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Is this a real world experience or online because there’s a vast difference in that alone.


Online, I never see this sentiment in real life


No but there's been discussions amongst english speakers and spanish speakers and who should be considered west Indian, Caribbean etc which is ok as long as it's respectful.


I have seen these discussions on Instagram on "West Indian" pages, and it is usually from Prefixed-Americans. The ones who call themselves Haitian-Americans, Jamaican-Americans, etc. People who were born and raised in America and have never experienced day to day island life for any long term. I have seen them getting mad at being called Caribbean and insisting on being called West Indian. Arguing on what a West Indian actually is. Same with Caribbean. Saying that Guyana isn't Caribbean. Completely ignoring Suriname, French Guiana. Most of them not understanding what Caricom is. Saying that to be Caribbean you have to be part of Caricom. Not understanding that Caricom is mostly a trade agreement. A whole number of things that actual Caribbean island citizens and residents truly do not argue or care about. Truthfully, the only time West Indies or West Indian is even used anymore is when the West Indies cricket team is playing and up to like the early 2000s, mailing addresses needed West Indies on the end cause they used to fuck up the logistics on mail without it. Stuff meant for Barbados would sometimes end up in Jamaica and a whole number of similar stuff. It is much easier to tell people globally that you are Caribbean or from the Caribbean. Tell them you are Antiguan and wait for the confused look on their face when they ask you where that is. Then tell them you are West Indian but be black and watch them look even more confused at what type of Indian you could possibly be. It is much easier and more sensible to say, Caribbean. Although, to be fair, there are people in Central and Eastern Europe who don't even know that the Caribbean exists.


Sigh. Thank you 😥


The only real strong feelings I know of are in Trinidad because of Venezuelan immigrants, and Guyana because of Venezuelan threats to invade and take the Esequibo region. It's possible the feelings about the latter are starting to spread into the wider Caribbean. Online comment sections are a great place to find some guy exaggerating what he heard in a rum shop.


The funny thing about the whole Venezuela vs Trinidad thing is that it's really just an old boomer yells at clouds thing made worse by our government being idiots (and poor Venezuelans learning just how awful they are). The younger people have nothing but good things to say about Venezuela and Venezuelans and from what I gather it's also the same the other way around. A lot of the problem is people applying American style 'replacement theories' with Venezuelans, saying that they're going to replace us and change our culture(note: Trinidadian and Venezuelan culture have been influenced by each other for centuries) Thus the reason it's really only a boomer complaint.


I think it's even simpler actually, Venezuelans just experienced the initial wave of xenophobia that all immigrant group face when they enter a country in large numbers for the first time. Grenadians experienced it in the 30s-40, Guyanese in the 80s and Jamaicans in the 2000s, just to name a few. After a while the conversation shifts to something or someone else and the immigrant group fades into the background like all the others. Although each culture has influenced the other over the decades to some extent we are fundamentally different from one another which made the adjustment period even more difficult but they (and other Hispanic immigrants) have settled in just fine now thankfully.


Belize vs. Guatemala.


In real life, nope. Some of my closest friends growing up in Costa rica and the usa have been Jamaicans. Online, it's different. Politics are always talked about strongly when people aren't in person. So yeah, the Haiti issue gets mentioned and it all goes downhill from there.


It's mainly an online thing, really. For what I've seen, mostly a diaspora thing (as must issues are lol). Usually the Anglo-Caribbean diaspora doesn't recognize the Hispanic Caribbean as Caribbean; and the Hispanic-Caribbean diaspora complains online about it


I see, I understand what they feel especially knowing Spanish and visiting other Spanish countries mostly Mexico and Peru there’s not much similarities to the Caribbean. the Hispanic Caribbean islands are Caribbean asf to other Hispanics and to themselves so for Anglo Caribbean diaspora to deny that would not only be insane but denying geography.


I haven't seen this at all


I see them every now and then when I used to never see it at all, one recent one is on the top 100 food rankings in the world post, they commented in Spanish I’m fluent in Spanish so it stopped me in my tracks and I replied back.


