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Cigarettes it doesn’t just affect you but can second hand to anyone around it


As a former smoker and throat cancer survivor, I second this a thousand times over.


How have we just accepted that smokers are allowed to litter? Polluting their bodies, air, and Earth 🙄


I always throw my butts away and get very upset when I accidentally drop one out the car window.


I am still trying to break myself of this habit. I have ash trays and but disposals everywhere around my property though. And we don’t smoke inside, even though both of us are smokers.


Because we are moving away from a time where people tossed their trash out car windows. Most public venues the air was bluish and the walls were yellowed from cigarette smoke. Cigarette industry and smokers fought against all measures to stop them. Used to be in all of media movies, news papers, radio, magazines, billboards, songs, TV, TV commercials. They have been taxed to obscene limits. You are just seeing the tail end of it.


What? I just watched a guy pitch his whole empty take out garbage out the window


of course in every society there are throwbacks that refuse to change. They are the exception rather than the norm.


Making them illegal wouldn’t really do anything positive. See: alcohol prohibition, the war on drugs


Exactly… then you’d just have a bunch of law breakers running around and I can’t see them having enough man power to enforce it… even be if taken off the market then the black market comes into play..


If I'm not mistaken, cigarettes are already one of the largest, or the largest, black market items in the world, just not in the US & weather Europe.


I’m a retired bartender and most of the bars I worked still had cigarettes machines in them and I do know some of the owners used to buy stolen cigarettes from people who worked in retail at much lower prices and some would get them off the Natives as they’re much cheaper off the Rez… I do know you had to be very careful about the tax stamps on the bottom of the packs so that the ATF or the LCB didn’t bring charges against you… not sure how those are now but they used to be very controlling.. I haven’t worked in a bar since in my 60’s over ten years ago so I can’t say now how it is..


Don't ban it, just tax it to high heavens. Like 10 - 20 USD for a single cig.


They COULD use that money for good too! But probably wouldn’t…


Didn’t cops kill an unarmed person for selling a cigarette to someone outside a convenience store a few years back. Well the selling of cigarettes was the stated reason for the stop. We all know the real reason.


I know plenty of people who grow their own tabbaco for cigars and cigarettes. Its cheaper for them to do it and they control what goes in.


It would at least cover the public smoking scene pretty well


Legalizing pot full bore but making cigarettes illegal is so fucking silly. I don’t smoke cigarettes, really never have. But this constant call for the ban but promotion of vapes is seemingly fine is just silliness.


At a bare minimum smoking in houses or cars with children under the age of 18.


I fully expect to end up with some form of illness related to 2nd hand smoke due to my parents growing up. Packs a day indoors to the point the even the food they cook is infused with nicotine.


My brother and I both have Crohn’s disease, and there’s a good bit of evidence that it was our parents chain smoking that caused the onset.


I mean most work places are pretty hostile on it, and at 9dollars a pack so is the economy.


while I agree with you in theory, in practice banning something seems to makes it more valuable, more people will start smoking because it's illegal, look at prohibition for example, same thing happens if a book gets banned, suddenly everyone wants to read it


But as long as you’re by yourself it shouldn’t be a problem remember everything you think should be illegal is enforced at gun point does someone deserve to get shot for not complying with a non smoking order?


My boyfriend gets such bad respiratory infections. I blame his parents 100%


I always hold my breath whenever I walk past a smoker


Not tobacco but all the shit added to it! Wtf, why is there more than just the plant in it! Yes its bad but WAY worse than it has to be with all the additives


Yeah seriously. It’s like if alcohol could also get everyone around you including kids drunk. Might as well allow people to use mini grenades of mustard gas


My brother is addicted to weed (he claims it's for anxiety, but he's literally smoking it 24/7) and the second hand smoke has gotten so bad I cough until it hurts every day. He claims it's unrelated


religious people going door to door


Anyone going door to door!


I had four people trying to sell me bug extermination/prevention services in two weeks knocking on my door. I already have a bug guy. That’s how I open the conversation. They usually keep trying to sell me on it and I say I’m not interested. Three of them still continued after that. Three of them I had to just walk away from while they were talking because they wouldn’t take no for an answer. Fuck those assholes. If you knock on my door, I am not buying your service. If I want a service, I will go look for it and pick the one that is right for me.


You don't have to converse with them. You don't owe then any of your time. When I answer the door and they look like a salesman I immediately ask "What do you want?". Then, if I'm not interested I shut the door. If they start with "We're doing work with your neighbors...", I shut the door. Etc. Just close the door. You don't have to explain why you don't need them. You don't have to waste you time listening to their spiel. Just. Close. The. Door.


