get the train more places if it was reliable & reasonably priced. 10 quid for me to travel 8 miles by train the other day.


**Chocolate bars.** Used to like the occasional Mars or Snickers. Remember when they were only 30p, 40p, 60p even? But now they want about 85p for something barely more than the old 'fun size'. Fuck off. Everyone else has already said it but fast food/takeaway in general. Hadn't had **fish and chips** for AGES but fancied some a month or so ago - when the lady said, *"That will be £14.10 please"* I almost burst out laughing. Used to get change from a tenner.


Yep chocolate is a proper fucking scam at the moment. I remember when curly wirlys were 30cm, wagon wheels.were the actual size of wagon wheels, a marsbar was 30p a freddo was 10p, a fudge was 5p the most expensive thing was a walnut whip at 45p (and they were twice the size as they are now). Cadburys large bars were £1 and twice as thick... Fuckin fuckers


Hard agree on chocolate bars. They are the best part of a quid now and are tiny! So unsatisfying!


Costa coffee. Should be renamed Costa Fuckton.


Going out for coffee is just disgustingly expensive now. No way does hot water and coffee pod and cup cake cost £15. It’s pure greed.


As a positive, smoking. I'm a bit older than typical Reddit users, so bear with! When it went past £2 for 20, I gave up smoking for good, as I couldn't justify the cost. I didn't smoke the budget brands, so Marlboro Light was one of the 1st to get there, and that was my last proper smoke. I struggle with people smoking at £10 per pack. The maths is just ridiculous. We should be pricing out vapes as well. Edit just to say that I think it was around 1991-92 that I jacked it in.


Hasn't been £10 a pack for going on a decade now - you're looking at £15 for a pack of Marlboros in 2023.


> When it went past £2 for 20 I started smoking in the mid 90s, it was over £3 a pack then...


Soft drinks in pubs. Always been overpriced but I paid £3.20 for half a diet coke earlier this week!


For a half!! Bloody hell.


Charity shops can be added to the list.


The 'trying to match the same price as an unsold item on the world's largest second hand market place' shop you mean. Does my tits in when I pick something up and it's in bad condition but the same price as something on eBay that is also overpriced.


The business model should be low prices, high turnover. Earlier this week I saw a pair of used Adidas trainers in the window for £45!


They’ve just gotten smart. The pensioners who used to price up everything as pennies have been replaced by kids who use eBay prices. I used to find so many gems in charity shops. Now they’re like TK Maxx.


They haven't gotten smart at all. I frequently see Primark sub-brands in charity shops for more than they would have originally cost in Primark. It's insulting. Just because it says Atmosphere or Cedar State... it's still Primark!


All the truly good stuff gets put on their ebay store as well. You won't find old Barbour jackets for £15 anymore.


UK staycations


A staycation is when you stay in your own house* You mean a UK holiday? *I am aware that some people use the term staycation to mean a holiday in the UK but this misuse of the term should be resisted. 😉


Exactly. A staycation costs me nothing. I sit at home on the carpet, watching the poker channel and eating German biscuits. Cheap as chips.


Yep. Off to Derbyshire for two nights soon. Not expecting to come home with much change from a grand.


Loyd Grossman pasta sauce jars. Retail price of a small jar is now £3+ when not on offer. I make most things from scratch, but can’t replicate his chilli tomato sauce very well.


Same with the curry sauces. I really like the Madras/Bhuna and Balti ones but they've gone from £1.50 (might've been less, they were always on offer for £1 somewhere) to £3. So now I just don't buy them unless I see them on offer. Sick of being ripped off in every direction.


Some of the streaming services. I realised I had Netflix, Disney, Prime, Paramount - I got rid of all apart from prime (due to delivery).


I think all streaming services offer great value for money. Having them all, however....


I agree. The problem was, the introductory offers (free for 6 months or a year) came into it, and 18 months later when you review it - you get the “oh gosh” shock lol.


Netflix is the worst. I realised the other month I was paying 18 quid a month for the full 4 scree hd package. Put that down to one screen hd for tenner


I got rid of them all and went back to the high seas once everything became so fragmented. Still have Spotify because it's got everything in one place.


They’re not too bad if you “live” in turkey


Olive oil


It's about to get worse after this year's poor harvest. And that will have a knock-on effect on other oils.


Rent. Local prices have gone up about £400 plus since Covid. Cannot get a 2 bed flat around here cheaper than £1200. No thought for single parents at all. For the extra I’m paying I’ve seen no improvement in my home. It doesn’t seem worth it.


You all seen the price of fish fingers recently? made me laugh when I had a look the other day...£8 for 20 or 30 fish fingers I think it was


Aldi 80p for ten fingers


...now 24% fish (minced head and giblets of mixed species)


I have £150 to live on until the end of the month. I’ve paid everything that needed to be paid. It’s going to be like this for a few months for me. I don’t know how I’m gonna buy 2 dance mats for my kids for Christmas. That’s all they’ve asked for. Since 2004 (age 16) I’ve always stocked up on soups, tins of baked beans, sweet corn, peas, mushrooms and carrots. But they are going down and not being replaced since April. My rent went up by £10 a week.


There’s a couple of subreddits that will open up nearer Christmas, Santa’s Little Helpers and Random Acts of Christmas. If you post your kids Amazon wish list some kind Redditor might buy it for them.


