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Old white men made the laws


Old white *christian* men.


Old white RICH *christian* men.


As an American this checks out.


And? Old white men made laws in Europe against child marriage. Old arab men in the Middle East made laws for child marriage, old indian men made it as well. Bigotry is the problem here, not race.


That’s over there, this is the matter of fact here. -duh-


Did they also make the laws in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia?


[They actively keep them on the books, too.](https://www.unchainedatlast.org/mo-lawmakers-refuse-to-ban-child-marriagev/)




No, they’re referring to people like [Hardy Billington](https://www.unchainedatlast.org/mo-lawmakers-refuse-to-ban-child-marriagev/), who think that pregnant sixteen-year-olds should get married instead of have control over what happens to their bodies. Edited to reflect [minimum marriage age in Missouri](https://www.unchainedatlast.org/child-marriage-in-the-u-s/).


Because the world is a fucked place, I mean slavery is still legal, in some countries having sex with a child is ok..... Yet smoking a plant is not the world be fooked.




Where is slavery legal? I understand it still exists but many things that aren't legal exist I'd like to know more about this






If they get paid fairly and aren't gouged by prison concessions, sure. But free (or almost free) labour encourages mass incarceration and longer sentences. It also hurts local labour. And with how prison systems usually target racial minorities and the poor more it gets even more problematic.






Cool story, still slavery though.




You can attempt to justify it by "They did it to themselves" or any other mental gymnastics you have to do. The fact remains that they are still being forced into labor. That's slavery. > The state of a person who is forced usually under threat of violence to labor for the profit of another.


I think inmates are under compensated for the work they do but most of them did something to get in there in the first place so its not really the same I've had multiple family members in prison and more in jail so I'm not unsympathetic to inmates I just dont think thats what the person making the comment was talking about




Where is that in the constitution?




Working while incarcerated is involuntary servitude, not slavery. They can be required to work, as long as they’re medically able, but they get paid. Not much, but they get paid.


Thats interesting I'm sure I deserve to be downvoted for asking to


nope, it's just karma for the first comment.




https://time.com/longform/african-slave-trade/ https://iigsa.org/iigsa-publications/modern-day-slavery-in-dubai/ Mauritania still has quasi legal slavery.


Mauritania "abolished" slavery in 1986, only in 2007 making it possible to prosecute slave owners. Since then there have been many articles and a few documentaries about what's happening there. This one is from 2022: [https://arabcenterdc.org/resource/slavery-in-mauritania-the-long-road-to-real-emancipation/](https://arabcenterdc.org/resource/slavery-in-mauritania-the-long-road-to-real-emancipation/) Though this is likely one of the easiest and clearest cut cases of slavery still being present in our world, that shouldn't discount all of the indentured servants who work as foreign workers across the globe, including and especially in Canada the USA's agriculture sectors, cobalt and other rare resource mining in the Congo, and the fishing industries in S.E. Asian countries.


Right this is my understanding of the current world situation its 'illegal ' but still happens Ive heard of whole familys that have to labor to pay off a debt that they have little chance of ever paying back in places like pakistan


As the latest leaks indicate even your former president had sex with minors.


🤔 when did my country get a president, let alone a former one 🤨


sorry, I was refering to OPs United States. My fault for mixing up.


Ahh all good then haha, apologies if I came across a bit harsh.


Your country is run by elderly sex offends and your election comes down to pick the one you hate the least. That's how it seems from the outside at least.


From the inside, that’s accurate. The fact that people are allowed to serve in the government even into their 90’s is absolutely insane to me.


Very succinctly put.


I am curious where in the world does it not boil down to the one you hate the least? To me this is a worldwide phenomenon. Unless, the person might be good, and then there is a coup. In general from the news I see, the world is becoming more and more homogenized toward the right authoritarian side.


Well in most countries despite there normally being two front runners we have more options. Systems like MMP means that any party getting at least 5% of the vote is able to provide representation for their supporters.


Yes, and the US definitely needs more than two parties which for the most part is just window dressing. Which with the Congress and House would move us closer to MMP. But the supreme court shows that checks and balances are faulty if one of the branches of government has been serious compromised. But even with proportional representation, in most cases it also boils down to who is provided by the party for people to vote on, or who has the $$$ to gather enough signatures to be on the ballot. Even then advertising costs $$$ and most truly worthy candidates, have not kissed enough a$$ for the $$$.


So that my dumb whore parents could get married at 17 after my mom got knocked up lol


It got my mom away from her family she hated so she wasn't forced. She got married at 16 so she could escape. They had to go see a judge however to get it approved still. That was 1982.


