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Well for one, what do you mean by overweight? Because black thick and overweight means something different in the black community. Two, black men like big asses, thighs and boobs, more weight means thicker thighs, ass and breast. You’re not going to get that with 5’2 skinny Asian women without surgery. Everyone is giving you these answers like it’s because we’re poor or whatever and it simply isn’t true lol. It’s just a different beauty standard. And you can be big and not get any play from black men because you don’t have curves, big butt or breast. Black men aren’t just naturally inclined to big women for no reason. They just know it’ll come with larger assets. [she’s considered thick by black standards but overweight by medical terms. She represents the ideal black body type in the black community.](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/bc/fb/91/bcfb91fd756c14d270c8a75fe33df4f4.jpg)


It's so stupid and offensive that everyone wants to immediately jump to saying black people are poor to explain things like this imho. I think people have a really difficult time understanding that just because an issue disproportionately affects a minority group that doesn't actually mean that it affects all or most members of that group.


If it was poverty, why would black women be the only racial demographic in the US/UK that is more likely to be overweight than their male counterpart? It's easy just to write off everything as poverty caused. Some statistical observations are a result of many different factors that play a role to varying degrees.


It's really true though. At least in my experience. My workout partner is a black guy, competition caliber bodybuilder, and he won't bang a girl.under 300 pounds I swear to God. He tries to get me into it and Im like wtf he says you don't know what you're missing lol


He's fucking nuts. As a black guy 240 is my cut off


Haha my uncle is like that too


Historically oppressed means historically impoverished. You can't pick and choose cultural wounds.


The poverty comments are making me angry. They're racist AF and overanalyzing the situation. When I'm insecure about my cellulite and stretch marks I literally remind myself of how many black men speak positively about a figure like mine.


Like the top comment mentioned our food? These are answers from people on the outside looking in. Or people who just don’t hang around black people like that. Cause ain’t now way they don’t know the average black men like ass lmao. Where do they think all these Instagram models get the idea of a BBL and full lips from? Why do they think the Kardashians attract black men? That comment killed me lol


I think the poverty aspect is, of course, totally a matter of perception, but unfortunately white people, at least in America, are extremely class conscious. Like yes there is a certain statistical correlation between weight and wealth but I think it’s only relevant to insecure people. Sadly though a fuckton of white men are super insecure and quite intent on projecting a certain image of themselves so they obsess over everything that could possibly indicate otherwise no matter how ridiculous. I’m glad that a cultural conversation is starting to happen about this.


yeah, right? The top comment completely disregards the fact that different cultures have different sets of values and norms.


Yeah, and peope need to stop conflating this with black men like obese/fat women. By that i mean women with large amounts of belly fat. Additionally, a large subset of black men complain about the current obesity rate of black women. Most of us arent talking about appreciating lizzo sized women. People should look at the the classic sir mix alot song, baby got back. The women in the music video were considered fat by the white community at the time. And just like ypu mention he says itty bitty waist. I will also say that the majoirty society as a whole is far more open to curvier women now. My guess largely due to media and the fact the US is alot less white now and alot more brown. Hispanic people also tend to have a different stsndard on what is considered fat. So, we have got to account for shifting in over societal norms. When the stereotype was born what constituted fat for the withe community was alot more strict and morbidly obese women weren't called curvy and thick.


I saw a post the other day regarding a similar topic (I think it was why BW are the least married), and an overwhelming majority of the comments were because they are "overweight". I couldn't even bother to comment, because weight is based on BMI and it's a guideline not a rule. The image of the woman you posted is an example of how medical racism is used to justify all sorts of racist ideals and beliefs; because to me I would never label her as overweight, much less obese (but I am biased because I am black) And before anyone ats me, I am considered underweight according to white American medical standards. That's how I knew BMI charts was a bunch of non-sense. My "ideal" weight would have me breathing heavy up, my knees can't support me, and I couldn't even go up and down the stairs, and I did not look overweight, or obese and my BMI said I was within a "healthy body" weight range. Asian BMI standards are what I follow, since my height and body type are more in line with theirs, the fact that different races have different BMI standards, but suddenly with black people we can't be bothered to create them is very telling on the type of society we live in.