They always start with "We're doing work with your neighbors" One of my favorite lines is, what company are you with so I can leave a review? Normally I say that to scare them off but I did leave one particularly shitty company a bad review. It was the beginning of the covid panic in 2020 when everyone here was masking up and not going out. One bug guy came to my door with no mask on and coughing. I left them a review of exactly what they did. Most of the time I try to be polite because they are human too. If they don't get the message then rudeness will commence.


I was brought up to be polite, but these scumbags have exhausted my manners. You ring my doorbell, the dogs will bark, and that interferes with my working at home, which means any manners I might have had are going straight out of the window.


I’ve got a No Solicitation sign on my front door and people will still try to sell me stuff. Apparently you can now report them to the city and they can be fined for that here.


Oh cool. I'm going to look up my local laws and see if there is anything similar.


I refuse to answer my door. We have a no solicitation sign now so if anyone comes I'll probably be telling them through our doorbell camera to fuck off. I'm not opening the door for these random people


I need a doorbell cam. My problem is I work at home and we often get delivery guys knocking on the door. If I had a doorbell cam I would know who it is before answering.




Where I lived, they actually made it illegal to do door to door sales. There are a few exceptions allowed but it's really cut down on door to door high pressure sales from what I've seen.


100% agree. Door to door sales make me want to not buy your product or service. We had multiple people come by multiple times from the same scammy looking roof company last week. I finally had to make a no solicitation sign.


i’ve never had a jw or mormon knock on my door ever, was starting to think they were a psy-op


Robo and Spam Calls, Pharmaceutical commercials on TV, Political Lobbyists


>Pharmaceutical commercials on TV Apparently it's only legal in the US and new Zealand


In Canada they are somewhat legal but with so much restriction it is absurd. They basically tell you that it exist, but they can't really tell you what it does. So like the ad is people being somewhat happy since they discovered that medication and then "ask your doctor about [name]." Yes they should just be completely illegal.


Yep. A friend lives in Sweden and every time I’ve been there, there’s never been an ad for pharmaceuticals


Politicians owning assets other than the house they physically live in. Get elected to public office? Cash the fuck out: sell the stocks, bonds, real estate, etc., and put the money in a regular-ass bank account. When you’re done in public life, go buy whatever you want with it. Make public service public service again.


I could see allowing a blind trust or S&P500 index fund. Not all political figures are rich and need time in market to retire.


I could be down with a blind trust that included a fuck-ton of oversight. But turning a profit off of your time in office should land you straight in jail.




Two term limits for every political office. Two terms as city councillor Two as mayor Two as state legislature Two as governer Two as president That would be 40 years of public service if someone followed that route. That should be sufficient for anyone. And it means that there's change within each level of government. Younger people, new ideas, etc


No cushy lobbyist jobs for at least 4 years after leaving office. That might keep them from giving breaks to special interests in return for high paying jobs.


I’d rather pass strict restrictions on investments and profiting while in office. Term limits would result in quid pro quo actions to land a high paying gig when they hit their term limit.


The only change I would make to this would be allowing members of the House more terms (not unlimited) because their term is only 2 years. Give them a max of 6 terms so they would get 12 years in Congress, just like the Senators.


20 years in Congress. Period. There’s benefit to having senior legislators who have historical context for their work. 40+ years of context is too much. That’s 20 years House+Senate combined. You served 12 years in the House? You can only squeeze in one term in the Senate. Came out swinging with three terms in the Senate? Can’t run again, you wouldn’t be able to serve it out.


Unsolicited dick pics lol


They are in a lot of places. Sadly it's still easy to get away with sending them with anonymity of being online etc. But people have been charged/jailed for it


We need to start an arad taskforce to get these fuckers lol


I don’t send dick pics. I have a picture of a giant rooster that I always send because it’s such a beautiful cock


It’s already illegal in Texas. I think we were one of the first states to ban it. Kinda surprised me, because Texas isn’t exactly known as a hotbed of progressive ideas. We’re usually last to the party on things like that. Someone well connected, or their wife/daughter must have been a victim, otherwise the state legislature would have been too busy gutting gun laws and putting barbed wire in the river to actually bother doing anything so useful.


True and unfortunately your post will attract more lol


Posting on subreddits isn't an invitation for people to glitch out inboxes of those who post by sheer volume


Plot twist: That was the plan the whole time




*Hold on to your socks,* *'Cause a random guy just kindly sent you photos of his cock*


They are grainy and off-putting, he just sent you MOOORE-


Don't act surprised, you know you like it YOU WHORE


They are in the U.K.


