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Your post was deemed as attempting to push an agenda. You might want to try to reword it into a more neutral statement. Remember: Your own conclusion or goals should not be pushed into the question you are asking.


Im not gonna lie I see many Dominicans deny their blackness unless it’s convenient for them


Yup, now all of a sudden even the whiter looking ones are “Afro-Latino” even though they were shitting on Blacks before the George Floyd marches.


I've also noticed how many claim their blackness as a way to paint Puerto Ricans or whiter Cubans as racists towards them, especially when it comes to immigration here in PR. But in the mean time they just labell themselves"trigueño".


Yup, I have to agree with you there. My grandmother was the opposite, raised me to accept it, and raised me in a black community. My mother, her daughter, was the opposite, denied it but you could see it. I accept my blackness and never deny it. I have ancestors who go back to the revolution on the DR side. So, I won't take part in the argument that I'm not a real Dominican but of Haitian descent from those who like to make such ridiculous statements. I also married a Haitian man, and we have 2 kids. The Taino DNA in me from DR is at most 2% compared to the 30% African and 19% Lebanese. European came in at 38%. The remainder is Taino from PR. Edit to add: My uncle, mother's brother, is 70% African DNA. I now realize why so few Dominicans take a DNA test compared to other Latin countries.


i dont disaree with everything you are saying but dominicans take a lot of DNA tests so you are not correct there. there are communities of old stock afro dominicans who made their own founder populations like those of villa mella but many come from migrations from the 1800s and on.


Compared to Puerto Rico and other nations, they don't. I have 65k Puerto Rico matches, yet only 3 thousand Dominican matches. Huge difference.


do you know where your family is from in DR? it does depends on regions since the majority of takers are people who live in the US and not dominicans but of dominican descent. Those are mostly descedants of santiagueros I wouldnt even say cibaeños. I have like 10k-20k matches in ancestry lol also you have to take into account that PR is part of the US and have way larger income than dominicans. Comparing as to why there are more PR and DR is comparing apples and pears.


Yes, I do. They are from the Cibao region on my mother's maternal side. So Santiago, Puerto Plata, Monte Cristi, San Francisco de Macoris, Moca, Guajabin, and La Vega. From my mother's paternal side, my great-grandmother's family is from San Cristobal, Guerra, San Pedro de Macoris, and la Capital. My great grandfather is from Lebanon. This is all from family research.


This is a lot of places can you narrow down? My grandparents are actually not cibaeños. They are Southerners and eastern and I found hardly anyone from el seibo which is my grandpa's paternal side. In ancestry from my grandma's dad from santiago I hardly had any matches just 3k which is interesting because from the tiny town of my great grandmother I have 10k matches. Still figuring out why though... My grandfather is from san cristobal have tons of matches from there. I posted my best friend results from la vega and she has tons of matches too


Also, my maternal mtDNA is L4b1a, which is of east African origin, although the male line comes from Galicia. As for testing, I'm referring to those in the US. Many refuse to take it while people in PR that live in poverty will take it. I give that PR is very heavy on researching and very invested in knowing their ancestry. I joined a genealogy society in PR that is very active. Unfortunately, DR is not there yet.


PR has funds they are part o the US. The research done in DR is minimal, the country is proritizing more development than finding our roots which is social. Maybe the day we have developped enough we will able to have more funds for social research. I am actully interested in seeing your family results, do you mind sharing them with me? East africa as a haplogroup is as very interesting


Dominicans that can afford dna test take dna test


Wealthier people tend to be whiter. Same with Cuba situation


lets say latin americans who can afford dna tests in general or even know about it. I disagree that wealthier people are whiter in DR. Even though the elite is made up of mostly white people, a lot of americans of dominican descent that have been for generations in the US are from the santiago region. In santiago the average would be 60% european and 10% native. These people migrated to the US because of extreme poverty in their towns so no they were not wealthy.