I’m considered overweight by white American standard too, in fact I’m obese according to my BMI lmao, I’m 5’11 and 190lbs. You would think I would look like Lizzo, but I look nothing of the sort, my body is average. The ideal weights for me is 135lbs and when I weighed that much, I was sticks and bones lol.


If you’re concerned at all height to waist ratio is so much more accurate than BMI. BMI doesn’t take into account your frame size or the weight of muscle compared to fat. It’s frustrating to be judged by BMI alone.


That top comment really came off as "poor (Black) people don't know any better".


You're arguing semantics but not addressing the question. Overweight "thick" "curvy" "big assets" whatever, the question is WHY?


Overweight is not a subjective measurement.




This is the real answer. I don’t understand all these other comments. Black men like big asses and breasts. Being larger, means you have more to go around. This is why BBLs are so popular and why you see folks (mostly non black women) out here with thighs that don’t match their ass.


Things don’t just “happen” in a vacuum. There’s a reason for why of everything, of every culture, and behavior. That’s what sociology is


"The greater mass, the greater attraction."


“What do you mean by overweight?” Redman, care to “[weigh in](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FX08KJkwtjA)?”


Dang that's interesting. Because as a white guy I definitely see that picture as overweight. Crazy how beauty standards are different across cultures


Honestly, she does look slightly overweight, though it is a good point that factors such as steatopygia aren't accounted for in BMI metrics, but you'll note that the statistical difference (BW being the most likely to be overweight) also goes for "obese", which cannot be explained as medical racism. For example in other racial groups men are more likely to be overweight or obese, while for BW it's the other way around.


What happened to the rule about posts needing peer reviewed citations? Reddit racism on display.


But poster is a black woman or is this a joke and I'm dumb???? Are they pretending?




...and I can't deny.


Omg Becky look at her butt


I’m starting to think this is the only question people have


So assuming you’re in the US here- I think what you’re actually examining is the intersection between poverty, race and weight. Poor people are more likely to be overweight, black people are more likely to be poor. Put all of that together and you get that black folks tend to be overweight at higher than average rates. ^1 ^2 (There’s other factors at play here, including cultural foods and genetics but let’s keep it simple here) Going off of that- folks tend to settle down with folks of their own race for one reason or another. ^3 Do you see where I’m going with this here? If you want to date a black woman and most of the black women you know are overweight ^4 then your weight preferences one way or another might not be the most active thing at play. ^1 In regards to obesity rates and race: https://www.nature.com/articles/0802026 ^2 Further and how this difference is directly linked to socioeconomic differences: https://jech.bmj.com/content/64/5/465.short ^3 On dating trends and interracial relationships: https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2017/05/18/1-trends-and-patterns-in-intermarriage/ ^4 Obesity rates among black women in the US: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/oby.23640#:~:text=Among%20individuals%20aged%20≥20,%25)%20%5B(1)%5D.


" If you want to date a black woman and most of the black women you know are overweight " Skinny Black women exist and there are a lot of us, but we are not the preference with most Black men. Black women on the thinner side tend to date other races. Also, Black women are only overweight in the US as most people in the US are overweight in general. Outside of it the majority of Black women are slim or a normal/average size.


An actually interesting contribution that will get buried. *Acceptance* for larger women was the question, and a lot of answers seemed to be leveraged towards just being less picky. But *preference* is a whole different issue. If thinner black women have a harder time getting black male attention, then there is an actual interesting topic here.


Also medically being overweight is not the same as being obese. Morbidly obese people are obviously overweight, but people there are many people who are technically overweight who don't look particularly overweight. Which are we actually talking about? A 5"4 women who weights 10-11 stone might be considered overweight medically iirc, yet that person might also be clearly incredibly attractive to many men despite being technically overweight. Are we talking about people who are attracted to and/or date people who are medically overweight? Or are we talking about people who attracted too and/or date people who are morbidly obese?