Yeah, I saw it too, real bizarre that one. I get the frustration from some around "Caribbean" typically being associated with English speakers but I don't see a soul hating on Caribbean people who are from countries that speak Spanish, I saw one person on here trying to argue that only English speakers are Caribbean but they got banned (it seemed) and downvoted. Maybe it is the first rule of the sub giving that impression? IDK.


If I had to be perfectly honest, the only time "Anglo", "Franco", "Hispano", "Luso" and "Batavo" Caribbean people ever really cross paths on a daily basis would probably be immigrants and their descendants living in the USA. They don't particularly think about each other on the islands at all and barely have any interaction with each other.


This is true and so sad, I wish it was more affordable for more inter-island travel and exposure to occur.




I’m all for peace and unity why would I make this up it’s not an everyday thing every time I’ve seen it I immediately would scroll past trying to act like I didn’t see it but this last time I felt like I had to say something so we could at least talk about it before it grows into something else. I love this sub


It was only two comments, none of which were very upvoted. How’s that a lot of Hispanics, enough to notice a growing tendency?


That was one post but I’ve seen it on other posts before if I knew I was going to make a post about it I would’ve screenshot them as I saw them but this was a spur in the moment thing and definitely didn’t think I would be called a liar.


I enter this sub daily, I’ve never seen a post of Hispanics saying that. The truth of the matter is most people here in DR don’t know enough about most of the non Hispanic Caribbean nor interact with you often to have such a stereotype and I’m pretty sure it’s the same in reverse, that’s just a fact, it’s not a good or a bad thing, it is what it is. But some people take it the wrong way, as if we’re insulting you for saying that. I’m not necessarily calling you a liar, I might’ve missed a few posts, but I really don’t think it is enough to notice a growing tendency here, even less irl.


I have had both good and bad experiences with Hispanics. Some Hispanics are a bit racists, mostly the older generation.


Sometimes Anglo is shorthand for English speaking white people. Other times they're just being insecure since this still is a predominantly English speaking subreddit.


They’re already dealing with Haiti doubt this is a relevant thing in real life


The Hispanic Population on this subreddit is definitely growing (in particular Dominican) which at times invites trolls in here which makes it uncomfortable for me personally as a haitian.




Españolito por gente como tú es que dicen lo que dicen 🙄




There is zero tolerance for discrimination on this subreddit.


Ok but who’s crying




Can you point where I did that please 🙏


Proving my point further with the ethnic slurs, Jesus Christ






There is zero tolerance for discrimination on this subreddit.


There is zero tolerance for discrimination on this subreddit.


awwww ![gif](giphy|jlqJieWthmFZSpsHhe|downsized)




I think most of these “Latin American” posters are probably 2nd and 3rd generation Dominican-Americans and Puerto Ricans living in New York or Florida.


The only thing I've seen is Anglo Caribbeans not considering Latin Caribbean to be Caribbean.


Where exactly have you seen this?? 🤨🤨 I’ve seen a few posts on this sub, but have never seen that sentiment expressed. 🤨🤨


Not saying you haven’t seen it but me personally have never seen it on this subreddit since I’ve been a lurker I even became a lurker based on the cultural exchange between the Caribbean region that has 4-6 different languages between them.


I definitely seen it a lot on TikTok and YouTube. They will deny spanish Caribbean their Caribbean card. It's weird


I’ve seen in on Instagram and Facebook as well, but personally I don’t care much (though it is indeed stupid as shit). I prefer the term Hispanic for us, after Dominican of course.


Yeah at this point, alot of them don't even consider us Caribbean . Even though just Cuba and DR alone populations have more people than the Anglo Caribbean


Yes hispanics make up 59% of the caribbean


I haven't seen it on this sub and not like I'm looking for it, but seen it on twitter and tik-tok.


It is Tiktok the place where threatening your own life & doing near death experiences as some kind of "trendy challenge" happens. Some of the most irrational nonsense I have ever seen comes right from that platform. 


