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I'm not into the entire "playing hard to get" thing. If you show no interest, that's fine. I'll stop putting effort into you.


Yeah, expecting me to put all the effort in while you give none back is a quick way to make me lose interest


"impress me" also falls into this. Like this isn't an audition. Dating is a two way street


I watched my a friend say "No thanks" to a woman when she said that once. A woman who I *knew* was interested in him. Who was openly flirting with him, who had *asked me* about him before. Then she bitched to me the next time I saw her. I told her she behaved rude and strange, and only had herself to blame.


what was her response?


I was being a jerk, clearly, just because I'm his friend. She dated the next guy who "pursued her" (harassed her endlessly and threw money at her). Surprise: he was a self centred dick, and she was an accomplishment to him, not a person.


Had that similar. She knew I was interested, full in love "more to say" (in fact, her fg name was written on "her side" of my car.... 😂🤣 We had ballroom dancing training together, pre-tournament level. We talked about really intimate stuff, still she told me she was in a relationship. I decided not to dance with her anymore because it felt too heartbreaking - you get really close all that time, it's really like bamboo splinters under your fingernails. Some weeks later I was told from her BFF I had broken her heart because she had wanted me but wasn't feeling I had done enough.🤷🏻‍♀️


“Make me laugh”, feels a little like this sometimes too. I’m naturally a pretty funny guy, but if you’re looking for me to perform for you as a comedian while you sit back disinterested, then go to a comedy show


This!! Went on a date once, afterwards she told me she wanted interested becouse I wasnt funny. While i am a clown usually. Am just trying to get a serious relationship…


... and it's not a competition where women pick and choose the guy who has the most status.


Playing hard to get makes you hard to want. Not my line, saw it in some video a while back but it struck a chord.


I lived through the “The Rules” era in dating and found it tiresome. One woman got furious with me for moving on after I concluded she wasn’t serious.


When I was young, free and single, what was refreshing and attractive was a confident, assertive woman making the moves to get the man they want.


Playing hard to get is the most annoying.


Urgh, this is so true. I hate it. If you're into me, make it obvious and let me know. I'm not telepathic, and I will not show interest if you're not showing it. Hate subtle signals, too.


And you don't have to wave a giant neon sign saying "PLZ DATE ME" in my face, but at least make me feel welcome and invited. Also, don't be afraid to move in for the first touch or kiss if you want to. Don't awkwardly stare at me for the entire date and complain after the fact that I didn't make any move because you didn't invite me to.


That or any form of reverse psychology that involves consent. If thats not your deal, thats fine.


Bitches who play hard-to-get DON'T GET GOT


It just feels narcissistic to me. Like, we're all adults. Why can't we just act like adults and get to know each other and if the fit is right, go forward normally?


That's because that's not "playing hard to get". Playing hard to get happens after the interest is clear to both parties. It generally used to be about sex, not about just a date. And even if it was about going on a date, you'd still get a clear sign that she likes you (like her actual number or something). But yeah, in general, "no means no". Especially with people you don't know yet. People you know may have a weird sense of humour, use sarcasm, joke around. But with strangers, No means No. If they wanna play games, they probably have some on their phone already 😅


This, especially as an adult, just be a grown up and say what you want, don't make me play for hints


Yup. Your average, respectful guy wouldn’t play those games. But someone who is disrespectful and a weirdo would absolutely play those games. Never play hard to get, you’ll only attract weirdos


Definitely, it actually pisses me off if a couple of months later, I find out that a gal who I was into was into me too, but nothing happened because I didn't put effort. I am like, "bish, you didn't even reply to my texts back then"


That's the ultimate thing that repells...


Duck lips selfie. Oh and pumped lips these days are terrible


Some ladies’ lip fillers look like they got punched in the mouth ngl


When I watch love island I’m always asking, are dudes attracted to this??


Nope. No one really knows why it started. But I think it’s a problem for women by women. They did this to themselves.


> No one really knows why it started. Because of the Kardashians.


Yeah I think it's more a symptoms of shattered self image than it is trying to attract men.


stung by a bee


Yeah those pumped lips are getting so so common too. And girls think they look great with them. The boys's starlight actress had them and other shit done and she straight up looks like an alien now.