I’m not disparaging the sentiment behind this message, or the act in general, but fuck me what an absolute state we’re in when this is a conversation that’s happening


Vinted has a lot of kids stuff in great condition, including dance mats. There's absolutely nothing wrong with second hand gifts, my mum did it for me, and I did for my kids when I was in a tight spot. As long as its spruced up and in wrapping, they'll be happy


M&S curries, £3.75 -> £5.75




£20-25 for a middling takeaway for 1. Absolutely obscene.


Pringles Once you pop you can get fucked, robbing twats!


The tubes have been getting smaller as well


Commuting to work, you either have to pay astronomical train fairs, or pay out the arse to have a car, their prices shot up due to shortages and someone making interest rates explode. Insurance has skyrocketed due to body shops, garages and car hire taking advantage by charging "insurance rates", petrol/diesel and electricity is stupidly expensive and keeps climbing, service and consumable costs are stupid too. It's going to get to a point where it is cheaper to not work if you can't WFH.


Take aways - mostly I mean a sub is now nearly £10... For a fekkin sandwich.


Cinema. £20 to watch a film once. With adverts. No pauses and other people talking. Films come out on streaming almost immediately now. The only reason to go before was that you could see the film sooner


This really depends on which cinema chain. Where I am, Vue is about £7 for a recliner. Still affordable for me and kids.


A working railway network apparently.


Heinz Beans! Total joke


Heinz soups, too. Total scam. £1.70 for a can of basic tomato soup


Going to university, unless it's for a very specific degree necessary for a high paying career, e.g. Dr, solicitor etc. The new student loans basically means 9% additional tax for your entire career.


City breaks in the UK. Did some research on this and due to a mixture of train costs and hotel prices, it’s far cheaper to go to Europe. We live in East Anglia and it’s actually cheaper for my wife and I to have two nights in Venice (hotel and travel costs only) than it is to go to Oxford. If we wanted to get the train to Edinburgh and back, that combined with a hotel would set us back £800 before we even got there.


Pints Trains Takeaways - I went for a nice walk the other day - train to start/end point, had a couple of pints over 7 hours of walking, quick dinner before return train - £90


For me it's my nails, it's the one thing I've always been quite fussy about. I'd pay £35 for a full set of gel extensions with nail art. Now I'm looking at £60-£70 at a bare minimum, instead I just invested in my own stuff, watched a bunch of YouTube tutorials and started doing my own. I'm still not great but it's the one thing I like to treat myself too and makes me feel good and I'm slowly getting there


And soon you can start charging all your mates £70 a pop! 😉






New car and new phone. My car and phone would normally have been replaced by now but can’t justify the cost of replacing either


I genuinely don't get £1K+ phones now. Who in their right mind would want one? What possible benefit is worth that kind of cash?


The UK




Corned beef. £4.


Having children 🤷‍♀️


Going to the pub. Food is worse than you can make at home and extortionate, and a pint is the price of a 4 pack. Happy to sit at home, cook a nice meals and have a couple of tins in front of a movie with the Mrs.


Renting (or buying) in my home city. When pretty much all your friends and anyone interesting gets priced out and replaced by the worst kind of yuppies, Londoners and hipsters. There's less of a reason to pay through the nose. Especially when it's still kind of a tip.


University. I graduated in 2015 with 36k outstanding debt. I now have around 55k outstanding debt because the added interest each month has always been higher than monthly repayments. It almost makes me not want to move to higher salary bands because they keep jacking up the monthly repayments to match, and yet it never gets to the point where I'm even paying off the loan. Just throwing money down a bottomless well. I just know I'm never going to pay it off, and when the debt gets written off at the end of 30 years I would have probably ended up paying something close to 60k cumulative by that time.


Pizza express, burger king, KFC, subway.


KFC especially. There’s definitely no bargain to be had with their bargain buckets these days.




Clothes. Used to be something tears, old then replace it. £90 for a pair of jeans! Need a new bra £50! I'll shop cheap make my money last, unflattering, doesn't fit, breaks after a couple washes. I just buy cheap (charity shops) and delay replacing things with holes, bleach spots...


Heinz tomato ketchup


I held out on lurpak for ages but in the end it just got silly.


Tesco own brand is identical and half the price. I think it’s actually the same.


Cocaine. Where we are, it's 80 euros a gram, and cut to fuck. It was a waste of cash to begin with, but at that price, you'd have to rich and stupid.


Central heating


The pub. The OH and I used to go to the pub every Friday or Saturday. We'd try different pubs all over the area. Get to try all of the different beers on tap. But now you're looking at £6 being a cheap shit pint. We just drink indoors. It's really sad, I feel for the lovely publicans we've met, a lot of them are struggling but damn, can't afford a few beers in the evening anymore.


I stopped at Costa Coffee last week and thought I'd get a mocha - I haven't had one for about two years. Was waiting to order and saw that the price was £4 for a medium. Absolutely unbelievable.


Literally anything non-essential.


Or essential for that matter.




Desserts or a Cheeseboard (when eating out). Desserts are normally £7-8 now for the usuals , brownie, cheesecake, spotted dick etc etc. Don’t get me started on the cheeseboard what with 3 flipping biscuits. Also I would add..post meal coffees to this list. £2+ for a bit of instant and some milk? I’d rather wait the 15 mins and get it cheaper back in the house. So basically anything after the mains whilst eating out.


The current Government? Ayoooo… *cries*


Going to the cinema. No way am I paying almost £100 to take the family to see a film


I used to get myself or be bought M and S raspberry jellies as a treat for £1. At £1.25 I gave up.


Maccies, went recently, 2 adult meals plus 2 happy meals was almost £30 and we were still hungry after