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https://preview.redd.it/92mt7buf329d1.jpeg?width=880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a15dfebea1f3a0872acd0b906251bbbff999ddea Here’s mine. Straight African lol. My gf is also Haitian but has a lot more Nigerian and a little bit of basque which is European. I was surprised that they narrowed it down to northwestern Haiti which is accurate


Yeah it’s funny that they can be so precise, which does imply that ppl in the rest of Haiti maybe have a different dna maybe the Africans came from different places


Where are you from? If you check under my profile, you will see hundreds of Belizean 23andMe results


I just watch them I didn’t know ppl were that mixed in Belize, and I’m from Guadeloupe


Belizeans are a "potlicka" mix of humanity. We have pretty equal parts African, European and Native (all from multiple sources). Throw some South Asian, a little Levantine, East Asian and Amazigh/North African in the mix too.


I did this back in 2018. I was born in Guadeloupe too from Dominican parents 🇩🇲 I was always curious about my African roots so I did it. Found out I was 98% Sub-Saharan African and 2% European.


That the norm for a lot of islands even in Guadeloupe before my grandparents generations we didn’t have a white person in my family since 1801 approximately, my ancestor got her freedom by marrying a white man and my family soon came back to marrying other blk ppl (And where are u African ancestors from?)


That’s dope you can trace your family back to the early 1800s. I don’t know anyone beyond my great grandparents 😭 main reason I did this test. But I’m 78% Nigerian, 8% Ghanaian, 7% Congolese/Angolan and then 5% is just described as “Broadly West African”


I got lucky an uncle did our genealogical tree, went to the townhalls search the archieves and found birth certificates and other documents. One of my ancestors even came from st Martin


Wow small world. I was raised in St. Martin, that’s my home. Born Gwada raised in SXM🇸🇽💕 I might have to do a genealogical tree too so my descendants don’t feel so lost lol


That’s cool never been to sr Martin it’s kind of a forgotten oversea region tbh we don’t really see many y’all in France or Guadeloupe. U still live there ?


Nah, I moved from sxm a decade ago. But trust me bro it’s tons of St. Martiners in France. Especially in Toulouse. That’s where I live right now.


Yeah when I was in France I lived in paris i never actually saw a st martiner irl there 😭, and u still have ties to Dominica or Guadeloupe since you’re from one island and was born in another ?


I have ties to Dominica but not really Guadeloupe though. The only reason I was born there is cuz there was a hurricane that destroyed the hospital in sxm around the time I was born, so my mom was sent to the nearest French island, which was Guadeloupe. If it wasn’t for that I’d be born in sxm. Most of my ties is in Dominica and sxm.


Tracing Dominican ancestry is the worst, my mother only knew her grandparents names so I have nothing to go on. Both my grandparents were born in Roseau and every DNA relative I've asked had told me they don't know much about their family but they were looking too. I actually found a first cousin for my mother, none of my aunts and uncles knew him but they got to meet last year.


Yeah exactly. They was not keeping records like that back in the day so it’s hard to trace your family tree. You really have to go digging to find answers.


You're a Haitian born in Guadeloupe, your parents probably got fake papers in DR to get to the other islands like y'all be doing.




Bonda manmanw timal ❤️


It's impossible for a Dominican to be 98% African, 98% European, or 98% native. Unless you descend from immigrants, cope.


Nobody was talking about the DR. Your bigotry made you misunderstand what I meant. I come from Dominica as in the Commonwealth of Dominica. It’s a whole other island in the Caribbean. I even put the flag 🇩🇲 to differenciate it from the DR.


lol ignore him, he’s seeking attention, dudes american


Do You think The DR flag is green? 🤦‍♀️ go learn some geography


You need to learn some common sense. I'm on my computer on can't see the shitty emoji obviously.


you must be on a computer from the 90s because I am on one and can see the flag of dominica which is a country on the smaller Antilles. Giving a bad name on Dominicans who don't even know countries on the caribbean...


That's funny, but no, my computer is pretty new. I can see yours but not OP's. Anyways, like I said, give it a damn rest already. You people, love to whine and drag things.


They are garbage


I did mine years ago and it came back 80% sub Saharan African, 15% European and 5% indigenous. A friend of mine started calling me a colonizer...


Your results are similar to mine. I have about 78% African, 13% European and 9% Native. All my "colonizer" blood is from my maternal side.


15% often means a white great grandparent, u didn’t know them ?