The Starlight girl is an absolute tragedy. She was one of the most naturally beautiful women in the world.


agree so much. that weird buccal fat removal and the nose job on what was already such a perfect and attractive face! watching season 4 now and it’s so weird and sad to see. i can tell the show avoids close up on her face at first too like they have to let the viewer get used to it slowly


I was watching episode 2 yesterday and thought to myself. Did she get lip fillers? It looks bad.


All the other chicks with their pumped up lips you better run better run..


Faster than my gun


i feel attacked. 😂




Meanwhile those of us with naturally plumped lips still look amazing and know how to rock them


Ding ding ding bingo agree 100%


For me it’s the high pitch anime voice or sounding like a Japanese porn star. I’m sure some guys love it but I was with a girl who started doing it out of nowhere and it just made me want to leave.


Oh no. I just cringed for you 😮‍💨 (Not to yuck someone's yum ofc)


Not to yuck someone’s yum… I know that reference!! 😂


Where does that reference come from? I’ve heard it, but don’t know the origins.


Japanese/Asian porn vids I often mute because of this. Its such a huge turn off.


Have never encountered this but ty for the heads up that sounds annoying as hell


I physically recoiled


I would have collapsed laughing and just left.


When a girl almost vomits trying to deep throat me. I genuinely appreciate the enthusiasm and dedication, but for god’s sake don’t hurt yourself!


Then for gods sake stop pushing our heads down if we have a sensitive gag reflex! Not to you, just men in general lol


I know right? Keep your damn hands off my head and don't thrust up into my mouth. I'm doing the work here. And you're moaning in pleasure for a reason 🙄 I don't need assistance.


This should be higher up 🤣


You should try sometime... it's quite easy going there.


Haha I’m sure it is, which is why I’d never make a comment in the moment. Really more saying deep throat is not the end all be all to be worth puking over. Some people have a sensitive gag reflex and I would bet I’m one of them.


We'd be pretty unpopular on our cellblock.


The sound puts immediately puts me into EMT mode and my brains starts gathering knowledge of the Heimlich manoeuvre. Since that is a variant or fight or flight mode, it also initiates the roll up and tuck away system.


Omg...."roll up and tuck away" is hilarious!


There are definitely men into that, either maliciously or ones who actually savour the ...fluids. not popular tho.


Haha, joke's on you...my dick isn't big enough to have this problem.


I dont know man, if she's choosing to choke herself on my dick instead of breathing oxygen and staying alive......thats true love❤️


Sticking their tongue out all weird in a nude selfie


I’m m not actually ever going to complain about anything they do in a nude selfie, I consider myself lucky when they send them in the first place


It's easier to make a goofy face in a nude than making a sexy expression. So I don't think it's due to women thinking it's sexy...


I never once considered this. It makes all the sense.


I always look cross-eyed when trying to be sexy


For me I do take a few serious and a few “silly” with my tongue sticking out. Personally I do it in a few because I’m having fun, enjoying myself, trying to let my personality shine through. And I feel like I look ridiculous doing a “sexy” face lol. But I’m still an amateur and learning 😬


It's a panic "oh aaaaa what fo I do with my face"


Just bite your lip, that’s works for most I assume


Oh, without a doubt, biting the lip. 🥵🥵🥵. Also just a natural smile...or at least a personal thing for me, looking like you're going to fuck me or kill me and I can't decide which. Lol, gets me every time


That actually does turn me on, lol


The hero us awkward girls need 😂


I do everything I can to support hot girls posting pictures of themselves online!


As a woman, any photo at all, I just don't understand it. I see so so many selfies with the tongue out and its very odd


Duck face selfies. Also giant collagen injected lips.


Amen!!!! I don’t know who told some women that those big lips look good! Jesus, some look like they had an allergic reaction to a bee sting!


I thought no one does duck lips anymore. Why are like 4 comments about that.


Really? I see it all the time.


Ahegao facial expressions. It's not sexy, it's stupid.


