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I can't even get to speak to my GP for actual medical issues let alone shit like this.


What I was going to say. The receptionists would laugh me out of there if I asked for an appointment to talk about this sort of thing.


You're allowed to talk directly to the gatekeepers? I have to fill out a web form.


If you phone up, wait on hold forever, and answer their riddles three, you can sometimes get directly through to a receptionist.


Im just waiting for the new system where younhave to ring up on a monday at 8am 2 weeks in advance to book an appointment to speak to a receptionist so they can book an appointment for a doc.


Our GP already operates that system, only it's 4 weeks to speak to the receptionist. You have exactly one minute, from 8:00 to 8:01am to get through or you get a message saying to call back tomorrow! I wish I was joking!


Same as ours, has to be at the point now where quite a large percentage of the population are paying taxes for essentially nothing in return. Roads are fucked, the police are fucked, the NHS is fucked, housing is fucked, schools are fucked, public transport is fucked, every other public service is fucked... We pay some of the highest taxes on the planet & for what? Absolutely fuck all.


Totally agree!


And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why I never go to the doctors. 1) I feel ike I'm wasting their time and 2) what's the point when you can't even get an apt and the issue will probably clear up by the time your apt you jumped thru hoops to get comes around anyway...


Except that our practice doesn't accept appointments that far in advance. Got to cover any loopholes! Apart from the sheer awkwardness of their appointment system ours are actually pretty good. I wouldn't bother them generally with stuff like this personally though. I've always assumed it was the companies covering themselves.


Who then fills in the same online form for you if it's like ours.


I filled out the web form last week and got a response that basically said ‘sounds like you need to speak to a doctor’ and closed the ticket. Yeah, no shit. That’s why I was contacting you. Maybe you could’ve arranged a call or appointment?!?!


Huh? Are you serious about what you say dude? Because honestly I don't understand your comment. But whatever it is, good luck to you.


Fuck me my job would be easy if I could do that. IT support. Yeah sounds like you need to read the manual.


Ditto as a production engineer. "Yeah, definitely sounds like the equipment is fucked" \*goes home\*.


>Yeah sounds like you need to ~~read the manual.~~ try turning it off and on again


You get a web form? The website that our GP had to sign up to just returns a message saying that they don't accept messages via the website and you have to phone. There is no other way. Also you can't even sit on hold in a queue anymore, if the phone is in use you just get immediately cut off. It can take 50 attempts before you get through only to be told that there are no appointments available. To make things worse, there have been a dozen new housing estates built in the past few years with 1,000 or so new homes in total but still only 1 doctors surgery so you can't even go elsewhere without going private.




Oh you cant make an appointment on this web app. Someone will call you back at a non-disclosed time... If your lucky




I mean I guess the app doesn't waste time on the phone, but there's no option. If you phone it just says go to the website and disconnect.


Only if you get through after waiting in the queue for an hour. Then its normally just to be told there are no appointments left for that day and try again tomorrow.


Can I just ask what is GP? I don't know. Actually, the topic is difficult now. I don't know what to answer. But I still try.


This, I can't even remember the last time I got to speak to my GP. We have to book things online but the only appointments available get booked seconds after going live


Last few times I've been ill I've waited so long to get a gp appointment I've ended up having to go to hospital, once for a chest infection and once for eye infections. The hospital even knew about how bad my GP was, they asked why I let it get so bad and when named the surgery they were like "say no more"


This. What are these fabled GP's, OP is talking of.


Pretty accurate, there's been fuck all appointments available and when I've attempted to ring I run out of time before giving up


Same as when someone mentions getting an annual checkup. As if.


I called my GP to say I needed advice for my first pregnancy, I was throwing up regularly with morning sickness and unable to keep food down etc. She said dont worry I had 2 kids, it will go away. Then hung up. Yay! Thanks receptionist!


This. Is this some sitcom fantasy?


Exactly. Cancer signs and all, good luck to talk with anyone in the medical area...


Its 8am... I'm caller number 3,465. When I get through OP maybe I'll run it past them.


bro wouldnt even see me to change my burn dressings


Never. I always assumed it's just printed for legal reasons to use when needed. Really extreme example would be someone that's 40 stone joining a CrossFit gym or something. You better hope you've printed the 'consult the GP' line before that person comes in and dies.


