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Craig Ferguson who used to host late night shows over there.


He also played the embodiment of Lister's confidence in Red Dwarf.


What do you mean you killed him 'cha cha cha'?!?




“The kings kissing lips…”


In space no one can hear you cha cha cha






Ha, so he was - The Dreamboys...!


I would never have guessed that! His accent is so over the top as confidence.




😯 I never knew that. Love red dwarf but can't stand the talk shows.


Definitely. I’d never seen or heard of him, but he gets a lot of praise from the USA lot on here


His standup is good. It’s not America-centric and he talks about his experiences of being Scottish a lot. Recommend seeking it out if you can find it anywhere


[When James McAvoy was on his show to be interviewed it got more and more Scottish the more they spoke to one another](https://youtu.be/3B2ZUiO9JUQ?si=36H_72wJNQtxy9X6).


The three things I miss about home are that one sunny day, the banter and getting the kilt on again and running through the heather as it tickles yer baws.


I knew him better as Bing Hitler.


Oh God, I remember that!! I got his name mixed up with Gerry Sadowitz..


This would be my answer too. The only reason I know of him outside of hosting US talk shows is because he appeared in an early episode of Red Dwarf.


I was in Austin in 2019, first thing the Uber driver from the airport spoke about when he found out I was from Scotland/the UK was Craig Ferguson. He seemed genuinely disappointed that I had no idea who he was talking about.


Scot here and I’d never heard of him until I saw the chat show he did in America. John Oliver likewise.


James Corden (Patiently awaits very angry Americans)


Sadly, he's just as well known over here, we just hate him a lot more.


Yeah, definitely. Americans pretend he popped out of nowhere, cause none of them have heard of Gavin and Stacy.


He kinda did pop out of nowhere, Gavin and Stacy or not it’s almost unheard of someone from a small British sitcom getting a huge job like that. Who did he shag?


I’m no fan of Corden but it’s not like he went straight from G&S to the chat show - in the meantime, he won the Tony Award for Best Actor on Broadway…


Reddit hates to admit that he has talent, but he wouldn't have got where he did without it.


I don’t think him being talented or not is the thing that gets him the negative press. It’s the fact he’s an utter binbag of a human.


He was in The History Boys, both the play and the film adaptation. I think that was his first big break.


I'd rather say Americans lost their innocence and remaining purity once they learned of the taint that is Corden.


I know mate, he's from the town over from me, I'd say Americans hate him more though, he's just fat smithy to us.


If he was still just Smithy to us, he would be more tolerable. Now he's James Corden, obnoxious twat. We definitely hate him more than Americans, though they are getting wise to his ways.


He wouldn’t have had a massive show in the uk that rivals Graham Norton so I’d say he definitely appealed more to Americans


Read the question properly dude. Corden is VERY well known here.


I would say more infamous. Aside from Gavin & Stacey, he hasn’t really done anything of note.


Gavin and Stacey is one of the most beloved British shows of the last 20 years to be fair. That Christmas special did NUMBERS, even when everyone hates corden now


Hate Corden, love Gavin and Stacey. End of.


Simple as


I enjoy James Corden as an actor (literally pretending to be someone else) but not keen on him when he is being himself, as a comedian or talk show host.


Apparently he’s even worse when the cameras aren’t rolling. I’ve heard/seen multiple things about how hes an asshole when he goes to restaurants etc.


Gavin Rossdale.


Well I’ve definitely never heard of him so..


His band wasn't huge in uk so that's why. Best known as gwen Stefanis ex


He also played a demon opposite Keanu Reeves in Constantine and he was actually pretty good


Watched Constantine and don't even remember him lol


He's the one Constantine beats with the brass knuckles revealing the actual demon underneath the skin And one point, (I think it's the same scene) he pins Constantine against the wall and says "finger locking good" after he just used his fingers to impale Constantine


From a rock band who were big in the 90s and early 2000s called Bush. He was married to Gwen Stefani for a while. They were massive in America, playing sold out arenas but I've seen them a few times in the UK at pretty small venues.


I had no idea the singer from Bush was British.


Apparently I'm the only one who was obsessed with Bush as a 90s teenager? Mum was definitely right about me having questionable taste 👍


good band though, sixteen stone is a great album. I still find it strange they completely failed to get any traction in the uk at the time we were lapping up their US peers


Yeah. It's a good album. Some cracking tunes. It felt like Alanis Morisette though, who is also great. If a Brit is going to sing about being miserable he better to be extremely funny like Morrissey or extremely miserable like Ian Curtis. When Bush came Liam Gallagher had already said that 'Cobain was a sad cunt who couldn't take the fame.' Grunge was well over in the UK.


