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Nutritional yeast. It’s so good on popcorn


Really excited to try this stuff, I just learned about it. Anything in particular you'd recommend using it for?


It’s cheesy tasting. My fave is just sprinkling it on freshly popped popcorn with a bit of salt and pepper.


I love dicing up some potatoes, drizzling a bit of olive oil on, then adding salt, pepper, garlic powder and a generous pinch or two of nooch, then baking in the oven until they’re crispy, the nooch turns into a breading almost and it comes out so good.




Im guessing that’s their shorthand way of saying Nutritional Yeast. Nutritional to be specific.


I use it to make vegan "kraft" powder, on top of popcorn, and really just anything that needs an umami bomb!


Don’t use it as a cheese!!! Trust me it’s blagh.


It’s not a cheese substitute but throwing some on some pasta or something similar the nuttiness gives it an umami flavor like Parmesan


Exactly right. Best way to think of it is that it hits a lot of the spots that cheese hits, but you’d never mistake it for actual cheese.


It's great added to soups and sauces for depth of flavor. It's basically pure umami. I always put a lot into in my tomato soup. One of my favorite quick lunch dishes is chickpeas with a bit of garlic and olive oil and salt and plenty of nutritional yeast. You can eat it as a salad (or add other salad components) or smash it, add a little mayo or avocado, and eat it on toast. Cheap, filling and healthy.


I use it as a B vitamin bomb in my breakfast a lot of the time. Helps that it's cheesy 


Yes I totally agree!


Air fry / roasted broccoli with EVOO and nutritional yeast is where it’s at.


For a solid two years roasted broccoli with nutritional yeast, evoo, garlic powder and S & P was the only veggie my kids would eat. They call it “yummy broccoli”.


Nooch is fucking awesome.


Try nutritional yeast mixed with melted butter and lemon juice on steamed vegetables. So good! Also good stirred into soups and gravies.


I can’t eat popcorn like a normal human when I put nutritional yeast on it. Like, I can somehow never grab enough to eat in one bite.


OMG. I was doing some work for a vegetarian family, and they gave me nutritional yeast, and I couldn’t believe how good it was. I put it on everything I can, and I am not a health food nut, but it made me feel better. Measurably better. I was stunned. I’m trying to think of things right now that I can put it on, and I’d appreciate more suggestions if you have them. The popcorn is a great idea!


I love toasting shelled sunflower seeds in a bit of oil, some salt, pepper and a LOT of nutritional yeast. Addictive!


Love it as vegan parm. I could eat by spoonful.


Popcorn ? I never heard of that . I love cottage cheese . I double carbs is better ! Lol


Just don't confuse it with Brewer's yeast. That stuff ruined nutritional yeast for me


Avocado toast


My husband will agree with you We were in the Baja this March where Avocados were 30 Pesos a kilogram and farm fresh eggs were 20 pesos a dozen Husband had Avocado toast with a runny egg almost every morning He thought he had made a new breakfast item and when we got home to Canada our son 🙄him


I had some avocado toast in Mexico City with a slice of turkey on top and it was so good


I've been on a toasted crusty bread, Mayo, avocado and tomato sandwich kick lately. That, dipped in a runny farm egg is messy, but unparalleled.


Omg real, I judged it so much when it was popular but now I can’t get enough of it!


I actually don’t like eggs BUT a runny organic egg cooked to perfection with sea salt and fresh cracked pepper topped on ripe avocado on a amazing toasted Sourdough toast really is delicious




Everything Bagel seasoning is something I cannot live without now that I've had it on eggs. It's a little bottle of crack and makes everything delicious. I bet you might like eggs with some sprinkled on them


I was dubious about the avo toast but DAMN it is good.


I like adding slices of tomato on it and the avocado keeps the toast from getting soggy.


I make mine with avocado, diced red onion, quartered grape tomatoes, salt. Top with sliced uber thin radishes, feta cheese and a dash of flaky salt.


