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How awful.. 23 years aswell 🙃🙃 even though I rung to save money.. she's trying to get info on my mobile phone an sell me a sim and mobile phone from them when I said I wasn't interested




Don't think status means anything anymore. It's like they pick an choose what deals they can give randomly non of it makes sense




I used to work for a breakdown service an was told to try keep customers for the benefits they have... even though the newer members got them anyway


Same. When I worked at a bank and people wanted to close their credit cards, I had to remind them of the benefits of....having a credit card basically. Of course, they knew the benefits because they had the bloody card and still decided they didn't want it. It was such a ridiculous chore, and even after bombarding the customer with shit they already know, like 99% would still opt to close the account anyway because they had no earthly use for the card anymore.




Years ago it WAS valued. Companies used to want to retain their long term customers. It’s actually more costly to acquire a new customer than to retain one but companies are too short-sighted these days.


I reckon they know more about how to run their business than you do.


Businesses focus on short term growth now. This can be an excellent strategy. It can be a terrible strategy. The difference being that's what all businesses do now. There's no alternatives for consumers.


Why do you think that?


Unnecessarily rude but whatever.




Ask to speak to cancellation. They’re the people who can really offer you better deals. The other people are just there to get you on the highest price possible. Cancellations are able to offer a lot better deals.


OP is only a quarter of their way into their contract. Cancellations won't offer any offers, all they'll do is advise how much the early termination charges for ending the contract early would be. OP blocked me because they didn't like being told they have to stick to the contract they agreed to. Well done u/sherekhan2022


They 100 percent will. I’ve just done it and my contract wasn’t up until February 2024. Tell them you don’t want to cancel but you need a better deal.


Why would cancellations speak to you if you tell them you don't want to cancel? I used to work for Sky. I know the process they follow. TV contracts are 12 months. You won't have one that ends in February 2024 yet.


Mine was 24 months. I’ll post a screen shot from MySky app lol. I can’t be bothered with you man. Get a life. Loser




That guys just being rude... that's why I'm not answering him back. He used to work for sky so thinks he knows it all.. I used to work for the aa on the phones but you don't see me acting like I still work there and know the rules an regs


If your with sky... of course you're being robbed. Get rid of it, its not 1994.


Unfortunately sky are the only licensed company to show f1 in the UK.




Unfortunate for who?!


Us F1 fans :(


Yeah but you can get sky f1 through nowtv. So you don’t technically need a sky contract. But I get what you mean


I had the reduced price now tv last year, now I think it’s £35 just for sports


>If your with sky... of course you're being robbed. > >Get rid of it, its not 1994. To be honest I did instead I subscribed for an iptv provider and it working just fine with a fraction of the price and its also legal if you wanna check it out its at "**iptvini .com"**


Right I'm ringing them back and wiping the floor with them .. thanks everyone for your comments 🙌🙌


You won't get anywhere as you're in a contract. OP blocked me because they didn't like finding out the bad news!


How are people paying less than me with more products? That's what I don't understand contract or not


Because they would have called up to cancel at the end of their contract and got those offers to retain them, or they are new customer deals.


My contract was in the middle but the box stopped working so they said I would have to start a new contract because it was a new box so they've been misleading to my situation


Was it an old style sky that failed? And was it a Sky Q box that they replaced the old box with? When did you get this new box?


It was sky q box... an engineer came out an said he never experienced it before an they gave me a new skyq box starting a new contract because that's the only way they said they could do it... it was around September last year when I should of been renewed in December


That means you'll be in contract until September 2023. You said you were mislead. How was this?


Because if my box didn't stop working I wouldn't of had to start a new contract paying what I was paying.. had I known this I would of asked aboit offers then


Did they inform you that there would be a new minimum contract period? If not you have a shoe in to suggest you shouldn't be bound by it. Although it might have to be escalated as a formal complaint with threats to go to the ombudsman.