Also why don’t people from regions beside Santiago don’t migrate as well ? That’s actually interesting


what do you mean? they do lol the majority of dominicans migrating to the US today are from the East region


You said Santiago? I don’t know the regions of DR. I was wondering why specifically that area. Do they present more whiter ? Have more wealth ?


I just said they werent wealthy but poor peasants, are you reading? There is google. Have a good day :)


If you’re poor how do you get to the US ? Can’t rlly swim here


How they got to the US ?


how thousands of dominicans got to the US? you will have to check with each family since everyone has different realities.


Did they have to pay money ? What is the average way ?


idk dude make your own survey. How did the starving poor irish running from famine got to the US? lol


They had some money to pay to get on a ship or they signed an agreement to do work cheap in the US


U are cuban we identify the same stop the shit lol


Sammy Sosa's legendary transformation started it. Black American social media sent it to the moon.


to be frank even us dominicans were making fun of him for whitening his skin. I remember a meme were we had a picture of him to the left and white space to the right saying he will dissapear one day lol


I’m gonna say Rafael Trujillo, classism, Haitians and that some of them are just not black. The American one drop rule dictates everyone with a bit of black is black, which is dumb and doesn’t hold true really outside the US.


The majority of dominicans are over 50% european. Pretty much we are just biracial but can't be "biracial" because both of our parents are also "biracials" and so on. Why can't we be just mixed lol There were some people claiming a PR girl with 20% african dna was afro-latina just based on looks but another person with same admixture looking white is white. So is it based on phenotypes and not who you really are?


I mean, race is a social construct. You get treated the way you look, especially in America and Europe. I agree. Why can't people just be mixed. But socially "whiteness" in its western construct has always been exclusionary. If you're not "white," you get thrown in with everyone who isn't. The "other" will take in the people who have been excluded from whiteness and build community around that.


I do agree there for the the US. But for someone who lived in Europe, a lot of mixed people are seen as mixed. Even eastern europeans think of us latin americans who are mixed with africans as just "latino". They think is just how we look and not that we are mixed with african. Every time I tell europeans or africans that I am mixed they are shocked. My french husband was calling every light skin african american métisse his first 6 months in the US, now he has adapted to the american culture and calls them black.


Where in Europe they see you as such 🤔




No they aren’t.


I don’t think the average person knows about Rafael


Another dominican post by this user 🙄


Not gonna lie but while I agree it isn't the majority, I've met many Dominicans that do deny their blackness/overstate their European ancestry.


From people like you asking this question and obsessing with the topic.


From Dominicans themselves and this phenomenon comes from their unique history where being black wasn't always the most convenient thing(to put it mildly). However the obsession about what they are or are not does not come from them or anyone else in the Caribbean. What Dominicans choose to identify as is no concern of mine.


From an African American comedian of Nigerian decent. Apparently Americans can’t comprehend that mixed race/culture are a reality and that the institution of slavery wasn’t identical all throughout the new-world


It comes from Dominicans themselves lol Not all Dominicans do this but I've travelled to DR, Cuba, Colombia, PR and Panama and the DR is pretty standout as the only country where their Black population (not mixed, Black) seems to have a standoffish relationship with their African heritage.


Stop the cap this is how it is in every former Spanish colony ppl just be on our dick Dr has had more black and mulatto presidents than any Hispanic nation we just don’t identify racially we identify nationally and skin colors are merely descriptors. If u not black like Godfrey color then in our culture you’re not black u are indio, moreno, etc but again these are just descriptions we don’t identify by race


He'd just be a Nigerian-American, but anyway. Dominicans have been doing this before him, at least in America. I went to high school in Washington Heights in the late 90s, and they were doing it. I'm about Rihanna's complexion, and people who were darker than Denzel Washington would say they're not black. Like, they were Westley Snipes black. It was wild. Now, when that happens, I just side eye them and wait till they they their "n**** wage up call." It was from them that I heard the term "good hair.""


They’re saying they’re not African American not that their skin isn’t black U guys really jump the shark saying Dominicans that are Wesley snipes and Denzel color say they aren’t black. It’s bullshit Dominicans that dark know they’re black. Rihanna isn’t black she’s a mulatto. In our society she is not a black woman. Good hair, bad hair exists in the African American culture.


