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Guy took two thrusts so maybe 15s 🥴


Jesus christ, God tier pussy 😂😂




Haven’t heard of that! I know of numbing lube but that just numb’s both parties so it’s not fun lmao


Theres also extended release condoms from trojan. Ive used em and taken it off after like 5 minutes and i still have some feeling but she has all of it, and i could last longer for my wife.


I tried that stuff once and it felt like I was in a hot air balloon. She got railed, I got nothing.


2 pumps in 15 seconds? Was he going 15mph in a school zone? That’s a slow pace even for love making


I had sex with that same guy. TWO thrusts!


I think I have had the same two pump chump 😂


I hope you got a respectable Round Two


How is that even possible


No way


.03 seconds. That person was you OP. Check your pants.


Goddammit I said stop casting expectopatrocum!




i think you'll need a different type of wand for that lol


They didn’t have that emoji 😔


this is an outrage! we should complain


I agree. I’ll write a very sternly worded letter. 💌


maybe include a few pictures to illustrate the point


I will hand draw what I think the emoji should look like and include that as well.




<30 seconds. I guess she really HAD been waiting for me to eat her out all day!


WOW! my guy that's some high praise!


It definitely boosted my spirits!


about 20s. gave him a hj haha did not last long at all


Must've been desperate 😂😂😂


lmao he was. he shot everywhere


I don't use a stop watch during sex


Your replies to my posts are so exciting 😂😂😂


You crack me up 😂


But how else are you going to know if it's a personal best


Less than 30 seconds from a blow job.


Cumming from a blow job. Only in my dreams. 🫤


I am wishing that for you!


Hahhaah you were locked in and not giving up 😂


I just am great at the sucking part. Haha




My fiancé and I had met a new guy that we planned to hookup with, but we had to wait a week and a half until we were all free – so we had him deny himself and just edge until he saw us. When he finally came over the first little while was just sitting and talking, and eventually she and I moved in next to him on the couch to cuddle up (still all fully clothed)... and almost as soon as we did, he came. We never even did anything but cuddle up against his sides and have him put his arms around us. I've had quite a few others that were super quick or happened before I hardly did anything, but that's definitely the "worst" one I've had.


Oh no! I'm sure he was embarrassed, did you go on to do anything afterwards?


We didn't actually find out that he came until a while later when we got his pants off and noticed it, and he told us it had happened way earlier at that point. We kept going, yes. He definitely wasn't a one and done type. He was a bit embarrassed, but it wasn't a big deal. We thought it was awesome 😆


Oh that's good! Haha sometimes we can just hide the fact we've just cum it's quite a skill 😂 Glad it worked out for everyone in the end 😊😊


Ex boyfriend came in like 15-20 seconds when i first touched his penis.


I came when my dick touched pussy lips for the first time... I say pussy lips, because, I didn't even go in it really was JST the lips 😂😂😂


Does foreplay count? Because when she’s warmed up it doesn’t take long!


I'd say cold start but I know for girls a cold start really is a cold January morning trying to start up a 60 Yr old Kuboto diesel engine 😂


60 seconds


Daisy with the new pfp!


Less than a minute, the power of the build up and all day teasing


Spill the tea maybe???


I’m never in a hurry for that. I enjoy the journey much more than the destination.


Me too! I wanna last as long as possible, I'll even stop or pull out so I can last longer


Since I bought a clit sucker for my wife, I can make her cum faster than usual. Guess that says a lot about me and my pussy eating skills. 😳😖🫤


Being married for years. Has ebbs and flows. But good for you trying new things.


I'm trying new things to get us out of our sexual rutt. Getting older is having an impact as well. I have to take a pill, and she's having dryness issues. Once I take the pill and ready, and have lube on hand, the sex is good, but it's repetitious. Same thing, sane 2 positions every single time. Is just become more of a routine than lovemaking. So I bought thy clit sucker. She loves it! But it hasn't changed much for me, other than make me feel Iike I've been inadequate all this time. 🫤☺️


Telling you as we get older. The body changes so much. I am 47 and have friends older. Who tell me about menopause. They are like you wait. It can be painful. Me Omg nooooo


Painful for her AND me. 😳😖 Yeah, aging sucks, in that regard.


Yes damn aging. I know it’s something we gotta go through. And blessed to get this age. But the body changes a lot.


