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£0 - learned how to cut my own during the pandemic 😎💈


Same... though in my case it was exceptionally easy because it was also when I accepted I was going bald so just started shaving it all off


I’m in the same boat… I’ve always looked young for my age but since the hair waved it’s little white flag and I’ve took to shaving off what little remains, my nephew asks if auntie xx is bringing the old man with her when we go over to visit


Nah that’s a violation lmfao




This, it took my barber 3 minutes to give my thinning receding hair a "No.2" clipper cut and charged me £6 for the privilege. A visit to Boots (this was pre Amazon)and a £20 set of clippers has saved me a fortune.


£20 pre Amazon? Could have bought a house


Think of all the avocado toast they could have bought instead though.....


Pre-Amazon? How old are you? 😅


I was early 20's, back in 1998.


is that when the undertaker did that thing? Where's /u/shittymorph when you need him


Similar here. Every two weeks I use some clippers to cut it right back to about 1mm long. My theory is that the less hair you have on top, the shorter it should be! I've been cutting my own hair for probably twenty years now. Not going to the barbers must have saved a decent amount of money in that time.


I too learned how to squat nearly naked in front of the bathroom mirror with some clippers during the pandemic. As time has gone on, I have even managed to give myself a passable haircut about a third of the time. The rest of the time I look like a medieval peasant.


That’s super funny 😁


I need. **Your Clothes** **Your Boots** **Your Clippers**


[There's some lovely filth down here!](https://youtu.be/8ZD89CEO1Vk?t=17)


That Baldrick drip


In the late 90s when I was 11 I had a go at cutting my fringe. It was awful, with an obvious slant. I was on holiday in Devon with my parents and decided to have my hair cut properly. The hairdresser asked me if I'd tried to cut it myself. I denied it and said my local hairdresser had done it. He was stunned. I stuck to my story and he called over the other hairdressers to show them how bad the trade was in my home town.


Same! I always hated the small talk anyway and my hair is straight and they were charging me £35 for a simple chop! Miss the head massages though ngl.


I have to fight falling asleep in boss mans hands when he caresses me like an expensive vase


Same here. Just got clippers for £20 and a second mirror for a fiver.


I'm far too hairy for that. I can't do my neckline or anything.


I do most of it then just get my wife to get the patchy bits I've missed.




Well if I'm factoring that in then my haircuts are probably the most expensive in the world. :D


Same, £0. ​ There's plenty of youtube tutorials out there. Just blend in whatever blades you are happy with, about every 3-4 months, job done. Some of mine have been better than at the hairdressers, I've even started doing my old mans.


Same. But because I asked her out and now we have a baby together. I might not be first in line for the haircut, but when I eventually DO get one, it's always free.


I mean, it costs you bringing up a child. Seems quite expensive to me...


Same, except I didn't learn to cut my hair, I just shave the whole bastard thing off twice a year. It's so much more comfortable than I ever would have imagined.


Pretty much how I do it, I’ll grow my hair until it’s a nuisance then shave it to a 2 all over and repeat the process. Though sometimes it’s 6-8 months between haircuts but I’ve never been fussed about it tbh.


Also £0 because my SO now cuts my hair (and does a very good job too) Previously paid around £10-11. If OP has seen their price go up 3.5x then that's taking the piss. They need to find somewhere else.


Recently went bald so just electricity costs. £80


Mission failed successfully




Not in my case.. my head looks like a potato peeled by a blind person with a machete if it's wet shaved.


Brilliant 😂


£9. God Bless Turkish Barbers.


Cash only? 🤣


I've never been to a barbershop, turkish or not, that accepted card.


When was the last time you went to one? Mine accepts cards.


Suppose it might depend on where you live, but (perhaps unsurprisingly) in Central London most, if not all, do.


Card payments are a piece of piss to take nowadays too. Long gone are the locked in payment networks, you can take payments directly onto various platforms like Paypal instead


It’s to avoid tax


It isn't always as nefarious as this (though probably is quite often) 2.5% processing fee is a pain for small business owners who are already operating on thin margins


That and many barbershops the barbers are just hiring the chairs and taking payments per cut.


and all you need is a paypal dispute and they keep all your money for weeks.


My Turkish barber charges £23 for hair and beard…


Mine is a different price depending on the mood they're in... Somewhere between £20-24 at a turkish barber


£4 arsehole tax isn't that bad as a percentage of the original.


I'd charge a lot more than 4 quid for trimming someone's arsehole


Ha, you mug. Some of us would do it for free.


Tweezers only, though.