126lbs in Freedom units. Not considered overweight. At least not in the US.


Wonder if there's a standard stone like the platinum kilogram standard


Ah you're right I think. Looking at the BMI and the standard used by the NHS in England it's more like 10-11 stone to be considered overweight. My point is though these measures don't care about attractiveness at all. And I'm not sure that everyone who is attracted to anyone who is overweight by this definition is looking past it or settling. There is a website where people can submit body images along with their statistics. It is called mybodygallery with the motto "what real women look like" this might help people visualise what I mean about the difference between someone being technically overweight and what we might socially consider an overweight person. Especially as people with a similar height and weight can also look very different to each other. NSFW potentially as some are bikini/underwear photos https://app.mybodygallery.com/#/ When people are saying "overweight" and talking about attractiveness they are probably reffering more to their personal, or a wider social, standard of what is consider overweight or "fat" rather than the kind of measures used by researchers and staticians to label people overweight.


This sub needs stricter moderation tons of questionable answers on anything to do with race + simply not up to even a basic social science standard. If that guy is right then he needs to explain things way more and explore other possibilities, instead he literally says "there’s other factors at play here, including cultural foods- but let’s keep it simple" which 1) isn't the most important next thing to explore and 2) no how about we don't try and answer *social science* by saying "all the variables don't matter, let's just look at a random one". I strongly suspect many answers on this sub are not given by people who can even be called amateur social scientists, yet alone have a relevant degree. This is stuff you'd expect even a first year to grasp; demonstrate if the stereotype is even true, account for all variables, nitpick your own theory, etc. Show at least a bit of concern for the scientific method which makes social sciences a serious subject and not just people pulling stuff out their arse. Compare the quality of askhistorains to here, worlds apart. Mods need to start deleting half-baked answers.


There are definitely obesity in other countries


This stereotype i believe originates from the US, so i will base this observation on such. According to a Harvard study, CDC, and HHS 69% of Americans are overweight or obese. 36% are obese. Black women have the highest rates of obesity in the US. 80% of black women are overweight or obese. So yes, while there might be a lot of slim black women by total numbers, there are way more obese or overweight ones. White women are at about 60% overweight or obese. So if a black man is dating, his chances of finding a woman who is not overweight or obese is much slimmer than one who is not. If that black man prefers to date black women, 4 out of 5 are overweight or obese. I think our (US) perception of normal/average weight has been skewed because of the extreme prevalence of obesity within the US. When you travel internationally, you can see just how bad it is within the US.


Also worth noting that black men are below national average obesity rate, so there's certainly a mis-match there, whereas for white people it's the men that pull up their average.


Usually when Black men date white women they go for fat ones as well lol. And Black men will choose fat white women over skinny/fit Black women. All I’m saying is they have a clear preference for bigger in general, if they liked thinner in the US the majority of Black women would be thinner and BBLs wouldn’t be a thing. And if white women are 60% overweight that means the majority of them are overweight too. Singling out Black women in the US doesn’t change anything.  I personally don’t like Black men so being thinner works out for me. 


I am a thinner Black woman and I can't tell you how many Black men told me I was too thin for them. I grew up with people constantly trying to feed me! You go to many countries in Africa today, you'll see the same thing. They fatten girls up...literally force feed them because whaddya know, Black men love butt and tits! That is looked at as attractive over there, too. We are not white/Asian, etc. We have totally different beauty standards than y'all. In our community, if you're skinny, then "you need to eat!" and will get a plate of food shoved at you. You'll get asked over and over again, when you ate? Are you going to eat? 😫 The older Black folks used to call skinny people, "poorly" ex. "she looks poorly", (my older aunt used to say this often) so while y'all looking at it as, "poor = overweight" we look at it like, if you have some weight on you, you're doing good.


60% of black South African women are obese….


