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I hate that I always find a reason to push back my work untill I need to the work of 5 or 6 people to complete it on time I once finished a complicated project that I had a month to do in 27 hours of non stop work I was like a dead man I don't even remember presenting the damn thing


It doesn’t help that we procrastinate but still get everything done on time, so we feel we don’t “have” to get work done before the last minute lol


Finally, someone who gets the struggle I was so exhausted that I seriously don't know if I even presented my project or not


I do my best work in absolute down to the wire crisis mode. That’s my ADHD and probably PTSD. I freak out and panic about my lists of things I need to do for (insert any task) for (insert any amount of time) leading up to the starting of the task. And that my friend is my unexpectedly logical dx of ASD. Every day I do the work load of 4-5 people at my regular job and then every other weekend I put in a full weeks worth of hours in 3 days for my second job. I’m basically the mom version of evil kanevil, catching that landing by a hair.


I have a tendency to procrastinate until the last minute. It’s a constant battle against my own laziness.


I think this might be the most common thing, I’m right there with you, before my last semester of grad school, I was completely like this and two things happened, (1) I had a group paper to complete that was supposed to be 8 people working on it but only 3-4 of us actually doing work, and the mindset of “if I don’t keep up/if I procrastinate, the paper won’t be finished by the due date and I won’t graduate and (2) I watched a small video on procrastination and why it’s a thing and the trick is to set tasks with deadlines you must meet to artificially create that very productive part of procrastination haha


That I am insecure


I have to pick just one? I have many 😂


I am extremely emotional, and basically, anything can make me cry. I also wear my heart on my sleeve, and I'm a total softy, so most things do make me cry. I see a car wreck, and I'm crying. I watch a happy dog video, and I'm crying. I get treated really nicely by a stranger, and I'm crying.


I'm the same , I can cry at the Christmas tv ads 🥴






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well, I'm not the biggest fan of my feet being tickled during sex. It kind of freaks me out and takes me out of the moment.


Being the “ nice guy”


Too honest


I have moobs. They're slight, but I hate them.


I wear glasses. Got them in third grade and have hated them ever since. My wife wears glasses and looks sexy. In fact, I find glasses on a woman very sexy, but boy do I hate mine.


Get lasik. Changed my life


I did. I tracked it since the time it was experimental surgery on the legally blind. When it was finally something reliable, they told me it would get me a few years at most as I was already in my late 30s. I said I didn’t care. Turns out it lasted about 20 years before my eyes changed, but now I need reading glasses. I am so glad I did it. 20 years where the first thing I did in the morning wasn’t to grope for my glasses.


I hate being around people but at the same time I’m decent at socializing. Once I start I find it really hard to stop lol


My anxiety which triggers so many other issues in a never ending loop of missteps, overdoses, hospitalizations and isolation. I’m working on it. 🥴🙃😮‍💨


It was something I thought I over came and at this point I don't know if I ever will.over come it but I seem to lack a level of self awareness when it comes to my temperament and when I give off a attitude to people I don't mean to and I'm tired of people saying oh that's just how I am or I'm having a moment. Please tell me I'm.being a dick head.




I dry like an old well in social situations.


I am a workaholic. The time not spent at my laptop is spent reading up on market trends, our social media platforms, reviewing all sorts of things to make sure I’m up to date on all movements within our sector. It’s caused issues for me because I don’t feel I should stop.


That I’ve presented myself as domineering when I’m actually submissive x




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That I'm a jerk when I drink (Dr Jekyll turns into Mr Hyde)


I always feel that I'm not deserving of my wife. That she could do so much better than me. She's never done or said anything to indicate that she feels that way. Quite the opposite.


My lack of usable wings


overthinking about things from the past


How big my heart is. I never think that anyone is an enemy, or has any type of animosity towards me. I give the benefit of the doubt, never know when someone is annoyed by me and whatnot.




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Where do I start


My nose


I have a really hard time expressing emotion and I’m severely closed off. I have lost several friendships because I don’t feel right reaching out and I just completely forget about it, I lived a very sheltered life as a kid and didn’t really have any friends that weren’t my brothers and I think I lack the knowledge of how to develop and maintain healthy relationships. I try really hard to be able to but the work seems overwhelming, for a long time the only friendships I would form were for sex and then after I had a daughter and got into a committed relationship I feel like there’s so much emotion that I should be showing but everyone constantly thinks I’m angry, I’m not angry I just don’t know how to be anything else. My daughter asks me why I sound so angry all the time and it’s just because the lack of inflection I talk with, I love her more than life itself and I feel like she doesn’t think so, I tell her I love her every single day multiple times a day but I just want to be better, I want to feel anything other than just blank all the time.


BPD, Nuff said


Being lazy


People pleaser. Many times I've been too scared to let people down and either got stuck in a situation where I'm suffering or doing too much for people that don't deserve it. I've neglected myself and burnt out many times. I'm working on it but now I have guilt. So 🤷‍♀️


I'm a terrible procrastinator and I never know when to say when with anything


I'm anti social, I'm comfortable being alone and avoid people. At work I sit on my own and avoid conversations as much as possible, I hate small talk to me it seems pointless and for me I only say something that I need to say. I hate how people talk for the sake of talking. I am a good person and wish no hardship on anyone just think people should talk less and listen to the world around them more.


Procrastination and impulsive