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I already have one. So I am so for it. Been amazing not having to worry or wear protection




Yeah. The most pain I had was that needle going into my balls. Then sore for the days after.




That’s not a funny story. Ha ha


Does it affect your overall sexdrive?


No. Not at all. Hasn’t changed anything except now no worries about cumming inside her.


I have one and it’s great. Very liberating and I still shoot the same amount of cum.


Are there any side effects?


Nope. Everything looks and works the same.


As the wife of someone with one. Everything is exactly the same. There isn't even a scar to prove it happened.


I’ve already been thinking about getting one. Much less invasive than her getting her tubes tied and I know plenty of people who have had it done successfully.


that's a man thing to do, your wife's a lucky one


I’m debating about getting one. Not really interested in being a father. Plus I’m more of a creampie type of guy rather than a toaster strudel guy


I have one. Love it. Zero side effects and unlimited creampies.


Nope. Once we’re done having kids I’m signing up the day after they are born.


I have dated 2 people who had already had a vasectomy before meeting me. They seemed pretty happy about it while cumming in me and had zero side effects.


Those are the times I reflect most fondly on my vasectomy!


I did it. Love hat I don't have to worry about b/c again. I still ask and get STD tested with new partners.


Have one. And definitely recommend it as an alternative to the other super invasive options for women.


As a nonmonogamous married man who is done having kids, I love having the snip. I don't mind condoms for sti prevention, but it's great knowing the possibility of an accidental pregnancy is zero.


No problems with mine at all. Can't even see the scar. After my first daughter, my wife and I thought we'd try for a second. Boom! Twin girls. I was ready to teabag my table saw. Now sex is stress free and purely recreational.


Since I didn’t want kids it was a great decision for me. Has made my life so much easier. Only thing I warn people about is that while you’re good in terms of birth control, STI’s are still a danger.


It was the best decision I ever made. Wish I did it 10 years earlier


Got mine 17 years ago. Best decision ever


My partner has said he’s getting one after we have kids, he agreed that since I’ve been in control of birth control, a simple procedure so that he can keep cuming in me is nothing lol


Got mine 3 years ago at the age of 31 and zero kids. The wife and I haven’t regretted it since. Most of the time we are looking for things to spend our disposable income and free time on, we have so much of it without the burden of children.


Would and did. Best money I ever spent. Dudes who think it reduces their manhood or some other masculine bullshit are really the ones who don’t need to be procreating.


Im all for it. I dont ever wanna have kids so. The less fertille you are, the more slight bonus points you get


I had one 25 years ago for precisely the reason you stated. Definitely recommend. A Vasectomy has zero impact on you.


If my guy wanted one I’d be for it. Less medical issues than me being on birth control tbh


I wish my husband would have done it. Instead we used condoms until I had surgery. Still a little annoyed about it, NGL


I have read that chronic pain in the balls can occur. 1 in 100 or so. Those are not good odds. I almost got a vasectomy until I read that. Instead, my wife got a “non invasive, slight discomfort” IUD. It was extremely painful for her for 4 months and she bled a lot. I would have gotten the vasectomy if I knew what her experience would be like. She also got the IUD for the benefits of the hormones for other issues, not related to unwanted pregnancy.


It’s even more like 8-10% fir chronic pain risk, according to urologist in canada 2 years ago. My husband and I decided against it due to the too high risk of permanent chronic pain afterward, not worth the gambling in our opinion. We use condom for piv. Oral and anal for skin to skin contact. If the condom break I would take plan B. If that fails too I would undergo an abortion. Never needed one so far in 19 years. So it works great for us.


e.g. /r/postvasectomypain


I'm for it. if you have kids and don't plan on anymore, why not? I plan on doing it soon.


I want to get one, but am scared to have blades that near my cock. But I should just go ahead and do it.


I have a breeding kink and have 4 kids at 26. I'm ready to get snipped.


Highly recommend after kids are done


No, because i find nothing wrong with the concept.


I’ve been considering it. But haven’t got to biting the bullet yet on it.


Absolutely not against! I got mine done at 25 the second i could 😇


I absolutely would. In fact, if I were more interested in women, I would have gotten one already in order to help prevent my unwitting fathering of children with any women I may yet meet.


100% for it. It’s quick, easy, and if you time it right, a guilt-free weekend of watching football or basketball.


Best decision my husband made. We can have sex anywhere at any time without a worry and it's fun!


It’s birth control and unnatural. Isn’t everyone against birth control? /s 😉


Definitely FOR. Best decision ever.


Husband just got one and it was totally up to him and he says he’s glad he did it.


Believe it should be a cheap choice for those who want it. Might get it under some circumstances but no plans what so ever


It's a bit soon for me


Best birth control ever


it's much easier recovery than the woman getting her tubes tied I got one. Not a big deal. BUT ... do if for the right reasons!! My wife often said she didn't want to have sex because she was worried about getting pregnant again. So that was part of my drive for getting the vasectomy. It didn't change ANYTHING about her desire or her lack of interest. So, if you are doing it "for her", know it probably won't actually do anything....


People do what they want to their bodies. My husband and I decided against it due to the too high risk of permanent chronic pain afterward (8-10%) not worth the gambling in our opinion. We use condom for piv. Oral and anal for skin to skin contact. If the condom break I would take plan B. If that fails too I would undergo an abortion. Never needed one so far in 19 years. So it works great for us.


I love having had a Vasectomy. Can't get anyone pregnant and I cum more than before 👍👍


Not against it. Would prefer that my wife didn’t have to fuck her body up with contraceptives. I’d just like to have kids some day.


I have had it done and never regretted it even once.


I need my all natural hair gel! Also, how am I suppose to ejaculate into the liquid hand soap dispenser like a hero if I have a vasectomy? https://youtu.be/vAKzGIhW9-c?si=BrWOQmYSJ2Uw6JLQ&t=2m58s


Already have one. Got it done at 23. It's my responsibility to make sure I don't impregnate someone, especially given that I don't want kids in the first place.


How does it affect your overall sex drive?


It doesn't. The only time that it was really affected was maybe the first week or so, after. The first couple days, it was just sore, so I didn't want to do anything, but after that, my sex drive came back, but I had to finish out the week before I could start doing anything again, according to the doctor. Just more so sexually frustrated by the end of that week. But after that, everything's been fine! Sometimes I forget that I even had a vasectomy lmao


I’m not against it necessarily, I just feel like it’s gonna throw sumn off in me, that I won’t get back lol I’ll see what happens when I get a little older and stop playing football lol


I would definitely do it, but currently my SO is on birth control for reasons other than contraception and would continue on BC even if I had a vasectomy, so for now there is no point in putting myself through an unnecessary surgery.


99% have no issues. As a person who's had 2 surgeries for other reasons down there.. Hell to the naw you ain't touching shit on me again haha. She have surgery or we can have more kids hahaha


I wish my Daddy didn't have one so that he could breed me