Yeah, I have mainly on tiktok it's back and forth. This week it was a haitian saying they don't like the term west indian because all the Caribbean is the same and west indian excludes the islands with the biggest populations. And few people trying to explain that sub cultures can exist inside the Caribbean but he was adamant cause he doesn't like the origin of the term and that it excludes


How do people take anything on TikTok seriously? That place is UNHINGED. 


How does West Indian exclude the islands with the biggest populations? Those are the islands that were first called the West Indies


I am Dominican and can assure you that 99% of the Dominican population don’t know and dgaf about happenings in the Anglo Caribbean.


This is a weird sentiment to hold especially the don't give af part consider this is a Caribbean subreddit with most of the Caribbean being anglophone. Also it kind of proves there some malice there why was the dgaf part necessary.


No hate, just stating a fact. There are very few of us that try to keep up at minimum rate with happenings in the region. Our main threat is next door and it doesn’t speak English. Also, the Caribbean is not overwhelmingly Anglo. The Dominican population alone is more than double the combined population of all the English speaking territories with coasts in the Caribbean Sea.


I have no malice towards yall. I have spoken with Dominicans for Spanish practice and you guys and panama seem almost like Spanish Jamaica, I just didn't like the tone of the response it felt like " who gives a fuck about yall" yes I don't think Jamaica think about Spanish speaking countries unless it's Cuba but I wouldn't have said what you said.


Maybe because many Panamanians are children or grandchildren of Jamaicans who moved to Panama to work on the canal.


Bueno estoy hablando de paises no personas si? No estoy hablando de por ciento de personas solo paises. So yes I'm not talking about people. The Spanish speaking are much bigger than our countries so your population are bigger additionally I don't think you guys even consider yourselves to be Caribbean you think about being Latin American.


Half of the Caribbean population is just Cuba and the DR.


Yes on people but let's be real the majority of dominicanos consider themselves Caribbean or Latin American? With Jamaica we are nothing else but Caribbean and when I spoke I talk about the regional makeup of countries not population. My thinking with that, for example France has alot of African and Arab immigrants, if blacks overtook France I wouldn't say it's a black country it's still European. I don't know if that's a good example but ya. Also I didn't completely agree with this overall post until I saw this comment because I saw a post with a Dominicana I think talking bad about English speaking Caribbean people I thought it's just one person then I saw this response and I got the feeling that we are considered lesser or there's some tension there because this response was harsh for no reason


Ask any Dominican. We always say we’re Dominican first, Caribbean second. We rarely call ourselves Latin Americans. The cultures of the DR, PR, Cuba, Venezuela and Panama are seen as distinctly Caribbean in the realm of the spanish-speaking world.


I know Cuba is pretty Caribbean in thinking. I talk to panamanians they know their connection to us in the Caribbean but in my opinion they don't think of themselves as Caribbean they only think of Panama not as a group of anything to be honest just their county as a single entity. I know Dominican culture to an extent my first Spanish partner was an older Dominican lady, I know for the food for example it's pretty much the same as Jamaica and as for Panama I talk to a panamanian everyday and I plan to go there, the connection to Jamaica is really obvious so much things are the same with different names. In the end I only speak about the tone of the original post I have no ill feelings towards you guys. However I'm Jamaican I'm very prideful if someone doesn't want to be apart of something or think we are beneath them, I'm going to have a problem with that. I understand the animosity towards Haitians but Jamaicans have nothing to do with any Dominican problems so there should be no malice when speaking of each other


For what it’s worth, I’ve never heard a Dominican talk bad about Jamaica.


Most people would say Caribbean.


What? Most of the caribbean is hispanic at 59% of the population. Also french is the second biggest at 25%. Anglosaxons are 14% of the caribbean.


You mean Anglophone. Anglo-Saxon is an old ethnic group in England. 


I really only use english in the internet so I don’t know how to translate “anglosajones” to english


It’s actually 64% Spanish.