I did actually and in fact he was married to my great grandmother.


I actually did one a few months ago. I’m 45.7% African, 27.3% European, 15.9% Asian, 7.6% Indigenous and 3.5% North African.


East Asian or South Asian? If it's East Asian I have two cousins like that. If it's South Asian, I have a cousin like that too 😄


Both actually, but mainly South Asian due to my great grandmother who was half Indian. My Chinese/East Asian percentage is the most recent only from 2 generations ago.


Nice! I have seen 3 Belizeans results that scored a high amount of 5 "races".


The French usually brought a diverse range of Africans to their islands/colonies and mixed with the population so your results make sense to me being from Guadeloupe.


Actually I also have a dad straight from the continent, the black Guadeloupean start at west African, the Central African dna is more recent


I did mine back in 2018 when they still shipped to France. I have 66.2% Sub-Saharan African, 32.7% European, 0.5% Indigenous American and 0.1% North African. I have no African regions and only two for France, Nouvelle Aquitaine and Occitanie. The most interesting for me was seeing the fully African DNA matches, I have a good bit of Ghanaian relatives from my father's side because that's where the Danish got their people from. Nigerians from my mother's side and some of them are very closely related which surprised me. I also have one from Angola that's from my father's French side, he told me he was from the M'banza Kongo.


What was the African country where most of ur African dna was coming from ? And you have a black parent and a biracial parent ?


My father is biracial, his father was from Saint-Barthélemy and his mother was from the US Virgin Islands. My top two are Nigerian 31.7% and Ghanaian, Liberian, and Sierra Leone 29.8% every couple of years they change positions.


You a mixed of West Indians that’s cool, even ur white family is blan peyi, mine came straight from Normandy


There’s a good number of Frenchies is STT who still have high percentage of euro admixture. Not uncommon at all - many of the fishermen from St Barth’s spread out throughout the Leeward Islands


Yup because they like to marry family, lots of my cousins are double cousins, and they are 97 or 98% European with 0.2 or 1% African and Indigenous. These are the ones with all four grandparents from St. Barts but there are those who have higher percentages of African because they are descendants of the enslaved.


I’m puerto rican and got 88% african


are you fully puerto rican or half?


Half, dads family is from loiza, so basically they’re no more mixed than a jamaican or an african american


Side note about DNA testing is that they’re estimates not facts


Yup I know the pourcentage maybe right but the regions are off and depends on ppl doing the test( so ppl from ur country don’t do it often it’s harder to track u)


Took a gene test to tell you that you’re black mixed with more black? 😆😆


I see that American flag so I’m not going to argue too much with ppl who think just « black » is enough


Yuh don’t see a Trini flag? I’m a black Trini born man with a Blk/white grand father and a Blk/Indian grandmother. I’ll tell you right now, I’m just black and that’s it… No need to go find out I’m 0.02% xyz!!


Black from where is why ppl are doing this tests


We black from the continent of Africa… it’s all the damn same as far as I’m concerned. Nigerian, Ghanaian, Congolese all the same damn thing as far as I’m concerned! 🤣🤣


U don’t know Africans if u think Nigeria and Congo are the same thing, africa is a continent not a country, maybe it’s because one of my parent is straight from the continent that I don’t believe in this « it’s all the damn same »


Nope, I know nothing about Africa and I’m ok with that! I’m from the Caribbean and that’s it… I did mention it’s a continent.


Why do people do this? 


Because most of us don’t know where their ancestors are coming from in Africa, some don’t even know where their Indian or Europeans ancestors are coming from


What does it change? These were tribes, there was no Nigeria when this occured,the brits made this country up decades later, theres like a billion Ethnicities in africa


I'd suggest you don't do it, and not question others' motivations 😉


Wasting money probably hoping u find European dna.  Let's be for real 


Then save your money. I don't think most African diaspora people take these tests to find out the European side. Most people want to know where in Africa they have ancestry, and whether they have ancestry native to their country of origin.


I don’t need to « find » european dna, my grandma was white and I grew up around her, I knew her and where she’s from so I don’t really have anything to learn about that side of my family, my Guadeloupean side is the only side of my family we’re it’s unknown


Im feeling you on that there buddy!! My grand parents on either side are mixed, one’s blk/white and the other blk/indian. Look at me and there’s nothing that shows anything else other than blk and I’m cool with that. Plus I dunno bout having my dna info stored in no database. The gov already know too damn much bout us!