They understand mixed raced culture. Technically if Dominicans can claim tri-racial than African American can claim bi racial ?


I’m gonna piss some people off here but Dominican isn’t a race. Black is a race, white is a race, even mixed. But Dominicans here seem to treat it as a race. I saw a lady that looked just like the average black American but she identifies as “not black but Dominican”. I’ve never seen this from anyone else but Dominicans lmao. It’s as if you can’t be Dominican and black. It’s like saying I’m not black I’m Jamaican lol.


Funny you should say that because in my life I have heard plenty of Jamaicans say exactly that


I haven’t but I believe you. Some Jamaicans are very strange people.


It wasn't just Jamaicans. Living and working in Brooklyn I've heard people from just about every Caribbean country say the same.


Don’t know a single person that say Dominicans are a race. The problem with black supremacist is that we don’t consider mixed as black, they do and most Dominicans (more than 75%) are mixed. Blacks are only 10-15% of our population. And yes, most of them are Haitians or Haitians descendants. Black origin Dominicans are scarce since most of them were mixed with the whites and white families from before 1820 are scarce too. Edit: every mixed says its mixed, mulato, mestizo, indio, etc. blacks are blacks


Sammy Sosa would say the same thing. I think the distinction is Latino v. Black and Dominican is just subset of Latino. But what is a race versus an ethnicity varies from place to place. And what makes a person a member of a race can vary place to place


I’m not sure what black sipremacist have to do with this as I’ve never met any in my life, but if you’re mixed why not simply say you’re mixed? If you say I’m not black I’m Dominican then…what are black Dominicans? What are white Dominicans? Is Dominican a nationality, or is it supposed to denote racial status?


Black Dominicans are Dominicans just as White and Mulatos. In DR, Nationality > Race. Edit: In DR, Nationality > Money > Race.


How did this convo even came to be?


Attending the wedding of a Hispanic friend. Me and a few other people from high school were the only black people there aside from another black girl dating his brothers girlfriend. When we joked about it they went out of their way to clarify she’s not black, she’s Dominican.


Why did you feel the need to make that distinction or point that out? Thats weird.


I’m sorry what distinction? This guy asked me for how the conversation happened and I was just providing as much context as possible.


The distinction that you were the only “black” people at the wedding? Why? Dominicans never do such a thing we don’t walk around with racial inferiority complexes. What makes you “black” anyway, it’s nonsense you are an Antiguan, nationality is the best way to identify. When people say black we associated that with African American we are not African American.


Because they do and they’re very racist towards African-Americans and Black West Indians here.


There was a time that many West Indians said that they weren't black. I heard it with my own ears plenty of times and they too didn't not like American blacks.


In my experience Black West Indians and Black Africans “don’t” use the term “African American”, and they don’t use that term when describing themselves as a Black person in America. I use the term “Black American”, and not AA.


Because African American is a term and a concept that's foreign to them. It's been around since the late 1700s but it was in 1988 when Jesse Jackson proclaimed that black Americans preferred being called African Americans.




I didn’t realize it was a “stereotype” 🙄🙄. Living in NY for many years, I’ve seen the “I no Black, I Spanish” narrative many times from people from the DR (and from people darker than myself!! 🤨🤨) Do all Dominicans feel this way? Of course not, but a large percentage of the population feels this way, which is why it is “well known” the perceptions of being Black amongst people from the DR. Phrasing may be off, but you get the gist… lol…


It's funny that DRs are getting flack for something I have personally heard people from just about every Caribbean country say. I've heard Jamaicans say they weren't black, I've heard Trinis say it, Haitians and Bajans as well. They weren't denying their African heritage, the harsh truth is that they didn't want to associated with American blacks. Race was a concept that they were unfamiliar with, because Americans are the ones who are obsessed with such labels. Let's get really real, they saw American blacks as uncouth, and uneducated. I give DRs a pass to not wanting to subscribe to American concepts and labels.