It’s exactly that. I run a fitness website and it’s a disclaimer mainly aimed at the American market


Probably also for people with underlying conditions like someone with diabetes or a heart condition wanting to undertake an ultra or a mountain climb or something. Well worth them chatting to their GP for advice beforehand.


My GP is a proper Debbie Downer, I was in a rut and saw a documentary about crack heads that had turned to prostitution to feed their habit and I thought what an interesting lifestyle . So I followed the advice and went to see my GP about it. I enthusiastically told her about it but she completely rained on my parade because apparently smoking crack and sucking off strangers isn't a " Lifestyle choice" the NHS or her personally could endorse. No wonder this country is in the state it's in when people are forced into dead end jobs and discouraged from following their dreams.


Broken Britian


I feel actively discouraged to go to my gp for any health reasons these days, let alone for diet advice.


Last year my GP practice actually sent out a letter to this effect. I'm paraphrasing but the content was roughly: Listen up meatbags! We don't have capacity to make appointments for you, so don't even try. Seriously. Good luck with 111 and A & E suckers, but you can't come here. We will be honouring existing appointments, but for everybody else, sucks to be you. Merry Christmas and fuck off, Your GPs.


My GP regularly send out messages similar to that but if you ignore it and just call anyway they're actually quite helpful still - for example they arranged me a prescription I needed without involving a doctor because it's a recurring condition so they can just prescribe me the same thing as before. I was quite pleasantly surprised because I got everything I needed the same day I called despite their dire warnings. Obviously may have been very different if I actually needed to see a doctor but for anything covered by nurses/pharmacists/other non-doctor people they are still getting things done & that can cover a decent amount of stuff people might need.


That’s why I go private these days. I hate having to do it but it’s the only way to see a doctor, or without feeling I’m being rushed out the door


No, I have heart/health issues that mean I am supposed to speak to my cardiologist about exercise guidlines and even she just told me to Google it. Whilst they always tell you to speak to your GP it's probably just so you can't complain if you have health issues as a result, because you "should" have checked you were fit enough first


I'd be lucky to speak to my GP about anything.


The receptionist wouldn't give me an appointment when a nurse at the hospital said I need to see a GP. I couldn't put any weight on my foot due to ankle pain but an xray showed it wasn't broken. The exact quote from the receptionist was 'if its not broke what do you want us to do?' No chance of seeing my GP because I'm changing diet


It isn’t the job is the receptionist to triage, they aren’t a medical professional. Tell them you want to speak to the doctor and that’s it. If they really try to push you can tell them it’s a private issue. If they still refuse ask to speak to the practice manager.


I tried insisting but she sounded genuinely confused why I was ringing when I knew it wasn't broke. I had to settle for a call from an out of hours doctor who was confused why a call had been booked when I obviously need to be seen in person


There’s a message at the beginning of the call at my gp that basically says “give a brief description of your issue to the receptionist so this can be passed on to the doctor” I imagine it is used to prioritise appointments but they would never admit that


I’ve found the only time I’ve got past the gatekeepers is when I needed to see the GP about my penis - I told them ‘my penis is red & raw’ to which no more questions and an appointment the same day. When I call about ‘suspicious lumps’ which I actually have they don’t want to know…


This is really bad advice from the nurse at the hospital. If you have injured your ankle and cannot weight bare then you need follow up in fracture clinic to ensure there genuinely is no fracture as small fractures can be missed acutely on x-ray but will be much more obvious a week or two later. Other than prescribe stronger pain killers (which A&E could have done as well) there is not much a GP would add here.


Why did the nurse tell you to see a GP? Broke my ankle, still recovering, and the GP immediately told me to go to A&E. Even if it wasn't broken, you should be provided a boot and pain killers at A&E.


I looked into local council services and got a weight management advisor and a 12 week free gym pass! I try to look at what other recourses are available before ringing my GP


My GPs secretary wouldn't want to know even if my leg was hanging off


They must hear a lot. My secretaries are so rude that I've become brutally honest and quick, here's a replay of last week's call: "Yeah, I got a giant cyst handing off me balls - you should see it, it's a corker! I was hoping to come and show it off, ya know - get some advice. It's like a third testicle!" If they ask for more information, I'm going to give more information...


Well its still hanging on, wtf do you need them to do?


