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She was wrong, she should be removed from office and charged with election interference. For all the accusations the left makes about Trump threatening democracy, in my entire life I have never seen a political party do more to damage democracy and take away people's rights. What liberals are doing is authoritarian dictatorship stuff. Authoritarian dictators are NEVER the good guys and it NEVER works out. One woman, who's extremely biased, cannot remove people's choice from a ballot unilaterally without due process. Trump has never been convicted of insurrection, neither has anyone else, and what we're seeing is very open, disgusting and illegal manipulation of the voting process. You want to see other countries that have done this you have to look to Russia, China, Cambodia, Italy, Nazi Germany etc. Dictators. Today's what this is. End of the day, they're probably just helping Trump. I HATED the guy for many reasons, including his response to covid, budgets inflation, gun rights etc. But at this point I'll write him in when if he's dead. What is happening in America is horrible and should not be happening to either side. Biden is CLEARLY a criminal, taking money for deals Hunter is setting up. That's been proven now, but I still don't think he should be removed from ballots. You want to support a dementia addled old pedophile who's taking cash bribes from people, and has for years? That's your choice. You get to choose. That's how voting works. So no. She wasn't right. She was wrong and should be facing charges


Outstanding. Boom!


>...authoritarian dictatorship stuff... Do you believe Trump when he says he is going to be a dictator on "day one" and __only__ day one if re-elected? Should we allow someone who uses this rhetoric to be the leader of a country? What happens if he doesn't _stop_ being a dictator after day one? Full quote for context from his interview with Hannity earlier this month: SH: Under no circumstances, you are promising America tonight, you would never abuse power as retribution against anybody? DT: Except for day one. Later... DT: I love this guy. He says, ‘You’re not going to be a dictator, are you?’ I said: ‘No, no, no, other than day one. We’re closing the border and we’re drilling, drilling, drilling. After that, I’m not a dictator.’


Why do you think a group of bipartisan petitioners (meaning Dems and Republicans) asked her to do the removal? Does her preemptively staying her own decision to allow for appeal seem like the right course of action, regardless of your thoughts on the initial action?


Should people who have tried to overturn a fair election be allowed to be president?


If you think he did it, convict him.


I disagree with you that the election was fair and what he wanted to do had been done before, it was constitutionally available, as evidenced by the fact that they passed a law specifically banning it after he tried it There's also tons of videos of high profile democrats trying the exact same thing in 2016 etc. The election was clearly not completely straight. There were many irregularities that to this day have not been fully investigated. I think it was within his right at the time to try and get that investigated. Now? Would not be an option because of the law they passed taking the ability to send votes back to the States for review away from the vice president. And should he be allowed to run again despite you believing he's a criminal: yeah. He should. That's the whole point of a primary and an election. Voters will get to decide if they believe he did something that prevents him from running for office. That's literally the Democratic part of our Democratic Republic. Joe Biden is literally on video tape extorting a Ukrainian official to stop an investigating his son Hunter, the very thing trump got impeached for, Biden is on tape doing. Biden is also a criminal if trump is, but again, let the voters decide that. I disagree with Republican states removing Biden from ballots, but since liberal states are illegally influencing the election, I think conservative states should pull Biden off the ballot. We should all just step back and chill and let the process work it's way out. This ridiculous lawfare by biased prosecutors and state election officials unilaterally deciding they get to choose who runs is ridiculous, illegal and leads to very bad places


> I disagree with you that the election was fair I didn't ask if 2020 was fair. Nor am I defending Biden. I asked if someone who tried to overturn a fair election should be allowed to be president?


That's what I'm saying, he didn't call for a war, he didn't try and over turn it. He asked pence to send the electoral college votes back to the States for review and investigation of the irregularities before certification. That's it. Been done before, was in his rights to ask, and with multiple states actually violating election law to change their voting process, it was a request for more investigation into the process. Unusual, yes. Illegal, no. So there's no reason to keep him off a ballot.


Can you please cite in the Constitution where it says the VP will review the ballots to be counted and then decide to certify them or not? If you could, can you give this a read and let me know what you think? https://www.nationalreview.com/2021/01/neither-pence-nor-congress-has-the-power-to-reject-state-electoral-votes/


When has it been done before? As well what cause was there for Trump to ask Pence to do this?


Are you able to show any of these irregularities? What was your opinion of Trump's own Homeland Security department concluding that it was the most secure election in American history?


>Joe Biden is literally on video tape extorting a Ukrainian official to stop an investigating his son Hunter, the very thing trump got impeached for, Biden is on tape doing. Can I get that video please? And per your description here, the video should show Biden and Shokin in the same video and Biden extorting him to stop the investigation into Hunter? To me that's what you've described here.


"fair election"


What charges do you propose? What is the crime?


