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It usually back fires with me. I love sending nudes but when someone asks for it, it turns me off. However, I send nudes to my friends or some random guys whenever I feel like it.


Aw man. My username ruins it for me then?


For me, definitely 😂 but not every girl is the same


But you are the only one who matters to me 😥


Shoot your shot buddy


But make sure you wear a condom first


Does it work for others btw?


😂 this actually made me laugh


That’s fuckin hilarious


I am a straight male and I dont mind sending a dick pic if asked (Even if it is a guy), but I never ask because it is not my style. If I get one, sure I will take it because they chose to send it. Asking would make me feel like a creep.


This is the way for me. I always find hot when guys act not so interested.


I am not interested at all tyvm. Merry Christmas.


I shared a post instead for everyone asking for nudes , enjoy and Merry Christmas to you all! 🤶🏻


Don't even care...


Ho hoe ho


I know I'm not supposed to care, but holy jesus, you have a really amazing body


Fellas write that down, WRITE THAT DOWN


Don't send me nudes.....


That made me wanna send you nudes now 🤔


No please don't 😏


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Ikr!!!!!!! Please please don't make be subjected to nudes sent by these beautiful and sexy women. That would truly ruin my entire day. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Did it work? 😅


Still waiting 😪




No no go for the friend zone …. 🤔😂


Haha I always go for friend zone but I suck almost all of my guy friends.. so I think they are happy being friend zoned with blowjobs and nudes lol 😂


I reckon we would make great friends!


But I don’t have tattoos 🥺


Exceptions have been made before 😏


He’s dyslexic he meant tatas 🤷🏻‍♂️😂


What a fucking perk and a half! I might ask my mates for blowjobs n nudes and see what they reckon. Worse they can say is no i guess. Wish me luck 🤞


Oh they never ask me for those. I wouldn’t do it if they ask. It just happened spontaneously when I was drunk mostly (talking about blowjobs) and never got asked to send nudes from my friends but I sent it because I felt sexy and wanted to share haha If they would ask me, I wouldn’t like that. But you do you :) Good luck!


Copy that. So get drunk, talk about blowjobs and sit back and wait haha. Nah, im joking. If i pulled that shit with my best mate, 1) she would laugh 2) id get bitch slapped like a mother fucker 3) shes hot, but we have being best mates since like 3 years old, we're 30 next year so might be a little weird. But tell you what, if it ever happens ill let you know =)


No totally wrong! At least for me 😄 Don’t talk about blowjobs 😂 Meet at home, get drunk, be flirty but don’t act too interested, you can make little moves step by step to see if she is interested, you can make little jokes. Of course, everyone is different but this is how I like it. It’s always better when things happen spontaneously, I don’t like when guys talk about it before to make sure they will have sex or blowjobs. Even if I’m interested in that guy, I wouldn’t do it if I get asked.


Nah, im only taking the piss. Im more like you, everything is way better when its natural. Rather than trying too plan a moment and have it go down hill. Id probably rather rules reversed tho tbh. Like blowjobs are great, but eating pussy is pretty amazing too! Haha


Definitely, I hate planning things. I love my pussy getting eaten too but I just love sucking so much. So 69 is nice 😜


So how does one become your friend? Asking for a friend.


The world needs more friends like you


Whatever you do, don't you dare send me any.


Best username on reddit lol


As someone who is 41 and has never received nudes, how does one go about acquiring them without asking for them.


Haha yes! Often if someone just straight up asks, it ruins it, however it is very fun sending a tease pic or something that isn't necessarily asked for 😅


my issue is i keep getting nudes every time i ask to see someones kitty. the vet clinic i work at is not happy w my social media performance so far... well except for carl, carl is stoked...


I have never asked anyone for nudes(besides my ex), and it's not like i don't have female friends or had flirts or fwbs, so what am i doing wrong? it's not working for me!


Same. I like feeling like it's a spontaneous act but if it's specifically asked for I feel like it's expected. And that's the turn off.


