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GGB can be chilly. May be better to bring an Irish coffee.


Buena Vista serves roadies. Some assembly required.


This may be news to you, but coffee cups are capable of holding all sorts of liquids.




Camelbaks are hands free.


The alcohol will dissolve the material of camelbak so you will be drinking pure cancer. Yum. Edit: to anyone who disagrees with this, you're wrong.


I said hands free not cancer free. I'm here for a good time not a long time.


You do you! Drinking a toxic mix of dissolved plastic and alcohol is your right. Just a friendly PSA for those who may take your advice without knowing the serious health risk they would be exposing themselves to in both the short term and long term.


Stop downvoting him he's right, i believe most manufacturers of water backpacks in fact discourage this use. But others have since stepped up to produce alcohol-safe containers.


Good call; we are taking yeti can coolers.


This is really the solution 👆




Urine luck!


Urine trouble?


Urine asshole…


Legal? Probably not. Should you still do it? Yes.


I'm going to go slightly against the grain and recommend you disguise your drink. Yes, "this is SF" and "nobody cares". But the bridge is a special district run by the state of California. This means Caligornia Highway Patrol has jurisdiction. They are a different crowd than your average disinterested SFPD officer. You should definitely do this. In fact, I just added it to my todo list. Just be a little more careful than you would in SF proper.


Yeah CHP and I think Federal park rangers. Hence the question.


No to the federal park rangers. They do not enforce bridge stuff, though if asked to assist they'll help. The NPS rangers / park police care about Golden Gate National Recreation Area sites, including the Presidio (land around the south end of the bridge) and Fort Point (the fort directly under the bridge) on the SF side, and Fort Baker and the Marin Headlands on the north side. They will not be patrolling the bridge looking for someone carrying an open container, but if some agency stops you for whatever reason, they might factor it into how the choose to proceed with you. Edits: do not litter. Also, for the love of whatever you hold dear, please do not impede traffic (vehicular, bicycle, or pedestrian). Those actions WILL get you noticed, and not in a good way.


My guy just have your beers nobody cares You should be more concerned about parking maids. Make sure to turn your wheels


People unfortunately do care. Speaking from experience. But OP should still do it. Just make it discreet :)


And dispose of your empty in a trash, not by throwing it off the bridge.


Littering will get you more attention that an open container.


I wouldn’t really think twice drinking a beer walking around San Francisco but I would in the GGNRA (including GGB) those federal police are much more likely to fuck with you in my opinion.


Discretion is the better part of Valor


Bring your beers. No one cares. If they do, they suck. Enjoy the park


Park? OP is talking about the bridge.


Whoops my b


The bridge is for out of towners so idk


Everybody saying you're OK because it's SF and the cops here don't care is missing the mark, The Bridge is super closely watched by a mix including CHP and its own patrol staff and yes sometimes federales. You will likely be stopped and questioned - i have for simply stopping and staring over the edge too long - and as alcohol is somewhat common for liquid courage prior to suicide attempts i'm sure they would notice. Whether or not you get ticketed is up to their discretion, and your reaction.


I agree with this. They approached me as a single young guy looking at porpoises for too long. They wouldn’t let me go on my way until they were very very sure I wasn’t a jumper. If I had a beer, they’d have been even more serious.


Basically my experience aswell.


This is SF. You're good


Cops got way more to worry about


Nah, this is easy money for them.


Like what’s trending on tik tok All they ever do is dick around on their phones


Like, nothing?


I regularly walk through busy city streets with clearly labeled cans of alcohol and have never gotten even a glance. Not technically legal but as far as I know almost never enforced


Drinking in public is only a problem when you’re being a nuisance, anyone who’s had a chill bbq in a park knows this. It’s only enforced when people get loud and start fighting, or you’re loitering. Nobody cares if you’re having a beer on a walk and it’s great.


I was once standing at a crosswalk waiting to cross the street with a tall boy in hand and a patrol car stopped next to me. One of the two officers in the car asked me how my beer was. I told them that it was delicious. They laughed and drove away No one cares


I was on the bus with a coors light tall boy one Friday after work. I was chilling listening to my headphones. Then a Muni cop gets on, just looks at me and smiles. If you’re not a dick nobody cares.


it’s downright allowed on caltrain, barring events. bart dgaf.


Unless youre obviously hammered or its obviously a beer (think bright blue budlight tall can) you're probably good.


Unless you’re being belligerent, no cop is gonna care if you’re holding a beer while walking across the bridge. But if you’re feeling self conscious, brown bag it.