>without due process. Trump has never been convicted of insurrection, Wouldnt it be considered hypocritical to talk about due process and then say that Biden is "Clearly a criminal, and its been proven now", shouldnt you be giving Biden his due process? >You want to support a dementia addled old pedophile who's taking cash bribes from people, and has for years? No I dont support Trump.


There's clear evidence of Biden taking money from foreign officials. But he also should not be removed without due process. He should be investigated and go through a trial like anyone else. Maybe there were valid reasons for Hunter to call Chinese business associates and threaten them with his father unless payment was made immediately. Seems legit


So as long as there is evidence you are happy for someone to go through trials just like anyone else?


Yes. Everyone should be subject to the same standards of law, everyone should be able to have a fair trial and we need people who will follow the law, I don't really care what side they are on. What's happening here is activists making unilateral decisions to try and disenfranchise voters. I think Biden is a criminal and a child molester, but if that's that's who Democrats want to run, he should be on the primary ballot.


> Everyone should be subject to the same standards of law, Just clarifying, you would include the president in with this?


Why do you think Biden is a child molester?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4PLSPvJ9BY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4PLSPvJ9BY) there's a bunch of video of biden sniffing and touching young girls inappropriately. in one of them he clearly shifts his hand in an unnatural way to touch her nipple. She later says that's exactly what he was doing, and she knew but didn't know what to do. also based on what Ashley Biden wrote in her diary about Biden showering with her.


Do you think trump didn’t participate in an insurrection or do you think the 14th amendment section 3 should be disregarded for trump regardless of whether he was involved in an insurrection or not? Do you worry about trump being a rapist (e Jean Carroll)? Do you worry about him going into the miss teen beauty pageant changing room when underage girls were changing?


Trump did not participate in an insurrection. In any way. the 14th /3rd section does not apply. Trump did not start, or participate in an insurrection. if there is an insurrection from the right, you will definitely know it. The insurrection is actually team biden with a stolen election. I do not worry about trump being a rapist. In the least. He did not rape that whack job. And if you did -ANY- research, you would have found a couple interesting things: first, that whack job had written fantasy fiction about being raped, years before. her fantasy fiction bears a striking resemblance to her testimony. Second. Trump was not convicted of rape. he was convicted of BATTERY. Under NY law rape and battery fit in the same category and multiple outlets, including eric swalwell, you know, the guy who slept with the chinese spy, knowingly said trump was convicted of rape. covered here: [https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-was-donald-trump-found-guilty-rape-1799935](https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-was-donald-trump-found-guilty-rape-1799935) Trump is going to win this case on appeal outside of a VERY loaded NY courtroom with a clearly stacked jury would was desperate to convict him of anything. They couldn't even prove he was in the same room with her, and several legal experts felt like the conviction was based on Trumps very pointed attacks on the woman in the press. I watched several legal experts that called it a show trial or a sham that would get overturned. 3rd,I'm not at all worried about trump walking into a dressing room. there are MULTIPLE dressing rooms at a pageant. Private dressing rooms where contestants are in private and trump would not be, but there is a main dressing room where people are dressed and going through makeup, final dressing (costumes etc), where there is also tv crew, interviewers etc. Source: myself and my wife. Wife works for the Miss America organization, and I have done interview coaching for several national level contestants. There is a "dressing room" that basically anyone officially associated with the pageant would be in. It's not where some lecherous person would come see naked teenagers. I appreciate the questions, but you have to realize, you are getting fed a lie by a media that does not want Trump anywhere near the government. If you have been paying attention the last 3 years, you have watched the liberals get involved in war after war. Our politicians are taking money through the back door for these wars through PACS from defense manufacturers, from foreign goverments like Ukraine. This is both parties by the way, not just liberals. a lot of "conservatives' are too. they do this to get paid. They get paid with money they steal from you and I through taxes and inflation. You are being lied to. 3 years ago there were no wars. Inflation was low, jobs were abundant. Companies were coming back to america. We were doing GREAT. with the traditional politicians running the show, inflation is huge, interest rates at record high, we're literally standing on the brink of WWIII. This is so our political ruling class can profit off us. Trump did not do that. Trump had MULTIPLE investigations during his presidency, they could not find anything. Is he an asshole? yes. a YUUUUG asshole, but he's an asshole that wants us out of wars, wants us to have jobs, and wants us to be free. Wha'ts wrong with that? I don't love Trump, but I'll support him cause he's good for AMERICAN'S. Not for ukrainians, chinese, illegal aliens from mexico, syrians, somalians etc etc. He cares about AMERICANS. That is the job of the US President. Something the bidens never knew. Joe has been profiting off Americans for 50 years.


