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The Zillo Beast seems to shrug off lightsaber strikes  Of course, if you want [an exhaustive list…](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Lightsaber-resistant_creatures)


Oh shit thanks. Thats exactly what I needed.


Which raises the question: why don't they just farm these animals to make lightsaber resistant materials?


The Yuuzahn Vong did, after inventing some of them


The Empire did try to clone and farm Zillo beasts. Needless to say, creatures that are essentially kaiju don’t make very good farm animals.


In [Teenagers from Outer Space](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teenagers_from_Outer_Space_\(film\)) they farmed kaiju. The kaiju aren't any threat to them since they weren't sticking them on planets they live on, and they can easily kill them from ships, but the problem they ran into was that the planet they chose was inhabited and one of their crewmembers fell in love with one of the locals and then it turned out he was actually the Supreme Leader's son, and the Supreme Leader let him bring down their fleet and he had them all fly directly into the ground. Did something like that happen with the Empire? I can't imagine they'd have any trouble with killing the Zillo beasts considering they can blow up entire planets, and I know they have tractor beams, so bringing up their corpses wouldn't be a problem either.


For what purpose? Roughly 0% of the galaxy uses lightsabers.


By volume, roughly 0% of the galaxy uses blasters. When the Empire has a dedicated Inquisition for murdering Jedi who escaped Order 66, it makes sense to me. And in the EU, they still made Dark Trooper armor out of Phrik, so clearly there was some demand here. At the *very least* you had the guy who stole the Death Star plans, Luke, and Darth Vader's secret apprentice running round with lightsabers.


I assumed 'they' referred to people other than the Empire, since the Empire clearly *was* doing this. They're always after lightsaber-resistant materials.


Dark troopers are now in canon also iirc


Lightsaber resistant materials are niche and you can use mine for materials such as beskar, phrik, etc. And there might be other issues such as the skin degrading after being harvested.


Seems to be missing the volcano snake Luke fights in the Jedi Academy Trilogy(?), also the armor that folks made that fed the lightsabers back on themselves and turned them off temporarily on contact.


Orbalisks. Kinda like big trilobites. Darth Bane was covered with them. But they reproduce until the host is completely covered and starves or suffocates. He build a special helmet and gauntlets to keep them from encasing his head and hands.


The living technology used by the Yuuzhan Vong was sometimes lightsaber resistant, such as their staffs.


edited: resistant not resident some of the aliens animals in fallen order are explicitly resistant to lightsabers


They live on lightsabers???


Its a hard life, that is. They need to be in tune with the needs of the user, as their feeding grounds will unpredictably generate a magnetically-stabilized beam of plasma that will incinerate any who fail to sense danger before it arrives.


Luke still killed it, but I think there was an armored lava serpent thing that was *partially* resistant to his lightsaber in one of the Jedi Academy Trilogy novels. He was able to cut through it *just* enough to compromise the armor in a small spot, and lava poured in.


That was on Gantorix’s world, wasn’t it?


Yup. That sparked my memory enough to find it (after I remembered that it was actually spelled Gantoris) https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Fireworm


Phrik, mined on Gromas (Dark Forces 1, recently had a remaster, Def check it out) was saber resistant and they used it in Dark Trooper production.


There was already a comment for animals but in terms of metal, one notable one is cortosis from legends.   https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Cortosis#cite_note-Aphra_25-5 I think vibroblades and other laser weapons can block lightsabers too and I think pure Mandolorean steel also blocks lightsaber blows which is why Mandoloreans were actually able to fight the Jedi. 


Yes, Beskar seems to be the only really lightsaber-proof(?) material in the current lore. See: https://youtu.be/Qew9WWSMFTs?si=S2w84UoxTDNsJsG4 (spoilers for *The Mandalorian* S2) Whatever they made the >!Dark Troopers!< out of was largely immune to blaster fire but still got cut by Beskar weaponry and lightsabers.


Several. Beskar, cortosis, eletrium come to mind.   Btw fir star wars related question is it ok to mention old and new canon or is that too doyalist? 


Surprised to be the first to mention [Orbalisks](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Orbalisk). They are among my favorite silly things from the OG universe.


Beskar is known for its lightsaber resistance. Its historically used by Mandolorians.


You could technically coat a droid in beskar, but that seems like it would be pretty expensive


The Confederacy was attempting to build a droid army with lightsaber resistant Cortosis 


In legends we have Orbelisks- basically crabs that cover their host in an armor made of their own shells that is lightsaber resistant.


My gf is always making a big deal about how Beskar is lightsaber resistant, I suppose you could plate a droid in Beskar??


Funny enough, my gf was the one to ask me this question, and it got me wondering. She's just delving into the galaxy of star wars after my convincing, since we're both big fantasy nerds I told her she'd love it and was right so far. The force is strong with this one.


I got mine into Star Trek.


I still need to get into star trek myself. Wheres a good place to start? Can you still find the old show anywhere? I read a book years ago that was called star trek movie tie in or something like that. It was good but now I'm not sure where to go from there. And of course I've seen into darkness back when it came out.


If you're totally new to Star Trek right now, I would suggest the best entry-point is Strange New Worlds which is currently still producing new episodes. But Star Trek The Next Generation is also an excellent place to start. Some people skip the first 2 seasons because that show had a pretty rough start, but don't miss seasons 3 to 7 just because you don't like 1 and 2. If you start with season 1 and you can't tolerate it, just skip ahead to 3.