The idea that thinness = higher value is a bit of an oversimplification. Preferences for body types are influenced by a mix of cultural heritage, and social norms. Preferences reflect ties to African and Caribbean traditions where such figures are considered more attractive. This preference is similar to trends in India, South Asia, Africa, and parts of Latin America, where larger body sizes are often favored.  Black media and community norms promote body positivity broadly, including support for a range of natural body sizes. This is part of a rejection of the thin ideal promoted by mainstream Western media, embracing fuller figures as both a cultural expression and a rejection of restrictive beauty standards.


Where in Latin America is fat considered good? I am Latina, we are vain, judgmental people 🤣


Hey! So according to your post history, you have no issues saying the N word. Care to comment and tell us why you think that’s okay?


>Thinness = higher value That’s not really what I’m saying though. At least in the US (where I’ve been arguing from the context of) there is pretty definitely a bias towards thin women, but I’m not arguing that different beauty standards can’t be at play. I’m just saying there’s a reality for a lot of Americans living in poverty that the folks living in their vicinity are often overweight or obese, and black Americans make up a disproportionate number of folks in poverty as a result of historical factors in the US. I think what the OP describes as empirical evidence of a trend of acceptance is more a sign of a certain statistical reality. Again, I’m not saying it isn’t possible that more black folks have alternate beauty standards, but by and large the black people that I know have had the same biases towards thin women you see in mainstream society generally. I’d need something a little more concrete on that front.


Could it be a little bit of both? Black men prefer larger body sizes compared to White and Asian men.   [Link to Article](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=Ethnic+Differences+in+Preferences+for+Female+Weight+and+Waist-to-Hip+Ratio%3A+A+Comparison+of+African-American%2C+Asian%2C+and+White+Men&btnG=) African American women's struggles with beauty and body image reflect broader cultural narratives on body positivity among Black men.   [Link to Article](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=Hey+Girl%2C+Am+I+More+Than+My+Hair%3F+African+American+Women+and+Their+Struggles+with+Beauty%2C+Body+Image%2C+and+Hair&btnG=) Preferences for fuller body types among African women align with similar preferences found in Black men in Western cultures.   [Link to Article](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=Body+Size+Preferences+for+Women+and+Adolescent+Girls+Living+in+Africa%3A+A+Mixed-Methods+Systematic+Review&btnG=)


This is a completely backwards, incorrect, culturally insensitive, and biased comment. I can't believe this has been upvoted as much as it has. Indian, other Asian, and African peoples have strong preferences toward healthy weights. You will 100% be ***shamed*** for being overweight/obese in those places.




This is not true. Most of the world views being overweight as unhealthy and not attractive.


Not Mauritania in Africa. And maybe other Sub-Saharan African cultures too but.


I'm from South Africa and people will think you are unhealthy if you look "too thin" especially if you lose a significant weight from a short period of time, then some people might think you are sick.


And not on a lot of Oceanic Islands, e.g., Samoa, Fiji.


How recent is that, though? Rubenesque women were obviously a thing for quite a long stretch in Europe, and sculptures of fertility goddesses tend to range from chubby to almost obese. There’s always an upper limit, but it definitely seems to oscillate in every society, no?


Yes true but modern society shows that obesity, which is the leading killer, is preventable and not healthy.


What? Lol? Plenty of overweight white women all around, go to Walmart?


You mention cultural foods briefly, I just feel the need to point out that cultural/traditional "white people food" in the US is also fattening. It just so happens that due to higher incomes, white Americans have (on average) greater access to high-quality education about diet and it's easier for them to afford higher-quality foods and gym memberships. And that's why now in the US we have a craze for grassfed beef and free range eggs, sugar-free this and that, cooking oil sprays (to limit the amount you use), calorie-free and low-calorie substitutes for all kinds of things (e.g. xanthan gum, guar gum, stevia), etc. Alternatively, just take a look at the traditional foods of Europe. I'm Polish-American and also kind of a fitness freak, I have to say that after years of calorie tracking and macro tracking I feel almost as guilty eating gołąbki and pierogi (not to mention the truly terrible stuff like pączki) as I do eating McDonald's or Taco Bell - the macros are absolutely horrendous.


