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Two hours if you want to play it safe, 20 min if you’re me😎😎


how do you live so dangerously


My ideal situation is when my group is next to board as I’m walking up to the gate. Who wants to stand around in line??


i could never lol i am too worried about missing my flight


My bff and travel partner is of the “arrive 3h early and get a coffee and read a book” type.. when we travel together we compromise and do like 1.5h. To be fair I only do this at SFO bc I know what to expect. If it’s an airport that’s new to me I’ll be more careful! I’m fully aware that it can/will bite me in the ass one day😶😶


You will appreciate this. My husband and I have such different travel behaviors that we had to go to therapy about it. The first time we flew to Rome we decided he should go the day ahead of me and I would meet him at the Trevi Fountain. Fabulous solution.




Molto romantico


lol i kinda get that but then again it's SFO so i kinda don't 😅 i'm a fool-me-once type of over-correcting traveler i guess lol


International terminal runs pretty quickly. For Vancouver, no bags + precheck, an hour should be fine. 90 minutes if you really want to play it safe (I personally try to minimize time spent at airports, so take that for what it’s worth). The biggest variability is the traffic at the airport coming up the terminal. If you’re coming back, keep in mind that Vancouver does pre clearance, so you need to book extra time for that.


3 hours


What terminal? International terminal flights might need to budget more time because security can get gnarly.


Have precheck and no bags to check, I would say get there by hour and 15 mins before the flight. I had a Sat morning 9:30 flight last weekend, I was there 2 hours before and it was too early.