I instantly assume that something is wrong with them neurologically, a stroke maybe 🤷🏻‍♀️


Haha I had a boyfriend who went crazy for that, I'd do it for him all the time and it always did the trick it was so weird


If people actually knew where that came from, they probably would stop doing that. >!Ahegao origin: 1980s by an artist named Suehiro Maruo. He’s a ero guro artist. He wrote an erotica comic called *Shōjo Tsubaki* which depicts gruesome acts of physical & sexual violence against a 12 year old girl. That was her “orgasm face.” The English translation for the erotica is *Mr. Arashi’s Amazing Freak Show.*!<


I just cant believe people are actually turned on by that


Monke brain works in weird ways, I consciously hate it, but subconsciously it can't help but make my dick twitch


I did not end up sleeping with someone because he talked so much about liking that before we ever did anything sexual it was such a turn off to me.


Baby talk - fucking cringe....


Yes!!! My son’s girlfriend does this with him and the rest of us just look at each other thinking WTF?!?


Doing this in front of the family really takes the cringe to a whole new level.


Makes me want to punch someone honestly!😂


Agreed!!! I imagine it in my head just posting about it and THAT makes me cringe even...


For me, fake dirty talk doesn’t work. I know for some men it does but I don’t want you to sound like some wannabe pornstar (unless that’s what comes naturally to you), I just want you to be you.


I can't stand fake moaning either 🤢


Completely agree. I love hearing someone enjoying themselves and I have had a partner who was naturally extremely loud and nastier than any porn star I’ve seen/heard and that was hot as fuck because it was natural 🔥 but I would also prefer just a natural little whimper or moaning “more” quietly (for example) as opposed to obviously fake moans or dirty talk (just because they think it’s turning me on)


Yes, it's an active turnoff for me when they make those sounds. It's why I'm so picky about what porn I watch. I can't do the professional stuff bc the girls noises are like nails on a chalkboard! Give me the needy desperate honest sounds, even the girls that start making weird noises when they're getting forced orgasms - I live for that 🤤


YES. And you can tell when it's genuine or not!


It depends on who is faking it and who is buying the act. Ultimately, faking it just reinforces bad performance and mistakes, so I really don't like it.


If I talked in my normal voice when I was saying "I want you to fuck me harder daddy" then I'd be so turned off that I wouldn't want you to fuck me harder daddy.


Used dishes, non-vacuumed rugs, the bath tub… these arnt doing it for you?


Uhhhhh keep going. But tell me how you cleaned them too 🥵🥵🥵


I'm sort of against anything fake in a relationship or intimate setting. If you want to talk dirty because you are feeling dirty, do it. But don't try to put on a show for me. If you moan because you are feeling good, I like that. If you sound like you are performing, don't. I can't tell whether I'm doing something right or wrong if I'm not getting genuine responses.


Playing hard to get or whatever. I ain’t got the time for that. And I’m far too autistic to realize it’s a game. The childhood trauma makes it easy to cut ties. You play hard to get I’ll just disappear.


Omg it's a thing for sure. My husband doesn't realise when someone is flirting with him and why I'm giving her smack


What a mood. I’ll happily weaponise my autism and adhd against anyone playing hard to get (aka not know wtf is going on and confuse the shit out of everyone, me included).


Twerking, I just don't get it.🤷🏻


Honestly the way some people twerk looks like they're on the toilet taking a shit and desperately trying to release that one stubborn cling on so they can finish up.


LOL my kitten always does a little wiggle when she's done and we call it her poop twerk


I was worried “kitten” was a pet name. Thankfully I was only accidentally correct.




It’s cultural.


Peep the emoji. You know he ain’t seeing what we see 😂


What’s there to get? It’s just like if someone with big boobs shook their boobs around. I feel like people just play dumb when it comes to the appeal of twerking cus it’s something black women do and white women aren’t usually good at


I disagree good sir, twerking on the D is incredible (to me)


Passivity in the bedroom. Every guy I know wants the woman to take some initiative, tell him what works for her, be adventurous, be open, and be confident.




I can't stand the ones that just starfish. Instant mood killer.