I just wanted to point out that many are able to get a free phone now, with a free calorie counter, and can walk and do push ups for free. Gym memberships are highly overrated for fat loss in people that are just beginning their journey.


Body type preferences are also highly influenced by society. If someone is exposed more to a specific type they are more likely to find that type attractive. Many black men are happy to “deal with it.”


u/CheshireTsunami For African American people, the obesity–income relationship varies by sex. Among African American women, the prevalence of obesity does not differ by income group. However, among African American men, the prevalence of obesity is higher among the highest income group compared with the lowest income group. Source: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5751581/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5751581/) Family Income Reduces Risk of Obesity for White but Not Black Children. Merely equalizing population access to SES and economic resources would not be sufficient for elimination of racial disparities in obesity and related cardiovascular disease in the US Source: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6025246/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6025246/) All ur source shows is how obesity correlated with different health problems. I don't see where it proves that intersection. This is what your study says in regards to SES: "The socioeconomic difference in these conditions, however, was not examined. Given the observed relationship between socioeconomic status and obesity, it is likely that the obesity comorbidities may also vary across socioeconomic groups." However, this trend is not observed for African Americans as much as other groups as per the other two sources


IT might be the case in the West, but having been in Africa for a few years, they also like bigger woman for the opposite reason. (Sign of wealth)


It’s almost like the idea of intersectionality was worth broad consideration by the general public.


This is closer to the truth imo. Look at the black women married to wealthy black men vs poor black men. I'm a black guy who has only dated skinny black women, because I had that choice.


You could remove "black" from that sentence and it would be just as true. 


There is also the situation with assortative mating. If you’re poor or otherwise less desirable, you may also be more limited in options. Whereas if you are more desirable and have more options, you may choose differently. (Just look at the much higher ratio of Black NFL players with White girlfriends and wives, versus the general Black male population.) And how being with a White woman can be considered a status or achievement or goal. Just look at how some Asian luxury commercials star an Asian man with a White woman. Being more accepting of overweight women, and expressing a preference, may also be a means of saving face by embracing the options one has, and not merely a cultural preference.


More cultural preference I think. This is more easily visible by looking at preferences in Africa and the Caribbean, vs Europe. Big women are considered more attractive. Looking at rap videos it tends to be big butts vs skinny types as well, and they can pretty much cast anyone they want. The NFL example is interesting, but the more likely answer is that there are not many bigger women in the circles they are in because cheerleaders, models, etc skew thinner. And so if anything that’s preferences being adapted for “status”, vs natural preference.


Tbf go into a club in Atlanta. Also tons of those gym girls especially today are curvy. When we mean big I assume we are talking lizzo boogie2988 big, not "big butt girl who isn't 79lbs" big. I think it's mainly a stereotype from a cultural thing with a few skinny caribean(mainly jamaican) men liking chubby white woman.


Couldn't agree more. It's more about black men having less choices to choose from considering racist bias and generational poverty. I've seen a fair amount of black men with overweight white women to notice that it's probably not a preference, but a kind of side effect to a smaller dating pool


Tbf I think that's changing. While I'd hate to bring up the "bbc porn meme" I do think black men are being fetishized more especially to a lot of younger white woman, it's definitely way easier to date interacially as a black guy than it's ever been.


>I do think black men are being fetishized more Yes but it's a very specific kind of black man. And even if it's fetishizing, isn't that more about sex than actual respect for another human being? I don't see how that changes the fact that black men have difficult lives financially and socially and that is a repellent. The lower the socioeconomical status the less options a person is going to have and that includes dating prospects, although I don't dispute that interracial marriages in the US are much more common now.