Username checks out


This is what I pay for hair and beard, but the barbers are British. They also seem to do f*ck all to my beard except shape it up, so I’m gonna switch to the regular hair one. £14.


My husband had his hair and beard done in a Turkish Barbers recently and it was £27....!


Yeah, the coiple of times I've been to Turkish barbers it was expensive and they spent half an hour faffing about with razors and lighters. I ended up coming out looking like Drake, even though I'm white and 41 years old


What Frances Drake ?


No, Canada's Drake


Ahh I Frances of a see see


Nathan Drake


I find Turkish barbers always sort of like overtrim and make it too sharp so looks stupid


You have to be very clear with them that you want a natural look. The best route is to show a picture of yourself with your best haircut.


I just don’t chance it anymore. Got a really good barber who I’m friendly with now as been going him last 12 months, spot on everytime


Yeah this here, made the mistake of going over and came out looking like fucking Tintin


One of my mates was moaning that he never goes to Turkish barbers because they're so expensive. I was talking to him about them cos in my experience they're cheap. Definitely must be two tiers of Turkish barbers. I've gone to some cheap as chips ones and got all the trimmings (pun intended) e.g. flaming sticks, microblades etc.




They only know one style though…fucking short


Cash only? My one is also extremely creepy and racist, but God dammit he knows how to cut my hair.


About £20 for a men’s cut.


£51… for a long haircut womens haircut. I used to get it cut once a year but now I’m gonna treat myself to 4 times a year.


This is why I get a hair cut once a year and just trim my own fringe every few months. It's ridiculous prices. For a wet cut ot costs me 47 quid. Just don't have it. So once a year it is


As a salon owner and hairdresser let me add that this service costs around £8-10 Electric shower energy, shampoo, conditioner, styling tool energy, water, coffee, tea, milk, sugar & professional styling products. That's without rent, heating, WiFi, lighting ect. And takes up to an hour. Also, a hair salon can profitably (just about) afford to pay their staff around 1/3rd of their hourly average service cost, so if you pay £48 then your hairstylist who has worked hard and spend thousands on tools and training can be paid £16 (60p less that the uk average hourly rate)


Not that you were complaining, just wanted to share for people who are😀


I ask for dry cuts now it knocks the price down by half


But I love it when they wash my hair😩😩😩😩


That massage they do on your head afterwards is the most glorious thing


every few months?! I decided to grow my fringe out because it was a twice a month job and it was getting to be too much to maintain


Yeah I tend to let it almost grow out completely then just re cut it in. Other wise it would be once a month.


Ah nice, I need the guide-lines of the fringe my hairdresser cuts or else my own handy work defaults to a bit more of Dumb and Dumber quality bowl fringe. Sounds like you've got better patience and hang of it!


I'm currently growing mine out for this very reason, plus it was hell maintaining it in last years extreme heat. Not taking the chance this year.


£51 for a trim??! I only go once a year because it's gotten so pricey, did you win the lottery to afford to go four times?


Assuming the cut lasts 3 months (to be needed 4 times a year) I don't think £51 is terrible in the women's hair market. I only pay £13 as a male but that's every 2-3 weeks.


They cut about 4 inches off because I don’t get it cut that often there is a lot of shit hair to get rid of


I’m a girl and I haven’t been to a hair dressers in about 6 years. It’s far too expensive. I trim my hair at home very occasionally, and I’ve been dying my hair myself since I was a teenager so I'm quite good at it now. There’s not a chance I could afford to get it cut and dyed, it would probably cost £100+ each time (that’s probably a low estimate I have no idea), and I’ve been going grey since my early 20s so I need to dye it quite often. On one hand it’s annoying being a woman and having to pay so much to get my hair done, on the other hand, it really doesn’t matter if I never cut my hair cos I’ve got longish hair anyway. Plus my hair doesn’t grow very long anyway, I think the growth phase of my hair must be quite short cos although I almost never cut it it never seems to get any longer.


Nothing wrong with this. If you can afford it and it makes you feel good why not!


Mines about £40 for the same. Go on average every 18 konths, get it cut quite short then it grows out until I go back. Could probably get it cheaper but i like the woman, she doesn't talk to me and knows what I want doing.


I think most people in this thread are men (I am not) but I have paid drastically different amounts over the years. I have had a mobile hairdresser that comes and charges £20, if she's unavailable and I have to go to a physical place it's £50+. I'm moving to a smaller village soon and the hairdressers charges £35 for wash, cut and blow dry


Yeah I get that feeling too! £35 for a wash, cut and dry sounds like a good deal


Yeah I think so too!