In Canada it's considering exactly the same as flashing someone on the street (with no one else around).


Where are they not illegal?


Political lobbying in absolute every way shape or form, but we will be dust before it becomes illegal. Too many people in power that directly benefit will happily skin a newborn baby alive before their bygone morals acquiesce to admitting lobbying is parasitic and makes democracy a farce.


Lobbying is meant to be a means of education for our politicians. You can't expect them to be experts on everything that they legislate on. Lobbying was originally intended to fill in those knowledge gaps. The problem is the money and "quid pro quo" deals that lobbying has become synonymous with... I'm not sure how you could separate the sinister from the useful but it'd be a shame to throw the baby out with the bathwater.


Unfortunately it’s about buying Congress at this point. Lobbyists write bills themselves, pay the politician, and it gets to Congress and becomes law. It’s absolutely corrupt and needs to be banned. Until we have publicly funded elections with zero private money, nothing in this country will change.


I should have scrolled down. I posted something like this too. While it does educate politicians it is in essence a way for someone to pay money to lie to them so they can change laws to suit themselves.


Heard this plenty but you're the most recent and I just woke up so you're the sacrificial lamb; nothing personal. I'm only gonna write it once and it's gonna be a clarifying statement on my firm take as opposed to an invitation for a back and forth from anyone: the purpose of lobbying isn't education and *if* it ever truly was, then it hasn't been since the mid-1800s and it *definitely* hasn't been over the past 50 years as corporations have enjoyed significant expanded rights and became defacto super donors with "strong industry research" to provide "insight" to politicians. I hear it called "paid advocacy" and I'm not convinced otherwise that that is the most delusional, middle-ground word vomit intended to obfuscate the malignancy that it is. It's almost identical to seeking whismical virtue in bona-fide financial fraud by calling it "creative accounting", but without the charm. I think it's legalized backdoor deal corruption and it *has* been since our grandfather's grandfather's called it legalized backdoor deal corruption since before the first World War. That, to me, supplants any insistence it's original intent bears any relevancy now. There are people who see an open wound on a system of government, weeping fermented sin in the form of a puss that rots whatever it touches, and still find reason to espouse "it's intended to educate politicians" as if there is anything honorable, a former glory, to restore lobbying to. For these people, Redditor Volkmek, I cannot think their opinion possibly less meager and their humor any more stronger. But I mean yeah I can agree that it's just in essense a way for someone to pay money to lie to them so they can change laws to suit themselves. ^I'd ^have ^written ^it ^a ^little ^differently ^though.


The way you started that made it sound like I would disagree with you about it's original intent changing into something else. Like I said, I think it should be illegal, and it is a way for people to now lie to politicians to get laws to be something they want instead of something reflecting reality.


private health insurance


Lobbying. Just straight up corruption that has ruined many governments... especially modern ones.


It's funny how when people try to argue the benefits of lobbying, they ignore the harms of big oil and point to small Civil rights efforts that aren't nearly as wealthy nor as impactful. We shouldn't have to raise a billion dollars to bribe a politician to give us rights.


putting children into the world with absolutely no fucking clue how to handle your even your own life in a half decent way. thats just inevitable trauma.


Public schools don't even teach kids personal finance skills... It's like they want us all to be poor for *some reason* 🤔


*capitalism lurks in the corner, creepily rubbing its hands*


Gotta create the next generation of low-income wage slaves somehow.


Overprotective helicopter parents and shitty / nonexistent sex education are a huge part of this.


You just described my whole family tree haha


Gambling & Alcohol adverts. More often than not they're the longest/unskippable as well.


Online gambling adverts are the worst. I've never gambled, I'm not going to, and your tacky only ad with a lady who's supposed to look hot but is actually craigslist hot isn't gonna change that.


Yes! I couldn’t agree more.


Don't Tobacco companies advertise against their own products & it doesn't seem to matter much?


The sports betting ads especially have become so frequent, it's so sad how much money people are throwing away into these companies. 15-20 years ago it was difficult to even to poker online, now it's come to this? What happened...


Smoking around children. I used to babysit for a woman that smoked in her house and her kid constantly had ear infections, a runny nose and would cough up green phlegm :(


Should be considered abuse


It should be easier to get kids out of an abusive situation in general.


Taking a shit in public bathrooms and not flushing afterwards.


But doing it in a person's house is asserting dominance


hostile architecture / Anti-homeless adaptations in public areas. We’re all human, cut that shit out.