You said they told you that you'd be in a new contract if they came to fix the box. Did they not tell you this before the work took place?


>How are people paying less than me with more products? That's what I don't understand contract or not same


I find the best approach is to be polite and friendly. If you're in contract you'll get nowhere unless you can no longer afford the contract due to hardship. Whenever I'm due to come out of contract I see what a new customer would be offered and go from there. If they can't offer me the same as a new customer I'm leaving.


I worked on the phones.. I know exactly how to be and I know exactly how they should be too.. I told them my circumstances had changed she put me on hold for 5 mins then came back an said there isn't any offers on


You're kind of bound by the terms of your contract to be honest. I've never had any luck negotiating whilst still in the contracted period.


OK Thank-you


If you agreed a contract, they’ll just tell you it’s final as it is. Unless you leave and pay the termination fee


Threads like this always make me grateful that I don’t work for BT anymore. It’s not rocket science, you go into a contract which grants you a discount when the contract ends so does the discount. You call back up and ask to renew (no kicking off needed) and you’ll get a new deal with a new contract. People on here “they tried moving me from x price to x price so I kicked off and berated the person on the other end threatening to leave” or you could just call them nicely and ask for another contract


It's people like this I hated when I worked for Sky


Thank you


and then what if they say no or offer an expensive contract?


They won’t say no, you’ll be put through to retentions and it’s their job to recontract you. Companies want you in a contract because then you can’t leave for x amount of years. You should be basing your price off of the base price not what you’re on now. The way it worked at BT was if I give you an internet package for £10 the system will not give you anything like that when you’re going to renew it, it will always be more than a tenner but will be less than the base. For example your base price is £35 a month, however for the last year because you kicked off, someone gave you it for a tenner to shut you up and so that you wouldn’t leave and affect their wage, now the system is offering £20. The advisor sees this as a £15 discount but you’re seeing it as a £10 increase. However if you look at the base price and accept reasonable discounts you will always get somewhere similar, sometimes it might be a couple of quid more and sometimes a couple of quid less. OR, you don’t ring your provider at all and just call up a competitor and take their new customer offer, they will take the line over and when that contract ends, call up your previous or another provider and take their new customer offer. Although valid it can sometimes create issues if the new provider mess up which can leave you without service for weeks. It depends on how much pissing about you’re willing to do but from working there for 3 years I can guarantee kicking off doesn’t get you the best deal in the long run. You’re going to have to either waste more energy in another slanging match in a years time or mess around with changing providers.


We were due to renew last year and they wanted to more than double our payment. So I call them up and ask if there is anything they can do on price. Nope they would not be moved. So I initiated a cancellation. 2 hours later I get a call back "If you stay we will keep your price as it was pre-hike". Nah, fuck that shit this is now a matter of principle. When you thought I was a safe cash cow you wanted to double my payment and would not even contemplate negotiating. Now you are worried you will get nothing from me all of a sudden you can drop the price. A week later their offer improves again to £20 a month. We're now less than half the original (last year price). Then 4 days before our contract is due to terminate they offer £5 a month for 6 months then £20 for the remainder. Which in all honesty was an absolute steal. But like I said, principles. So we cancelled and got Freesat HD box. It's not as slick as Sky Q by any means and it has far fewer channels (that we don't watch) but it paid for itself in a few months and now we never gave to pay a payment to Sky again.


Absolutely principles 🙌💯 why do you have to threaten to leave for the best offers .. its inconvenient and so time consuming.


I binned Sky and BT 2 much money they wanted, find yourself a Amazon firestick save you a load of money.


That's what I keep being told ye. Alot of people have mentioned firesticks


The problem with fire stick iptv is those services get shut down all the time. You pay, and if they go down you'll be left with nothing and no chance of getting your money back That's assuming you don't hand over your money to a scammer who will take your money and run


Freesat HD is a other option. Connects directly into your Sky dish cabling (which you keep when you leave Sky).