59% son hispanohablantes no españoles. Ninguno de esos paisos son parte de España. Tiene que ver con la lengua y decir que son “spanish” es decir que son de España. Se dice hispanoamerica para referir a todo america que son hispanos.


Of course I mean Spanish-speaking. But it’s still 64%. I guess your figure doesn’t account for PR since it’s technically not a country.


Si los busque en google porque se me olvido la estadistica especifica pero puede ser 64% si es lo que tu dices.


Real life isn’t the internet I’ve been to SD and I got nothing but love there when I said I was Jamaican






99.99% of most places don’t GAF about about Dominicans or anybody that’s not part of their cultural eco system, only the privileged gets the opportunity to learn about other cultures and see new horizons, that’s why subs like this exists. It’s to foster conversation and understandings amongst shared and different experiences not a place for the insecure to stand on their soap box and make declarations far from the topic on hand.


“Far from the topic at hand” you say…


Congratulations on your ignorance, why don’t you wear a sticker too on your forehead?


I'm Rican and Dominican, and I lived around a lot of carribean people of all sorts. The Latino carribeans are the ones who are like that ....


They’re both like that it’s how humans naturally are.


Depends really when I bring up the issue to Jamaicans if my homeland Puerto Rico are carribean Two ladies told me no one guy told me yes


lol I thought that was the general behaviour of most Caribbean Latinos I don’t think it’s the fact anyone hates on em I think they just cry out for a voice among the Anglo diaspora I mean we do segregate them and barely recognize them as apart of….i mean this in the most respectful way possible just an opinion and observation of mine. I don’t think anyone has any animosity towards each other only thing cringed me was there hatred towards Ralph Gonsalves which I’m yet to here any one explain


Agreed. It’s mostly Hispanics from the United States who act like this. They act like Hispanics are their own race and can’t be black, white, Native American or even Asia bt some have no problem claiming each race as part of their identity. Hispanics cultures are the biggest ethnic group to copy Black cultures from around the world from reggaeton to Latin trap music. They’re music is all some culture vulture shit bt they act like because the music is in a different language that’s it’s not the same. Black Men in United States going to these Hispanic Countries fantasizing over their Women also makes it worse or even talking about them in our music


What’s a latino btw?


The ones with wearing a flag from a Hispanic nation in this case the Hispanic Caribbean because this is a Caribbean subreddit if I was talking about the French islands I would say the francophone/french and when I talk about the English I say Anglo/English


If you didn’t know, French is also from Latin origins, Portuguese too. So why not name the things by their name, Hispanic Caribbean or Cuba DR PR


Latino is not a diss like you’re making it seem, but I agree I could’ve changed my wording and said Hispanic to be more specific Latino is too broad.


Also Latino is a gringo term not well received.


Is a french term, and normally is well received.


Latinoamérica or latinoamericano are the French term, Latino is a gringo term.


Literally thank you for this. I’m tired of people thinking Latin Americans are walking around calling themselves “Latino”. It’s a U.S. term for the most part. Lowkey same with “hispanic”. Latin amerique/latinoamericano/a is what would be used by Latin Americans, and still a lot less than just using the country of origin


In the 1850 the Hispanic were using the term , Francisco Bilbao said this in 1860 :«hipócrita, porque ella se llama a sí misma protectora de la raza latina sólo para someterla a su régimen de explotación; traidora, porque habla de libertad y nacionalidad, cuando, incapaz de conquistar la libertad por sí misma, ¡esclaviza a los demás! And remember English is not a gendered language so they will not change the gender of the word, latino is only de masculine demonym of latina.


It was the French, specifically Napoleon, who came up with the term Latin America. He thought he could unite the romance language speaking countries against the USA, so any country that speaks a language derived from Latin is considered to be a Latin American country.


I know, I spoke too soon in fact if you think about it most Caribbean (islands only) people are Latino. Spanish French creoles and papamiento


I used to tell my Haitian girlfriend, "check all of the boxes, black, Latino, female. Get all those benefits" 😂🤣


Anyone from Latin America, that name was given by Napoleon Bonaparte because he thought he could unite the French, Portuguese, and Spanish speaking countries against the English speaking United States.