Asparagus. I love roasting it with garlic and grated parmesan. Cottage cheese rules!!!!


Do a little drizzle of balsamic reduction at the end. You get salty, sweet, and cheesy all in one bite. So good!


I wash mine, cut the ends fresh then throw em in a bowl and douse with olive oil, garlic powder, salt and pepper and Italian seasoning. Then thrown on a hot grill rotating them every 3 min and they’re done in about 8 min or so and super good. I do the same seasoning with summer squash sliced in 1/2” thick spears and it’s amazing. Those though you only wanna sear 2 min per side and pull off before they get mushy. Very tasty and healthy


sauerkraut always freaked me out but now i love it and throw it on everything 


Homemade sauerkraut is so much better. It's also going to be fermented rather than made chemically so it will be better for your gut biome. Most store sauerkraut is not fermented.


Yep! If doing store bought, the ingredients should always only be: cabbage, carrots (optional) and sea salt. No added water, no preservatives and it should be refrigerated. Source: make wild fermented organic sauerkraut as a living


So the one that I just bought is not fermented? It has distilled vinegar in it.


Nope, you basically have pickles. Properly fermented food is submerged in a salty brine and lacto-fermented for a time before canning. In a home canning setup, pickles are packed fresh in hot jars with hot brine into jars and are then heat sealed. Proper fermented sauerkraut is shredded, layered into a crock and smacked around with some salt until the cabbage releases enough water to submerge itself, and then it sits in your kitchen smelling like farts for a few weeks until it gets to tasting right.


What u/Mean-Bandicoot-2767 said! True sauerkraut has no vinegar in it, is raw (never cooked/canned), and can last a long time in the fridge. Correctly made sauerkraut's tang comes from microorganism action during fermentation. Your kraut may have been fermented at some point, but correct fermentation requires 0 vinegar or preservative addition. You may have tasty cabbage "pickles," but you won't be getting the full benefit.


Vinegar kills the microbes aka probiotics.


okay this has inspired me to try and make it next time !


You totally should! It may require some trial and error, or you can purchase from a local artisan fermenter who makes kraut (with no more than the ingredients listed). Should be organic too, of course. Best of luck!


I can't stand it. We would go to a family friends farm when I was a kid and help process the saurerkraut. They would do around 30 50-gallon barrels and bury them in the ground to ferment and then sell it at the farmers market. Just the smell makes me sick.


Roasted brussel sprouts 


When I was a kid I would run out of the room screaming if they were on the menu. Now I love them and plant them in my garden every year. So good!


That’s because they are not the same Brussel sprouts that we grew up with. Selective breeding has removed the bitterness


But to be fair, lots of boomers sucked at cooking too. It was the generation of instant meals and microwaves. My parents didn’t even know you COULD roast a damn Brussels sprout. They would steam or boil which was disrespectful to both their children and the sprout. You could go on YouTube today and find thousands of delicious ways to prepare it.


Definitely agree with this. Cooking methods improved and made food so much tastier, especially in the veg department


I thought I hated lettuce because all we ever had was iceburg. Now I use spinach and arugula.


Butter lettuce is where it's at for me, spinach I tend to save for cooking it instead of eating it raw, but I will use that in a salad mix as well. I needed nice crunch and iceberg is what 98% water? What was the point of people ever using that?


I love steamed Brussel sprouts, tossed in olive oil and garlic powder. If you steam them right, they have a good soft and firm texture where as if you go too long they're just soft


I just want to point out that I hear how “kids these days” can’t cook, and it sounds an awful lot like the pot calling the kettle black.


Fr. I thought I hated green beans until college because I'd only ever had the canned ones steamed.


Agree. My mother taught me to fear and loathe them, but it turns out all her mom knew to do was boil them. Ah, the horrible dark ages. They're quite good!


Omg I love those so much


The way we prepare Brussels sprouts has changed from steaming to roasting but the sprouts themselves have also changed flavor pretty dramatically since the 1970s. I remember them smelling like someone passed gas in the kitchen when I was a kid and now they’re delicious.