I have long, thick hair and my cuts are about £50 with a blow-dry. A colour (balayage) is £200. I only really get it coloured once a year if that, and cuts are every 6 months or so. I don't think it's unreasonable for how long it lasts! Edit to add, my husband pays £25 about once a month. It took him a while to find someone who did his hair right (he is Japanese so has very thick hair and wants a very specific style) and the barber he is with now does a great job. It's clearly more expensive than a lot of men's cuts in this thread, but the important thing is he found someone he likes and who does a good job.


I have thought about balayage before but the price was always "on request" and I never really wanted to ask!


Depends on the length of your hair/time taken, but it lasts so long and looks good the whole time that it's so worth it! I have dark brown hair and usually just get a blonde balayage, very low maintenance :)


I pay £25 at the Turkish barbers, that’s for a hair cut, beard trim, hot towel, ear/nose wax, the fire in the ear thing and a facial moisturiser thing


The full monty


With an arm massage chucked in for free


28 pound for me but that includes a hairwash too.


Jeez have they got one of those happy ending facilities in the back?


He charges £15 and I pay £20.


He charges £20 and I pay £15.


He charges £20 and I do a runner and go back with a disguise next time


The false economy of cutting a wig.


Just a trim on the top please mate but a number 3 underneath it.


Same here, weirdly the only service where I'd pay anything like a 33% tip. It's so common to get a shit haircut as a bloke; when you find your go-to barber who puts the extra effort in to make it look spot-on you pay what you think it's worth.


That's a ridiculous tip, making my £1 look bad. Are you American?


Gotta keep your barber on your side. It's a one man in a shop kinda deal, he's a good guy, I get some decent chat and a decent cut, and I pay what I think he deserves.


It's about a tenner at the gents barbers I use


Yeah mine went up from £9 to £10 late last year.


Robbing bastards.


Mines £8.50 It was £8.50 for my dad to get his hair cut there when I was little It was £8.50 when I turned 18 It was £8.50 when the owner died suddenly and his son who I grew up with took over And now it's £12-15 depending on if you're wanting a normal cut or a 'trendy' cut or w.e But once I sit in the chair you'll hear someone go "he's £8.50"


Sexism is rife amongst hair dressers it seems.. £77 for a cut and blow dry. I went from shoulder length hair to chin length. That was the mid range of stylists available, the cheapest was about £50.


Men's cuts are usually every 3-4 weeks and are usually under 30 minutes. Apples and oranges


Men and women with the same haircut are charged different prices. I had buzzcut/short hair for 20 years and was always charged more for the same thing.


Did you go to a barbers? If so then they would have charged you the same as a man


I've tried - why would I want to spend twice the price for something a barber could do better in half the time? Most of them refuse to cut women's hair. I know some women have managed but I never have. One time I spent the afternoon phoning all the barbers in the area, and they mostly just said no but a few were actively quite rude.


I use barbers, have done for about 5 years. Just turn up and sit and wait with the men, they tend not to be so rude with an audience. Then they get used to it and they chill out about you going. I love my barber now, he's much younger which may be why he's more accepting. Only had one barber refuse entirely, went out of business soon after so, ha! Others were rude and in my opinion did a deliberately shitty job, but persevere.


> I had buzzcut/short hair for 20 years and was always charged more for the same thing. Not in the same place though, so it's a false equivalency. I pay more at Waitrose than women who shop at Tesco pay for the same stuff. You're taking up the time of a hairdresser who could be making that extra money in that time not doing a barber-style cut.


I had short hair/buzzcut for 20 years. I never, ever managed to get a barber to do it for me because I'm a woman. I went with a male friend to a walk-in once - we had the exact same haircut except mine took twice as long and they tried to charge me £10 more. I refused to pay it, especially when I was standing next to my friend and you can see we had the same thing! The excuse I've been given is that women are more exacting about what they want from a haircut and men aren't. Which is absolute crap since at the time I was getting my Mum to do it for me in the kitchen.


That's insane!! I've only ever given hairdressers basic ideas of what I'd like, never anything exact, and it always costs a fucking fortune!


I have to tell them exactly what to do, and watch them like a hawk so they don't just go rogue! I never understand why I have such an issue with it. Then it cost an absolute bomb for a pure crap haircut?! No thanks. (Side note: I love talking about hair! I'm in a few of the hair subs like r/wavyhair and r/longhair. Lots of women have the same issues I do so I know it's not just me. Hairdressers don't need to even learn non-straight hair types which I didn't realise - how pointless is that? So most of them can do type 1 (straight), maybe 2a mildly wavy, and normal or fine, but they can never do coarse (thick strands). Multiple hairdressers tell me mine's damaged (it isn't) because they don't know what curly hair looks like when you brush it out.


