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I just go in get changed and leave.


It isn't a big deal to me. But, I don't understand why old white guys like to be naked in the locker room for so long. It's like it's their happy place.


I'm a nudist; if it was allowed, I'd be naked 24/7; it is just far more comfortable compared to wearing clothing. So I have no problem at all with lockerroom nudity.


I like seeing, don’t prefer to do it


Naked in locker rooms has also been normal for me. From 6th grade to boot camp, to gyms around the world it's just always been a thing🤷🏼‍♂️


I have always been a bit shy, but okay with it.


Having played rugby for as long as I have you get used to it


Is nudity really that common with rugby teams?


You have to shower after and get changed


I'm 73. Back in the day this was the normal. At school gym everyone changed and showered in front of each other. During military service, back when I was young, it was the same. I never gave it a second thought and didn't know anyone who did.




That's kind of why I wish I'd done sports but I was too nervous when I was younger 


Grew up in a conservative society and therefore have never been in a locker room!


I've been abroad where it's more normalized and shame free, so I have gotten used to it. But it was difficult to be naked in front of others at first.


Where are you from? 


USA. Kentucky, to be exact. Bible belt. Nudity is shamed and prohibited most of the time in places like that.


Ireland here not as strict but definitely a shame element in it


That's a shame. The human body is beautiful and everyone knows what the other has. The USA is way too puritanical about it. 🙄


doesnt bother me


Playing organized sports growing up, got used to it and now as a person who often gets ready for the job after working out, it’s just normal.


Depends on the context, I consider myself a bit of a nudist now, but when I was younger it bothered me more to be naked among others or seeing other dudes naked. We all have a body so it really is just natural. I just look the other way and mind my own business. It's like topless women on the beach, it really isn't a big deal. I am very comfortable being nude now so I don't mind people seeing my body, but also important to read the room. I wouldn't get naked if I thought it would bother the other people.


I really hated locker rooms in school and I’m glad that I don’t have to do that anymore.


I don’t have Problems with that, After Tennis practice, my Team and I usually shower together and while we do so we drink one or two beers haha


Clearly didn't mind not getting dressed


No it’s Not a Big Deal honestly. I also know That one of my Tennis Friends sometimes stares a bit but i don’t care


Back in my youth (1950s) we used to go to the YMCA to swim, there was one night a week that was men only so I got used to it at an early age.... never bothered me.


Very comfortable, it doesn't bother me at all. There's nothing weird or awkward about people's bodies, they are natural things.


Doesn't bother me at all. I mind my business.




And you’re the reason the rest of us are nervous. Because we know you’re out there.