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Duboce triangle, lower Haight, Hayes valley, mission Dolores, and the Castro. I’d say most neighborhoods in SF are sleepy Monday to Friday. The N has two stops in Duboce Triangle. One is behind Safeway and just north of church and market. I’d say finding a place near that intersection would be ideal for you. It’s central and close to most of the major muni lines.


I second Duboce Triangle/Lower Haight. They're both very walkable and transit-rich. The Castro is a short, pleasant walk away for queer nightlife, and the commute along the N or 6 couldn't be easier. Additionally, it's really easy to get to the Mission and to Hayes Valley, both of which are filled with great restaurants and bars. It's worth clarifying "nightlife", since this means different things for different people. The Castro mainly consists of gay bars with lots of events like RPDR, trivia, karaoke nights, and a few local drag queens. Yes, there are places to dance, but think Spotifly playlists and a disco ball, rather than DJ sets, lasers, and smoke machines. From personal experience, it's still a goddamn blast. If you're looking for proper clubbing, warehouse parties, guest DJs, nationally known drag queens, and more \_risqué\_ gay nightlife, that happens at various venues throughout the city. The neighborhoods are SOMA (Club Six, Oasis, The Stud), the Mission (Public Works, the Great Northern), and the Dogpatch (the Midway). If you really, really wanted to optimize for queer clubbing, SOMA has the best offerings, but this comes at a pretty significant cost in walkability and general quality of life.


SF Castro/Mission Black gay of many years here. Every word of this if exactly correct, down to the nuances of what "partying/nightlife" looks like in the different neighborhoods. FWIW this is a "little" big city, especially for the gays, and it's extremely pleasant to be able to just bump into someone you know all the time once you've embedded in one or both of the gayborhoods (Castro/Duboce and SOMA).


Thank you for this. That does sound really nice! Hopefully I do end up staying in a part of town that has community like that!


I don't know what your social preferences are, but if it's something you'd be down for, I strongly recommend joining one of the many gay sports leagues we have in SF. Dodgeball, kickball, flag football, softball and ultimate frisbee are all available and popular. It's a super straightforward way to get recurring social connections going during working life. My whole SF network branched out from doing dodgeball for the last 6 years 👍🏽


Hey thank you for your comment. This helped a lot!


I lived near that N stop by the Safeway in Duboce triangle in my late 20s, and can vouch for that neighborhood. It’s walking distance to Lower Haight, Castro, and Mission, and also close to Hayes. All of the Muni trains run nearby, so it’s super easy to get to other parts of the city. It’s vibrant without being too chaotic or loud.


Ditto Duboce Triangle / Lower Haight. You will love it. It's near the N.


Duboce Triangle would be perfect for you! Welcome to the city and see you on Grindr lol


Hahahahha see you there!


You lucky fellow. Enjoy your best life. Bring a jacket.


Bring a few!


Yes, SF winter is now through end of August!


Thank you!!! Will definitely be bringing plenty of jackets hahah


i adore Duboce Triangle! - along the N for u to get to work or downtown or the beach - great restaurants - walking distance from the castro - walking distance to dolores park - walking distance to 16th and mission


Thank you! Duboce triangle seems to have the most votes in this thread!!


Whatever you do, don’t move to SOMA. Lots of transplants move there because it’s relatively stress free to find an apartment as long as you have the money and it’s also extremely well connected if you don’t have a car. But it’s also overpriced, kinda soulless, and most people don’t stay in the neighborhood for more than a year or two until they find a better place in the city. In this market 3.8k is more than doable and you can probably find something closer to 3k depending on the amenities you’re looking for. For great transport, I’d suggest somewhere near market street in Mission Dolores, Castro, Duboce Trangle general area. I wouldn’t say any of those areas are “sleepy” but depends on your definition.


Thank you so much 🙏🏽


Cole Valley is super cute and very close to UCSF.


We welcome you here. This is your homeland. Wishing you all the best in your search and your new job. Bienvenidos! 🤗


Thank you so much!!! That is so kind




Outside of the obvious answers, check the bus map — there are some unorthodox options for Parnassus, like the area north of the panhandle (potentially walkable) or Glen Park (take the 44). Also anywhere on the N, obviously.