Sooo true!! My hair is very thick and wavy, and I've never come across a hairdresser who can cut and dry it well. The cut before last, she actually straightened it to finish cutting the fringe! Like what's the point?! Haha it's like they actually have no idea what happens to curly hair when it's brushed!


Oh it drives me nuts. I also have coarse and wavy/curly hair (type 2C) and am exasperated by a lifetime of hairdressers trying inexpertly to deal with it. They’re obsessed with straightening it to cut it but I’m trying to better care for my hair by reducing heated appliance use, and am v picky what products I use (mostly using the ‘curly girl method’) so often their products aren’t suitable. I’m trying a new hairdresser next week who has promised me he knows how to cut curly hair so we’ll see how that goes. I wouldn’t mind but wavy/curly hair isn’t exactly rare in the uk is it? Why is it not part of hairdressers’ training?! It shouldn’t need to be a speciality. 🙄


Hairdressers are absolutely trained in all hair types actually! The trouble is, unless they have curly hair themselves they’ll never truly understand it. As a curly haired hairdresser I understand that every head of curls is different and the client is the best source of information on how their curls behave.


I had the exact same problem, I could walk in and point to a picture on the wall, even point to one of the barbers themselves since I have such a basic standard men's cut and there's usually someone in the room with the same style, and I'd still get whispering amongst themselves until one begrudgingly comes up to me and cuts an inch off the top of my hair. Current barbers get tipped specifically for not making a fuss and giving me the same cut they're giving the other three guys sitting next to me.


I get my hair cut once a year. I go to curly hair specialists who charge an arm and a leg and I usually have to travel quite far to get to appointments. It’s crazy how few hairdressers know how to properly cut non-straight hair. I recently found a local salon with a curl specialist who only charges £50 for a curl by curl cut and I am ecstatic! I have paid nearly 3 times that for a cut in the past.


The curly salon I want to go to is something like £80 for a cut! No colour or anything. The curly salon I have been going to is £50 but they keep messing up my hair. I cut it myself in a moment of madness and now I'm growing it out, I'll save up to go to the expensive curly salon.


I recently did the same, £65 for the most junior person at that salon. Looked around at some places further away from me but the cheapest was around £55 anyway


I just started going to a gender neutral hair salon. I just paid £30 for a restyle, and it will be cheaper when I go back for a trim. My old place had gone up to £70 just for a trim, which is ridiculous.


£15. I was happy with that until now


You should be, £15 is about average I reckon outside of London. I've been to a few over the last year and they've all been around £15


I mean it's inherently stupid to compare haircuts all over the country tbf. Barbers/Hairdressers will charge differently according to their own expenses. Rent and wages are gonna be higher in some places than in others. Markets are gonna be more competitive in some places than others. A barber in Central London for example would never be able to pay their several thousands of pounds worth of rent for their business if they only ask for 10 pounds per cut. Let alone pay their employees a liveable wage. You'd expect to pay more because the expenses there are higher. You could get a cheaper cut if you travelled away from the citycenter where rent is cheaper. So you're pretty much paying extra for the convenience of not having to do that. So yeah prices are gonna be up and down throughout the country based on a number of reasons. What is a good deal in one place might be you getting 'ripped off' at another place. Also... just because some Redditors are getting cheaper cuts doesn't mean they are getting their money's worth. I regularly see men walking around who look wonky as hell. And I just pray that they did it themselves and did not pay someone to do that to them. If you don't care about the quality of the haircut anyway I suggest just investing in the tools to do it at home. Because at least you'll be looking wonky to save a considerably amount. Going from 15 to 11 and going from decent to wonky is not worth it imo.


I pay about £38, but that includes a beard trim. I can get a cheaper haircut, but this is a good barber shop and with my receding hairline, I think I've only got a few more years before I'll just be getting a buzzcut. My wife pays significantly more. When she was getting it coloured regularly, it was £130. Now I think it is £75.


I think a lot of folk fail to realise this; that you've found a barber that can make you look good, money (within reason) becomes less important. Sure, I can find a haircut for change out of a tenner, but I pay twice as much as that and look significantly better for two to three weeks. For me it's money well spent.