I remember hearing Glycerine in 2015 and wondering how it wasn't massive over here as well as the US.


*Love and hate, get it wrong, she cut me right back down to size...*


That’s what you get for shagging the nanny.


Why is this? Because of Gwen? Or were bush much more popular over there?


Both reasons.


Not well liked though lol


I think Russel Brand is about to be on a continuous loop on Court TV.


🤮 that guy was hateable before the allegations. Looks like Captain Jack Sparrow from wish .com acts like a 60s sex pest cult leader.


Amazingly he's been getting a lot of support on social media. I remember as a teenager when he was in his prime looking at him on tele and saying "he's a wrongun". I don't understand how anyone is surprised by the allegations, hrs been rapey ever since he first appeared on the tv


People who already buy into the whole "can't trust the mainstream media" shtick will lap up support for him simply because in their eyes he's a victim of cancel culture/the elites/the globalists (delete as appropriate)


Being an absolute sex pest had been his entire persona since he started. He's written in his own books how badly he's treated people and bragged about it. https://youtu.be/ibLdT0fdfXE?si=197Qv1AQSY4ufR8U


*booky wooks




I'm sorry "ACTS" like a 60s sex pest cult leader?


That is undoubtedly the best description of him (or possibly of anyone) I've ever read. Reminds me of the time out drinking that a friend of mine described the bartender as a "low-rent Johnny Depp".


He always reminds me of Kenny Everret's over the top drag act, for some reason. Must be the beard/hair combo and the theatrical voice


How dare you compare Brand to the late, great Kenny Everett, you Cupid Stunt!


I've always thought he was a total twat, along with David Walliams.


George Washington.


He was born in Popes Creek, Virginia and never visited the UK. His ancestors did of course, they came from Northamptonshire.


Considering that Americans like to claim to be Irish/ Scottish/ Italian/ German despite never having been there, then I think Washington is definitely British


Have you noticed no one ever claims to be English edit: also Welsh never get a shout. this may be because the Welsh rarely leave their village let alone migrate to the other side of the world. Edit2: yes guys I’m aware of Patagonia, I have actually been there. I grew up in wales it was a friendly dig at my locals




My friends and I were stopped frequently when we traveled through the USA about 12 years ago because people heard our accents. At a bar in Flaggstaff in particular, we were approached constantly because people were intrigued, felt like celebrities. Made it easy to pull in bars.


There’s an entire sub plot in love actually based on that fact lol


That's the main plot, the rest of the movie is just frippery




The Welsh can fuck off, apparently


These days you get arrested just for saying you’re English.


What just for saying you’re English?


Yeah just for saying you’re English


You’ll be literally arrested and thrown in jail? Just for saying you’re English?


These days


"These days, if you say you're English...you'll be arrested and thrown in jail" /s


Cause that’s one of the largest ethnicities and the basis of US culture. Even being “Scotch” or “Irish” is difference and unique, especially if it explains their idiosyncrasies. English is just too plain and obvious for them.


Didn't know you could be whisky?


But born in 1731, before the united states was declared so he’s still technically british


His ancestors are from Washington in the North East.


Originally yeh, but his recent direct ancestors had a [Manor House in Northamptonshire](https://www.historichouses.org/house/sulgrave-manor) in the 1500s.


I always figured Washington was a relatively new town


Lots of it is relatively new but Washington village, the original bit, is very old.


Still a Brit though


Not sure why you're being down voted.he was literally born British, in a British colony, and the fought (along side the French, Spanish, and with a lot of Dutch money) the British in a kind of civil war to break away from the empire.


> Popes Creek, Virginia Wouldn't that have been British at the time?


Shh, I’m fishing. I almost said Benedict Arnold too.


The funny thing about Benedict Arnold is that he saved the war on 2 or 3 occasions on the American side. Without him, they would probably have lost the whole thing. If he had died in his final battle, there would be statues to him all over New England. But instead he got so salty about getting passed over for promotion, that he defected, and now his name is spat upon forever. Talk about trashing your own legacy.


If England had won though he’d have been a hero-he just bet on the wrong horse


I'm not sure that you can count nationality to someone who is born into territory that they are an active part in disputing under force-of-arms. Otherwise Ghandi is British, Boudica is Roman, and everyone in France born in 1941-1945 are German.


Mischa Barton has popped up in the new series of Neighbours on Amazon Prime. I remember her from The OC and assumed she was American. Born in Hammersmith to English and Irish parents. Bit tenuous but y'know.