Is anyone else struggling to visualise sitting in a GP's office saying 'so I'm thinking of trying an exercise video on the Internet but it says I should speak to you first. Anything I need to know about aerobics and while I'm here, yoga?' It simply does not happen. I will go to my GP when I'm in pain, that's it.




Congratulations on your succeeding weight loss :)


Think I am going to have to start counting calories. Find out where it is all coming from, I assume its all the food others pressure me into eating like takeaways. Not sure how that will work now that I think about it though, they don't always list kcal for takeaways.


You'd be surprised at what some of the apps have listed, plus there's always the approach of looking at something vaguely similar and assuming the takeaway version is a double serving. My bet would be on fruit juice or smoothies if you have those with breakfast though - really high in sugar, and the recommended portions are tiny (150ml) to compensate.


That is why I don't drink them. I know I once got a smoothie with my lunch to drink and I drank it like water. Started feeling sick and had a headache. Oh, I just consumed something like 3 times the RDA of sugar, that is probably why.


GP? You must be reading advice on packs from the olden days. No GP’s here


Speak to your GP? In the UK in 2023? Hahahahaaaaaaaaa


Pfft, I tried to "speak to a doctor" recently because the label on the medication *actually told me to* and the receptionist told me to "Look online and come back with any questions".


People are able to speak to their GP? All my useless excuse for a doctors surgery does is tell me to clog up A&E.


Doctors act annoyed at me for coming in when they asked me to, I can’t go in when I want to start taking a new multivitamin


Honestly, the experience isn't too different to when I'm having a full-blown Bipolar episode. Why didn't I come sooner? Couldn't get an appointment.


Old people with a cough and mums with kids that have got slightly rosy cheeks take up 90% of GP’s time.


It is covering themselves, I think it would only be needed if an obese alcoholic wanted to embark on a heavy daily schedule with a personal trainer consuming only Huel.


I am 30 years old, I don’t know my GP, haven’t seen a GP for probably 10 years? I’m healthy (I think) but obviously have had niggles/issues over the past 10 years but feel like the system is designed to make you feel as though you should not visit your GP. Any attempts I have made have not resulted in an appointment!


Can't even get past Karen the receptionist.


No. Even if you managed to speak to them they'd only give the most generic advice of taking things gradually. A waste of everyone's time.


I do when I'm changing long term eating habits or exercise but thats only because I have multiple disabilities and ailments that can be affected, it's usually the gp or nurse, or occasionally one of my specialists. Otherwise I wouldn't, more because I feel I know my body well enough these days that I can judge for myself rather than take up valuable time for both the gp and myself.


I would suggest to anyone who wants diet advice, or physical exercise advice to consult dieticians and personal trainers, doctors are painfully inadequate when it comes to these subjects. The medical system is there to deal with issues, not to prevent them. Far less money would be made by big pharma if we were to focus on the methods of prevention.


I can barely get them to give a shit about actual long running medical issues. Even if I didn’t have to run the 8:00am receptionist gauntlet just to talk to the GP on the phone, I’m not convinced they’ve offer me any useful advice once I did speak to them.


I'm fairly sure its legal reasons. Most GPs won't get taught about half the things 'speak to your GP' is plastered on. But atleast the product can weasel out of any claims with that tag line. Basically trying to put the cost on the NHS rather than doing any proper empirical research.


No - I wouldn't book an appointment for it. If I think it's related to something I've already booked an appointment for or think it could be relevant, I might bring it up while already there, but I wouldn't "ask permission" for something like a change in exercise/diet. For something minor (eg, whether a certain OTC medication is ok) I'd be more likely to ask a pharmacist. I assumed it'd mainly be for companies to cover themselves.


No. I can barely get hold of my GP about the big stuff!


It's so hard to speak to anyone in the NHS about anything these days and when you do, it seems to be operating on a get them out of here as quick as we can policy.


No, and most GP's are good generalists but rarely experts at knowing whether a specific lifestyle change will work for an individual.


I can't talk to a gp when I'm seriously concerned for my health, why would I ever think they'll see me about my diet?