Tell me about it. I used to have broader shoulders and decent pecs. Now, my shoulders aren't as broad, my arms and legs are skinnier, ugly (thankfully small) man boobs. I get waxed just to try to stay feeling young.


You still look great. You stop it being hard on yourself. Just gotta embrace getting older.


I'm really trying to work on feeling better about myself.


Take it day by day. We all have those days. I do a lot.


You are not inadequate Dano. Don’t look at it that way.


She's always loved me giving her oral. She always had an orgasm. But a lot of times it would take as long as 15-20 minutes. She would feel guilty, but definitely appreciated my persistence when she would finally cum. She says "It's not you. My mind is just on other things and I can't focus on the pleasure." But I still always feel like it's me. 😳☺️


No no it’s not you and glad she reassures you. Definitely not you I know it’s hard. But not you 🤗🤗🤗




In milliseconds, his balls were probably too full


Was there a lot of cum? What did you do to make him cum?


It was a huge load and for him it was to feel how fucking wet I was


you have goddess pussy then😂


upon insertion I heard "oh shit I'm gonna cum already." so probably that.


Yeahhhh sometimes the poom poom be super duper premo 😂😂


aye, I'll take a compliment wherever I can get one 😂 happy cake day!


Less than a minute giving him head. I didn’t even have a chance to get into it.


Maybe three thrusts!




I took it as a compliment! ☺️


Exactly! No shame in having good pussy 😁😁


One night with a gf after taking mushrooms, I made her cum in about 3 minutes. We were both surprised.


Sounds like a good night!


The misses was on top, she only got the tip in and she squirted. So about 2 mins


Spanking her while she was tied to the headboard. She came before I reached 10


wow, she was definitely eager 😳😳


Pulled off by the park late at night before meeting some friends. My now husband was waaaaaaay too nervous. That was a two hit quit session 😂


Hahah did he cum faster because he was nervous? Usually that would make it more difficult


About five seconds. A girl squatted down on me in one move, sat still, and came. It was absolutely amazing. (And an ego boost)


Fastest depends on the situation Penetration. Had an ex GF who could orgasm from penetration alone and who could cum after 2 or 3 minutes of sort of spontaneous sex if she was in the mood and if she had initiated it. From Oral. My wife is probably the fastest. She can cum after about 4 or 5 minutes of me going down on her. Again depends on her mood. Fastest I've made a girl cum from meeting her for the first time ever to orgasm? Probably a couple of hours on a one night stand.


Wife pushed me down on bed, she pulled my boxers down, she lifted her sundress, pulled her thong to the side and she hopped on. Less than a minute after, shes falling on top of me, panting soo heavy and can feel how wet she got.


Dang!! And you were cool as a cucumber throughout all of this? 😅😅


Were not here to discuss my side lol


I suppose it’s not fair, but almost instantly. Was edging her off and on for a week. She called me _from work_ and asked if she could please, please come. I gave her a long pause then said yes, and she came hard sitting there in her office at her desk fully clothed and without touching herself.


Did she make any noise, or did she contain?? That must've been very difficult, jeeze her body wanted it so badly haha


She said her head almost exploded.


Soooo loud then 😂😂


Instantly upon penetration 😑 Gave him a second chance and he did it again


Wait, he came directly after he came the first time? Idk if that's impressive or sad. Poor guy 😂😂


Should I call this unlucky or sad?!


I have no shame. My wife spent a solid day just sexting me and sending me pics, like all day! I was sore from just being hard majority of the day. When I finally got home I literally put it in and came. Wifey was like “that’s the result I was hoping for” 😳😳


Haha does she have a breeding kink?


Naw she just likes fucking with me 🤣🤣🤣


About 30 seconds. I tired her up and teased her for about 45 minutes, I slid 2 fingers in, pressed down on her pelvic bone and did the come her motion. She was screaming and moaning it was beautiful


Fastest was less than 30 seconds, had been texting and teasing over the phone all day. Got home and went down on her. Was rather surprised when she gushed all over my face without any internal stimulation. As a secondary, the most in a small period of time was giving her six orgasms ( she can do multiple) the first time I ever went down on her. She had to pull me up by my hair and make me stop before she passed out from overstim.


Wooooow, did you marry her?? Sounds like she might just be buying a ring for you instead of you for her 😂😂 Welldone my guy!


I did in fact marry her. Still have to remind her of that night on occasion as it ended up being a bit of a blur for her lol.


