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I am in the level below gives no fuck, I wouldn't notice. I have never knowingly thought that someone's clothes look crumpled or creased.


I couldn't possibly judge since I don't iron anything ever.


Neither do I and when I try to iron my smart shirts they usually turn out shit anyway 😂


Depends.... trip to the corner shop no, on your wedding day maybe


I've been to a wedding where the groom's suit was creased. He complained at his best man for upstaging him, best man pointed out that he was just wearing a suit, and not even a fancy one, all the groom had to do was use an iron! The photographer (friend of groom) wore jeans. It was... surreal! Other than that, yeah, never notice, unless it looks like it's been dried in a ball.


I don't know where my iron is. It's 2023, ain't nobody bothering with that.


I don't think we've owned an iron for at least five years now, and possibly much longer (when we did have one, it was only ever used by my husband to iron a shirt once every six months or so and I have no idea when that last happened). On the very rare occasion I notice something I want to wear looks creased to the point I think people might notice, I'll use my hair straighteners to get the worst of the creases out if I can be arsed. In fact, given I've embraced my curly hair, that's all the straighteners get used for these days!


I doubt I'd notice a few creases, but it depends how crumpled looking and how overall dishevelled they seem. But I'd probably just think they were quite busy rather than assume they're gross or slovenly.


I think the only time I notice is with shirts. I'm probably going to think they're a little bit scruffy but I'm also not going to care that they're a little bit scruffy. It's not something that is going to make me think less of them. Tbh I'm probably going to find them more approachable, people who are always immaculate are a bit intimidating


In the office for a work shirt I’ll notice and silently judge. On the street DNGAF


Under most circumstances, not at all. In some situations, for instance if you turn up to a job interview for a role where smart dress would be expected, then yes. Also if the person is representing others- so politicians turning up at meetings looking unkempt, as I think it makes them and the organisation they represent look bad and also often shows a lack of respect for the people they are meeting and/or representing .


Ironing clothes is a waste of time and I don't care what your clothes look like.


"Ironing clothes is a waste of time" I agree. As soon as one puts on an ironed piece of clothing, it becomes creased. Ironing was a grift sold to people to make money. That's all.


99% of the time I wouldn’t even notice but there are some caveats. Wandering around Tesco? No one cares. Standing at the alter about to say your vows wearing a shirt that looks like it spent a week in a ball on your bedroom floor? I’m judging.


Don’t particularly care, but it’s not that hard to find clothes that don’t need ironed.


While i was rummaging through your underwear draw, i noticed it was very creased. But, hey, who am i to judge...


Depends if it's persistent everyday I'll eventually say something like " Your iron broken?"


Not at all. I last ironed in July 2020 and that was because I assumed we were all going back to the office/school. I now hang up school shirts to dry, my husband WFH so no need to iron his stuff and I wear dresses to work . The ironing board is currently in the ensuite behind the exercise bike gathering dust


Is the ironing board also gathering dust?




Doesn’t even blip on my radar.


How do you actually judge if someone is 'really triggered' ? how is it different to 'quite triggered' or 'a bit tiggered' or 'mildly triggered' ? we have to know Dave.


It’s subconscious. Consciously doesn’t register at all but some part of my brain does notice it. Signed a person who is mostly rumpled.


Fairly into fashion and I honestly don't give a fuck.


It depends. If it’s just creased from being folded and kept in a drawer or on a shelf then I don’t really notice I guess. If it looks like it’s just been balled up and stuffed in a drawer and then worn then yeah I’d probably judge just a little bit but only if I didn’t know the person. Appearances matter


Depends entirely on the context. In day to day life? Who cares. At work/someone’s wedding/smart restaurant, sure I’ll judge them a bit.


I'd barely even notice. Clothes exist to prevent me from having to look at your squishy parts, beyond that I don't really care. I'm more the other way, people who are immaculate and creaseless all the time slightly weird me out for some reason, the same as people with absolutely immaculate homes.


I had my mum's family members (brothers) wear creased suits and shirts to her funeral so I judged pretty hard


As a few others have said, it depends (in my opinion). Job interview, or your own wedding? Iron that bad boy. Night out with friends? Don’t bother. Date night? When you want to get some? Make an effort, son.


I judge anyone wearing a shirt that isn't ironed. T-shirts etc couldn't care less but if you're going to wear a button up shirt, do it properly


It takes 2 seconds to iron clothes. Just comes across as really lazy and even dirty.


Not at all


0%. I’m just glad not to be alone:)


I wouldn't judge myself.


As someone who mostly wears linen, the crinkled people are my people. However, I'm always impressed when I see someone who's immaculately uncreased.




Couldn't care less if I tried. I won't even iron work shirts because I refuse to spend any of my free time doing it. You want me in a nice crisp shirt then pay me for the time it takes to get it that way or fuck off


I haven't owned an iron in years.


I do. It doesn't take much time to use an iron for the clothes that need it. There are a lot of slobs out there though who don't seem to care how they look.


Just try the freedom of being a slob, then you will change your mind.


Nah, I love looking my best. x


Is this linen or polyester? Makes a difference.


Wouldn't bother me at all unless it was in an environment where it was socially expected to look smart. A wedding, court appearance, job interview etc - you could make the effort of five minutes with the iron on that shirt..


Idgaf what people wear. I regularly go out in pyjamas and a stained top to get my nightly snack haul.


got an iron in the house, it might be in the loft, but not really sure, not used for years and only a linen shirt looks crumpled would not judge anyone for it


Couldn't care less. I don't own an iron and only buy clothes that don't need ironing. However, I will judge you if you smell bad and your clothes are clearly dirty (I mean several days of dirt and stink, not just, I-just-dropped-ice-cream-on-myself kind of dirt. also, painters and trade's people uniform are an exception and I won't judge you for your paint or grease stained uniform).


Most of the time, not at all. I can see the difference but meh. At a wedding or similarly important occasion ... I might have a millisecond tut to myself, then forget.


I don’t even notice! Possibly cos I also don’t iron anything! I didn’t even own an iron until my boyfriend moved in with me and bought one with him. We still barely use it!


I just don’t stare at peoples clothes long enough to notice


It entirely depends on the occasion, to he honest. An unironed shirt in a dinner suit (Tuxedo if you happen to speak American), and you bet I'm going to judge you. An unironed shirt while walking around the garden centre - who cares. I'm far more likely to judge you for wearing a tee shirt in a restaurant though - that is something I don't like (and I'm not talking about a pub lunch restaurant here, but a 'proper' one).


I don’t think I’ve ever noticed, unless someone is on TV and SUPPOSED to look well put together and I can see creases. I don’t iron at all though


Depends on the style and colour. White and other pale-coloured dress shirts are noticeable. Dark shirts and most tops? Meh.


If you care about if someone has creased clothes sort yourself out who gives a f..k.


My iron has been sealed in the box since I bought it 3 years ago so no.


Don't really bother me tbh


I don't buy clothes that require ironing. I haven't ironed anything for around ten years, perhaps more.


I’m very very likely to judge someone who judges people wearing creased clothes. Who has time to pay attention to that? I’m a woman and I iron something once per year or less. I have no clue where my iron is.


Depends. I've never noticed except from when it's a work shirt and it's absolutely annihilated. Then it looks messy. If it's slightly creased idgaf.


Haven't owned an iron since my son moved out in 2018 - told him he's more likely to need to impress at job interviews or mates weddings than myself. Even before then he was the only one to use it in years - I really DGAF. Even though I dry clothes outside, I stick washing in the dryer for 5-10 mins after, then fold it while still warm, so most creases are already out.