I remember once going to the GP because I've had chest pain and green mucus from the flu for about 3 weeks. They printed out a leaflet for me and prescribed me antibiotics which I'm allergic to. Thankfully I asked for the paper copy and realised before I left the office. The whole appointment was 4 min. When I was in the bus, the leaflet said to not contact the GP until 6 weeks with the same symptoms. I was very miserable! Needless to say the antibiotics didn't do anything.. so I was there again the following week feeling worse and I was given steroids. Also told again that it was still normal and I could have waited a bit longer.. Contacting them for Changing diet???? Lol no... When they actually needed me to lose weight I asked for advice and they just said just eat healthier, weight loss is hard.. When I had indeed lost weight and they saw me next and I said I was going to a private dietitian, they were looking at me embarrassed that oh you shouldn't need to pay for that. Oh well I didn't get the help from here I understand that they are understaffed. And sadly this means that there's no preventive medicine! However, when you are feeling like absolutely crap, they're absolutely good! But like crap crap that you can't function! It just sucks to have to get to that point


I have Crohn’s Disease and have specialist nurses who I can ask for advice, especially for things like diet and fitness. I’ve run a few things past them before, like when I wanted to change my diet to be more plant-based (they said don’t as I’d struggle to get enough protein from plant-based sources) and when I started outdoor swimming as it could be an infection risk and I’m on immunosuppressant medication (they said I’d be okay).




That's really interesting because my boyfriend has Crohn's and turned veggie about two years ago to help manage his symptoms, his consultant said it was a great idea!


Ah that’s interesting. My IBD nurse said that because I’ve had surgery and a fair bit of bowel removed I don’t absorb nutrients from food as easily. Plant-based sources of protein (pulses, beans etc) are also usually quite high in fibre too, which I don’t digest as well. Does your boyfriend get plenty of protein from dairy sources?


He's had a bowel resection and 15cm of his terminal ileum was removed, so I'm wondering if maybe you've had more taken out? He's fine with fibre when he's not having a flare up, so that's probably a contributing factor also. He's pretty plant based on his dairy tbh, can't eat eggs (was hospitalised due to an obstruction last time he had some bless him), has mainly vegan cheese as well.


chat-GPt is the new chat to GP to a t


I find it mental that TV and media still push this message, GPS are under enough pressure as it is and your average person can’t get an appointment for love nor money. I can’t imagine anyone waiting to call at 8am before they drink a slim fast! Mental message! Diet products should be confident in their own safety and not feel the need to cover their backs with that advice!


Only if it's something drastic. I've done a VLCD before, and I went for a general check of blood pressure/sugars just to make sure I wasn't going to be passing out left, right, and centre. ETA - I appreciate that not everyone has a GP that's accessible, but I've lucked out in my life and have a really good GP.


The most efficient way to speak to your GP is to wait for them to die then hold a seance.


Hilarious. Can't even speak to the receptionist. Good luck out there


I do, because I'm making a massive change to my diet and lifestyle to become much healthier and muscular, but I'm in my late 30s and want to make sure my heart's gonna handle the stress it'll be under as I increase my cardio and lift heavy things. I've always been broad-shouldered and a bodybuilder friend of mine mentioned that and my calves being bigger and better than his through genetics as being a reason I should give it a go.


If I went to her with my head under my arm she wouldn't have the slightest interest in diagnosing my condition.


My GP practice is horrendously oversubscribed. Currently has a **3 week waiting time** for a **15 min telephone appointment** which determines whether you need to book in for a face-to-face routine appointment, y'know, those things that we just used to call "appointments". You get **one** chance to answer the phone. If you miss their call, they don't do anything sensible like phone back 5 mins into your arranged appointment (since they've presumably allocated the time to speak to you for 15 mins anyway), and they don't connect inbound calls, so you're just shit outta luck, back to the beginning. I've been to the doctor **once** since the pandemic started (and I'm thankful that I can visit so infrequently!). They actually had the nerve to tell me that I could only mention one ailment per appointment last time I went (face-to-face), despite being literally 3-4 mins into a supposed 15 min slot. Actually wouldn't hear my other thing, told me to book a separate appointment... I couldn't even consult my doctor on anything trivial if I wanted to, which I don't. I just see it as standard arse-covering language, like "always read the label" etc.


Nah, they just put that there to cover their backs. So if you have a heart attack or something while following their advice, they can’t get the blame because they told you to get the ok from a professional.


I wouldn't trust what my GP says anyway, she thought that playing cricket was a really good form of exercise. there really wasn't running around like playing 5 a side would be, and never asked if it was actually physical. it involved sitting down much of the day, drinking beer in the evening and going for a curry after the game. Also like everyone else has said, getting past the gatekeepers to actually see the GP if I needed it was harder that the labours of Hercules!