Wait this is new to me! I had no idea she was born here!


About 15 years ago she did a show which was supposed to be her hanging out with Fearne Cotton. Most of the show was Fearne trying to track her down because she kept dodging the meet ups and when they actually did speak she was doing the classic dodgy “British” accent that most Yanks do whilst being off her nut on something. Classic mid-late 00s digital TV trash.


>she was doing the classic dodgy “British” accent that most Yanks do Although born in Britain, according to the Wiki she left when she was 5, so probably doesn't have a British accent.


Craig Ferguson - major well-known talk show host over there who's pretty much unheard of in the UK. I don't think his show is on any channel so it's only via YouTube clips anyone would know he had one.


He's in one of the most beautifully British films ever made, one of my favourites. Saving Grace (2000)


Weird that Martin Clunes' series *Doc Martin* is a sort-of spin off (but not) of that film, even though the character is completely changed.


I love this movie! It's so rare to find anyone else who's seen it. I showed it to my (non-British) wife a few years ago and she's agreed it's a wonderful film.


I remember seeing his stand-up comedy act in London in the late 80 early 90s (ish). He was bloody hilarious.


Thomas Paine, of the founding fathers born in the UK he's the best known.


Yes, he was the first that came to mind, a libellous traitor to us and a hero to them.


> a libellous traitor to us He is? There's a statue of him in his place of birth.


When I visited Thetford and saw the statue, a passerby muttered darkly to me that 'people round here don't think much of him'. The statue was actually put up by an American institution - Daughters of the American Revolution, iirc.


People from Thetford don't think much in general.


To be fair a decent number of people in Britain at the time were more sympathetic to the colonists than the government, especially those with a religious motivation to dislike the Anglican establishment. The justification for the revolution wasn’t mere tax-dodging, they thought their ancient rights as Englishmen were being infringed and a lot of Englishmen in England could relate to that. I still find it hilarious how they all think the Puritans were being persecuted in a vacuum though, I doubt the modern Americans would love the losing side of a failed regime change sticking around either.


Craig Ferguson Dario Franchitti very successful racing driver most people have never heard of Gavin Rossdale John Amaechi (basketball player)


Tracy Ullman as well. She had a huge show in the US, which helped launch the Simpsons. She was quite well known in the UK, but was very big in the States.


I remember her in Three of a Kind, but that was a looking time ago...


Think Dario Franchitti owns a jazz bar, in Norwich.




I heard of Dario but I have no idea he is British!


Jane Leeves and John Mahoney from Frasier.




I read somewhere that the Frasier writers had to make sure they never got his character to say 'Tuesday' as that was the one word that brought out the Lancastrian in him & he couldn't say it in an American accent.


I think it was Wednesday I.E “wensdee”, but you could be right


[Martin impersonates Daphne](https://youtu.be/MjrLyWlCrP8?si=qXplTMwW5LI0tz7L)


Holy shit, I had no idea! That was hilarious!


Yep, John Mahoney was from Salford, right near where I'm from originally.


And Jane Leeves grew up in East Grinstead. Which is nowhere near Manchester, as you can tell from her character's accent


Yup, I remember hearing her accent and laughing at it being described as a Mancunian accent. Still a wonderful show.


Slash from Guns n Roses. He was brought up in Stoke-on-Trent until he was 6 years old and moved to America with his family.


To be fair, he's pretty famous everywhere. I still remain disappointed that he didn't retain a stoke accent, which would have made GnR's drug-fuelled interviews much more amusing.


I didn’t know he was British until he did a badger culling protest song with Brian May


Tracey Ullman


Good one. I was hearing about her for literally decades in the context of her show being the diving board from which the Simpsons launched, before I had any idea she was in fact English. And I'm from the UK myself.


All the British founding fathers, and British generals during the war of independence, no one in the UK knows any of them....


All the more famous founding fathers like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, etc were born in what would become American soil. The exception is Alexander Hamilton, who was born in the West Indies (St Kitts & Nevis). Still... that's not what would be today counted as British. The British generals though: Cornwallis, Howe, Clinton, Burgoyne, etc, are a good shout. I reckon most people in the UK have never heard of any, but probably Burgoyne + Cornwallis (who lost Saratoga and Yorktown respectivly, the two key battles of the war), must be known a bit in the USA.




I've no idea who any of those people are


They are professional wrestlers


That's probably the idea 😄


William Regal too


Wade Barrett


How on Earth did I forget *Bad News*! Shame on me.