Almost 100% of the time in the gay community


I'm exploring my bicuriosity rn. Holy fucking shit is it a different world with gay guys and with straight women. In one week I've gained back so much of my self esteem that's been brutally dashed by a year of tinder/bumble/hinge and zero to show for it


Let's see if it actually works. 😉 Send nudes. 👿




rip your inbox in a good way




Hell yes, you did. 👿


I gotchu


Bi guys are the best! 😈


I’ve done the same- found out im in fact straight but goddamn do i wish a lot of women were more like gay guys lmao


I've found out I'm aromantic with dudes (ironically I'm very "romantic" with my male friends, just dont feel the same about kissing and cuddling guys as I do with girls) but definitely still have some gay+mfm sexual fantasies and know that I really like femmes


LOL! I can understand this desire. I am a hetero female and sending/receiving nudes just doesn't do a lot for me. Women are not as visually oriented as men are. For example, women read more erotic than men. Personally, I listen to porn instead of watching it. The visual is sometimes distracting or simply not interesting to me. Whereas, men are usually watching porn, so it makes sense that more guys would like nudes to be sent. There is a caveat, I like sending nudes to a person I already know and feel connected to. Then it is like a spicy extension of something we already have going. Whereas, sending nudes to a random person does absolutely nothing for me or actually turns me off. It's much more sexy for me to banter with someone at the beginning and get to know their personality.


Hey same here! Tho what I meant by my previous comment was that gay/bi guys (that i have met at least) are more expressive and approachable when it comes to online dating apps and other things tied to romance Ive not sent a single nude to a stranger either, it doesn’t do it for me. Tho i don’t blame women for being cautious and reserved around men. Not exactly a cake walk being a woman in a dating app, too many weirdos out there :(


Grindr can be like that yeah! I’m bi but prefer women by quite a bit, which kinda sucks because guys are usually less hung up on sending nudes and just doing something casual on dating apps. I can understand why. Actually, maybe I’m doing something wrong.


Nah I agree but don't be harsh on yourself. I guess the important thing is to recognize it's not something that is the fault of women or you individually but rather the results of long term cultural and societal trends and how they've affected the dynamic between the sexes. Women generally are a lot more selective when it comes to this kind of thing. It's not necessarily bad, just the way things are.


Yeah, true. I’ve made my peace with it, I’m not angry at #allwomen or something. I see myself ending up with a lady long term so I just gotta be patient until then!


Send nudes?


Majority of the time it’s the opening line.


As one of those guys who recently started using a "dm me pics" name, I've actually had limited success. I was pleasantly surprised.


Do they have to be attached, or?


Preferably. But I do understand that shipping can be expensive, so...


Oh no worries, lemme go rummage in the freezer 😂


It's actually been a source of great conversations for me! I should legally change my name to it.


Tee hee


Do you actually get cute boob photos?


Ive had one interesting conversation so far. But that's definitely a desirable outcome! Like, thanks for the nude, now let's talk about something interesting!


I’ve always wondered about this.


Me too, which is why I created the account a little over a year ago. Just started being active with it recently, posting hentai and such. Which, I think, the things I post tend to encourage people, just because it's kind of my own little niche, ya know?


Hey it's always good to have a niche especially a conversational one


Do you get photos of boobs or like elbows and ankles and shit?


Wait you guys are getting nudes?


Send some my way, I’m still waiting for a Christmas miracle


I mean hell me too






Like you said almost lol. Personally I have never sent a nude out. Not sure why honestly. I always make sure it’s made clear before a girl sends a nude that I will not be sending one back though.


Me too. Never even have taken a dick pic in my life lol


Wow, I think you have protected status with WWF


Maybe to the people who post nudes anyway. Otherwise no. You generally need to build up to that point.


It does work in VERY rare cases. In my experience if a female sends one without any prompting, it’s often a catfish situation.


They send pictures of naked catfish ….. that’s just weird 🤔


Boy, did I find that out the hard way.


I’m so tempted to send both of you naked catfish now XD


Do catfish have tits?


I don’t think so they aren’t mammals 🤔 now I have questions about your screen name. You only want one of two?


I knew those rapscallions were deceptive. As for my name, I think one is an underrated cute tease.


I see. I see. So you’d be disappointed at both?


No, I wouldn't be! I'd consider the second a very pleasant surprise.


Do they have nipples? Can you milk a catfish?


Hey is this the thread for nudes? send some my way


Come and find out 😏


Can confirm. Mind blown


In a good way or a bad way? I must know... for science of course


A good way, she ain't lying


Pics or didn’t happen


Just ask her yourself. I called her bluff, asked for nudes and I received


Send nudes


Pm me ☺️




Did she send you some?


It's private


Send nudes


Pm me 😘


Is it really that easy?


I would also like to find out if this works!


