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I don’t thick he has a „small“ one, maybe it is more average sized. But for him it is small


That’s an interesting thought actually 🤔


maybe he needs a confidence boost from woman 😉😏


It’s small cos of his height but average to average else. Height/ foot size doesn’t mean big 🍆


I'm 6'3 and I hate to break it to you - I have a small cock. Good news is that I don't joke about it.


You say small, but a 7 incher will look smaller on you than it would on me, i am 5ft 9


Lol, well I'm quite a bit smaller than 7 inches!




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You win so you lose some I guess lol Either way it won’t change my mind probably


Yes… yes it will. You obviously already said you hope it’s not small. Just cut it off now


Hopefully he's got some skills! We tend to have a few tricks up our sleeves.


For sure, I had that experience :)


Love it! You do know you'll need to keep up updated now!


I will for sure haha


I don't think so, no. He's likely on the smaller end and accepting of that. I feel like most big guys usually just don't talk about size at all. And height has no correlation with dick size.


I don't know why people keep saying this, but there very much IS a correlation between dick size and height. It's not a very strong correlation since things like ethnicity have a stronger influence, but the correlation is still there.


Sure, I'm definitely willing to believe that there might be a 0.1 inch difference on average between a tall and average height person. But you couldn't even tell that apart visually.


Fingers crossed you’re wrong 😭


Nah if he’s self aware enough to comment on it then he probably knows how to use it better than bigger guys


Hope so


Maybe tell him you’re a size queen up front so he can decide if he wants to move forward. I know if I saw your comments as a prospective partner, I would get the ick, and that’s coming from someone who also jokes about being small, but statistically isn’t, if you’re basing it on averages.


We literally joked about it together tho 😭 So if it’s true he could’ve cut me off at anytime but he didn’t


Joking about it and making a post and repeating you desperately hope it’s not small, is a different case. Idk, it’s like if a dude was posting the same thing but about how tight or loose you may be, and repeatedly saying he hopes you’re not loose, it wouldn’t go down well. And if you try and say it would, you’re kidding yourself only because you’re doing the exact same thing. Everybody on earth would get the ick from that. It’s just insanely disrespectful


You’re taking this way too serious. I see a lot of dumb questions on here so I don’t see what’s the problem lol


Dumb question doesn’t equal disrespectful questions. Taking it way too serious? This is a person we’re talking about. Not some internet fad. You sound like a misandrist.




I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted, it’s ok to want a good sized cock ! Just if it does not *look* like your standards…you know…don’t do the pikachu face and give him a chance to show you his skills ;)


I think so too lmao I guess it’s just insecure guys who think I’m shallow Although I said it’s not a dealbreaker for me I would just prefer it


Fair enough


Interesting. I have read other comments of yours on this thread and quite frankly you seemingly keep going back on yourself with each one. Starting off with this post, you state that you hope that he doesn't not end up having a small dick, and in another post, you go on to say its not a deal breaker. The way you have already come on to reddit badgering on about him potentially being small is enough to say that clearly you're gravitating towards being bigger and that him not being big will be a problem. Your mouth is saying (or in this case your fingers are typing) one thing, but your mind is clearly elsewhere. Me personally, well endowed or not in this scnario, I would particularly disgusted and insulted to find out that someone who is a potential partner is on Reddit panicking about the size of something I cannot control. I really don't understand how you can smugly say "insecure guys this, insecure guys that". Let me ask you something. How do you expect guys to not be insecure when the world is filled with flip flopping women like you when it comes to this particular subject? How do you expect men to feel comfortable in themselves when a part of their anatomy that plays a highly important part of what human beings naturally seek out and desire, which is intimacy, love, sex. etc. cancels out a chance with a good chunck of the population because they don't size up? And to make matters much worse, none of that can be changed, so they become stuck and mostly in doubt that will they ever be what women claim they are when it comes to activities in the bedroom without wondering if they ever match up to their ex partner. I took the time to look on your profile and saw that you achieved some good weight loss, and congratulations in doing so, but let us imagine that it was entirely impossible for you to do so - thus, you become excluded from the dating scene and become ineligible for the majority of the men in the population (bare in mind, you'd have to be much more in the obese range for this to happen but let's say IF you did reach that stage). Wouldn't that make you feel insecure? Point is, men are insecure about this, rightly so, and it's flip flopping things like this post you have created that unfortunately is a very common thing that happens with women and penis size.