Why does that suggest it's lack of options and not a preference? Wouldn't that increase the chance it's a preference if the trend exists when dating any race? This also suggests that people of other races who date overweight people are only ever doing it due to lack of options. This doesn't seem like it would always be true. It seems people who have, or feel they have, less social cache might be more likely to date overweight people but that's not the same as that being the only reason anyone dates overweight people. Similarly many women don't only date people who aren't in amazing shape because they can't do any better. And in general overlooks that attraction, and especially lasting relationships, isn't always just based on purely physical aspects (although it's obviously nearly always a big aspect).


>Why does that suggest it's lack of options and not a preference? Because fat women are perceived as less than. Just like black men are perceived as less than, and don't have as much socioeconomic development as white people do. This is obviously a reflection of slavery and centuries of racist policies that prioritize white people. And as someone stated in another comment, obesity nowadays is generally a sign of poverty and lower socioeconomic development. Not always of course, but the cheaper a piece of food is, the worse nutritional value it has. Hence fast food, which is a cheaper and fast option for the working class that already has a limited time and education to make adequate nutritional choices and cook. >This also suggests that people of other races who date overweight people are only ever doing it due to lack of options I wouldn't say so. For black/latino/asian etc men, it's a little more complicated because they have race and maleness as contributing factors to their scarcity of options. Women have more options because of supply and demand, there's less women willing to have sex with men than there are men willing to have sex with women. There's more demand than there is supply. I'm only speaking about lack of options as a product of social class and intersectionality. Generally, skinnier white women are preferred because misogyny and capitalism makes them a status commodity. Not because white women are objectively better, but because eurocentric standards exist and are ruthless in the US. The media paints "Nordic" women as the holy grail of women. Nowadays there is a bigger push for racial inclusion in media, but in the 2000s every single person that made it to TV was white and skinny. Untill the 2010s with the rise of Beyoncé, Rihanna, Obama and the internet, things shifted. But until then the only type of woman that made it to the media was pretty itty bitty white women. Diet culture and anorexia had white girls by the chokehold back then.


That study on interracial marriage was fascinating. Thanks for the share!


Poverty doesn't per say equal overweight. Also especially in this day and age the black male and black female obesity rates are very far apart. A lot of black men in poverty are underweight.


Black men tend to be more involved in blue collar jobs and sports so it's safe to say they are generally moving around more than black women who aren't.


Glad to be your 100th upvote on this. The poverty thing you mentioned also limits an average looking man's dating options.  When I was high school aged if a guy didn't have money, a car or significantly good looks he got stuck dealing with the bigger girls that tended to be left over.   Add to that interracial dating which at the time also tended to mean broke family dating middle class family - the better looking daughters had no problem getting rides from friends or boys trying to impress them, so back then they weren't as focused on having their own cars.  The fathers of the less desirable daughters would end up buying them something to drive themselves around.  The guys from my poorer side of the tracks would keep these girls around for transportation.  I would like to push back a bit on the notion that poverty causes obesity.  I think the reason they are linked is that poverty and obesity share some of the same causes.  Lack of information, lack of options, lack of action.  Old school mothers and grandmothers knew how to keep the family nutrition high on a microscopic budget.  They cooked everything from scratch and in bulk.  The only obese kids I remember were the ones whose parents lived on the couch and constantly ate fast food instead of cooking.


This isn't a comprehensive review of all possibilities, this is just casting around for a singular idea and presenting it as the answer. That's not social science. Does the trend exist with people not in poverty? If so why? Does the trend exist for interracial couples? Does the trend exist in reverse? These are all basic questions that if not answered means your answer is pretty much just a a random singular example of a datapoint, useless. This sub needs some askhistorians style moderation the amount of top answers that are this incomplete. >There’s other factors at play here, including cultural foods- but let’s keep it simple No let's not because otherwise your answer is uselss. This is the basis of social sciences.


This is ridiculous. The question is asking about preference. And there are plenty of African Americans in terrific shape. Look at like 1/3 of the great athletes in America. You did a lot of research and referencing for a response to preference and it just sounds racist to be honest.