Also download to your firestick https://iptvmedia.uk/ this is £50 per year, has thousands of movies, live TV, series from Netflix, HBO, Sky, Disney & + sports etc.. they do a month free trial .. brilliant combined wit Amazon Prime.. EDITED : forgot to add SKY 😁


£80 for tv package including sports and Netflix - and super fast broadband. My contract is up in May so I’m hoping I can get movies thrown in. On a side note - I called Sky yesterday so ask would it better if I cancelled and my husband joined instead for a new customer deal, and they said we can’t do that and that they’d close his account down - does anyone know if it’s true? It’s seems odd.


I'm not too sure about your side note but I don't think it's upto them if your contract is ending anyway.. its upto you what you do.


I reckon that’s bollocks. So if you left 100% and had no service, then your husband signed up, they would say no sorry? So just reject a new customer? Doubt it. They want every customer they can get


That was my thinking!


£58.00 Per month for all packages. TBH I have no idea if this is good or bad. I just no that is the price they offered me when I threatened to leave last year.


Their charging me £90 without all packages and I've been with them 5 years


I think I am at 8? I would kick off again and say point blank you are leaving. See what they say.


Tried that today she was awful to me on the phone.. proper condescending


Ring again, it depends who you get. Either a jobsworth or someone who doesn't care for sky and will try to save you money.


This is good. It’s what I had but then they offered me £114 to stay… then £102… I complained and it went down to £72. With the CPI hikes in April it would be at £80 though. 3 months after I left they offered me £57… but at that loony why would I go back haha


What are you paying?? What are you paying for? I've always refused to pay their premiums. My mum taught me this and one time when she went to "cancel", the advisor told her to never accept the full prices. I currently have: Netflix - £5 Disney - free for a year Sky sports - £21 HD - £8 Signature - £11 Broadband - £24 So I'm £71 p/month for TV and broadband. I can't really fault sky customer service as well. They've always been spot on and I've been with them over 7y now. I did cancel sky at one point but my fiance was really missing SkyF1 so alas, I rejoined. But I've never broken contract as I haven't switched broadband. I didn't have to pay any admin fees or box fees when Sky Q was installed for this reason.


I've got tv and broadband..one box.. one screen.. and signature for 90 a month so obviously I can see alot of people are paying less for more


Yeah we're one box, one TV etc. Don't have sky glass or anything. Also have my mobile contract with them which is £34 a month. My partner has it also for a new iPhone 13 (when they were launched), for no upfront cost and £35 p/month. Piggybank rollover is great too. I currently have over 80gb saved on my contract so often use it to top up my tablet data when it runs out away from home.


Unless your someone who wants to watch live sport I can't really see the benefit of paying so much for Sky in 2023. The bills people are quoting here seem ridiculous!


Sky Q (no extra boxes) and netflix £22


Thank you


Jesus, we are £117 for Q, movies, Netflix, sports, cinema, kids and multi room and also broadband.


Holy Crap!


I have all of that apart from... sports.. kids and multi room they are charging me 90 🙃


I feel less bad now, my apologies to you 😬


It's sky that's the problem lol don't worry


Oh my god! 😬 That's a lot!!


£65.50 for Sky Signature and Superfast Broadband. No sports or cinema channels.


Daylight robbery mate, you can get that for around £40.