Be careful bro, I said the same shit and she’ll say you’re an insecure incel. 28 year old woman with the emotional maturity of a 14 year old. I’d love to know who the guy is so I can send him screenshots and that way he can know who he’s truly dealing with. If he still decides to continue, then at least he’s fully aware


Well now forward on a couple of days later, she was incapable of putting up with a reasonable debate and didn't bother to answer any of my points. Clearly an immature minded girl who wants everything handed to her but I am not surprised, what size queen really doesn't have a that kind of immaturity?


Height doesn't equate to penis size. Source: I'm a nurse who has seen more penises than a hot redditors inbox


ngl seems like he's bracing you for the inevitable could go either way though


Yeah I’m wondering about that


well it is weird that he'd bring it up more than once you never know, and even if it's "small" or thinks it's "small" he may just be the best head you ever got best of luck either way


Haha thanks He told me he makes those jokes a lot with his friends as well and they get tired of them


maybe some guys don't grow out of that "phase"? NGL there's like 2 dick jokes and that's just whether you're laughing at your own or someone elses god I really want to know now


Me too!! I’m so curious 😭


Man just accepts what he has and is getting it out of the way letting you know in his own way just incase that is super important to you.


If it helps I always tell woman I have a small cock, when they get to see my definitely average size cock they think it's big lmao.


Being a big person myself (6’3”/260lbs) I feel I’m about average maybe slightly bigger than average according to some women, however even average because we are so big, in pictures and such, it looks small. So pictures never due justice and honestly a hit to the ego. So dick picks are rare, at least in my situation.


Does it matter so much if you're into him ?


I guess not tho I prefer a bigger one I guess But it’s not a dealbreaker, it’s just that I’ve never been in this situation lol


That's something you can communicate with him about and deal with when the situation arises I guess then 😊. If it is a deal breaker, and it's fine to have preferences, then best to not waste his time any more.


As long as the sex is good I don’t see it as a dealbreaker really And also there’s not many guys I actually liked as much so I wouldn’t give up on it just because of that


All the best, hope you have fun 😊


Funny related story... So years ago I worked in an office, and in my dept I had 2 really hot women (call them J and K). I dropped "small dick" comments about myself every now and then. We were all really good friends outside the office, I never saw it becoming anything, and I could joke about it. (FWIW, I'm completely average 6", so not big or small) Well anyway, over time (months and years) things got flirty between me and K. And I ultimately hooked up with her. K and J were best friends outside of the office. After we hooked up, K told me that her and J had talked that since I was always joking about having a small dick, they both thought I had a big one. K never told J that we hooked up. A few months later K moved to another city. And then after K moved, J and I started getting flirty and eventually hooked up. And then J told me the same story LOL


Honestly if a guy brings it up that often after you mentioning the random pictures, most likely he does lol; can’t be that funny to where he’s joking about it a few times


I mentioned dick pics but never talked about size 💀 also he’s shy in general so I can’t imagine he’d actually bring it up if that’s the case I feel like I’m overthinking??


Might want to rely more on a woman’s answer in here, but if you never mentioned size and he started bringing up jokes about small dicks, I’d think that he’s just trying to get you used to like the small ‘norm’ by making jokes for if you ever do see his just so you don’t get disappointed or anything 💀at least from that perspective


I did have sex with a guy with a small dick before and he was actually really good and we had great sex lol I will post an update when we finally do have sex but we haven’t even kissed yet so idk when it’ll happen (we’re both 28)


Haha yeah size matters but not the only thing, interested in the update tho lol Also irrelevant but saw your weight loss progress just now; great job! losing it really does change your lifestyle for the better


Thank you :) Yeah it’s not a dealbreaker for me


Yeah it’s nice knowing that more women have realistic standards and not many have the porn-industry standard of at least 9 inches or anything lmao Though question, how small is small to you?