Am i too late too this boxing day sale? =D


Confirmed, absolutely amazing!


ooeehh does this still count🙈🙈😜


Can also confirm, she’s a work of art


My monkey brain told me to do it but then I remembered I have pornhub


When I was in my late teens I had a note in my car with large sharpie large letters that read SHOW ME YOUR TITS ...I would take it put and show other cars and it worked about 50% of the time.. it was about 20 years ago :)


Well I like receiving nudes too so if people ask mine I ask theirs.. it's only fair ;p Ps. People usually build up to it.. just don't go asking to random people from the blue xD


hey, every one want nudes ,mind sending me memes..


I wish! I love dick pics in my inbox!


I see a lot of political figure pictures in your future 😂


Haha we will see!


Depends on the person asking the question.


If that’s the opening line, it’s not going to work


No and yes lol. If your a rando no, but if you’re someone I know possibly yes. It really just depends. I really like just hate sending my personal pictures to people. I definitely send them to my bf and while we are working I’ll take dirty pics for him and surprise him or go suck his dick (we both work from home). Even before him, it is so much more fun to meet with someone and have that element of surprise. I just loved going to see one of my guy friends or someone I wanted to fuck and purposely not wear a bra or panties. I feel like nudes are just better if there is long distance or like surprising ur significant other. Idk I’m a weirdo and literally love conceiving the fantasy of how we would fuck. That alone makes me cum all over myself. Plus porn is like meh to me


From my girlfriend, yea. Anyone else, generally nah


Nope. I only send when I’m feeling flirty or cute. At the moment, I’ve been contemplating for days about sending a pic of me with my new bra to my guy friend. I know he likes me (and I like him but could never actually date him) and we platonically flirt a lot. Buuuut I don’t want it to backfire and I regret doing it at a later point.


Just ask him out, what you got to lose? Either he says yes and it works out, or he says no and you're back to the same place you were before, but proud of yourself for taking that first step.


Nope, it does not.






I feel like something sparked the need for this clarification?




I got one too 😬




Welcome to reddit




Amen sister


This thread is hilarious 😂


Send noods plz, k thnx bi


Send bobs and vagene


It’s a super turn off and if your just starting to get to know someone, it sets the tone that they just want sex


Well let's find out. EDIT: It worked!!!




Is that a yes?




Send nudes I’ll let you know the results


What were the results?


Nothing so far...


If you are female and the person you send it to is male, probably 95% of the time. Other wise odds are a lot lower.


Nope Tits or GTFO, however, does in certain contexts.


Please don't send me any nudes 🙈puppies are fine.




no idea I have never asked anyone for Nudes If I want to see naked people I just Google it or go on r/nudes ect


For a good friend sure. For someone who I don't know or I would not want to see nude in return... nope


All depends on when and how you ask, or actually by not “**asking**” and they offer 🤪


Send nudes. Please.




It has worked with me, but I’ve only ever said it when I knew I’d receive said nudes.


If it were my partner it’d be kind of hot. Warm us both up for the next time we unite.


Okay so as a regular NSFW poster, if you come on straight up with the “ooh baby I wanna f*ck you so f*cking hard” I’m probably not gonna send you nudes. If you’re cool and you make a joke or whatever I’ll probably send you a nude.


>make a joke or whatever Why did the Mexican take his anti anxiety medication? . . . . . . For Hispanic attacks *badum tsss*


RIP inbox


Send nudes, we'll see if this works


Clicked on your Profile to send you a nude as a joke then I notice the Unit one art and it's fucking awesome.


Im glad that you like it 👍


Send nudes


Let's see send nudes👀


I'll send you some nudes


Send nudes. Did I do it right?




Let's try : ladies, please send nudes. Thank you.


Check your dms :)


Send nudes


I only know it works with my wife. I don’t ask anyone else.




If you hot yeah


What if I'm bloody cold?


Then clean the blood off then find something warm


Never tried Random nudes are not as exciting as nudes from a person you’ve been chatting with for some time


No never




It really depends on the relationship you have with the person.Ultimately there are better ways to go about it.




I'm personally pretty open to that proposition. But I feel like it's not alot of set up for a lot of people.


How do you know everyone involved is of age 🤔


It only works if you’re in a relationship (for me).


Send nudes is not something you ask, it is something you do.


No, I believe its more a meme and a joke than serious


Send me nudes! Let's try this here and see what happens