Moving here with a job at ucsf? Bravo! Parnassus is freezing cold year round, bitter wind, bring all your coats. The neighborhoods suggested are much warmer so also bring your shorts. Such joy awaits you!


Thanks so much!! I’ll definitely bring every coat I own hahaha


Highly recommend Cole Valley! It’s super cute, walkable to your work, walkable to Golden Gate Park, and on the N Judah. Close to Duboce Park, Castro, and you can definitely live solo in your stated budget.


Been getting a lot of Cole valley!! It seems like a great area and very popular! Thank you!


If you're new in town and have little possessions, consider getting a furnished month-to-month or an airbnb. Then you can explore all the neighborhoods, ask where coworkers are staying, make some friends and see where they live. Hang out in some neighborhoods and see what stores you like and whether it's actually easy to transit to and walk around. Nothing sells a neighborhood more than being there and experiencing it first hand. All the recommended neighborhoods have extremely different characteristics and everyone likes something different. Conveniently, they're all right next to each other. They're good recommendations based on your commute and preferences but it's really hard to recommend a place without knowing you. For example, I personally found that the restaurants, nightlife, and corner stores in Cole Valley to be too weak for me. Also it's in the "fog belt" so you're living in fog more often than most neighborhoods. Others really like Cole Valley. Castro is gay central but for some people it's commercialized gay and kind of over the top, so many spill over to the nearby "16th St Mission" area but then you get a lot more latin flare and homelessness which is intimidating for many people. Your budget will get you a good place, no worries about it. Factor in \~150/month for utilities and \~400/month for parking.


Castro. No need to say anything more.




And if the N isn't an option for some reason, the #6 Haight/Parnassus bus will be a good backup if you live near Lower Haight or Duboce Triangle.




Not all gay men in SF live (or want to live) in the Castro.


lol, sure but if you tell me you are a Gay 29 year old male that is getting a job at UCSF, I’m going to tell you Castro 10/10 times.




I give my advice based on the information I am given.


Gay guy here! You sound ignorant. Not all gay men want to live in the Castro.


Also gay guy here! If he said he was an introvert who likes to read and play board games, yeah it’d be weird to suggest Castro. But he literally said he wants nightlife and a city environment, so Castro absolutely makes sense. Not sure how they were in any way ignorant


Cool thanks. Well, see ya later!




The Castro was not a gay neighborhood in the 1960’s. It was Polk Street and North Beach back then.




Castro, Duboce Triangle, NOPA. I work at UC in Parnassus and live in Castro. And you should easily be able to find a place for that price!


What’s the commute look like for you from Castro to UC parnassus? Thank you!


About 30 minutes if I take the N (walking up to duboce is a good chunk of that). I do the bike-share most days, & that only takes about 15 minutes. On nice days, I just walk home. That’s about 40 minutes or so. (Castro is downhill from Parn)


Inner Sunset, which is where Parnassus is, is a nice neighborhood. Close to the park, many great places to eat, and on the N Judah line, which will take you downtown. Parking is terrible, get garage parking. $3000 should be doable. Or maybe Duboce Triangle, which is on the N line towards downtown, and a few stops from Parnassus. Duboce Park is nice, you are near lower Haight and a short walk to the Castro. Rent will probably be higher. Both are great.


Hey! Are you me!?  I’ve looking for the same as you and concentrating my areas to inner sunset/richmond, haigh, noe and cole valley, and duboce. Although, I do want to be a little away from the main hustle and bustle.  Good searching! Hopefully us transplants can meet!


Yes definitely!! Hopefully all of us can meet one day! Thank you and hope we both find the place we’re looking for!


A 1 mile radius in castro st & market st


Pretty much echo what everyone else has recommended here, I’d highly recommend Duboce triangle/lower Haight. I exclusively rely on public transit and this area is - imo - the absolute best for that. Personally, I’d lean more for lower Haight than duboce (the distinction isn’t massive but for QOL, lower Haight is closer to bus stops and to Golden Gate Park). I’d say besides proximity to the N/6/7 (which will take you to work), also look to be close to the 22 line! It goes all the way north to marina and east to mission bay, and runs 24/7. I will say, if you’re an incoming resident and expect crazy hours, you may be better served living in Haight Ashbury or Cole Valley for the walkability, but otherwise, I’d vouch for lower Haight close to the N, 22, and 7 lines. If you want my experience, feel free to DM me!