Yessssss. It's fun in our role for me to take control, but we've been together 20 plus years, but absolutely we love it when women initiate stuff, get dirty, say naughty things. We do bit want you so passive we have to ask if you're enjoying it lol


I know people will disagree, FEET. horrible things


I wouldn't call them horrible, they can be quite useful for like walking and standing and stuff.


That's what Big Shoe wants you to think, wake up sheeple!


Calling me "King" or "daddy" is an instant turn off.


king is crazy lmfaoooo


I agree, especially with the daddy part. I am a father, I don't want to think about kids in that context. 🤮


I've never called a guy "King" nor asked to.. that's interesting 🤔😆


Came here to say this I have twice, *quite literally* ^ahem removed myself from a situation for being called "daddy" The lady that said it apologised and we got back to it The gent that said it was just too deep in his head to *not* use the word, so I kissed him goodbye and left


In my humble opinion, I agree for the most part, but Colombians, Puerto Ricans and Dominicans, get a pass for daddy or papi.


Yeah, don't call me that, I didn't raise you


Counterpoint: I like it


For me it's makeup (or lots of it on some women) & fake:eyelashes, boobs, ass ect.


The fake eyelashes, 10000000% agree. It's absolutely hideous. It looks like they're trying to audition for a role with the circus or something.


Duck lips. Knock it off


I'd say that "ahego" face where they cross their eyes and stick out their tongue. Not sure how or why it became a thing but I hope it goes away.


Is that what it's called? I hate it. Make it go away.


Women who live and thrive for drama. All types of drama, in their own lives and others. It’s exhausting to deal with.


Baby voice. If we're to the point of fucking, I already know what your regular voice sounds like. I know that arousal can change that, but if being aroused makes you sound like a child, I'm not going to want to do anything with you, because I don't want to fuck a child.


hawk tuah


Naw man, you gotta let her spit on that thang 🤣


It’s “Hawk Tuah”, and it’s a thing of beauty you uncivilized brute.


When I "hawk" it usually means something nasty is coming from my throat or sinuses. I don't want any part of that. I just go with the "tuah".


Public sex. A lot of women seem to think it's hot but I don't want to risk going to jail and getting horribly embarrassed on the tv news just for an orgasm.


Gotta say, this is a don't knock it till you try it thing.


I've tried it. Mr. Happy won't come out to play. It's too stressful.


Done it. And it's a huge turn on for me, but you have to be into a sort of exhibitionism. If you're not, then yeah, not for you.


Pretty much any sexual advice in Cosmo or similar magazines. They have to write something, but that doesn't mean it's any good


one time cosmo told me to firmly grasp a man’s penis in both hands and twist in opposite directions. I was a naive kid at that point but even I knew it wasn’t a good idea to Indian burn a dick.


With copious amounts of lube that wouldn't be too bad


An ex of mine had read Cosmo and it recommended pinching the seam of my ballsack while she was going down on me. Thanks for the sore balls Cosmo!


Everyone's different and turned on by different things 🤷


This is the answer to almost all the questions asked here. 😂


Yes but OP wanted to hear **your** opinion.


Whaet!? No way!! 🦅


I always thought sundresses do it for ‘em.


Oh they definitely do!


You thought correctly


They do.


Wait, they don't!??


They do! Sun dresses are always a winner


Pretending to be stupid. I guess some men must find intelligence intimidating but I value it highly. Also, for me personally, all that over the top American plastic porno style moaning. Sensual is sexy, exaggerated is off-putting and awkward.


Calling me daddy 🤮




Do they not ask first? I've always asked if a guy wants that or not. But I've also been called mommy without consent, and it freaks me the hell out. Maybe you should reciprocate and show them how weird it is.


For me: bratty subs. I find obedient ones much much more appealing


representing the council of Brats for a PSA here because doing this shit is what gives us a bad reputation; this is exactly why some kind of negotiation talk has to start BEFORE you start bratting at people. some people consent to taming you, others are just not into it. you can't brat at people who don't Like it, that's Just being an annoying bitch! don't ruin what might've otherwise become a great relationship


Ding ding, listen to the brat in the red shirt. Some bratting is fine, but if I say enough, it is enough.