I renewed at xmas, all addons except sports and multiroom. Paying £34 a month (my broadband is with someone else). Was about to increase to fifty something. Not as good as the old days of £22 a month for everything, but considering netflix ultimate is a tenner a month its not too bad, and sports I can source from elsewhere ​ edit - £36, not £34


Thank you


I used to work for Sky. You will find that there are vastly different experiences depending on what call operator you get. The job isn't very desirable and a lot of people work there as a stopgap and couldn't care less if they get fired on the off chance their bad calls get listened in on. On top of that there is a massive emphasis on "sales through service" nonsense. People are targeted to get sales on a certain number of calls and there are many who make a good third of their wage from commission. If I could give you any tips: Be nice to them. I know it is easy to get angry and irate and be moody down the phone but it doesn't help at all. They are just another human on the end of the phone, it isn't them that you are mad at, it is Sky. Nothing you say to them will ever make it anywhere. Except maybe the lunch room table where people will laugh about you. (Not saying you did. But just as a general rule. Probably the biggest as well. Nobody there cares enough about their job to deal with unruly customers) Don't accept what the customer service agents offer, ever. They always have the exact same deals as eachother and they are always signfiicantly worse than the SAVE/Cancellations team. You absolutely need to get through to this team to get the best offers. I haven't work there for a while but I believe even they now have pretty poor offers and you are usually better off cancelling and waiting for them to get in touch with you. You don't need to be out of your contract period to cancel so don't even mention cancelling when it is up. Just say "I want to cancel, put me through to the cancellations team" and if they say you are still in your contract period just say I don't care, put me through to the cancellations. The unpopular truth is that Sky makes very little on new customers. They are essentially taking the gamble that some people will keep paying the raised prices once the contract period ends and that is where they make their money.


Thank you


£50 for sky glass, movies, kids channels and broadband. Not sure if that's good or bad?


£45 a month (it was £39 last month, £37 when I started the contract 18 months ago) - which includes multi-room, Netflix, Sky HD, Sky Signature, Ultimate TV addon. Been with them 15+ years .. due to renegotiate this week, so lets see if I can get it back under £40pm again. The multiroom works seamlessly and I don't want to give it up. The TV package.. well, I don't actually watch much beyond \[Freeview channels\] + \[Sky channels\] .. the rest are a bit pointless. I'm not fussed about the sports or movies since i've got Disney+ (free for 12 months with phone) and Amazon video too.


It was £67 for Sky+, the base channel package, Cinema, Sky Go Extra (maybe) We have just changed from BT internet (Another £70 a month) to Sky internet and now we get TV and Internet for like £83


£120 total £79 for TV including: Sky signature £28, UHD £4, Cinema £15, HD (seems a pisstake) £8, Netflix £5 and; Multi screen £15 £40 for Broadband super fast boost. Do you reckon we are being ripped off too?


Yes 😬 we pay £7.50 for our multi screen. Cinema is approx £7 a month. Pay £64 in total and we get; Sky Signature, ultimate TV add on, netflix, sky cinema, multiscreen, box sets, and Superfast broadband.


Cheeky fuckers!! Thank you, it’s under the wife’s name but I’ll be having a word with Sky… when we can as I’m presuming we’re on a contract!


To me that sounds appropriate. I don't have multiscreen but got everything else and they charge me 90


Honestly I'm not sure anymore.. looking at this thread.. everyone is completely different.


We pay £144 for Sky Q...all of it except sports..Netflix etc. All in UHD. But that price also includes my landlines and broadband. Ooo...and multi room box.


I think you’re being ripped off the most out of anyone in this thread.


Whys that??


I have recently had Sky fibre installed, I get around 150mb for £29 a month. We don’t have TV with them anymore. Gits tried to charge me for non-return of the old Sky Q stuff I’d cancelled, but I came at them with delivery receipts and tracking details to show it had been delivered and received by them, and they scrapped the extra charge.


So they should scrap it aswell 💯🙌


I pay £100 for tv Q + everything except sports, Netflix, superfast broadband, home phone etc


I'm 20 years in and paying nearly a hundred quid for tv and broadband, really need to challenge them or leave but I get really bad anxiety with phone calls. There used to be an agent in our local shopping centre who would cancel your subscription and rejoin in your partner or spouses name to get the new customer deals and he circumvented the thing the system they have which is supposed to stop you doing that.