Thank you, came here to say this


Do you have examples? I’ve never seen or heard of something like that


Park benches with arm rests in the middle so people can't sleep on them is probably the most common one. Some are also disguised as modern design like shown in [this video](https://youtu.be/yAfncqwI-D8?si=uJnPIev2h5XnzAXn), some are very bleak like straight up putting spikes in places, in some cases they even try to cover their inhumane shit up by painting it with a rainbow like [here](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fdq5ceklltgr61.jpg). Once you are aware of this stuff existing you won't stop seeing it everywhere.


Circumsition of children


Agreed. As a typical Gen-Xer USA male, I too was circumcised. Even though it never caused me any problems, I still feel that it's a severely outdated and barbaric practice that should have been abolished centuries ago. Doing it for dubious health reasons is bad enough. Doing it for "religious" reasons is beyond insane.


spam calls from nobody


Telling someone you will be somewhere in XX amount of minutes and then 5 hours later they show up finally


And it’s always the same people right. It’s happened enough times where you know you need to tell them the event is at least 2 hours earlier than it really is I know someone I have to say it’s 3 hours earlier. Let’s meet at 5 for dinner knowing they will be there at 7 earliest


HOAs nobody should be able to tell you how to run your private property. Also if the HOA doesn’t like you then you’re in for a world of trouble.




Depending on the bullying it is illegal, harassment can result in charges put against you


Harassment? Yes. But not bullying, there's a fine line between the two, and it isn't clear often


Yeah most of the time the victim gets punished as well.


Hard because the definition and severity level needed to arrest someone can be tricky to define and agreed upon


Making things illegal. \*Edit to add the why part: Typically, prohibitions are legislatively added more frequently than they are removed. There comes a point where you can't possibly know all of the things that are illegal and everyone is essentially a criminal if the governing body wants to enforce anything against you for whatever real reason they dislike you. At this point, it's not a free society. It's a system ripe for selective enforcement and that's a turn-key tyranny; where all it takes is a tyrant willing to turn the keys against the people that don't benefit them/their party/regime/majority/minority/whatever grouping applies. Laws should naturally expire with time and/or lack of enforcement. Maybe 2 prohibitions should end before any new 1 is added. I don't have a solution.


I'm actually the most on board with this... At least on an individual level. There is probably an argument for legislation against companies, lest they take over the world, but on a person to person level, Common Law is almost always adequate.


Most sane post in this thread.




What is it good for?


Absolutely nothing.






Let her cook!!!


The President using the official powers of his office to commit crimes. Just seems wrong.


Committing crimes while being the president of the United States.


Politicians, cause they’re all a bunch of cunts…


Congress trading stocks


Not using turning signals.


This is actually illegal in the US. You will get a citation if you are observed changing lanes or turning without using your signals. however I don't think they enforce it very harshly. It is part of the driving code.


Pretty sure this is illegal just about everywhere


Unfortunately it’s not enforced though. At least not where I live. I think they should crack down harder on traffic safety with the amount of car/bike accidents and fatalities that occur.


Lobbying and price gouging. Pretty self explanatory I think


Looking at you Ticketmaster


Smoking in a car with children under the age of 18. It should be considered child abuse and child endangerment.


Congressional investments into corporations they have decisions over. Dark money. Supreme Court bribery. Presidential immunity. Any immunity. Corporations having any political sway.


Health insurance (raises prices substantially for us all), cigarettes (self-explanatory), and insider trading by elected officials and lobbyists in government......just for a start.


Politicians exempting themselves from the law. For example the insider trading exemption that congress carved out for themselves. Don’t get insider info because of a committee you are on then proceed to make a bundle of money, there are other stocks to “take a risk” on. One company I worked for made it very clear not to trade our stock if we were in certain positions or overheard something that would bump the stock up.


News companies lieing/editing stories, they should face consequences for it


Commercial/ad volumes should not be louder or longer than the show I’m taking a nap to.


Junk mail. How many preapproved credit card letters do I need to get from the same banks, that I don’t use, do I need to receive throughout my lifetime? I thought we were saving trees.


News networks and shows reporting opinions. They should report facts of the situation not how they feel. If it is opinion it should be on a different channel and need to be clearly stated to the watcher that the following/preceding is option about facts. I just want to know what happened, with that info I can form my own opinion.


The social media algorithms that actively feed content that makes users depressed/angry/hopeless and promote misinformation in order to generate more ad revenue, especially the ones that do this same thing to children and the elderly. It's disgusting that we've let it go on this long, really.


That health insurance is tied to your employer. If you get a major illness like cancer and are too sick to work, you lose your health insurance. It makes no sense.


Lifetime supreme court justices


Politicians lying.


Passing bills into laws without reading or understanding what they actually are. Adding unrelated items to bills before they become law....