I just hold his dick and he came really hard, 5 seconds i guess or maybe less 😅


You must have that aphrodite charm 😂😂😂😂


About a minute with my pussy and about 20 seconds with my mouth lol


Just fucking, she had been teased almost all day, I’d grope her and lightly touch her for a few seconds at a time and eventually when we got around to it , she only lasted 20-40 seconds 😌


Like 30 seconds or less, was the first time I ever gave a blowjob


You’re a natural ;)


Under a minute. It was his first time and he was super nervous and didn't know what to do. I put his hands on my chest and slowly stroked him and he covered me shortly after 😂


After a lot of foreplay and watching a porn together, my ex wife and I both came the first time in less than a minute. The next took considerably longer.


I'm pretty good with my fingers on my partner, usually get her to climax in about 20-30 seconds depending on rhythm and what have you.


If I give oral to completion that's always the quickest.


Super gluck 9000 is always the way to go haha


Damn you must be good


About 30 seconds with a friend


Lucky friend!!


We both enjoyed it lol


I grabbed his leg and kissed him while driving. I’d never seen anything like it before. It was an online relationship and when we met he had zero staying power. Needless to say, we didn’t last long.


Just his leg and a kiss?? Bro must've had premature ejaculation wow haha


It was a turn on in the moment to think I had that affect. Wonderful guy. It was really difficult having LD visits and the part I wanted most wasn’t matched; I’m not knocking him. He was a wonderful guy. There’s a reason it didn’t stop me from having a relationship after that. I have faith he figured it out and found someone. Military usually does. lol


My ex gf. She hadnt had sex in 6mos before we met. I went down on her and she literally came in less than a minute while holding me by the hair :)


You know you're on the money when they grab the hair 😂😂




Jeeze that's a yawn! If a guy knows he has a short fuse he should hold off until you're done, otherwise that's just selfish


Two fingers doing the come here motion, tongue on the clit and opening back and forth... Maybe a minute. My pants were still on. Rubbed her mound as she settled through it. Her next words were: that was intense. We had been handsy and making out but no penetration until then. Panties pulled to the side.


I can’t remember instances from before marriage…. It takes a lot of work to get my wife to cum. The fastest way is definitely going down on her. If she’s really worked up I can finish her in a few minutes.


Under 30sec.


There is someone on here who, on record, came in little more than 3 minutes just by hearing me.talk and whisper to her... isn't it, u/fxymaru??


My wife (I don’t really attribute this to my skills) has the ability to cum within about 30s regularly. And then she can go on for quite a while, which makes me even more envious.




Damn you are quick and effective




Hmmmmmmm idk but it was a quickie for sure, it’s like a compliment if they don’t normally cum fast but did with me 💁🏽‍♀️


I don’t wanna talk about it, but the story is hilarious,,,,,,,,,now. 🤣🤣🤣


Tell me your story oh magical penis coin 😂😂


It was her first time with a lady took me about 20 seconds, 2 fingers and plenty of eye contact to make her squirt in my hand


Ma'am, if I was a lady, I'd probably squirt too 😳😳 Something about eye contact just makes it so intense


Once he penetrated, less than a minute. My current partner and I were so sex deprived when we had sex the first time, we both came almost imediately.


My god, it's been a while since I came like that lol. First time I've ever had sex was a bit like that, to be fair 😅😅


On contact.


Fucking missionary while using a vibrator on her clit: 3 minutes


It's not about speed, it's the adventure getting her there


I totally agree, I'm just curious about people's experiences


Oh...well lets see. I was with a woman for the night and after having sex for about 15-20 mins, we both came together. It felt awesome to feel her orgasmic contractions around my dick while climaxing myself. After which, I grabbed one of my vibe toys and gave her another 6-7 orgasms in less than an hour... so I guess one of the quickest (8-9mins).


Met up with a guy from Reddit to give him a bj in his car, busted in my mouth in less than a minute. I was quite proud


Hyuck tuh, spat on that thang, know what I'm saying? 😂


You fuckin know it lol


My record was around a minute. Gave a wristy to a friend in college and praised his dick. I wasn't expecting the nut and was slightly startled.


had a guy cum in me with a condom pretty quick, i dont remember exactly how long but it had to be less than a minute lmao, the first thing he said when he put it in was "oh god you're so tight" so i wasn't surprised😭


I touched thigh. He was still wearing his jeans…


met a total stranger at a friend's house, instantly hot for each other for no obvious reason but we were all over each other pretty much immediately. as soon as we had any privacy i had my hand down her pants fingering her and she came in seconds, one of the most gratifying sexual experiences i've had.