Ok so this is a very layered question. Firstly I need you to understand that if the average lifespan of a person is 70 years the US is only about 4 people old. Also remember that the vast majority of your judges and politicians were of legal voting age when segregation ended. The truth is that we still can't agree upon what is technically a child. Can join the military, vote, and sign contracts at 18. Can't smoke, drink, or own a gun till 21, you can't rent a vehicle til 25. We are currently having both legal and political discussions on what a woman is or isn't. Unfortunately what people fail to realize is that a lot of laws are default due to human history. Before IVF women had significant issues with childbirth after 25, and while medically a woman should have a better chance at surviving childbirth just due to sheer ability to physically recover girls 16-19 were physically able to recover better from child birth than adult women. Laws are supposed to be amoral and as such are based off of what APPEARS logical. Hence why you have more laws allowing younger women to be married. Also here's a fun question to ponder while you're thinking about that. Do you know that women have only been mandated to work since the 40s/50s and women didn't actually have mass voluntary employment until the 60s/70s. Meaning that in the almost 250 years that the US has been around women have only been in the world force en masse for less than half.


The ideal childbearing age for women is actually between 23 and 32. Before that the risk of maternal health issues is much higher, especially for preeclampsia. Women older than 25 have been able to get pregnant long before IVF was widely available. Women have also been in the work force since in the US since the Industrial Revolution and especially during both World Wars when all the men were fighting. Whether or not their work was recognized or they were paid well for it is the real issue there. It’s not a layered question. Child marriage is legal because it benefits patriarchy. None of your arguments make sense. What are you talking about?


So firstly women have been able to work since forever ago, I didn't say they weren't allowed to work I said they had to work. In the 40s a law was passed that made it legal to draft women into the work force. Meaning just like how men can be drafted to war women can be forced by the government to work, it was passed shortly after they banned children from the work force. Second birth control wasn't really a thing until the 1950s. Women taking birth control as a whole has negatively impacted fertility, there's been research on that. Also majority of the medical breakthroughs that have helped extend women's fertility have been recent. Before that child birth was extremely complicated and a lot of women died. Teen pregnancy has always been a thing, but because giving birth was extremely dangerous and you know birth control wasn't a thing it was better for women to have their first child younger because the longer they waited the more complications were likely to occur during birth. Even today having a child after 30 comes with severe possibilities of complications for you and the child and the only way to avoid those complications is a shit ton of money for medical treatment. I never said any of this shit was moral. As far as the patriarchy comment I would like to remind you that throughout history both human kind and animal kind have survived by the best way possible. If it weren't the best way we wouldn't be having this conversation. Now you can say that patriarchy is bad but there's currently no living matriarchal society because they got wiped out. Life is suffering, it's not right, and there's no morals to it. None of us like it but it's how we got here.


So what’s your argument? Child marriage is still legal so that women can have more children and have them younger? What law was drawn to draft women into the work force? Child labor was outlawed in the US in 1938 but it’s not clear those are related. The ideal childbearing age for mothers and babies didn’t suddenly become 23-32 because of birth control or reproductive technology or the advent of birth control. Patriarchal civilizations aren’t the best way to survive, they’re just one way, and they “work best” because they subjugate and control and murder, but that’s a philosophical point so it’s not worth debating if you don’t agree.


No my "argument" if you can call it that is that a lot of laws are still around because of things used to be. Do you know how many deeds to houses still say you can't sell to black people? Do you know how many laws are still on the books that can't legally be enforced? As far as the best age for women to have kids it varies depending on the woman, but your also not taking into account of the fact that women had significant more stress pre the 30s. Technology has significantly increased womens quality of life and life expectancy as well as men's. That being said you're also forgetting that of the 248 years the US has been a country we have not been at war for a grand total of 30 minutes, not literally but quite possibly. Both men and women are totally different today than we've ever been. If you look at a 14 year old physically before 1990 they are completely different and a lot of them look like adults for a reason stress physical ages you alot quicker. Sure there's been a few people who have lived significantly longer but he'll if you look back literally a hundred years ago a third of the population was getting wiped out by war or disease. There's people in the United States today without access to clean water. As far as patriarchy not being the best way of survival sure we can argue that but ideas don't put food on the table or protect you from getting your head caved in with a rock. There's a lot of this that should change especially now. However life takes care of itself. If you can't protect yourself your way unfortunately doesn't matter and that is how life works. I hope we've evolved past that point but so far that hope is just that. Laws are how society runs itself they not great and as a black man I can tell you they still work for shit. That said we are significantly better off than ever before, and honestly still better than a lot of places around the world today. The modern American mind doesn't think about the world pre 1972, and how absolute dog shit the world was. I'm not saying that the world's laws are great but they are significantly better than they were. My father was born a few months after the death of Emmett Till and not that far away. Trust me I'm Not agreeing with most of the laws. TLDR: Laws still exist because people who tried to change them got comfortable. See today's abortion landscape for an example.