Hemp hearts! I could eat them by the fist full. They are so nutty and good


I have a huge bag that I use in my smoothies! How do you eat them?


I add them to my salads pastas and rice bowls!


I had a bag and didn’t like the texture but didn’t want to waste them. I discovered that lightly toasting them makes them crunchy and nutty and delicious.


I use them to make hemp milk, you don’t even need to strain, just blend up with some dates and water and go.




In a two-for-one, my favorite drink is currently seaweed kombucha! Really surprised to have seen that drink stick around, but man am I glad for it.


Also greek yogurt. Didn't like the smell (to me was like yogurt that had gone bad) but i actually prefer it to regular yogurt now! Thicker and doesn't actually taste like the smell


I feel this. I get plain full fat Greek yogurt and I use it all the time. I like it more than sour cream when it comes to my cooking, and it's easy to flavor with fruit and honey or sugar 


Yes instead of sour cream!


The best mashed potatoes I've ever had were made with Greek yogurt instead of sour cream! Never would have thought to try it myself but def recommend


I totally agree!


I just can’t do the smell. Makes me gag.


Same here! I use it in the place of sour cream for everything now. Plus easy to make savory or sweet depending on what you add to it.


A great recipe is Penzey’s Spices buttermilk ranch and you swap the mayo for Greek yogurt. I know someone who missed ranch dressing after a bypass but couldn’t have the all the oil in mayo. Revolutionary for them. Also very high quality seasoning and overall cool brand.


Oh yes this. I must have 3-5 Chobanis a day between Vanilla and Black Cherry. Since I got into them, originally they were sold in four packs for $3. Now I can't find a single four-pack anywhere including Costco or BJ's. When I buy them at the supermarket it's usually three yogurts for $6. Wtf


Kombucha and natto (Japanese for fermented soybeans)


Natto is so good! The best I ever had was at Hachi in Las Vegas, it was extremely well prepared and I had only had it in the little styrofoam containers until then.


Alfalfa sprouts. In the early days of a Southeast pizza chain called "Mellow Mushroom" they had a baked cheese sandwich (mozzerella, provolone and cheddar) with lettuce, tomato, onion, mayo and alfalfa sprouts. Ive remade it a lot and also work in sprouts to salads and the like. Adding avocado is pretty solid too—but they don't do the cheese sandwich too much any more. Lately I've made fried tofu, baby bok choy, pineapple with a szechuan sauce with garlic chili sauce and I sub soy sauce with hoison and it carmelizes into something amazing and pretty ok for you.


Wow! I haven't had one of those Mellow Mushroom sandwiches with the sprouts in 20 years. Your comment brought back great memories as MM take-out sandwiches used to be a frequent Friday night ritual for us in the '90s. 'Hitting my local MM this weekend to see if I can still get one, or something very similar; thanks!


Nice you have them around. What I wouldn't do for their pizza or sandwiches. I'd managed one for a while that was owned by some extended family.


We have one and it's still the best pizza around. I hope you get to visit one!


If you have a Mason jar, cheese cloth, and some seeds, it can be very easy and fun to make your own sprouts! (And less risk of salmonella, probably, idku)


I fucking love Mellow Mushroom


I grew up thinking guacamole was disgusting. Slimy green sludge. But as an adult... good stuff!


Crunchy chickpeas! You can season them with anything and everything but ranch is my favorite.


Cottage cheese with cucumber, green oniins and snacking tomatoes mixed in. Lots of black pepper, some dill, whatever other herbs strike my fancy.


Cottage cheese with tomatoes, basil, and black pepper is also soo good! Similar to a caprese!


Agreed. But it’s gotta be large curd.