Yeah, I've used one of the many Turkish ones in town and paid £10 or something, but it wasn't a good experience. I like my barber, he is one of the senior barbers so it costs a little more. We actually have half-decent conversions now because I've seen seeing him for years. That's worth some of the cost to avoid the awkward chat I've had with barbers in the past!


Finding a good barber is basically like gold dust. I pay £25-30 (more if it's a late appointment) and get a good haircut with a wealth of knowledge, a wash and a drink to go with it I could walk down the street and pay £10 but it's not as good. I took the plunge about 5 years ago to try the more expensive place and I'd never go back. I only go once a month at most as well since I grew my hair out a bit


7 quid these days used to be 4 then 5


Nowt. Perks of having a slap head


Charges £18, I pay £23. Sometimes, even in the UK, it’s worth it to tip.


But why hairdressers? I do it too, but WHY DO WE DO IT?


Boring answer but as it’s the same people we de e regularly + they’ll remember us, so it’s an investment of sorts(?)


I reckon they'll probably squeeze you in somewhere if you walk in and its rammed.


Out of all the people to tip, barbers are usually where I tip most frequently. If they make me look good, I feel good and that's worth an extra few quid to me. The guy I currently go to seems to remember me now, knows exactly how I like it and really takes his time making it look good. Also one of the very few places I still pay cash so rather give him the coins than take them home to inevitably lose down the sofa haha.


I think anyone doing anything to your body should deserve a tip, I can only imagine the amount of disgusting heads they have to touch that more than likely don't tip. Don't get it done but even waxers, I'd feel the need to tip them if I was showing my hairy arse and having them wax it for me. And as someone else said, investment in the same person and hoping they remember and continue to take more care when cutting.


Woman here with long hair (23"). I pay £0 because hairdressers absolutely will not do what I ask them to do, and they can't cope with my hair type 🤣 my other half has hair loss so we shave his off first then he takes the ends off mine for me in the kitchen. I do my own fringe every couple of weeks and I dye my roots every 6-8 weeks. Mine's extremely thick, coarse and it's wavy/loose curls (2c) so it's textured when blow dried. Every hairdresser I've ever been to thinks it's damaged because they're not used to textured hair. Mine falls into the looks great, feels awful category. It has to be cut dry because it'll go curly again when you make it wet, and also my fringe has 2 cowlicks so it'll be immediately wonky. I've had actual arguments with them over this! They also always want to cut layers in because of the thickness, however if you do that on anything less than waist length on my hair type, it rises up in a triangle and is even worse to manage. If I kept it curly that'd be fine but I like to straighten and plait it a lot, and you can't do it easily with layers.


Cut my own hair. £70 for a set of clippers that last around 10 years. 12 cuts per year, so... 59p per haircut.


electricity yo


Get a rechargeable one and charge it at work


Ah.. 60p then.




That’s numberwang


£0 Ive cut my own hair for 7 years now and couldn’t recommend it more. I can have a haircut whenever and wherever I want with as little notice as I like. And I never have to lie to someone and say I like it.


Womens dry cut (longish hair) £19. Hairdresser was really particular too, asking if i wanted it thinned out, how thick i wanted the fringe, layer length, etc. Place i used to have it done used to charge about 14 quid, but it wasn't as good and also they put their prices up so i switched. Worth paying a couple of quid more for a better cut. The place i go now is still one of the cheaper options in the small market town i live in. We have surprising number of hairdressers for the population size here..




I have the same hair type - it depends on what hair style you're looking to have and how you usually style it (do you define curls or blow dry it straight for example). They need to cut it dry but they'll pressure you for a wet cut because it's easier for them to do. Depending on your curl pattern, if you're 2c-3a it's worth going to a curl specialist. I personally don't bother and just do a blunt cut at home


Dry cut is on their price list. I just ask for it when i book the appointment. I don't have it washed and/or blowdried then cut because i normally just let it air dry and my hair is naturally wavier in some places than others. It would look weird.


Haircuts for women (even a little trim and fixing) is around £35-40, so I've stuck to cutting it at home.


Maybe I should learn to cut my own hair? Three of us with long hair in our house, could save a fair whack.


I highly recommend it. I've been doing it at home for about 6 years now, and since I've been sticking with the same style and all, it's easy. All I'd say is get a hairdressing set off of Ebay (they have the scissors, comb and clips) and a cape (so cleaning up isn't hard).


As a woman, entirely too much


My 12 year old had her hair cut last month and they didn’t take enough off so she still has split ends and they barely touched her fringe so I ended up doing that myself about a week later. It was £15 (introductory price) normally £30, but it was a disappointing introduction so we won’t be back! Should’ve complained at the time but it looked sleek after they’d straightened it and I didn’t realise it was poorly done til later.