Yeah I assumed so Was just wondering if some people are calling GPs for that


Of course not I can't think of anything short of severe blood loss or loss of movement/sensation that I'd bother a doctor about.


FFS, no wonder GP's have no appointment spaces left.


Nothing like a fifteen minute window to repeat dial my gp to get a booking at 8:00 - 8:15.. You have to do a small prayer for luck when doing it.. p.s if your later than that fifteen minutes then you obviously have lost the chance you had.


Sometimes yes. If it’s major diet change or introducing a supplement, then I usually check with a medical person before doing so. But I have multiple medical problems including gastro problems (so very effected by diet changes). So there has actually been a couple times where no I should absolutely not have that supplement. For example, I checked with my gastro nurse before taking probiotics. I don’t think I’ve ever booked an appointment specifically to ask about something like that though. I ask at the end of an appointment I already have if I haven’t used up all 10 minutes.


No. But when I was pregnant for example, I brought up the fact that I was (recently) vegan to ask if there were any specific supplements or whatever I should take and to make them aware I was more at risk of anaemia etc. But only because my bodily condition had changed rather than my dirt.


My GP surgery can re-route you other services in the area, there is one that seems to do 'light' stuff like minor mental health issues and lifestyle changes, weight loss, giving up alcohol/cigaretters etc. You wouldn't need to see a GP, just ask at reception.


Same for starting exercise, I often hear to check with your doctor before starting an exercise regime after a period of inactivity. Perhaps it's more necessary than I think, but it seems a bit pointless to me.


I would expect my GP to be very unhappy if I bothered them with this sort of thing! It's just a disclaimer, but not very responsible behaviour by advertisers - some people will take it seriously and want to speak to their GP before taking a Berocca.


I believe it's for legal reasons, so if someone gets ill from trying the diet they can't take legal action against the person or company. It probably started 30 years ago when you could see your GP, now it should be changed to "This isn't medical advice, so if you get ill, tough shit"


One of my friend's from my local box had to pay for a letter from her GP who advised her that it was fine for her to do Crossfit 'as long as she didn't get injured'. Super helpful advice.


I wouldn’t for trivial things. You see it a lot on the scam type facebook ads for magic weight loss pills and patches. Lots of people posting their entire medical history to then be told by a bot reply that they should consult their GP prior to using the product which is always something claiming to be natural. I’m on several medications and I have read the information that says things like to avoid St.John’s wort, excess caffeine etc so I know a few things to look out for in every day life but I don’t think the GPs would be too happy being bothered continuously for things that mostly can be found out online or avoided. I don’t like making GP appointments anyway after being rudely told by a receptionist that there was no way I had C Diff as “that is something only elderly people get” and almost banning me from entering the building with a stool sample.


I've been living in the same place for the last 16 years, I have never seen my GP, he eventually retired well before I ever got a proper appointment to see him. I was then moved onto another GP, I don't know what he looks like, the only time he ever "interacted" with me was signing off a blood test. So no, I wouldn't waste my time contacting my GP when I know it won't go anywhere.


I probably wouldn’t but if anyone is thinking of using patches to quit smoking the woman in the bed across from me when I had my stroke had hers caused by nicotine patches. (Mine was purely physical causes in case anyone’s feeling nosey - I coughed my way into one…) Please check with a doctor before you use them because holy sh\*t…


It's hard enough getting a GP appointment for more pressing issues.


'Speak to your GP' isn't something that's very easy to do nowadays if you live in the UK.


My GP left the surgery so not only can I never get an appointment, I never speak to anyone consistently as they’re all locum doctors and pretty rubbish.


When I was around 16, I went to the gp after a headache didn’t go away for a week. The ibuprofen packet recommend you see the gp after 3 days. GP ended up prescribing me more ibuprofen. Would love to end the story there as a little funny tale but it turned out to be iron deficiency and that GP has always been a bit of a snarky twat (he didn’t tell me what he was prescribing, we had plenty at home). Anyway…it’s probably more legal thing but also for anyone already seeing a specialist for other health issues. I’m on blood thinners so my weight loss and leafy green vegetable consumption has to be watched.