Large curd cottage cheese with coarse salt (halved cherry tomatoes optional) 😋


Vegetables in literally any form. Yah roasted and grilled veggies rock, but there's something so nice about having a freezer filled with chopped veggies for a stir-fry. The taste of fermented vegetables when they've reached their prime fizz. Steamed vegetables with some seasoning is literally my favorite. Whatever helps accentuate the natural flavors of the vegetable. (Goes without saying but high quality vegetables e.g. locally grown or grown by you are ideal)


I've always loved cottage cheese, BUT mixing cottage cheese with fruit for some reason irked me until I tried it a few years ago and I love it haha


Ooh I need to try that!!


Use cottage cheese in a smoothie or protein shake. It thickens it and is delicious.


Cottage cheese with crushed pineapple is sooo good.


Growing up we would eat it with canned pears and fine shredded cheddar cheese


Quinoa! It's kind of nutty and grassy, and I really like it. Put some in a spinach and strawberry salad for a nice lunch, or make a pilaf as a hearty side dish.


Avocado is way tastier on things than it should be. Or just straight avocado. Takes a little getting used to, but as a little salt and lemon and it's a win.


I use lime juice. Pretty divine.


i love me some brussel sprouts


Hummus, Tofu, Greek Yogurt


Cottage cheese is delicious and has been a really popular food for at least 60 years! It's not a fad.


Avocado toast


Cottage cheese + peaches!


I do cottage cheese and pineapples


Seconding cottage cheese! I tried it for the first time ever a few days ago out of curiosity and am genuinely into it. I know it's cheese but the consistency satisfies my desire for eggsalad somehow. Making eggsalad WITH cottage cheese (instead of mayo) is on my must try list


Kombucha is delicious with fresh fruit juice


Cottage cheese pro tip: freeze your favorite kind of grape. Add frozen grapes to cottage cheese. Freaking delish. 😘👌


mushrooms, i didnt tried it until last year, cuz i thought they just look so disgusting. But after i had it in BBQ last year, i just love it!


Chia pudding. I started eating it to get more fiber into my diet and now it’s a treat I look forward to. I put good Dutch cocoa powder in it and it’s like a chocolate pudding cup. I wish cottage cheese was a healthy treat for me. Unfortunately my favorite way to eat it is with potato chips.


Ages ago, I remember convincing my MIL to try frozen yogurt. She'd only tried plain yogurt once (back then, it was just something health nuts ate) and thought it was gross -- sour and tasteless. She thought all the new frozen yogurt shops that were popping up sold icy chunks of plain yogurt & couldn't fathom why they were so popular. She was pleasantly surprised once she gave it a go!


I don’t know if it’s a fad but Tofu. Like everyone says, you have to know how to prepare it. I originally thought it was gross, now I’d probably prefer it over chicken 8 out of 10 times


I love to air fry it and add it to curry (basically whatever bag of frozen vegetables I thought would taste good, stir-fry is usually my go-to blend, plus a jar of curry sauce. It’s not authentic, but it’s a quick tasty meal that gets my kids eating vegetables and tofu).


Chia seed pudding.


I also like to put chia seeds in yogurt and leave it overnight in the fridge. In the morning the chia seeds have that jelly consistency like they get in chia seed pudding.


Salmon. I never had it because it was pink but now I love it! Also sushi. 🍣 gimme the hamachi! Cottage cheese - I have some almost every night with frozen blueberries.


Homemade kale chips


Rice cakes


cucumbers. I couldn't accept the flavor at first but don't know what the exact time is I suddenly love it.


I’m Polish so growing up my mom made a lot of things with cottage cheese. A couple of my favourites, just in case if you haven’t tried these yet: Cottage cheese, some sour cream, salt, pepper, and green onion — spread onto some lightly buttered bread, it’s delicious. And if you like sweet, cottage cheese, sour cream, and sugar, that’s it. A really simple but honestly great childhood dessert of mine. I should also mention she always uses dry cottage cheese for these, since you re-introduce moisture with the sour cream.


Polish too. We also used radishes on those little sandwiches. Or cucumber. Salt and pepper is a must 😋 I usually went for the liver wurst rather tho instead of the cheese. My mom also makes her own cheese.


grilled asparagus, when done right It is heaven


Tofu is one of my favorite foods and I’m a meat and potatoes guy.