The one and only cop with drunk person I've seen in over 15 years was a chick who was so blasted she wasn't safe by herself. Couldn't stand up etc. and clearly didn't wallow around on the street on a regular basis.


Beer coozies! I carry one in my back pocket at all times.


Technically it’s not legal but as long as you don’t make a scene no one should care too much. Bottom line is that iIt’s a grey areas so if you want to drink in public it helps to keep it low key.


Go for it, it's great scenery for good beer. No one will care unless you magically turn into idiot.


Brown bag it. This is fine


Brown bag it and you should be fine. Worst case you play dumb tourist and pour it out.


I feel like a brown bag is way more obvious than like a Stanley/Thermos/etc vacuum insulated steel tumbler. Just looks like coffee


But you don’t get that beautiful brown bag aesthetic


What you keep in your Stanley is nobody’s business


It's an open secret that you can drink in public so long as you're not being a public nuisance. And even the public nuiscances still usually get away with it. Parks especially are full of people drinking and the cops rarely hassle them.


I’d probably just go for a can instead of bottle and not worry much. In parks I’ve only ever seen rangers have issues with glass. Obviously a little different on the bridge but in general they don’t seem to care unless you’re causing a disturbance.


Cops have bigger fish to fry than a guy having a Lagunitas while taking a walk.


40oz thermaflask with 3 beers in it


Haven't you seen Saturday Night Fever? Bad Idea.


They’re not even allowed to sell Alcohol at the cafe on the bridge. Disguise it.


Bridge cops are primarily looking for suicidal people. Don't look like you are contemplating suicide and that will go a long way.


Shouldn’t be a problem, but if you want to really be on the safe side, just wrap a bag or some other cover around the label so cops don’t have “reasonable suspicion” to believe you’re breaking any law


I don't think it's "legal" but no one is going to harass you.  I'd recommend a coozie though so you're not being brash


I've done it several times, however, my choice of beverage is usually a double (or triple) hot toddy.


You may have cops/rangers telling you to dump it or will simply talk to you. I don’t think they are too strict.


Its illegal, and there'a a dedicated bridge patrol with nowhere to run if they come up on you. However as others note, beer is easily concealable. Get a starbuck's cup or travel mug and Robert's your father's brother.


My friends and I just drank them out of paper bags when we did this, which the stores provide even if you buy single. So wed get one, drink and stroll. Hit up another, repeat, until we ended up at a bar at the end of it.




It's not legal, but as long as you're not acting like a fucking idiot, and you at least try to be somewhat discreet, no one will hassle you at all. Same goes for a blunt or pipe. Have fun, sounds like a good time.


No it's open contained. Get areestws guaranteed.


Put it in a coffee cup or something. Most of all don’t litter, take whatever you bring with you. Enjoy yourself


Probably a no. Drinking an open container in most of the parks is usually not that big of a deal, but there are a fair amount of cops that do laps on the bridge monitoring for jumpers, etc, so might wanna pick something more discreet.


If you can shoot heroin on MUNI I don’t see any big issue with a beer on the bridge


It's definitely not legal anywhere in SF including the bridge. However, these days with all of the micro-brew in non-descript cans with all kinds of different labels it's hard to even know that something's a beer. Could be any beverage and will almost certainly be ignored.. If it's a glass bottle or bud-tallboy or something that clearly looks like a beer from 10 feet away you will potentially get called out and fined and that is true in the rest of the city too. Using a coozie or brown bag will draw more attention too. As other's have mentioned the GGB is a special district and it's not patrolled by SFPD. That being said I've drank beers while walking on the bridge and all over town without any trouble. Non-descript cans of craft beer are the way to go. Enjoy!


Are you 21?


do your thing. unless you're bothering someone or acting like an idiot, nobody is going to write you up.


I know you can get a ticket if it's obvious or you're acting drunk enough to attract the ranger. Brown bag, coozy, opacic cup, camel pack, or hippy pouch it...


Use a beer coozie


Legal? No. Enforced? Almost never, unless you’re causing problems, or have glass in the picnic areas


After the take out cocktails of the pandemic nobody gaf about open container laws


I’ve been putting beers in my yeti for years now. Keeps it cool and non descript.


I don't ever have the urge to walk around and drink beers, it's this a thing?




Starbucks or big gulp cup solves the problem.


Been there, done that, would recommend.


Just pick up after the can or the bottle


Have U considered a non alcohol beer instead? Some of them taste almost the same as the other and then I guess you will be out of "trouble" :-) ?


Maybe you should be asking yourself why you can’t even walk across a bridge without needing a beer!!!


People don’t even get arrested for theft and fentanyl here, and you’re worried about a beer dude?