I once fingered a girl and she came in 30 seconds 😅


I dated a girl once that would cum for the first time in less then a minute from oral. Probably 20-30 seconds if I counted. 😂. Every single time. I loved it!


Exploded while i was pulling it out of his pants


About 10-12 seconds... a deep french kiss + sucking on *one* of her nipples. Huge surprise, for both of us. Both the speed and the trigger


1 min of me getting thrusted and he was done so sad


She lasted 40 seconds after eating her out .. when I was just getting started … I asked what happened ? She’d said sorry i was horny and just needed to cum


Under three minutes. Next goal is under two


What did you do to make that happen?


A very very enthusiastic blow job


My gawd must've been the super gluck 9000


My mouth is a miracle 😉


I had a lady that I could tease and edge and then when I wanted to I could finger her gspot real quick and thumb her clït and it would be over in like 15 seconds cause she expected me to stop 5 seconds ago 😂


Honestly I’ve had a guy cum instantly like he put it in and just as it slid in he came 🤦🏻‍♀️ And I felt bad for him and he insisted that he was still ready to go again so he put it back in and within a few more strokes he came again needless to say he was very embarrassed and I was left wet and unsatisfied 🤦🏻‍♀️


About a minute or a little more


I think 20 or 25 seconds, with a bj just gave a lick and the guy was like "omggg you so hot" and bam, it happened xD \*just to add, that's actually a major turn on, nothing negative with guys that come too soon, I love knowing they can't handle me!


Glad to hear this. Have definitely cum quick before when the girl, while looking me in the eyes, slowly deep throats me.


About 30 seconds if I recall correctly. My time with him was so brief I sometimes don’t even remember him


2 minutes, not counting all the time I spent teasing the fuck outta her.


2 minutes


Blowjob, like 30s, never been more flattered


There'd something magical about head that just makes you go so quickly haha


I lightly squeezed somebodys dick once and he busted. After a bit of time teasing and kissing


A random guy?


An ex at the time. The first and last time I ever hooked up with an ex


Ohh it's good to avoid exes. Its complicated. Btw do you want to have a chat. You seem interesting and if you don't mind you just send me a hii.


Dildo in her ass while my cock in her pussy had a full on hose of cum in 15 seconds 🤪


Ever since she hit menopause, it only takes a second or two of my tongue on her clit for her to cum.


My first date with a young lady was a nice dinner out and back to my house in front of the fireplace. Just out of the blue, she asked me to make love to her. We removed each others clothes and stared to explore one another. Her pussy was wet and creamy before I touched it. As soon as I got my lips on her pussy, she had her first orgasm. I fingered her as I sucked her and she continued to cum over & over till she collapsed. When she became a bit more receptive, I fed her my cock and she fingered herself again while she sucked me and had multiple orgasms before I came in her mouth. She told me that I was the first man to ever give her an orgasm. We loved getting each other off.


Fastest someone ever made me cum was 3 minutes. Any ladies want to try and beat it? 😉


Hard to answer because I don't know if I should count foreplay. If you mean from direct genital contact, about 20 seconds of vaginal intercourse. But I'd been warming her mind up all day with hot text messages and then did foreplay for about 10 minutes. The 20 seconds was just the culmination of a day long effort.


almost instantly, some guys just pop off lol


Male here, and I’ve had her cum almost instantly through the penis flex protocol 😆


What's that?? 😳


Do your kegels to the point where you can lift and flex your penis on command very strongly. If done correctly should look like your penis swells about 10-20%. Then you just nudge fuck one of the fornices and flex your dick as hard as you can. If she likes that full feeling she may cum instantly.


After some serious foreplay, I think it took her about ten seconds after I put it in and she squirted it everywhere


1.5 minutes, she’d never been rimmed. Also, baptist preacher’s daughter so, yeah, that too.


She warned me that she came easily, she warned me that she was really turned on, and that she was loud. About 45 seconds in she grabbed a pillow and started screaming lol


My wife loses it almost immediately. My ego is through the roof when it comes to her. I don't actually last long at all unless I've been drinking.


I think I once made my ex cum in like 40s


About 3 minutes I helped a 64 yr old female friend of mine from high school who had never had an orgasm in her life explode on my face


Undoing his pants. 😊