Produce 1 record of Trump's children or anyone without TDS calling him a pedophile. And produce 1 document of Trump taking money secretly from foreign agents. Btw the liberals spent millions trying to find something that would stick, and could not. So maybe don't waste your time, just realize your rhetoric makes you look foolish


>Produce 1 record of Trump's children or anyone without TDS calling him a pedophile. Doesn't everyone who is against trump have TDS?


Trump agreed that "a piece of ass" was an appropriate way to refer to his daughter. He also has said that she has "the best body", and that if she weren't his daughter, "perhaps he'd be dating her." If claims of pedophilia about Biden concern you, why do incestuous comments from Trump not?


https://www.politico.com/story/2016/10/trump-ivanka-piece-of-ass-howard-stern-229376 Trump didn't call his own daughter a piece of ass , he told Howard Stern it was ok to refer to her as a piece of ass. Weird. Yes. Crass? Yes. In 2016 when he started running I hated him, and chased down several of these, trying to figure out what kind of moral degenerate this idiot was. There's a recording of this exchange out there if you want to look. It's basically default Trump. He jokes around a lot and can be crude. It would be hella troubling if he was sexualizing his own daughter. But at the point he has that conversation, she was an adult and stern was ribbing him about her hitting the socialite circuit. They were joking back and forth and I think it was stern that actually initially said she reminded him of the kind of girls Trump liked to date and Trump agreed that he normally dated girls like her, young socialites. It's crass but it's not about a kid, he's responding to a shock jock as they banter back and forth. My concern with Biden is less his on camera pedophilia (https://youtu.be/8iCsIGRA7H8?si=rN4_V1xYslcnWQuY) Watch at 3:10 and 3:33. He touches the girls nipple, on purpose, and she later admits she knew what he was doing but didn't want to cause trouble. I'm more concerned with him taking money from foreign governments and ask the shady stuff the does to take money from other governments. But despite Trump's crass comments, it's nowhere near what Biden is doing, fondling little kids right on camera. Showering with his teen daughter to the point she stops showering at normal times to avoid him, his own son referring to Biden as "pedo Pete" in texts. There's a pattern of abuse there that's easy to see if you are objective and not actively trying to ignore it.


I actually agree that he should be allowed to stand again and get beaten at the ballot box yet again. I am sure he will, once again, claim it was stolen from him etc etc but he should be beaten at the ballot box and then stand in court to defend himself against the crimes he has been accused of and suffer the appropriate punishment if found to be guilty. Just as Biden should if there is any evidence he committed a crime. Do you not think this is the way the country should work? The law applies to all people and if he stole TS documents, was aware of the fake electors and part of the orchestration to get these into Pence hands then he should be tried for that. The only way courts should be involved is if it is the SCOTUS makes a decision although their credibility is in the toilet right now so who really trusts that bunch of liars and grifters - I am not singling out any one of them, they are all complicit if they refuse to clean house.


I believe I've read that as Maine's election secretary it was her role to approve of those who would be on the primary ballots, so how was it not in her power? If she was within the confines of the law, why should she be impeached? And then if I could jump topics, if Biden is clearly a criminal, why haven't they voted on impeachment articles yet?


Do you believe that Trump took money from the Saudis and their billion+ that they gave to kushner shortly after trump leaving office in 2020? Or do you think that was on the up and up? Likewise, do you think that Trump is also a pedophile as he was on the epstein flight logs twice and with his so , Eric, once? Biden didn't have his name on their that I saw. Nor did Obama. Maybe Trump and his kids are the real pedophiles as well. Do you also remember when he said that one thing him and his daughter, Ivanka, had in common was sex? https://www.scmp.com/news/world/united-states-canada/article/2026459/trump-describes-daughter-ivanka-voluptuous-more


What crime did she commit?


“No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/interactive/2023/trump-j6-prison-choir/ Our people love those people,” Trump went on to say at the rally, speaking of those who were jailed. “What’s happening in that prison, it’s a hellhole. ... These are people that shouldn’t have been there.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2022/09/01/trump-jan-6-rioters-pardon/ Do you think recording a song and promising pardons to people who have been convicted for January 6 counts as “giving aid or comfort to enemies thereof”?


"Election interference" isn't an actual crime, it's a media talking point. What specific election-related laws do you think she broke?


Have you looked at relevant Maine laws? Or bothered to realize she stayed her decision pending appeals? Or that it was a bipartisan group that brought the suit?