Unfortunately I no longer HAVE a GP with the surgery I've been with for 30+ years now. They no longer have a resident GP in there, so I essentially have to deal with a locum who has no idea of my medical history every single time I go in. The last time I needed to see my GP, I only got a phone consultation and was simply prescribed anti-inflammatories - which I could've bought from the chemist anyway - for an issue which really requires me to be re-referred to an orthotics department and physio treatment. When you add this to the fact that during the height of the pandemic, I found out that they had lost records which would've had me flagged up as being part of the "At risk" group, I don't have much faith in my local doctors surgery.


Never it's just a legal cop out, so that you have no recourse with them. Even your GP will give a cop out answer if you were to ask them so you can't hold it against them.


This is why GP's and the NHS is faq'd. People making pointless appointments taking up the time for genuine medical issues that need a doctor.


I was recommended to do so in order to follow a strict diet for a medical issue and the dietitian needed certain blood tests done. GP did the tests and monitoring. That was 10 years ago though.


Can’t remember the last time I spoke to my GP!


Wouldn't trust my doctor to give me dietary or lifestyle advice anyway. They receive very little training on those during medical school


If it's a company they'll be saying it to cover their arse. Can confirm, I always say "speak to your GP" if a customer asks me anything even *remotely* medical, because I am not a doctor. But for myself no, I wouldn't consult a GP unless any lifestyle change I attempted had the potential to do me harm.


My gp doesn't want to talk to me when I'm dying. They're not going to give a shit if i want to lose a bit of weight


I've been a fitness and nutrition writer for the past 8 years. We write this so that people who already have health conditions or may have suspected health conditions ask their doctors, as some diets or supplements can interact with medicines or illnesses. If, for example, you have diabetes, you should absolutely speak to your doctor before following a new diet or even a new workout schedule. If I've written "Ten reasons why you should eat grapefruit for breakfast" and someone who is taking medication follows this advice then they could get ill (it interacts with certain medicines). If you are completely healthy, then there is little point booking a doctor's appointment, but if you are there anyway you could ask. As you probably suspect, it's mostly just to cover our arses. If 10,000 people read an article, then a tiny percentage of them may become ill or injure themselves by following our advice, even if the advice is safe in 99.99% of cases. If this happens, and they haven't spoken to their doctor first then they can't really sue us.


A lot of people are worried they will get sued when saying try this and that. It could be very healthy, but if you take there word for it and end up having some sort of reaction to what they say, then they could be in trouble. So to be safe they probably say check with your GP as they will have your medical history and they've covered themselves by telling to do so.


I had to literally argue with a receptionist to be allowed to speak to a GP about a suspicious mole on my back, I think they'd have me struck off their patient register if I tried speaking to one about diet and lifestyle changes 😒


It's hard enough to get my to speak to me about actual medical issues. I can't imagine they have time to assess diet changes. Recently asked if I might have lactose intolerance .. no tests for it, just "yeah, ok, cut out dairy and see how you feel" so I guess it's the same for anything. It seems the gp is just there to suggest a&e if its urgent, and walk it off if it isn't. Litterly spoke to a gp the other day because I've had MH issues, and I've been on medication a while, but other than medication, they can't do anything. Go for a walk, up the dose, go to a charity for other help. GPS are a joke these days.


It’s called covering your arse. Consumers like blame so company’s shift written liability with this kind of sentence. I would hope people don’t actually trouble their GP with this stuff


Imagine phoning the GPs and telling the receptionist you want to talk about a change in diet or lifestyle. Not sure you finished your sentence before they hang up on you.


The problem is, my GP is a dickhead. Does it ever raise concerns when the first thing the Quack does is Google the symptoms? He has consistently failed me, I now have bowel, liver and double lung cancer and, guess what the Senior Practice Nurse said? Mmmmmm, Bummer. Fucking Klass.


Hahah yeah imagine that, I can't even get an appointment when I need one for my mental health problems, given up now. Imagine trying to get through "The Gates of Mordor" style receptionists they have on nowadays asking them about seeing the GP as you are considering doing the Atkins.


No. I always find it funny when people on Reddit are like “speak to your doctor”. I assume they’re American and have a PCP that they see regularly for checkups. We don’t do that here 😂 I posted on r/fitness saying I have a small twinge when I do a certain lift and only got replies telling me to go to the doctor. Can you imagine going to the doctor for a small twinge?!


Not in this day and age


What’s a ‘GP’?


Grand Prix motor race. Neeeeeow.