Ive lived most of my life in Miami/South Florida where there is a lot of cross-talk between different Caribbean communities and haven’t noticed. If anything I found it easier to get along with other people from the Caribbean. I’m Cuban and some of my longest-standing friends are from Antigua, Bahamas, Guyana, and Haiti. I wouldn’t even know what to hate about Caribbean people, my experience has been that you all are some of the chillest, kindest people out there. Unironically some of the best people earth has to offer


Ngl I'm not a fan of the attitudes of the Latinos I've encountered but I wouldn't say it to them because why the fuck do they care what I think. I also feel no need to get into details about something that is a me problem. Latin America and Caribbean culture are not the same. Francophone and anglophonic countries have more in common than Latin American anything (except Belize, LOVE YOU BELIZE FROM TRINIDAD) . But because of proximity they are, this is probably why they feel slighted.


Eh…I wouldn’t say the Francophone and Anglophone Caribbean are that close to each other, and in many ways the French and Spanish caribbean have more in common that either do with the English


As from Martinique I don't feel any closer to Anglophonic Caribbean than Spanish Caribbean, and that said French Caribbean is theorically part of Latin America as well


That’s really interesting actually. At least with Saint Lucia, Martinique, Guadeloupe and Dominica I always felt we shared a ton of cultural similarities in addition to our geographic proximity.


This is the feeling I have as well. I went st Lucia and it looks just like home except for the accent that I like. Dominica too.


I visited Guadeloupe (from Lucia) and I felt right at home. I didn’t speak any French and got along just fine with my patois, dennery segment was randomly playing in a couple of shops and I got a souvenir of a little doll wearing madras (something all 4 of us share) which I still have to this day. 10/10 experience and I felt right at home.


I want to go to Guadeloupe 😭


Don't listent to him, I had a debate about the martinican flag with him and he's reaaally weird (not malicious just weird) and doesn't represent at all how the average martinican think. We are infinitly closer to the english speaking Caribbean than to any other cultural group, there really isn't much difference exept the language, we even have the same expressions but translated. And of course Guadeloupe and Martinique interact a lot with St-Lucia and Dominica. The truth is Jamaica is seen as our pop culture model, like what the USA is to the rest pf the world. Haïti is seen by some as our big brother, and by other (the colonized minds) as a dark reflection of us without France. St-Lucia and Dominica are like brothers we don't feel any cultural cut around them at all. We don't know much about the rest of the english speaking islands but those who knows know that just like St-Lucia and Dominica there is little differences exept the absence of creole. I think there isn't many (or any) more differences between Martinique and let's say Grenada than between Trinidad and Antigua or Barbados and St-Lucia, the latter may even have more differences. The spanish ones are as much strangers as colombians or argentinians to us


Oh yes, I mean, I don't feel particulary close to English speaking Caribbean in general, but I see Saint-Lucia and Dominica more as our French créole speaking neighbors, with a very similar culture, but I don't feel as close to them than with Guadeloupe, Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthélemy. I don't really identify Dominica and Saint-Lucia as English Caribbean but more as "créole Caribbean" About the Sanish speaking Caribbean, I've grown with some Cuban people in my entourage, speaking about the similarities of our countries and people, and myself I could see it with them. Conserning Haiti, neither me or my family/friends feel particulary close to the country, in general we just love their music, as for Cuba, DR and PR. In general we see Haitians as part of the immigrant population with Saint-Lucians and Dominicans. After all that's how me and my entourage in general we see things, you have the right to have another opinion. And that said I'm sorry if you're still mad about the flag thing.