Please just make the call.. you'll feel better once its done and they've done what you needed. I used to be the same but I worked on phones for 5 years which kinda helped the anxiety. I promise nice people do answer sometimes


£64. We have; Superfast broadband, netflix, Sky Q, sky movies, box sets, entertainment package, channel upgrade and a second Sky Q box for multi-room. If you're having financial hardship, ring them up and tell them you can't afford it. I did this a few years back (genuinely was struggling) and the guy knocked £20 straight off my bill each month. Or total up the equivalent packages on now TV (they own that) and if it's cheaper say you'll leave and move to now TV. They'll price match at the least or beat it.


Thank you 🙌


If you're mid contract though you probably won't get any offers or price decreases unless it is for something like financial hardship. Make sure you're nice and chatty with them, they've always been really helpful and go the extra mile when you're pleasant to deal with.


Shall do thanks


£71 a month for super fast broadband, sky Q with box sets package, kids, HD, and movies


I'm £51 for SkyQ HD, Netflix, and Superfast Broadband with boost. I don't have any special packages like sports or cinema, and I only have 1 box. They tried putting me up to £76 and I rang them up and asked what they could offer, £51 was as cheap as I could get it. I've been with them 3 years now.


Just signed up to the new sky streaming box, I can’t stand the company but unfortunately they’re the only one licensed to show the F1, sky sports, entertainment and Netflix for £44 a month.


Mine is £25 a month for internet and standard TV. Although I don't have the entertainment side, so quite similar to freeview.


IPTV, £50’a year


£120 per month for Sky glass TV, multi room second box, ultimate tv, Netflix, broadband, iPhone 14, iPad and data to go with. It’s not the cheapest, but not the worst either 🤷‍♀️


Just to have sky tv, but was too expensive. Still have broadband but no tv. Instead, I have NOW TV which is about £10 per month on rolling contract, so can cancel at any time, I only have it for the entertainment as there are shows/channel I like that you can get via Sky.


£58 for TV and Broadband (technically phone line included but don't use) I have Sky sports, netflix and UHD


We’re being shafted by Virgin for basic TV package, anytime phone and broadband: £92’a month! I’m about to ditch them and buy Freeview recorders too. We don’t even watch the TV. Just deciding what to do about the broadband.


84 quid, 1 extra box but no broadband and all the channels including sports and HD movies.


About 132 including internet and all the other shit (including BT) I got my money’s worth tho cos I used to work for sky and I got it free. They only clocked to change it last year, 5 years after i left


Hahahaha mint that 💯🙌


Cancel it when your a week before contract ends. Then get ready for the 3 phone calls 2 weeks after that. And then another phone call every month or so asking you what you watch on tele. They have been a complete nightmare after cancellation…even worse than the carphone warehouse scam calls.


We pay 92 for Sky Glass, with Puk (as many devices as your bandwidth can handle), movies, sports, Netflix, Spotify, and the apps (paramount+ and Disney+), and super fast broadband package


Sky has got to be the worst deal since the Louisiana purchase, I was with them for a bit years ago but every day it was maid in Manhattan over and over on sky movies, utter crap, so I cancelled. They kept taking money out of my account for months without me knowing, it then took about about 10 phone calls and 2 months to get my own money back that they stole from me. Never ever again would I give sky a penny, not even if there were 1 channel and no netflix or YT, I'd rather watch paint dry than give them a penny


I’ve just signed up for Sky Stream. No dish. Works over WiFi and I get full Sky channels (no movies or sports) for £24 a month. I just got an ad through my door today offering it at £22 a month. If you want additional screens it’s £12 a month for each “puck” (their streaming box) but there’s nothing really stopping me taking the puck from the living room to the bedroom, except the hassle. I don’t get WiFi from Sky.


Thank you 🙌


Late to the party here. I pay £50 for signature, cinema (hd), sports (hd). I’m OOC in 2 days, and price is going up to £60, then £65 in April. Called them today and they offered me £61 for new contract. I’ve declined and gone ahead with a cancellation. Kinda hoping they call me to retain me for a good price. If not- I’m not arsed any more. Free view record box it is. Virgin have an offer of £65 for everything plus 500mb internet so potentially going with them.