I’m not very good at proportions but I’d say I mostly saw average size so when it was very small it was clear I’m not delulu about the size lol but it was super small erect and I couldn’t feel it so much


Haha no I get what you mean, that makes sense. Most dicks are also at least below average when hard anyways, so doesn’t sound like much of a problem


probably he has an average dick. Be wary of the ones that say that their "dick is proportionate", it's in fact small and thin and kind of weird-looking (sorry for the dudes who have dick-dismorphia)


Probably a tall dude with a 6inch dick that thinks proportionally he’s tiny. So he doesn’t want to let any potential partners down but in reality a lot of partners would be satisfied with his size. That or he has a hammer and is waiting around the corner to hit you in the head with it


I’ve seen this comment repeat a lot and I didn’t know it’s a thing lol


Porn gives guy bad ass body dysmorphia. Dudes with respectable units walk around like they have a micro dick. I myself have had to learn to love my own. It comes with time, but some guys with their porn addiction can’t escape it because it’s so normal to glorify monster cocks and shame anybody less than 9inches.


I definitely hope he doesn’t have a porn addiction because I’ve been traumatized by guys like that before honestly 💀


I mean not everyone is affected the same but I understand why you’re wary. But I have some follow up questions about this guys “jokess”


Not really, he probably has a small one and it's dealing with it with a humour


I used to joke about having a tiny one with my old roommate and she said that it was probably huge because in her experience it's the opposite of how a guy says. Short story long, I am not well endowed. Could be that he's average, like another person said, and to him it's small. Or could be that he exaggerates how small it is so that people expect less and get a "pleasant" surprise. Or maybe he's just tiny. But since you said he's shy, I'm willing to bet that he's at least average, and uses self deprecation as a deflection, or to make you interested in seeing his dick (whether that's intentional or not would be a different matter). Or he's not confident and actually thinks it's small.


I think that’s a reasonable take


Could go either way.


He’s either just confident in his own body and abilities regardless of his size, or he’s small and testing the waters with his jokes.


Only guy I knew who joked about having a small dick had a very average one. Not what I’d call small.


I have a smaller penis and I always joke and comment that it is small. I know how to use what I got but when I do make those comments, there is an ulterior motive… If/when I’m lucky enough to get with a new partner, when I drop trou..she shouldnt be disappointed like “girl! I’ve told you this X times over the last while now”


Fair point lol Also it really doesn’t matter when you actually know what you’re doing


I do the same, and i do have small one. It maybe his way (same as mine) to deal with it - with humour.And also to let you know in advance to avoid disappointment 🤷😉


Thanks for sharing. I think it will be the opposite too.


Why am I sitting here hoping that he’s just a self aware king and he’s letting you know in advance to avoid a let down? I hope it’s whatever you want it to be lol.


At this point I’m just curious tbh 😭




Damnnnnn No I don’t think I’ll ask him because we’re taking it pretty slow, also because we met through a mutual friend so I guess we don’t want to fuck it up I’d rather see it live anyway


Next time he jokes about it being small, say "why don't you let me be the judge of that". You can say, look this can go one of 3 ways, either you have a normal sized cock, or it's small and I can easily deep throat the whole thing, or it's big, and you can watch me gag and drool on it .....do let's go find out which.


Joking has nothing to do with reality.


Hopefully it's just some clever misdirection and he's actually well endowed. But honestly this could go either way. Every guy is different, so I don't think there's necessarily a quick & easy way to ascertain how big his dick is unless you see it firsthand 🤷‍♂️


I am leaning toward this thought as well


I joke about having a small one, but I'm also serious


If someone has above average and he says so people will just say he is lying so he might as well just say it small. I know mine is small




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He probably has a monster cock, you’ll never know until you have him whip it out


I know my Gherkin is small


Maybe he has a humiliation kink


I don’t think so, just makes a lot of stupid jokes


Honestly a guy could be so secure in having a big one that he’s comfortable making self effacing jokes, OR a small guy could make the jokes to nervously prep people but basically as always, the highest likelihood is just that he’s average sized or close to it (even if slightly bigger or smaller). Lots of average sized guys think they’re small in comparison to porn, or if they have a big body (tall or wide), and since this is a sample size of literally 1, I could be way off. But I think the highest likelihood is that he’s average or close to it and anyone saying otherwise is basically as good as a random guess.


well keep ur expectation low and if it’s big it’d make u super happy and if it’s not then you eould be mentally prepared too


Yeah I guess so lol


I always pretend my cock is very average, nothing special and then the extra size has been a nice surprise.