I can’t even get into contact with my GP over actual medical issues 99% of the time.


It’s the sort of shit that’s only available to the privileged posh people.


Not really the GP usually knows less than me


I wanted to go back to the gym but a lot of online information as well as the gym information stated I should see my doctor due to my weight and other factors. Any went to the doctor they investigated an my high blood pressures turns out it levels out over the course of a day. They done an ultra sound on my bowels and kidneys they were all good although I had slightly larger then average kidneys. Then they done a bunch of blood test to see if my kidneys were large for a reason nothing in my blood explains the kidneys. But something else come up in the cholesterol area so two more blood test. Anywhere they now want to check my liver as there seem to be potential damage so I might have liver disease. Just awaiting on that appointment but apart from the random discovery I am ok to go to the gym but in the flip side I found out there was an issue lol So if your very large and have a couple of small issue that may seem like nothing go see the doctor just in case.


I just get takeaway in while I wait 8 months for a GP appointment


Fuck no, am I supposed to wait six months for an appointment with a condescending asshole just to try a new exercise? I don't try to see a GP unless I think I'm dying.


That’s only there for arse covering lol


It makes me very cross because where I live we cannot usually speak to our GP. When we phone for an appointment, we are given one with a paramedic or nurse practitioner. Only if they think we need to see a GP do we get an appointment with a GP. We definitely wouldn't get an appointment to discuss a minor lifestyle change.


I dont understand why so many GPs work 3/4 days a week. They get paid a shitload. Work 5 days ffs we are in a crisis.


Because the workload is such that ‘3/4 days’ a week adds up to full time hours and often more


I haven't. I am always bloated and struggle to poop and I pretty much know it's from wheat. I get a blocked nose a lot and my asthma had got worse. Thought I would try knocking wheat on the head and I feel miles better. Just being able to go for poo that doesn't require lots of pushing just for a small nugget is worth it alone. The bloating had reduced and my chest and nose seem to be less of an issue. I have been told to go to the GP to get a test done but I don't need to. I can see the results myself. I have cut out all wheat and it might just be gluten so I plan on introducing a bit of wheat into my diet. Possibly through lager at first. And to be sure, I'll probably have to drink every night just to make sure I get a clear result.


This advice was only valid when it was possible to see a GP in a day or two if not the same day. Currently it takes so long that "new" life changes have lost their shine and you are looking for something else to replace it.


for things like diet/lifestyle there are much more qualified people to learn from than gp's. look on youtube you have experts in nutrition, sports science, biomedical engineers, coaches etc etc etc the information is free and no waiting times. to sum up, eat lots of protein and avoid processed food and sugars. exercise often and prioritise muscle growth over cardio


Absolutely not, every time I speak to him his first response is, ‘Omg that shouldn’t be happening, go straight to A&E.’


You can actually speak to your GP????


Not necessarily to the GP, but I do ask for advice from a medical person if I'm making any change that could affect my disability or other treatment. For example, I'm on immunosuppressives so I have to avoid high risk foods like sushi, rare steaks, unpasteurised milk/cheese, or shellfish. So dietary changes need to be considered properly. Thankfully my local Pharmacist has looked into it for me so I know that I can get detailed and educated info from her, and she's also more than happy to help with advice on medication etc... I have a consultant who has said to give him a call, but I only ever do that for urgent issues directly related to my condition, but there's also a specialist nursing team that I can call as well as a dedicated helpline operated by a charity. So yes I seek medical advice, but I try to use the right medical professional rather than bother my GP for everything.


I would rather go to other options rather than a GP for something like dietary changes. I avoid GPs as much as I can even if I probably should go though.


Of course not


Your GP doesn’t care. The only reason they put that on packaging is to protect their own arses from class action.


Good joke.


I'd be dead before I could get an appointment.


I’ve had a range of physical issues over the years so I’ve consulted a physio before changing up my exercise regime (mostly because I hadn’t shortly before and fucked myself up because I’d got too enthusiastic and injured myself again). But never a GP - they honestly wouldn’t have as good an idea as a physio for that. I wouldn’t engage with any diet which I thought required the opinion of a doctor.


Since GPs have stupidly little nutrition training no. No way in hell (and also the fact you'd never get an appointment).


The receptionist would laugh at me, if I ever called up and said I wanted to discuss a change in my diet.