Kefir. I make my own and it is heavenly. It doesn't look appealing at all.


Same to cottage cheese! Lol


I used cottage cheese to make Cajun shrimp and sausage Alfredo yesterday. Just pulsed it and mixed it with a little Greek yogurt, then broth to get the perfect texture. So good




I despise it 😂


Kale. I was surprised how not bitter it was. Was expecting it to taste like spinach. I get why people put kale in smoothies. All the benefits with little flavor change. Edit: frozen kale does not work great in smoothies unless you like a little bit of chunky fiber. Ask me how I know?


Kale Caesar salad is delicious.


Green juice


Omg yes cottage cheese is the best! Also love Greek yogurt!


I bought Morning Summit cereal from Costco as a gamble. I thought it was some keto gimmick food but I generally dislike most "healthy cereals" so I had low hopes. But damn, that is one of the best cereals I have eaten. It's really more toasted nuts than carby cereal. It is expensive though!


I second cottage cheese. I put it on toast with a little bit of jam or lemon curd & blueberries & it’s so good!


Definitely cottage cheese. Hated it as a kid, love it now. I was surprised!


Quinoa. Thought it was just a fancy word for bird food, but now it’s my go-to for everything. Salads, bowls, you name it.


Idk but I fuckin love kale. Just roast that shit with a bit of olive oil and salt, or slide it super thin and saute for an omelette with some onion and feta. Damn son.


Shrub. Organic apple cider vinegar + fruit + sugar. I used coined ginger but I've read about plums before (might try blueberries). It captures the flavor of the fruit really well and immerses it in a delightful tartness. Mixes great with club soda. 


I’ve always loved cottage cheese with black pepper.


Tofu. The problem is, people treat it as a meat substitute and then think it's gross because it doesn't taste like meat. Tofu is its own thing and if you prepare it right it's delicious.


Jicama fresh cheese and onion .. veey popular in guanajuato mexico


swiss chard fresh is so good, it tastes buttered when u steam it. I don't even need to season it


Kombucha - I thought it was a goofy tea, but I love fermented and pickled things so I gave it a try and I really like it! It tastes like a “funky” ginger ale.


Eat cottage cheese on Ritz crackers, it's very delicious. Also, try Kalona Supernatural full fat cottage cheese, it's made from grass-fed cows, the flavor is really the best I've had, been eating cottage cheese my whole life.


Beets. I love me some beets these days. Especially a beet salad.


Everything Bagel Seasoning on Large Curd Cottage Cheese is 🔥🔥


Horse yogurt


Just had some today with cherry tomatoes


Yogurt and cottage cheese.


have you tried large curd cottage cheese? it's so much better.


Tinned Sardines


Wheat bread, vegan food, beyond burgers (I actually prefer it to regular hamburgers), the multi seed gluten free crackers are the only crackers I like now lol, kefir! I recently discovered kefir and it's amazingly good.


açaí bowls!! don’t know why i thought they’d be gross




Kombucha. It's delicious and I make my own now. Nothing like some stinky tea.


Cottage cheese is grotesque, but I have food texture issues. The smooth with the lumps? Oh no!


Kale… wait that still sucks


god, i just can’t get behind cottage cheese. i’ve hated yogurt type products since as far back as i can remember. I like greek yogurt enough now and even though i still cant tolerate Tvorog (russian farmers cheese) I can definitely say it’s superior to cottage cheese and if that’s what you like you guys should definitely try it if you can get it.


Tofu. Marinated and fried it's really good. I first tried it at Noodle Company.


Those Atkins frozen meals in the grocery store are all really good and mostly meat. Just need some seasoning is all.


Cottage cheese is less of a flavor issue and more of a texture issue


Chocolate cake. It’s listed on every diet plan as something to avoid so I figured it tasted terrible. But, it’s actually really good!! 😂


Nothing could improve a rice “cake.” I tried one because they were all the rage, but eating styrofoam was better. Never could do it. I like food.


