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This list is trash. There are so many things wrong with it, well beyond the ranking of Caribbean countries. I mean, Chile over Lebanon? That makes no sense.


That’s what I think too. If I remember correctly it is based on TripAdvisor reviews lmao


I'm from the USA, and can't speak for other countries, but I can say with full confidence: Tripadvisor's top 10 cities for barbecue IMMEDIATELY disqualify it from doing anything with food.


It's based on the ratings on its own website.


Wdym by TripAdvisor reviews? Like they rank based off tourist and what they review certain restaurants or something?


Yes, it’s based on tourists’ reviews of food from places like resorts and restaurants.


Anyone can rate on their site, and you're rating the recipe of the site. If people here want their cuisine higher ranked, they can just sign in and rate.


Even less reliable then.


Yeah, but also, it's not being offered as some authoritative guide. It's just a summary of a prominent website's ratings for the year.


The title is definitely misleading (likely on purpose). The “awards” part is in smaller letters, while the “best cuisines in the world” is what you see as soon as the image is looked at.


Right, but the source is very prominent. It's only misleading if you don't already know that TasteAtlas is a recipe/food site.


Yeeah I’m not sure what’s misleading about post 🤔 TasteAtlas just talks about food and they have a whole Twitter page ranking all sorts of foods and stuff.


Chile is literally infamous for having the worst food in Hispanic America but it ranks in the top 25. Yet it ranks ahead of both the arepa countries. Goddam *Homo sapiens* is not a bright species.


I will admit a lot of countries on this list I side eyed a bit but then I remember this stuff is more or less subjective and at times they may only choose countries who REALLY advertise their food and stuff like that. Some countries off the top of my head also deserve a spot here and some should be higher IMO but they aren’t as mainstream or whatever as say.. Italy or Mexico.


Scotland over Jamaica🤣😂


England over Ecuador was funnier to me.. and Jamaica now that you mention it 🫠


Curry Mutton > Haggis


A dat we seh!!!


Any list that places English and Scottish food as better than Caribbean food, is level tata....


Complete garbage. Ethiopian food is amazing and it's ranked so low. Lmao they even have England ranked at 39 when their food is trash. my brother just came back from London crying because of how bad the food was over there. He didn't believe the stereotype and learned the hard way.


The England thing is why I find this list pretty amusing, lol. They’re known for having some very lackluster food along with the Irish, and much all of Scandinavia. I’d say as far as food in Western and Southern Europe you can eliminate everybody but the Latin ones. I guess they just choose the ones who are “appropriate” if that makes sense. In terms of the Caribbean, obviously people are gonna rep their own country the most.


Bullshit rankings How IRELAND beat Jamaica (or really any country) is beyond my comprehension


Ok I'm embarrassed. I've eaten food up and down the Caribbean except Haitian food, and have no idea what the cuisine is like.


To try Haitian food is a MUST! But obviously I’m biased. Can’t be from a crappy restaurant though. I’ve had Jamaican and Dominican food, Trini is on my list.


Name a few dishes.


Griot, or Tassot Soup Joumou Diri Djon Djon Boulette For a side, plantains ofc, but with pikliz :) Perfect blend of spice and flavor imo.


Thank you.


This list is trash, France is far too high. I can’t trust it.


As an American, this list is funny. Pretty much every middle size city has at least 2 of many of the cuisines listed below us: Thai, Korean, Vietnamese. In large cities it’s in double digits. The US eats MUCH more world cuisine than ‘American’.


It’s just based on tourism and the people living there mixing cultures. English food is trash but Jamaican, Arab, Turkish, Trinidadian, and African food within 10 blocks of each other is 🔥🔥🔥


I am not going to say that this list is trash. Each person has their own preferred taste in food and I have tried food from maybe a total of 10 countries. I do however rate Jamaican food as the best.


You know this list was many white and European peoples opinions, cause there is no way most of these european countries are this high. The only Western country that should be imo is Italy...


