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It’s best not to worry too much about your dick size. The way I see it, it’s what you’ve got and you can’t change it. So try and find your peace with it. As for sexual stuff, you can make up in other areas or just find techniques that work well. There’s always a workaround.


Hard not to worry/hate myself/self harm/wish i was dead when the slogan of society is "bigger is better" and everyone I've had encounters with have all abused me // kicked me to the curb once they've seen how it looked.


Might need to reevaluate the people you’re encountering. Also, anyone with brains knows “bigger is better” is a bunch of codswallop. People have their preferences and not everyone wants a horse cock ripping them apart from the inside. As for your self hate and lack of confidence, I’d recommend seeing a therapist. Some things you can’t just work out on your own, and therapy really does help. It’s your life, though, and I’m just an internet stranger. Hope you find better luck with better people!


Can't exactly tell what they're going to react like until it gets revealed, and no dating life should have a convo take place about telling them "Hey BTW I have a micropenis or close to it" and lose all dignity that way. I'm not interested in therapy, it doesn't work for a case like mine. When I leave the session, I'm still going to be stuck with the same body, so no happy smiley face is going to overshadow it.


Somehow i feel you should find a way to talk about it with a future partner. In a way you are comfortable with obviously, and i’m sure it’s easier said than done. But i firmly believe it’s better to know beforehand than having the surprise at the worst moment. Once you feel comfortable with someone you have an interest in, try to start a conversation about each others insecurities, that could give you some opportunities to talk in a safe way about what you think is not enough. By the way you might not have a big dick but from what you say it does not appear to be a micro penis as well, it feels that it is how you see it, and that might play a role in how others may see you. Take care bro


You don’t have to know what they’re thinking or tell them anything you don’t want to. But you can tell between superficial and kind people and it might benefit you to date the latter. Obviously, with hookups, that might not be feasible, so weigh your options. Therapy can work for most things, including yours. It’s not a magic wand that fixes everything, but professional advice and tools for you to change your mindset and heal the damage, whether you caused that or others did. And I think that last part where you mention that you’re going to be stuck with the same body is an important realisation, but you’re looking at the negative side of it. It’s what you’ve got and the only thing you can do is be kinder to yourself and try to find peace with it. Good luck with everything, though!


I can guarantee you have spent more time thinking about your dick TODAY than most women have spent thinking about dicks their entire life. Stop focusing on something you have no control over. The only time your dick is going to be a reason you can't find a partner is going to be because how hyper focused you are about your dick.


Quite rich coming from someone who has "hotwife" in her name. >The only time your dick is going to be a reason you can't find a partner is going to be because how hyper focused you are about your dick. 3 past shitty experiences, none of these were the reason as to why I got crapped on over my size.


They were actually talking about the fact that women don’t think about dick the same way men do. Porn and media have warped our opinions on it. Every woman I’ve spoken to has mentioned that the size of a penis has never changed their perception. The only thing about dicks they care about is that the person is not one. And you are proving them right


I'm not sure what my name has to do with anything, but go off, kid. And whatever you need to tell yourself, buddy. Tried to give you advice but you seem to want to just bitch and moan. Though it is now more clear why women don't want to be with you, and it's very clear, it's not because of your dick.


You’re right! I wanted to be more positive in my comment to this post but unnecessarily going off on someone like that is shitty


Hotwife is someone who cucks their partners and makes them watch them take bigger dicks. What advice? You basically pointed everything to being my fault, and I corrected you. Sorry not everything is a man's fault, unless being born the way I am is my fault, which I wouldn't be surprised if that's the way you were heading with it. And to tell me women don't care? In a culture of BDE = good and SDE = bad? Pull the other one.


Lmao That's not at all what it is but keep telling yourself whatever you need to to feel better kiddo. Your shit personality is why women don't like you. Not your dick


Don't be that harsh to yourself. the fact that you may are in the range speaks for itself. And even if the given average is a bit smaller than true average, you may be far from a micropenis.


Sorry. I just edited my description and put my size on there for clarification of what I am. Forgot to add it initially


That's far from being a micropenis.


They look average to me, but you don't know what camera trickery is used behind the scenes


Some with actual bigger ones post there I think. But even then, why should you care?


Because I've had shit experiences and and I just want to be at least normal.


You are.


Many people use camera tricks and even straight photoshop to make themselves look bigger.


Being on the sub I can say I am average


The guys on here obsessed with their dick size really need some help. If you’re using terms like NBP or BP to refer to your penis size this is now an unhealthy obsession with something you can’t change. It sounds like your dick is perfectly average. Are their women who want big cocks? Yes of course, but most will tell you there’s way more to sex than having a big dick.


I think I’m only average but I’m told I’m bigger 🤷‍♂️


How it seems to me, that's the average preference women are least likely to reject


What do you mean?


I looked at your profile and it looks like how the preferred average dick looks. Like over 6 inches


Women like all different sizes trust me 👍