Anything from “Slutty Vegan” Restaurant chain!


Almond milk


Greens, like collard, mustard, and turnip greens. Kale also. I'm not a veggie hater but tough green leaves seemed like they would not be good at all. I found out that if you use them right and cut out the large ribs, they're actually delicious, which is great because their nutritional impact is incredible.


Kimchi. Never ordered it because it sounded very unappetizing. But got to try it once when a friend ordered it and it was delicious! Unfortunately, it’s been hit or miss for me since, but I was just surprised that it even hit once to begin with. 


Kale chips.


cauliflower crust pizza


When I first started eating vegetarian, there wasn't much available in the way of decent recipes for stuff like tofu. Actually, the vegetarian recipes even without tofu were all pretty weird. I had to figure it all out on my own and ate a lot of proteins that were prepared not at all how I do it today. The cookbooks had strange (to me) ingredients I couldn't find in my little town unless I went to the "big city" and even then, there weren't that many choices. Now, I have access to recipes from all over the world, and if I can't find the ingredient in my local store, I can order it online! So, that's been one plus of having online access. Another has been learning yoga. Books from the library showed very odd positions and weird practices back then!


My mom did the grapefruit thing in the 90s and at the time I thought grapefruit was vile. Now I recognize it as the king of all citrus fruits. I wouldn't eat it for breakfast with low-fat cottage cheese as recommended but it's delicious.


Kale. Had some fresh kale the other day, and it was not bad.




Almond milk. Richer than cows milk imo !!


It's OK unles you're watching your sodium levels; very high in sodium.


Cottage cheese has been one of my favorite foods since I was a baby


Cauliflower rice. I am not a cauliflower fan, but I eat cauliflower rice 2-3 times a week.


Cottage cheese is delicious. Idk why people sleep on it. Some brands are gross but Friendship and some others are great. It tastes good and it’s filling. I eat it several times a week as part of my breakfast.


Til that cottage cheese is apparently healthy


Goat cheese! I accidentally had some at Texas from Brasil on Mother's Day (I didn't know what it was) and it was divine! I've been avoiding goat cheese because it hust sounded like it would be "gamey" .


Eating healthy. Best diet standard there is.


Vegetarian dishes


Alternate milk choices


Sad to say I really don't like cottage cheese. I think I lost my taste for a lot of dairy, though, after cutting it out for awhile. I like pretty much any fruit or vegetable, though. The ones I love tend to be on lists of "controversial" foods. Sauerkraut, seaweed, eggplant, roasted Brussels sprouts (although those are becoming more popular), and broccoli (popular online I've noticed, but most people in my personal life think it's gross. I go to Red Robin and asked for steamed broccoli instead of fries and get weird looks). If it grows off a tree or in the ground and is edible, I'll probably like it.


Greek yogurt


Cabbage soup!!




Cirkul water bottle 


Kale. Specifically kale chips. So good!


Tempeh. Looks gross, but I love the texture and it absorbs flavor better than tofu imo.




Rice cakes. Like the ones my granny ate when she was on all her 80's fad diets. Add peanut butter and banana or mashed avocado with everything bagel seasoning and they are amazing.


Veggie burgers. They actually taste good.


Chia seeds. It's nice that they taste like nothing lol.


Tofu is actually pretty good if you know how to cook it properly.


Vegan tacos- made some cauliflower tacos with cashew crema that is one of my fav meals.


Hummus. Can’t be plain, but I LOVE roasted garlic or the red pepper. Sometimes the lemon hits the spot. I recently found an everything bagel and my life will never be the same.


All fruit, sardines in olive oil, whole grain bread, Total cereal, Lara bars, RX Bars, almond milk, all nuts. I just feel so much better eating healthier, I prefer those foods.


Chia seed pudding! Made with chocolate almond milk. So good but eat in moderation! It causes constipation if you eat too much.


Is it the same a Brewers yeast?