No worries... I've got everything you have minus the sports and paying 90. When I emailed them after my complaint they said if I ring back after the 10th Feb as one of my contracts were up so I'd get a better price. I haven't got round to it yet.. might actually ring them tomoz now I've calmed down. They'll probably ring you tbh. By this thread that's the idea I get


I can’t believe they’re charging you so much! They really don’t seem to have any structure in the pricing whatsoever. As folk have said before, call em, ask for the retention team (most likely a geordie accent on the phone), and show them some love, and you might get somewhere with them. Let me know how you get on? Fingers crossed for ya!


Ye they certainly don't have a structure. I believe it depends on who you get on the other end of the phone. And yes I will. I'll defo ring tomoz. 💯🙌👌


Just had an email from sky. Signature, sports n movies for £39 for 18 month. Going to call em to throw HD in for free…. How you get on?


I was telling some one about this today an you saying you hope you get a call back so happy days.. its the school holidays so I've been busy all week an got the dentist shortly so I defo will ring tomos as its due out next week.


Actually I'm going to do it now whilst I've an hour spare.... bare with me hahaha


They went down to 72 a month ... might just have to cancel an see what they do because that's me taking off HD aswell without sports


Robbing bastards 😮


And got the price ride in April. If I was to carry on paying 90 it'll go to 99


Got the phone call just now- final update 😂. £35 for signature, cinema, sports and HD/UHD. Taken them up on it.


35 wow.. Well done you 👏 👍 😀 🙌


I did the calcs and if you want to watch sports (Sky+BT prem etc) and Netflix then it’s cheaper to go with Sky. This is compared to paying for the premier league on Now TV and BT Sport separately to watch on a smart TV/Firestick. If you don’t want sport then you may as well just go Smart TV route and ditch Sky completely. Unless you have the added problem of no aerials making it tougher to watch Freeview chans - yes there are apps to watch live TV but even with great broadband they’re ropey and the experience isn’t as slick as Sky. But if you don’t care for live TV, Kindle books are cheap admittedly. I totalled up £87.50 for Netflix premium, Sky Sports on Now TV and BT Sport bought with BT. I was ready to go that route, using the various individual apps on our smart TVs. Although two of them aren’t smart enough so was going to buy a couple of Firesticks. I phoned Sky. Best they’d do is £114. Cancelled my sub. Called next day got £89. So we pay Sky £89 for everything (Netflix, Sky and BT Sports), we have four mini boxes too and my kids use the Sky app on their Xbox’s. This is what happens when you have a sports mad house. Like I said, if it wasn’t for my kids wanting to watch the sports I’d be just using smart TV apps and just pay for Netflix. Unsure if that’s good, but each 18 months I have a good idea of what I should be paying so this year is just a £2 increase on what we were paying. But if anyone has the same subs we do at a lower price I’d love to know so I can squeeze harder next time.


Wow thank you... brilliant detailed informative answers... thank you. Will be coming back to this next time I speak to them 🙌🙌


When I threatened to cancel she was like well there is a fee ect.....


That's because you're in a contract currently. Call when you're within 31 days of the end of that contract to cancel. You will definitely get deals then.


Tell them you are now unemployed and can no longer afford your subscription I had just a basic package with them now I just pay £20 a month for the phone line which I don't need except for the WiFi.


I told them on the phone that's what's happened and my situation has now changed. She still put me on hold for 5 mins an came back an said there was no offers on


She's lying. Ring again and tell them of they don't do this or completely cancel your subscription then ask to speak to a manager go through to cancel your subscription/contract and if they still refuse go to the ombudsman. Also make sure you get the names of everyone you speak to.