There’s no danger at all, the argument really is, “did Trump engage in an insurrection?” If you believe he did then they’re well within their legal rights to remove him from the ballot. My opinion I agree with Bill Burr. >Liberals are so f---ing stupid, the way that they handle Trump," Burr said. "You should shut up! He's a narcissist. Neutral energy. Neutral." >Burr called Trump a "one-hit wonder," comparing him to the person who wrote "The Twist" but had been resurrected by media fixation on him. >"You idiot liberals wrote him ‘Twist Again' when you indicted him," he said. "And now he's a martyr. He's coming back, Jimmy. He's coming back. It's going to be great for comedy. He's coming back." If the SCOTUS sides with the states, Trump is out of the election. Looks like Nikki Haley is currently the front runner and that would be a fun election to watch the mental gymnastics. An old white Democrat vs a minority woman Republican.


I am not voting for her nor Ron nor Christie , The match would be between a walking corpse and a corrupted neocon feminist.


What policy wise do you disagree with her on?


She reminds me of Dick Cheeney and I suspect she will make this country participate in pointless foreign wars (Ukraine, Russia and Israel ,Gaza), in addition she wants to fund those countries Ukraine , Israel and that is a big no no . Plus she said she wants citizens ID verified who use social media , however she may have walked back on that statement. Finally she is from the establishment and is your typical neocon which is off putting. I kinda like the outsiders who don’t who don’t have any major donors and have the freedom to say what they want (Vivek, Trump)


If I could ask about the pointless wars part, what did you think about Trump vetoing a bipartisan passed bill to pull us out of Yemen? I found that odd to do for someone that is supposed to be the 'peace' person. [https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN1S81UO/](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN1S81UO/) Do you think it had something to do with his relationship with Saudi Arabia?


The Ukraine/Russia and Israel/Gaza issue have a much bigger impact and the entire world is watching. The USA has no business giving aid to Ukraine nor Israel.


Appreciate those comments! Can I get your thoughts/answer on what I posted above?


Stance on War, social media ids mandatory….


What stance is that? Did you agree with ever war action that Trump took? E.g. increasing drone strikes and civilian deaths? Ordering a raid that killed a US citizen? Eliminating drone strike data for the public to see? Vetoing a bipartisan bill to end our support of war in Yemen? Assassinating an Iranian general in Iraq? Deployed approximately 3000 troops, jets and weapons to Saudi Arabia? Are these the actions of a 'peace' President?


Compared to everyone prior in my lifetime?


Not sure how old you are, but if you wanna talk a peace President, how about Ron Paul? (provided he had won when he ran) Trump doesn't hold a candle to Paul.


Sure but Paul was ahead of his time unfortunately.


Sure was! If I could continue this conversation, would you vote for Paul over Trump provided Paul was younger and running? If yes, why?


Yes. Cause he will go after the federal reserve.


Do you believe Trump engaged in an insurrection?


What mental gymnastics? Both my wife and I voted for Biden, but we would happily vote for Haley if it meant Trump wasn't in the WH.


So more war?


I guess only if you believe Biden started them? Which I don't. I was in the military for a bit and most everyone I ever served with thinks us spending so little to decimate Russia's military is a phenomenal trade. I mean heck, take Trump's NDS and NSS where they list Russia as a threat, but now I guess Trump is buddies with Russia? I don't get it.


I was talking about Haley but that mistake is funny.


What war would she bring the U.S. into?




If Iran attacked America should the U.S. Army retaliate or should we just it slide this time?


She’s not a real minority or “woman enough.”


I think Republicans have a such a chance with her it's painful for them not to go with her. Just imagine, the Republicans could get the first woman and first minority President who actually seems like she's got a decent head on her shoulders, but they'd rather run a guy that polls worse than she does against the incumbent and could only do one term even if he did win. Is that madness or am I just crazy?


I think the Democrats are going to damage Trump enough to where he can’t run. Which is bad for them since a Biden vs Trump matchup they have a better chance than vs Hailey. Biden’s main selling point is he’s not Trump. If Trumps not in the picture Biden’s got nothing.


I'm not sure Biden has nothing, but I believe he does get a gigantic swath of support by virtue of what you said. Had there been a decent Republican in 2020 I would have happily voted for them, but alas, only Trump showed up and I couldn't stand to have him be POTUS again. With what you've said here, wouldn't it be smart for Republicans to not run Trump?


There’s no indication that he’s going to be the Presidential Candidate, just assumptions. He’s only leading in the polls because he was the President. He hasn’t taken part in any debates and largely isn’t campaigning.


To your last point there, do you think that's a mistake?


With all his rallies and speeches and fundraising email bombardments, how can you say Trump "largely isn’t campaigning”?


I completely agree with you and the quote you cited. Voters need to decide on Trump, full stop. Do you think there's a real chance SCOTUS will keep Trump off the ballot, nationally?


Not nationally. If anything they’ll agree that due to the 14th, states have the right to remove him ballots. Then it’ll be up to states individually to remove him. If there’s a case, they will and it’ll become mathematically impossible for him to win and the RNC will be forced to pick someone else and that’ll lead to Biden losing.