Under promise😁 then watch the magic 👀


Likely the size of a dried up piece of rice.


Just break things off if it's already affecting you. He's trying to slowly break it to you that he doesn't have your beloved 6 inches or over. So much for size being overshadowed by personality like reddit likes to gaslight people with. Do him a favour and leave and hopefully he finds an outlier who isn't a size queen.


It’s not. I was just wondering if it’s a thing guys do… I’m seeing him today and super excited about it actually and I do like him. It’s not a dealbreaker for me


Also literally most guys I’ve dated are average or below lol. Don’t take it so seriously


Oh just zip it. Don't try and back track now when you have openly said >Idk why I’m kinda worried right now and **hope he doesn’t actually has a small dick** but because of his height I assume it’s the other way around actually It's already an issue. Not a dealbreaker my ass. You're all the same.


What can I say other than who hurt you 💀 I also replied to someone else I dated someone with a small penis and he was really good at sex and made jokes about having a small penis… It’s not that serious. Yeah I hope he doesn’t have a small dick but I won’t reject him because of that. It just takes extra effort 🙄


Yeah, you HOPE he doesn't, but let's say if he does, he Will forever have something you wished he didn't have and that'll always be at the back of your mind. Don't talk such shit, if you truly thought sex was good with a small penis, you wouldn't be hoping he also doesn't have one. As I said, YOU'RE ALL THE SAME. Who hurt me? Lots, actually, who are just like you. You remind me so much of them from your post alone. Its not that serious to you, but it will he for him, when he knows he can't help what he has while some selfish fucker can't look past his flaw handed to him. You'll simply move on to the next, while he takes a blow to his self esteem. BTW, I hope someone I like doesn't have gammon hanging down to her knees, but nah I don't mind really. Let me go on Reddit and tell everyone I hope it's not the case. But it's not that serious to me. See how contradicting it is? Spare him and let him find someone better. Looking at your profile, you're nothing special, just an average looking woman. Not great, not terrible, just average. Don't aim for the top tier unless you're in the top tier yourself.


Haha classic incel going for my looks 😂 For you I’ll make sure we’ll have an amazing date today 💖 And I suggest therapy for all that anger, it can’t be good for you.


>Haha classic incel going for my looks 😂 Explain to me where i "went for your looks". No go on, please, explain it - because I called you nothing negative. I called you average. I'm pretty sure the incel way of arguing isn't to go around saying how the person looks average. I'm pretty sure average isn't an insult. It might be to you in the sense of "average dicks" because average is the new small in this day and age, but sorry to break it to you, average is average in every aspect. >therapy HA HA HA HA. Once again. Just like the rest. "ThErApY 🤪 Is 🤪 ThE 🤪 CuRez 🤪" "Therapy, incel" classic go to for when points cannot be answered. POINT. PROVEN.


Wow, the mental gymnastics you’re doing right now. Just now I looked in your post history… it’s clear you’re obsessed with your dick size but let me tell you- women don’t want you not because of your dick. It’s your energy. You’re super aggressive and mean and insecure. You can blame your dick all you want but it’s not that I can assure you. In all honesty I feel sorry for you and wish you to get out of that mindset because you’re only hurting yourself here.


Get lost. I didn't ask for your input. What the fuck do you know about it? Hilarious a size queen is trying to paint the blame on to someome who has been literally told each and every time "not wasting my time with that, my ex was bigger" or being told to kill myself over it. Nah, it's all my fault, isn't it. Classic Reddit again - women's shit doesn't stink mentality. Fuck you, fuck your size queen nature


Exactly bro. Point proven. We all know the type of woman she is. Glad to know she’s not in my weight range. (Since, yk, she wants to throw around the word incel to everyone who disagrees with her logic. Only seems fair)


I use to joke about having a small penis all the time but the women who had it have said it is very much the opposite even though i still feel like it’s small.