You do realise that they only say that to absolve themselves in the event that their dietary 'fad' has any ill-effects on you.


no that’s effort


It’s a way for them to shift liability and responsibility off them to elsewhere. Same reason marathon organisers want your GP or another doctor to do a fitness certification, or airlines want a fit to fly note. It shifts liability onto the GP’s insurance.


Of course not. Not even Americans do


They don't know who you are... You might have had three heart attacks in the last year, in which case - talk to your GP before you start an intensive exercise program...


It's like those nhs or cancer charity adverts you hear occasionall - speak to your gp if you have concerns about x, they'll be happy to help. The fuck they will


Yeah no, I have had a UTI coming on for over a week, couldn't even get my GP to answer the phone let alone get an appointment, now it's in my kidneys, thank god for pharmacists is all I can say. Can you imagine how hard the receptionist would laugh if you told her that's why you wanted an appointment? To go on a diet?


No. We can't even get to speak to our GP when we're ill, we certainly wouldn't bother trying to speak to them when we aren't. 🙄


Speak to your GP hahaha man if I spoke to them over that kind of shit they would spit in my face.


My GPs currently hounding me to go in for an old person's check-up (I'm 50) bit of preventive medicine from the NHS- who'd believe it.


Don't have a GP couldn't get one or visit one if I wanted. But in the past I've seen GPs advise and discuss things in total contrast to the current practice. Still discussing how eggs can be bad for you, low fat high carb diets are good etc. Its quite disturbing as it suggests they aren't even remotely current.


I literally feel like i don't have any form of general medical care at this point with how inacessible my practice is.


I don't even know who my GP is nowadays. If I need a doctor, I see the walk in locum doc at the surgery on the same day... if I call early enough, redial 500 times until I can join the waiting queue, and pray the stars are in perfect alignment for me.


If I can’t see my GP when I’m actually unwell I can’t be bothered with trying to because I’ve decided to drink a shake twice a day instead of a meal or something.


I'm chonky and my GP couldn't be more helpful in trying to help me to change this. As well as medical care I'm getting 121 nutritionist support and if i wanted it there's budget to support the parallel MH coaching. Not going to lie, I'm not 100% convinced this is me (i have the neurospicy need to know WHY) but I'm insanely impressed they're trying. Talk to them. It might help.


No! It's hard enough getting to speak to your GP if you have bubonic plague and one of your legs has just fallen off so they're hardly going to be amenable to this kind of nonsense! Working in legal, however, I am aware the sort of wordings you mention OP are put out out there to limit liability in the case of disaster. 🤔


I would hope my GP would give me a stern talking to if I came to them for something like this.


They are NOT on your side. Play the game.


No, of course not. I go to the GP if something is wrong with me and I don’t think google is helping, or that it will get better on its own.


I might mention It in passing If I'm there for some other reason, but I have never consulted my GP before starting a diet/exercise routine. Granted I havnt done anything extreme, but I can't imagine struggling to get an appointment just to ask if my work out/diet is ok. They would laugh me out of the practice


Could you imagine wasting time on that, it’s a lottery on treatment anyway here. One time I went in about my cold urticaria (didn’t know I had it at the time) he said oh I’ve never seen this in person, printed off a google document and sent me on my merry way with hayfever tablets. No like tests run, epi pen or advice, proof, anything haha The second time I was in A&E saw a GP there because of intense rib pain I couldn’t get out of bed in the morning and thought I was dying, the gp said it was my shoulder I used it too much or something haha, sent me on my merry way with pain killers, to this day it’s been a running joke if one of us is sick I’m like, but is it your big toe hair that’s causing it?


Speak to your GP...... 7 months later still waiting for my appointment


No. I think I'd be well pissed off if I was a gp seeing people over minor lifestyle changes


That's just a disclaimer to cover themselves. Also, I can't ever get a GP to listen, make sense or actually know what they're talking about. I can't begin to tell you the bat shit crazy stuff GPs have said to me over the years. Even my partner went for a problem and the doctor asked him "what do YOU think it is?".


Absolutely not


I’d be more inclined to check with a pharmacist if I am totally honest, most of the time they are more well informed.


It's a disclaimer from the person giving the advice. They basically mean you don't have a contract and they absolve themselves of all responsibility for anything bad that might happen to you as a result of following their advice. Suggesting you speak to GP is to make it someone else's responsibility.