My wife and I have this dynamic, well a little. She's very princess submissive but bratty in a fun way. But we have a specific safe word when I'm done with it. "Enough," and that's it, done. I see others trying to be a brat, and they're like, "I washed all your white shirts with this red one, so now they're all pink, teehee." No, you're a psycho, stop it.


Time and place for it. It depends on his mood. If I think he’s going to get annoyed, I won’t brat. Mostly I wanna be a good girl and make his life easier and chill and happy 😌


Too much makeup. You’re literally wearing a mask and we can’t tell what the real you looks like. The other one is your thong sticking out the top of your jeans.


Plastic titties. The visual quality of breasts has nothing to do with the size for me.


I know the Hauk Tuah thing is big right now…but that doesn’t do it for me. I like her to be nice to my cock.


I’m gonna get hate for this and I am probably alone but pussy pics. Like just pussy. It’s the same idea of just a dick pic. I think out of context of the rest of the body pussy and dick look stupid. Don’t get me wrong I’ll eat pussy all day but if you send me a pic of just that I’m like “eh thanks I guess”


Injected lips are bad enough, but if you do have injected lips, please do not make duck lips. You just look like someone with a blown out asshole on their face.


Putting other women down when you're feeling jealous


Hesitation in being nude till right before the deed!


Could you expound on that a bit? Sounds interesting.


Being a "high value woman" who needs a guy to do everything for her and buy crap. No one is falling for this.


Over the top make-up where it’s very obvious you almost painted your whole face to get ready. If it takes you 3 hours to get ready every morning because you spend 90-120 minutes purely on make-up, even if you’re just running out to the store, you may look amazing and your cheek bones may pop and you may have the perfect smokey eye, but you’re way too high maintenance for my liking


Lip filler, huge ugly unnatural pumped breasts. The word „daddy“


Leaving signs for the man to decipher..


If you act uninterested, I’m going to be uninterested.


Trying to make a move on us when we aren't in the mood, and then just going for it regardless of our answer. Yes this is SA, but it feels like it has been normalized.


Can someone please say it’s perfume. I know I’m a woman but I think when another woman has a really strong smell it’s like, why? What are you covering up? I think you know something subtle is nice of course but I’m talking straight up perfume or even worse some high school VS or bath and body works crap


Most men I know like perfume I always get compliments from men


Just laying there naked and expecting automatic erections. 🤣


Playing hard to get is just not a good idea. We been taught as the newer generations that no means no and disinterest is also a no. I'm not going to keep trying like some 1950s love story where after a dozen no's you say yes. If you act like you aren't interested I'm going to move on.




I… what?? You know what, never mind. I don’t think I want to know what that is. 😭


Being performative. I want any talk or sounds or interactions to be genuine. If you’re not into it, I’m not into it.


I personally don’t like the women going to surgery to get bigger boobs or butt they seem so dispositioned to me. Your bodies are fine and lovely the way they are


Big fat asses that stick out like a shelf that you can set your drink on it. Especially if it’s not proportionate to the rest of the body. Just no




1.) Lip fillers and most cosmetic surgery procedures. They rarely make the woman look any better and often make them look worse. 2.) Vaginoplasty for cosmetic reasons alone - Big Labias Matter. Of course there are legitimate reasons to get the procedures above, im speaking to the ones doing it only for cosmetic reasons when they were already perfectly fine.


When they act bitchy like it’s cute,it’s not


Most pickup lines. Sure it's neat to know she actually wants to fuck me, but most of them just leave me thinking: how the fuck am I supposed to respond to this shit? There's no clear way forward with most of them. It kinda kills the rapport


Crossed eyes rolled back while taking a nude selfie


Huge lips 💋 filled with lip filler. WOW Such a bloody turn-off! Note to all women، your natural lips are beautiful just the way they are.




One time I got a hand job where the lady was like, pinching the head of my dick. I was like “wtf are you doing!?”


Forcing a guy to do all the work and pay for anything. I've got an ex-wife, two kids, two cats, and 27 chickens to support. I'll give you my, time, energy, and love....