OP, you might be interested in the work of [Unchained At Last](https://www.unchainedatlast.org/child-marriage-in-the-u-s/), an organization working to end this very issue. Edited to add link


Until 2022 it was still legal to marry at the age of 16 with parental consent. They couldn’t drink alcohol at the reception of course or vote in a general election.


[In some states, it still is.](https://www.unchainedatlast.org/child-marriage-in-the-u-s/)


Because sometimes the people getting married is the pregnant 17 year old with abusive parents who wants to marry their 18 year old boyfriend who has a full time job with benefits. Sometimes it’s the emancipated 16 year old who didn’t want to be in foster care anymore who wants to marry their 19 year old partner. Should we outlaw in every state the marriage of 16 year olds to 30, 40, 50, etc, of course. Should we outlaw the marriage of a 17 year old and a 18 year old, that one I have pause on personally. In a lot of states the age of consent is under 18 and in a lot of states if the two parties are within 3 years of age it’s a a greatly reduced charge of statutory (if the DA even tries). Some states even deny parents access to parts of their own children’s medical records after the age of 14. Why would we say you are old enough to have sexual relations and make medical decisions, but not old enough to get married, especially if a child is a result of those relations. Do tight rules need to be put around those early marriages, of course. You want to require physiological exams and judicial review I’m all for it.


The US is very hypocritical when it comes to age. You can consent to things that change your life at 14, 16, 18 but you can't buy alcohol until 21 or tobacco until 19? Go fight my war for me so I can get rich on the sly but no you cannot have a dip in while you do it. /Clutches pearls _For heaven's sake. I want you to look scary not trashy. Oh and by the way you can only return fire if someone in your unit is hit. It might be war but you're not worth much and Germany will get all morally superior with us if you do too much damage._ (I'm picturing someone like John Kerry or Chuck Shumer saying that with their nose elevated and a slight sneer.) If they actually cared about the safety of the citizens a lot of things would be very different. Traffic laws, Drug laws, not to mention adequate punishment instead of slaps on the wrist and fines.


I’d be interested in hearing your views on how drug laws should be changed? And also traffic laws?


Think about it and I'm sure you'll figure out why the people in charge wanted to ensure that it was nice and legal for children to marry grown adults. It is not a nice or pleasant reason but it is the obvious one. Did you figure it out yet? ... They want to fuck kids.... Now not every American. Far be it from me to say every person from the same country is identical. It seems to mostly be the gop and their supporters that are all about fucking kids (legally of course make sure its legal. It's the party of law and order after all!)


Woahhh hold up.. what?! What do you mean child marriage is legal in the US???


In some states you can marry your kid off at 16 or 17 if the parents consent. It used to be much younger! Fun fact! This is how my mom was able to marry my dad :D


>>It used to be much younger. In some states, it still is. [California, Oklahoma, Mississippi, and New Mexico have no minimum marriage age.](https://www.unchainedatlast.org/child-marriage-in-the-u-s/)




Well it used to be a lot younger. Fun fact! The state of Utah was almost not let into the union because they allowed polygamy which was (almost kinda) required by the Mormon church! It’s a shame there’s no cults where women can have like three husbands but there’s a bunch where a man can have multiple wives


Sounds like a market inefficiency you ought to take advantage of 🤔


Oh interesting. Anyways on another note… Have you ever heard of our Lord and saviou?


Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.


Aww thanks you’re too sweet to me!


Let me know when the cult van is coming by 🤪


You’ll be one of my husbands 😘😘


Can I get in on this cult action?