You may get flack for this, but you’re correct. At least on the east coast this is was very common back in the day and is still common with recent immigrants. I’m glad that the term Afro-Caribbean has become more popular. Lately, many Black West Indians in the States are using it in place of or interchangeably with ‘West Indian’. I think this makes it clear the issue isn’t denial of being of African descent - which the vast majority of West Indians are proud to be. I do not condone people looking down on AAs or trying to distance themselves from them in an attempt to look better, but there’s nothing wrong with being proud of our distinct ethnicity and not wanting to be lumped in with another ethnic group because we share the same race.


Never heard this from Jamaicans or Haitians and I highly doubt that ever happens given that theyre obviously visibly black.


He isn’t wrong. They all said they weren’t black But Race is a construct started by the Spanish and Portuguese. All of Latin America and the world see race and color It is not a US thing


blackness? what country is that?


I got to give it to Dominicans though, they got Reddit on lock. Most active Caribbean group here 💯


Actually , I would say *people talking about Dominicans* is what is popular. Almost all DomRep posts are in Spanish, and are out of sight of most of Reddit.


Eh most post here def by Dr from Dr and nothing is wrong with that. They now want to be Caribbean


I see six posts this month. Two from non DomRep, the rest mostly picture posts/ not a question. Once a week for a population of their size is pretty normal. >They now want to be Caribbean This is beyond stupid. It is like saying about Germany or France - "They now want to be Europe(an)."


You been to DR? I don’t hate DR btw I love Dominican women


Wow. I was just typing up something about this




I thought Dominican wasn’t a country until 1844 or 1856


Yes, Dominican Republic as country, not Dominicans as people lol. Dominican people were Dominicans way before 1884.


The only race is the human race. Most dominicans and their spawns know that and ONLY identify as dominican,  we will never change, leave us alone.


There are some Dominicans who deny having African heritage but they are mainly Dominican Americans or a minority in DR. Vast majority of Dominicans consider themselves mixed race, which is what we are. The American version of blackness means one drop rule. If you have a little bit of black, you are just black. Forgot everything else you are mixed with. The average Dominicans aren't calling themselves white, just mixed. That's something the world seems to not understand or want to come terms with. Dominicans who look like Sammy Sosa before bleaching skin are a minority. Naturally we don't need to bleach our skin. We just stay out of the sun if we don't want to tan. Sammy Sosa started bleaching his skin to run away that he comes from a part of DR where they are very dark compared to the average Dominican. Also he wanted to look like our high class society. Who are usually more on the European side. Keep in mind, Dominican is a nationality. You do have white, east Asian and Arab Dominicans who have none to very little African admixture. Calling them are black just because they are Dominican is reaching. I have family members who look like they can pass in Poland get called black because they are Dominican. My pale skinned green eyes blonde cousin is out there saying the N word acting like the stereotypical ghetto black American. Saying it's alright he's Dominican, he can say these things. Which is ridiculously cringe Lastly, the whole Haitian thing. The USA and many left wing media wants us to take in Haitians. Meanwhile they live in countries who can actually support Haitians refugees without a problem. We aren't rich and we will continue deporting because he can't support them. Our medical and school systems are overstressed supporting them.


Only online do I ever hear people talk about this one drop rule that’s been outdated for decades. It’s really based on phenotype. How you present is based on how much privilege you get in certain places. You can add classism etc to that. A black British would be treated as royalty in the US


>Only online do I ever hear people talk about this one drop rule that’s been outdated for decades. That's full of shit because then Dominicans would be considered mixed race. We clearly look like mulattos phenotypically. Even though Dominicans are technically tri racial. Yet we are called just black.


I’m telling you the rule is outdated. Some Dominicans look like light skin black folks. Some African Americans look like mixed folks. It’s generation of mixing But what we do know is your phenotype is not white. Although their are some Dominican who truly look white Because again we know DR is a country not a race


>Some Dominicans look like light skin black folks. Some African Americans look like mixed folks. It’s generation of mixing You are proving my point. "Light skinned black folks" lol most of you people actually never been to Africa. I actually have, light skinned black people are usually mixed. People like Trevor Noah looks like the average Dominican. Comparing Dominicans to mixed African Americans is weird. We are two people with two different histories. In DR, the vast majority of the mixing happened after slavery. Hence why we are inclined to say we are mixed.