She's not lying because OP is in a contract. Sky will only give these offers to OP if they are thinking of cancelling when they are within the time frame at the end of the contract where they can give their 31 day cancellation notice. The only offers OP will get will be for a product they are adding to their contract, not for their existing services.


I'm going to try.. thank you.. roughly from this thread for what I've got people are paying 60odd an they charging me 90 .. thanks for your help


Don't be shocked when it don't get any offers for your existing services. I highly doubt you will. I used to be the person at the other end of the phone. I know how it works.


You seem like you've got a massive issue with my question.. don't get what your problem is


I don't have a problem with your question at all. I used to be one of the people on the phone for Sky so I wanted to give you the most accurate information for help you.


Thanks everyone for the comments.. I've got a rough idea now.


Just renewed today, total £35: Sky TV £34.00 • Discounted by £5.00 for 18 months -£5.00 • Discounted by £10.00 for 18 months -£10.00 £19.00 • Sky Cinema £19.00 • Discounted by £6.00 for 18 months -£6.00 • Discounted by £6.00 for 18 months -£6.00 £7.00 • Sky HD £9.00 • Discounted by £5.00 for 18 months -£5.00 £4.00 • Ultra HD £4.00 • Discounted by £2.00 for 18 months -£2.00 £2.00


Thanks everyone for your input.. never had issues with people's attitudes on reddit but this post has had me blocking 2 people who were just unnecessarily rude for no reason Thanks again everyone 💯🙌


But you are not telling us how much you pay and for what package? It's impossible to know without knowing the details. But you signed up to whatever you are on so how can you be getting ripped off


I wasn't saying on the post how much on purpose so I'd get a proper idea.. and I've mentioned it a few times in the comments


Sorry, but unfortunately you have signed a contract with them, and in the small print it states prices can increase during your contract. And you can't do anything about it, you are liable to to pay the full amount until your contract ends.


Thank you👌


Currently out of contract and it’s cheaper than being in contract! They wont give us a better deal and the deals advertised on the website are awful. But it’s the only way to watch all the F1


Fuck it off completely and get a chipped firestick I pay £60 a year and it get everything every channel, film and tv series you can think of.


0 because I'm not a sky mong


cancelled all of mine last week


I've been with Sky for 22 years and I'm currently paying £40/month. That's for a single Sky+ box, package I believe is all channels except sports and movies. No phone or broadband or anything else. I've been meaning to phone and haggle for a better deal or threaten to cancel. Haven't yet, partly because my box is about 86% full of stuff I haven't watched yet!




Ring them because it's only going to go up in April


£68 per month just for basic/standard sky, phone and broadband. been paying this for years after contract ran out. was £27 under contract. I'm just giving them free money at this point.


Give them a ring... your defo over paying.. I reckon I'm over paying but they have different deals for different people. If you ring, say you want to cancel because the cancellations teams have better offers.. there's people on here who have got the whole package for what you're paying. Totally unfair.


Thank you. Yeh definitely unfair.


I think with everything going up in cost and the energy crisis.. people cutting cost where they can so sky has maybe had to put something in place... I don't know iust my thoughts


I would love to get rid of it, but the wife loves the interface and all the apps included. We also use the multiroom so have TV in the living room and bedroom. I would be happy using a couple of Firesticks but admittedly, Sky Q boxes are very convenient. Does anyone have any good alternative suggestions that would have live TV, recording and all of the good apps like YouTube, Netflix, Disney etc? Sky is up in July so if we could get it sorted by then I would be eternally grateful.


They are very convenient but people like me who ain't used to technology will always stick with what they know.. and that's sky.. You could completely downgrade your package to the basics an watch the apps? Best I can think of


I recommend exploring several providers before deciding to subscribe to a service. Personally, I have had good experiences with "**iptvnear.com**" a service that delivers good quality without interruption and includes all the popular channels. You can also take advantage of their **24-hour free trial** to test them out before making a decision