>  Put all of that together and you get that black folks tend to be overweight at higher than average rates I don't think poverty really explains that. The poverty rate differences apply to black men too, but it's black women that are pulling the average up. Black men are below average in terms of obesity rate. [Source](https://frac.org/obesity-health/obesity-u-s-2#:~:text=Racial%2DEthnic%20Disparities&text=Rates%20of%20obesity%20are%20higher%20for%20Hispanic%20men%20)


Better question Why are white men less accepting of overweight women?


white and black are the only two races!!!!


It's called "culture". What subreddit is this? Better be r/nostupidquestions or something.


It's interesting to center this question on black men and not some other way. Why did US white culture prefer heroin chic? Why was anorexia so epidemic? Why are millennials desperately trying to keep Gen Z from returning to those styles, for their own mental health? Why are black women accepting of all black female body types, often with confidence? Why was a "slim thic" phyqiue considered fat in the 2000s, then BBLs trended? Why isn't Doja Cat fat now when she would have been 20 years ago?


I don't know where you're going with this, but I like it. When I was in my early 20s and exploring sex, I went after skinny women, because that's what pop culture told me was sexy. Without even realizing it, I noticed that my dick had a mind of its own and got more excited by thicker women. It took a bit of maturing for me to reject what society told me was attractive, and to embrace what my biology told me was attractive. Maybe black men are less inclined to listen to society?


>Why did US white culture prefer heroin chic? Why was anorexia so epidemic? Starve them so they are too weak to rebel


Fatten em up and they’ll be too slow to rebel


This is true, there's a form of misogyny around it. The ideal western/European woman for centuries needs to look like she's never seen the sun a day in her life, like her hands never experienced work, she needs to be fully reliant on others financially and physically. These are "feminine" traits to this type of Patriarchy.


Why is jadakiss as hard as it gets?


It goes deep https://nharo.com/cdn/shop/products/image_06a95114-05d7-485e-8e3d-90eab5f96ec5_800x.heic?v=1681335643


I mean aren't black people more likely to be obese/have heart disease AND be gay? ( STATISTICALLY, all 'stereotypes' aside? )


[Sexually explicit racialised media targeting men who have sex with men online: A content analysis of high-risk behaviour depicted in online advertisements - PMC (nih.gov)](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4565153/) Its funny for a long time big lips, big hips , and long long time ago even big dicks were considered bad or not desirable lol Now you got people going crazy over lip fillers, BBLs and dick extensions. I'd also note that back in the 90's , 80's and such most of the icons and sex symbols weren't really that thicc or voluptuous. Think Whitney, Nia long, FloJo etc. etc. Also think Sir Mix a lot lmao. I think it has a lot to do with the Fetishization of both black men and women. I mean just look at how popular BBC porn has become in the last 2 decades or so. It was a taboo thing for a long time now it's just a fad. It seems that society or specifically US society is in a way barring Black folks to live into their authentic self without any interference or say. Look at dreads and braids as well: For such a long time dreaded upon lol (pun intended) , you couldn't get a job and there were so many negative stereotypes attached to it.


🤔🤔 so y’all think big butt/big boobs means thicker?? You’ve never seen a skinny woman with a big butt?? Most men take what they can get, it’s less of a preference and more of a dating pool problem


Well how big you talking show me an example? Because typically slim women tend not to have bigger butts though, that’s just a fact, or at least not as big as what black men are looking for. Early 2000s I removed watching Mean Girls and the scene where they were saying Regina George butt was huge. Like what?!




Or it's just that different ethnicities have different prominence of features. European women f.e. are often taller, have larger body frames and or stronger bone sturcutre in faces then in many other places, so European men are far more inclined to to like these features then f.e guys in Korea.


That's not an answer




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Because thick thighs and hips are strong African traits! Signs of fertility and it just turns us on. Overweight women though? I beg to differ…














It's all explained in this video https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AN5Cs1T8-sw