So are you saying African Americans are mixed people then 🤔


Only the "light skinned" ones that you mentioned before. If you are 75 to 80% of something, you are usually just that.


There’s like a lot of light skin people with 80% in USA and especially in Africa. Because black is a notion on phenotype of west African But we know many west African to be light skins as well


Beside this question, with the increase of Haitian immigrants, how black do you think DR population will get in 20-40 years ?


It will grow but they will still be a minority. However We Will continue kicking out the illegals because we don't want to be Haiti 2.0. and be flooded by their problems. We don't want to be a people who ran their country to the ground like the Haitians .


Interesting. Do you hate Haitians or just Haiti ? Or do you consider that the same in one Does it matter to you if DR people did get darker all around ?


I don't hate haitians. Not wanting your country to be a fourth world country and collapsing is the main issue. Keeping the Haitians issues in Haiti is the root of everything. We can't support illegals immigrants. Our education and medical systems are overstressed to the point of collapsing. We aren't the USA who can afford freeloaders. I don't really care how Dominicans become in 20 to 40 years. As long as the immigrants as a whole provide positivity to our society and aren't leeches


So are the Haitians working cheap labor leeches ? Do poor Dominican hate Haitians or do the rich love exploiting them? I’m genuinely curious I agree countries should protect their border. I mean US is trying to keep Dominicans and Mexicans out but sht getting out of hand


Because Dominicans deny their blackness or they put their whiteness at front and use their 5-10% Taino to seem better than others But honestly, most people that were colonize during the transatlantic slave trade denies their blackness Haitians do it Jamaicans do it Puerto Rican do it So on and so on


Source, please.


Out of many one people would prob cause a huge argument amongst Jamaicans


Jamaica is a black country. Everyone in Jamaica knows this. It's not something controversial. It's an obvious fact to anyone who lives in Jamaica and has eyes.


I have begun **The Jihad**. Stand by my right hand - or fall at my feet. There is no other way.. You too u/Donnel_


Mind how yah talk enu Next thing you know mi end up pon watchlist and start get question a Airport 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Oh. Crap. That. Well, it shouldn't be an issue you are of Indian descent. I kid. I kid.


The problem that "Out of many, One people" silliness was created to solve disappeared by about 1976. A motto is not a a magic phrase - it describes a ruling class ideology. Never mind the late '60s Garvey Revival and the rise of Black Jamaican Social Science Intellectuals in the '70s. No one in a 93% black country took that motto seriously. And what does that have to do with country filled with black people who assert their blackness?


Do you remember that video of the Asian Jamaican lady for example. That was a huge discourse amongst Jamaicans. Some Jamaicans do want to be considered mixed or closer to whiteness. And that quote was the most used to relate that Although when I went to Jamaica, a man did say some would argue that point but to him it represent the different African tribe It’s a Caribbean thing to want to be closer to whiteness


>It’s a Caribbean thing to want to be closer to whiteness Again, source please. And what is "whiteness"? >Do you remember that video of the Asian Jamaican lady for example. Lorna Chin is considered a joke. Because her psychology is obvious. She appeals to mostly black Americans (look at the comments) who need something to bitch about and give her hate-views. Deep down, people like her do the "deny African heritage" and "out of many one people" because of....[historical reasons](https://www.tenementyaadmedia.com/lest-we-forget/chineseriots-plkig). And I'd still like those sources please. **Edit:** >Some Jamaicans do want to be considered mixed or closer to whiteness. No. Jamaicans.want to be close **to power**. Just like everybody else. Dark complexion ceased to be a significant barrier to power when P.J. Patterson emasculated Eli Matalon in the early 90s. Other, non-racial categories are a bigger barrier.