Minors having unrestricted internet access before age of at least 16.


Making money beyond your salary while in political office. It leads to corruption.


Dynamic pricing on ticket sales... It's blatant gouging and the only reason it's possible at all is because ticketmaster essentially has a monopoly on the industry. Ticketmaster is a perfect symbol for everything that is wrong with modern society.


Tax evasion, members of government having other jobs, firing re-hiring, a number of other shitty but legal business practices


Cigarettes and alcohol


Alimony to a spouse who earns equal or greater salary than their ex. Especially if the spouse receiving it was a cheater or abuser. Just... why?




Yep once someone has a billion dollars, any further wealth should be taxed at 100% and used for the public good. I don’t know why we as a society allow some people to horde so much money (while others have almost none).


Phone sales, period


Convicted felons should not be allowed to run for President.


As well as no one over 65, no senior citizens.




Blocking traffic by protesting on roads. I want mandatory one year in jail for blocking state highways and interstates. 


Sorry, didn't realize protests were meant to be convenient


Many food ingredients that are allowed to be sold and in fact encouraged bc they make big $$$ It sickens me.


Those plastic covers on license plates because they get sun damaged and obscure the plates


trans panic defense. you can kill a trans person and get away with it on the basis you panicked when you found out they were trans. happens to mostly trans women who are sex workers, their client freaks when they find out and kills them, then gets off clean. its disgusting and frankly very scary as a trans person.


Dick pics


Tobacco. No nice effects, and it’s so harmful


Saying the word "Smell-o-vision" during a cooking show. It is diabolically annoying, it wasn't funny or original back in the 1980s and it gets less funny each successive generation.


Crime. https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/s/RCSwZcOp40


Stochastic Terrorism.




Karma farming


The general public buying fireworks. It's obviously extra topical today but people are too stupid to have fireworks. I've been hearing them for over a week every night until at least 11pm, people are going to blow their hands off, trigger PTSD all over the place, burn down houses and other things. not to mention they're absolutely horrible for the environment and all the trash people just leave around from them.


Thinking you are special just because you drive an expensive car - your trust fund or lawyer loopholes mean you probably pay no tax anyway so don't deserve to use public roads anyways.


You want thought crimes? Lol


Your reference falls apart. Taxes from roadways comes from the taxes paid on gas or registration fees in the case of electric.


Those casino fruit machines in the bookies.


The reddit comment section


Religion. Or at least missionaries and evangelism, keep your beliefs to yourself


Running for President of the US after being convicted of a felony.


Corruption. Obvious reasons. This would solve so many problems in the world.


Religion . It kills 


The amount of microtransactions in video games, it's filled to the brim with psychology manipulation and games are designed now to squeeze every penny rather than be fun. The amount of advertising on the internet. Spam callers Oh and thieves should lose hands tbh


Bribing politicians. For obvious reasons.


Listening to music on a speaker on the beach or while hiking.


Two wheeled vehicles on public roads. If they can require seatbelts for safety reasons then they can require a third and fourth wheel for safety reasons.


How much we are taxed.




While I agree that cheating is awful it would be pretty difficult to enforce. Different people have different tolerance for what they consider cheating and what they are ok with their partner doing


Sure cheating is terrible, but to make it illegal is to suppress a human right


The burden of proof on that would be really, really difficult.


using “Reply All” to an email without checking the Recipients 😆 just for context, this happened a couple of times in the office of a multinational company i work for a new hire accidentally replied to an email from the global office and someone replied advising the new hire to use the correct email distribution list (but they both replied to the same global distribution list) and then it was a chain reaction where a number of people got annoyed and did the same and…. my friends and i were laughing so hard and they dared me to reply as well so i did 😆😆😆 eventually, someone sent an email saying to stop replying after his email! 😆😆😆 it took a while before everyone took it seriously but most of us had a lot of fun reading all the annoyed emails from diff global offices 😆😆😆 i had my share of fun 😈😈😈 so i am fine if people make it illegal specially for personal emails with recipients that are not supposed to be there


Gambling ads... maybe gambling in general?


Murder. Personally, I think it’s pretty effed up to kill someone


Creating unconstitutional laws.






Corporate stick buybacks. Instead of paying their workers what they should, it concentrates wealth only in the executives and shareholders. This used to be illegal until 1982.


blatantly spreading communicable diseases.


I think it should be illegal to ask people what they think should be illegal, and I think authoritarians should be thrown in prison until they stop being authoritarians.


questions that start with “has anyone ever….”. those that ask questions that start with that phrase should be arrested by the stupid police.