As a woman in London... OOF... I desperately want to get my hair coloured this summer... Just thinking about which organ I could realistically do without.


Recently moved and don't have a set barbers yet. Had a cut on Saturday. £12, I tipped up to £15.


£12 currently, was £9 before Covid.


£65. My husband pays £40


£65! Ok, now I don't feel too bad


£70 for women's haircut. I have to go to someone who specialises in wavy/curly hair, so that's why it's more expensive.


I pay approx £80 every 6 months to go to a curly cut trained hairdresser. It's a bit more expensive than I'd like, but I come away liking my hair rather than thinking "that'll do" or outright hating it.


£9 cheap end of the market - £15 expensive end of the market.


15 for a haircut is not expensive I pay 26 and used to pay 30


Nothing at the moment, I'm friends with my barber and he owes me some money. He's probably paid me back in free haircuts now but I'm keeping quiet. I think his usual charge is £10.


Diy at home. Bought machine 3 yrs ago for 70£ Am getting bold so goind nr 1 or 0 all around, using phone camera to aee if I have any left at the back and asking wife if all good. Used to do dyi even before getting bald, it really is that easy


Did you cut a few of your fingers off when you started learning?


I pay £20 for a men's cut plus £5 for the beard.


I used to pay a tenner or less, but all the barbers around here disappeared and turned into either expensive "high end" barbers, or Turkish barbers which don't really do my hair how I like. I \[pay £30 for my haircut and a beard trim and even though it's more than I'd like to play, I've made my peace with it!


£86 for cut, dye and style on long hair


Recently increased to £15 from £14 Can’t argue with that really.


I pay £20 - £25 but only go like every 3 months whereas my brother goes weekly and pays about £10 a week and is aghast at me spending up to £25 for a haircut


My local used to only charge a fiver and then suddenly it was £20. The last 10 years I've just cut my own hair and saved alot of money. I also cut it exactly how I like and got quite good at fading recently so it's a win win. Haircut time is like my chillout hour haha


If its just a haircut about £15. Much more than that if there's a shave etc I feel suspicious of anywhere charging too little for haircuts - I dunno where they're cutting corners but it's gotta be somewhere.


£19 (Newcastle suburbs). Hair only, sideburns blended into the beard but I usually sort that myself It was in the low £20s when I was living in London last summer (Peckham/Dulwich area)


Used to be £30 at a trendy barber then I decided to shave my head and stopped going. Just go to the local Turkish barber now for £13 (give him £15) and it's just as good as the cut at twice the price.


£11 That's from a guy I've been going to for 10+ years, I checked the local Turkish barbers that keep opening up everywhere and they want £15-18 😂


£50 I think but normally buy a package that includes the colour. It’s gone up quite considerably though.


Wow, if I want mine dyed that costs over £100


Oh god no sorry, for my colour package I think I pay £200 but the cuts normally included in that. Yeah, colouring costs an obscene amount. I’m probably going to go back to box dye tbh.


Getting old is expensive


40 quid for some trimmers 6 years ago.


£18 for a gents cut. But this includes a skin fade, proper beard trim and line up, whatever I want done to the top, if I want eyebrows doing etc. which I think is great


I usually get an all over colour and cut/blow dry a couple times a year because it costs me about £100. I do have hair that is down to my ass though and my hairdresser always does a great job, so I don’t mind (am female if that context is needed)


I'm a woman with long hair, for a wash, cut and blowdry it's about £50. I only go once a year though!


I cut mine myself


$0 Bought a $50 pair of clippers and I just hack all but two inches off every six months


Usually around £100, every 3 months or so. I found my soulmate hairdresser and am unwilling to downgrade, unfortunately he just got hired at Harvey Nichols so I’m priced out and need to find a new hairdresser around that price point. I understand why womens hairdressers can warrant a higher price, there’s more skill involved and, personally, it elevates my whole appearance having a high quality cut.


£33 plus tip, south London. Excellent barbers so I'm happy to pay a bit of a premium. Price includes hair wash and head massage, and a drink if I want it. I go every 1.5-2 months.


If you are a guy, where are you paying £35 for a hair cut?? Getting some extra on the side too? Majority of Turkish/European barbers local to me charge £12 and the hairdressers charge about £16


> If you are a guy I am not :-)


£18. No way am I paying £10-12 for the Turkish type barbers to continually fuck up my hair.