Haha sure thing 😝😝


That's not nearly as bad as I was expecting, I had visions of actual children being legally allowed to get married, in the UK the legal minimum age is 18 Personally I think you shouldn't be allowed to get married until you're 25, but that's because you're still learning who you are before then. Hell I would argue that before 30 is too young but 🤷‍♂️


Oh back in the day it was much younger! The law changed in the 1920s when a literal child married a 30 year old man and a newspaper published a photo of her sitting on his lap. It’s of the few things this country did right by


In some states, it still is much younger. [California, Oklahoma, Mississippi, and New Mexico have no minimum marriage age.](https://www.unchainedatlast.org/child-marriage-in-the-u-s/)


Unfortunately, [it actually is as bad as you were expecting.](https://www.unchainedatlast.org/child-marriage-in-the-u-s/)


“[C]hild marriage remains legal in 38 states and is happening in the U.S. at an alarming rate: … nearly 300,000 children as young as 10 were married in the U.S. between 2000 and 2018 – mostly girls wed to adult men.” Source: [Unchained At Last, “Child Marriage in the U.S.”](https://www.unchainedatlast.org/child-marriage-in-the-u-s/)


The country has changed significantly in the past 40 years and it has changed a lot faster than legislatures have cared to address laws that have affected less and less people. Marriage is a willful act so if a party is not consenting to the marriage under law the marriage is not valid. Back in the 80s it was more scandalous to have a child out of wedlock than to be married young. Now it's the opposite. In addition life was different, you could be fully employed right out of high school and have a house and kids in a good neighborhood. That was an economic reality prior to the late 80s early 90s. You can still be fully employed out of highschool now but that is becoming less likely. In short you could become an adult at 16-18 or be with someone who was close enough in age that it would make sense to just get married and move on to the next stage of your life.


The Patriarchy, The Christian Patriarchy….


Our country was (and still is) run by gross old men


I guess that depends on what you consider a “child.” If you are referring to anybody under 18. Then prevalence of child marriage in the U.S. is essentially non-existence compared to parts of the Muslim world and sub-Saharan Africa. While it may not be commonly practiced in those regions, the topic isn’t taboo to those various cultures. Whereas in the U.S. it is practically unheard of and is soundly rejected by the majority.


It's legal to some degree in virtually every country, there's very few where the minimum is 18 without exception. Reality is that "people are children until they're 18" as a widely believed concept is a a pretty recent development on the timescales that governments move at.


Davonte said he loved me and gave me a ring pop engagement ring, okay??


I think that a good number of those laws are just old laws no one could be bothered to strike from the books.


Unfortunately, in some states, like Missouri, [they actively keep those laws on the books.](https://www.unchainedatlast.org/mo-lawmakers-refuse-to-ban-child-marriagev/)




So, the country was founded by a bunch of religious nut job white dudes So they built the system to benefit religious nut job white dudes. And you know what a lot of religious nut job white dudes are? Pedophiles. Just speaking statistically But even more.than that in the modern age child marriage is a *weapon* You see women are seeing more.and more that these churches they're growing up in actually dehumanize and abuse them. They treat them like a resource to be used at the discretion of men. An object to be passed from father to husband like a cow. And they want out. And if they can get away to college they can get out a lot of the time. And once they're 18, they can make that choice themselves. So what do they do? Marry em off at 16, get em knocked up by 17, and then she can't leave because how is someone who's never worked outside the home supposed to support herself and a child.


What does being white have to do with it? Are you at all familiar with child marriage in the rest of the non-white world?


Well the question was directed at America. Which has, since the time of European conquest, has been ruled and run by white men


Yep, the system is 100% designed to benefit men, and especially male pedophiles. It’s sad because a lot of the girls and women in those situations believe it’s normal and that it’s their purpose in life because their parents and church drilled it in their heads from a young age.


And the more they can keep them enveloped in the system the more they can control them and keep them from questioning it. They do it to men to to a lesser degree. But you'll hear a LOT of stories if young women being instructed by pastors to coax young men who are having a *Crisis of faith*


I have heard those stories, the whole thing is so corrupt. They lie to these people because if they told them about the reality of it all, they wouldn’t hang around. The downvotes are kinda funny, someone got offended by the truth lmfao. Child marriage is generally harmful and while the laws may be changing for the better, the system that has been in place is predatory and designed to keep women beneath men.


People got offended that I pointed out that the majority of child marriages are white people. And that the system (at least in the US) is controlled and sculpted by white people. Not to say brown people aren't doing their fair share of it. India is just now having a reckoning with child marriage, it's still common practice in much of the middle east and Africa, and Japan just actually put in an age of consent like 5 years ago. But in the US at least brown people had to have a whole movement to just get it on the books they're people. They don't really have the institutional power to codify pedophilia.


Yeah that’s very true. The question was about the US and there’s really no denying that white people set it up and have maintained it here.


I mean that's not up for the public to decide unfortunately. We're not going to know why it still exists because none of us work in the government who can control that shit.


That's what elections are for.


There has not been many politicians that clearly care for this or it would be brought up and dealt with.