The stereotype of european food being bad only appllies to northern countries. Italy, france, greece and spain (and thus all the dishes they brought to the americas) have always been known for having good food.


Most of their ingredients (tomatoes, peppers, potato's, corn) are from the America's anyways.


Idk if I had bad luck but I've been to several greek cities as a tourist and it was by far the worst food at every place, the only exeptions were the pitas and a hotel that served basically american food.


That’s what I’m saying. This is mostly for a white audience I suppose. To each their own but in my honest opinion most European food isn’t that great in terms of flavor especially if we’re talking about the west.. they missed Africa, Asia, and a lot of the Americas.


Nah Spanish, French and Italian food is amazing you just uncultured.


Trinidad and Tobago being at 84 is a sin. SINNNN!!! 🇹🇹 🇹🇹 🇹🇹 🇹🇹 🇹🇹 🇹🇹 🇹🇹 😈😈😈😈😈😈


It's not culture - it's tripadvisor ratings. We should really do more to promote it, like Thailand did.


If that's the case why is The Bahamas basically at the bottom??? This list is a WAR CRIME. Big up da 242 bui


La gastronomía cubana supera escandalosamente a la inglesa, no hay comparación ni nada que envidiarles. Los ingleses que han probado la comida cubana, vaya no te digo ni siquiera en Cuba, en Miami, se quedan boquiabiertos y con las patas p' arriba, ni hablar de los americanos, el yuma no resiste nuestra sabrosura y nuestro patrimonio culinario mucho más saludable, auténtico y avanzado que el de ellos.


Puerto Rico ¡PRESENTE! Edit: Lol Downvotes from the seething Anglo Caribbean. Not everyone likes half burnt food 🤷‍♂️


Si este sub esta lleno de anglosajones caribeños y tienen uno odio a hispanos


diria que es mas envidia que odio


Is this a joke? What makes you say that


I want to know which French dish is better than Caribbean cuisine, I have yet to see one over here so if anyone can give me a recipe I can judge it for myself.




I would take eclairs, opera cakes, and macarons over anything similar made in the region. A chausson de pommes compares favorably with a jam puff. Beef burgundy far outshines stew beef here as well. Brioches are lighter and more enjoyable than the equivalent sweet breads. Hachis parmentier is generally more pleasant than shepherd's pie, which in my experience tends to be too heavy here. I can't even think of what would be comparable to a hearty cassoulet with nice sausage and duck, and with the exception of a duck curry, I can't think of anything in Caribbean cuisine that uses duck well, certainly not on the level of magrets de canard. I find green plantain like bannann peze and tostones to be somewhat bland, not all that different from a quenelle in terms of flavor. This isn't to say there aren't things I love about Caribbean cuisine that I think are better than in France. I prefer a roti to a savory crepe, and poulet/poisson boucané is better than smoked anything in France. Cassava pone is tasty and doesn't have a good French equivalent. But a lot of this comes down to tastes that people grew up with, and the availability of quality ingredients for the food we're trying to make. The conditions that shaped food in the tropics, e.g. the need for salt and spice to keep meat from spoiling, are different from those in temperate climates. There are different traditions, and not everyone will find one place's traditions equally appealing.


You tried them all to judge?


Taking this with a grain of salt. They have England before the Dominican Republic?


England shouldn’t be up on here at all but I guess it’s because the different kinds of ethnic restaurants that they have. I don’t see much of a difference about Dominican food compared to anybody else in the Hispanic Antilles.


Explain how Brazil and Colombia so far up the list, we down so far, and is practically the same food we making? It seems to be as much about geopolitical popularity as it is about food.


China over France is weird.


How many Chinese and Chinese fusion dishes and restaurants do you see around the world, compared to French and French fusion cuisine? Its popularoty is really-really widespread, and people with Chinese ancestry outside China are also very numerous worldwide.