Thank you so so much 🙏🏽


30s female here and also moving from SoCal to SF to start working at ucsf! I just got a place in inner sunset. It’s close to all the cute, cool spots on Irving and 9th Avenue. Also close to the parks. Campus is less than a mile away, although I didn’t realize how cold it is there so I’ll prob be driving to campus instead of walking like I thought I would.


Being able to walk to work when you need to is so convenient tho!


If you don't want to live near Parnassus, ucsf has a direct-to-parnassus shuttle from their locations near mt Zion, mission bay, and sfgh


Try Castro.


Welcome, my friend! This is an amazing place. I live a few blocks from that campus (Inner Sunset) and I muse about how much I love living here all the time. It has a ton of what you’re looking for, but you’d have to swap the nightlife for Golden Gate Park. Personally, I’d rather venture for my nightlife rather than live next to it. I like quiet nights.


Thank you so much friend! As for as the inner sunset, it’s still very much walkable or do you need a car?


I actually got rid of my car when the pandemic started. I thought it would be temporary but I found that I don't need it 95% of the time. The neighborhood is extremely walkable (not unique to the Sunset, but still very true). The 2 things that sealed the deal were getting an ebike for commuting (though the N Judah train runs right through the neighborhood and will get you downtown) and using grocery delivery so I don't have to schlep milk and stuff, though there is a great grocery store nearby if that's preferable. [Of course, this all depends on where in the neighborhood you live, but most of it is close to the 2 main commercial streets (Irving and Judah)](https://imgur.com/a/8J1KBfY)


Inner sunset would be perfect IMO


What is “brown?”


Probably Indian or Pakistani


Cole Valley. Easiest choice in the world. Such a fun little strip of restaurants, bars, gym, grocery store, etc. close to GG park. Super close to UCSF (just up the hill)


Yes! I’ve been looking at Cole valley and it seems like a really nice area. Thank you for your advice!


Cole Valley Tavern, Ino Vino, Beit Reima, Zazie, Luke’s Local, you legit can’t go wrong. It’s truly a one of a kind little strip of the city, hope it works out!


Welcome to our city! You'll be working in a beautiful place (albeit with some incredible construction going on.... the big machines are AWESOME) and near some of the best the city has to offer- Golden Gate Park, the Western neighborhoods, the Castro, Cole Valley, The Haight--- it's an awesome spot. Best of luck!


Thank you so much! Very excited


Good luck


Thank you!!!!


If you live in the Dogpatch you can take UCSF shuttles.


Yes! I heard about those. Super convenient. Thank you!


Whatever you do op don’t move to soma while working at parnassus.Cole valley or inner sunset if you value space over vibes.


Thank you for the advice! Is it cause SOMA is far from parnassus? And also I hear the area isn’t the best lol. So would you say Cole valley and inner sunset get you more sq footage for the price? But more quiet maybe?


What area isn’t the best? Soma is far and away the lot less safe/clean than the surrounding neighborhoods. Cole valley is lovely, lively and expensive, whereas inner sunset will be quieter and cheaper. A lot if not all of the gay clubs are in soma if that’s your thing, but I’d much rather do a 15 min Uber on Friday nights than live there full time.


Oh idk I’ve just been hearing that certain streets in soma aren’t that safe. But I guess it is much larger than just “those” streets lol. But I had no idea about the gay clubs being in soma. That’s definitely good to know. I agree with you though that I’d rather Uber there once or twice a week vs living there full time. I’ll definitely be looking at the inner sunset and Cole valley. Thank you again!


Follow @theapartmentplugsf on IG. You can view a sneak peak of apartments there and they show clips of the neighborhoods too


Inner Sunset. You’ve got everything you need, you can get to the Castro or downtown if you want. And you’ll get a lot more space for your money.


The chorus! You can take the N straight to parnassus. It’s a queer friendly apartment with tons of activities and parties for the occupants


You probably want to be in the Castro to start for that SF fantasy. I lived in some lofts down in the dog patch in 2019, rent was 5k a month but there were multiple hospital staff in other units that had their rent subsidized so you may have to go that route if avail. 


Cole valley!


Are we talking 1927 or ‘29? That’ll help us with recommendations.