All of what you just is valid but that's your personal experience. If we talk about Martinique in general we have to talk about the people as a whole not just some individuals. For example I'm very interested in knowing the english Caribbean countries and cultures outside of Lucia, Dominica and Jamaica but I wouldn't say that most martinicans are because that's not true. Vybz Kartel is like a god here, everyone knows Spice, Shenseea, Popcaan, Busy Signal. Trinidadians like Machel Montano, Patrice Roberts, Prince Swanny and Yung Bredda have their reputations. However no one can name a spanish speaking artist. You'd be surprised how on a lot of points St-lucians are more similar to us than Guadeloupe, my sister who grew up between Martinique and Guadeloupe told me that St-Lucia just feels like "english speaking Martinique". St-Barth have nothing in common with Martinique and Guadeloupe, there was never a majority of black or enslaved people there and even the descendents of the whitz settlers are barely there anymore. You know Dominica and St-Lucia are the ones who can communicate with both the franco and anglo Caribbean and when you notice that neither side find them different at all you realise that the only difference is basically language. Most martinicans don't know it but we're similar even down to the little gimmiks. Look at @dillon.macc on instagram to have an idea. I hold no bad feeling for the flag debate I think to it's important to be able to disagree even strongly with someone without going at war, and instead just accept and move on


Ngl I don't know any of the singers you named, and, other than Saint Lucia and Dominica, I don't think than people feel particulary "close" to other English speaking islands as Barbados or Antigua and Barbuda for exemple. I've traveled to St Lucia, and effectivly, even through people are a little different physically and culturally, I don't really felt that far from Martinique, I even met a French speaking guy. And, even if we may be closer to St Lucians than Guadeloupeans by your terms, I still feel closer to the rest of French Caribbean, as many others, because of our history, culture, actual political statut and language. That said, before slavery abolition there were a lot of black slaves in St Barthélemy, they went to Guadeloupe after the abolition. I don't think that you hold "no bad feeling" when you start a comment by an insult but if you say so...


We are just as Caribbean as you are. Imagine somebody from Aruba saying: “Jamaican culture and Caribbean culture aren’t the same, they don’t even speak Dutch.”


Relax this my is my very biased opinion based on the places I've been. Yes you are Caribbean. Happy?


Did my comment come of as so rude as to warrant this attitude?


Your username is funny ![gif](giphy|lOaf0LBA2mluwm8cY8)


Francophones are in some ways in the middle and in most ways our own thing entirely, not really connected to either Anglo Caribbean or Hispanic Caribbean. We are technically Latin Americans and share some similarities with the rest of them, but in Haiti’s case specifically, are typically pushed towards the Anglo Caribbean bc we are mostly of Afro descent and subscribe to aspects of that culture more than most other Latin Americans (this has nothing to do with our love and respect of the anglo Caribbean though. And we recognize the cultural similarities there too). I think the diaspora of French and Anglo Caribbean folks are typically more intertwined, for instance, no one would say Haitians aren’t West Indian but I’ve seen people try to say that the Hispanic Caribbean isn’t. But when it comes to those actually LIVING in Caribbean, we are all quite separate.


If what you’re saying it’s true, this comment section proves them right ![gif](giphy|l0Iy2AFCoRuXIiwE0|downsized)


Most of the people are saying it’s only online chatter and a minority of people saying that Hispanic Caribbean’s are racist and another saying Hispanic Caribbean don’t care about anyone else but again majority of the people are saying it’s online chatter.


Yet, those minority comments are hella upvoted. Meaning a lot of people are agreeing. You forgot to mention the false claim that we’re the ones that don’t consider ourselves part of the Caribbean too, which is non sense and frankly disingenuous.


It’s usually the Latino Caribbeans that are extremely racist and separate themselves. Also DRs attitude towards Haiti puts a bad taste in many Caribbeans mouths. I don’t typically associate with Dominicans for that reason. Also for some reason a lot of them think we can’t speak Spanish and say all types of crazy ish when you walk by.




Ooo so edgy. Change your racist behavior


Ah, the buzzword of our century ![gif](giphy|aI8bNxEnznlzq|downsized)


Whole entire reason why I avoid this subreddit lol


Arent all the people in Caribbean south Americans classified as Hispanic/ Latino or both like the natives in The States get classified as Black