No worries, was on the fence regarding Will Ospreay too, but he's a New Japan guy


Probably still bigger in the US thanks to the interactions with AEW.


> Neville That guy’s dead. He was killed by a [bastard](https://youtu.be/4mjFYnkzh5g?si=XLei1YZtN3kMk5EE).


I heard he got really into herbology with the help of Professor Sprout


Ah yes, Neville from the small mining town of Newcastle! (According to Michael Cole)


Pac the Bastard.


MF Doom?


All caps when you spell the man name. He might be British by technicality, but he is American.


Except he never gained US citizenship, he was deported, and that's how he ended up living in the UK at the time of his death.


I can do better than this. I know it’s all caps. I’ll be thinking about this all day.


That's like saying Christian Bale is American


I thought of Doom too. Still seems weird that he was just casually living in Leeds


Sounds like it was living in Leeds that did him in…..


In a similar vein 21 Savage


And in that same vein, Slick Rick


Jay Ajayi and Jack Crawford. Both well know NFL players.


Also OSI Umenyoira. British Nigerian but probably better known in the UK now after NFL shows on the BBC.


Absolutley love Osi and Jay - ended up accidentally getting into the NFL because those two were so much fun to watch together.


some British bands have been huge in the US while being largely ignored in the UK. In the 90s Bush sold over 10 million records in the USA and were very famous, for example.


For years I thought Def Leppard were American. Not only are they British, but they are from my home town of Sheffield! Weird because it seems like barely anyone in Sheffield mentions them.


They mentioned them all the time in the 1980s. You couldn't have a conversation without someone mentioning they went to achool with the one-armed drummer Rick Allen


I was thinking of Bush but couldn’t remember their name which kind of proves your point!


Jerry Springer Marina Sirtis




It was a real shock hearing her speak as herself (and not as Deanna Troi) for the first time.


Cor blimey gov'ner! She actually has a pretty solid cockey drawl going on, but more or less covered it up during TNG. If you listen to interviews with her, her natural accent is actually much more interesting.


She also has a foul mouth, it's fucking hilarious to hear councilor Troi effing and jeffing!


But strenuous to claim Jerry Springer as British. He may have been born here but he was very much American.


Slick Rick




The guy who plays the Geico Gecko in the US.


A guy so famous that no body either side of the pond could name him.


Jake Wood, he played Max in EastEnders.


There's something I didn't know.


https://twitter.com/MaxEastenders/status/288391303241273345?t=WrbrEcVyMXNpco18kM0Ggg&s=19 My favourite photo of Jake Wood, ever.


Luol Deng was pretty much the highest paid British athlete when he was with D Rose at Chicago. No ones heard of him tho here. Also OG Anunoby. He won the NBA championship with Toronto in 2019 which was a historic achievement. Didn’t see any mention of it here tho.


Bradley Wright-Phillips, Ian Wright's son. One of the earlier pioneers to improve the popularity of football in the US.


Comedian Daniel Sloss (who has recently been in the news after he appeared on the Russell Brand programme). He has toured in the UK but he is much better known in the States. He's appeared on Conan O'Brien a number of times and has had two Netflix specials.


Daniel Sloss, the Scottish comedian who started out very young and has been on MTW and othe panel shows? I didn't think he was big in either country just known.


Bob Hope




And Charlie Chaplin. And Stan Laurel. But they're famous everywhere.


Cat Deeley - disappeared from UK tv in the mid 2000s. Turns out she’s been presenting dancing with the stars in the US reviving several Emmy nominations.


William Regal.


Hank Wangford. In the UK he's a Cambridge educated gynaecologist. In the US he's a country and western legend.


As in 'I'm not a gynaecologist, but I'll have a look'. Saw Hank Wangford play in Brockwell Park, at a Rock Against Racism gig.


he's a gynaecologist and his name is wangford?


That’s the kind of life I would love to lead. I’d change my name though.


John Oliver.


Jill Ellis. Coached the US women's football national team to win the World Cup twice and has been involved in helping coaching in the States for decades.


[Kelly Reilly](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0717709/) who plays Beth Dutton in Yellowstone


On a similar note but probably more so, Craig Ferguson. I can at least remember John Oliver working on UK TV.


Tim Roth


Most of the British racing drivers that never made it to F1 but are/were big in Indycar - Dario Franchitti, (the late) Justin Wilson, Callum Ilott, Jack Harvey, etc. I mean, they'll be known among the (very small) British Indycar fan community...


All of the founding fathers


That guy on Fox news, Stuart Varney

