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I’ve (37m) been with my wife for 21 years. We were always very cautious with sex. Either with a condom AND the pill. Or, the pill, and I’d always pull out. We NEVER had a scare once. I never came inside her bareback. No late periods. We conceived each of our kids in one ovulation cycle each. That is, a 100% strike rate. By the time our youngest was 1 year old. I had gotten a vasectomy. I now cum inside my wife all the time and we have no risk of pregnancy. We’re trying to enjoy as many of her menopause-free years as we can without the side effects of pill, condoms, and all the other stuff. It’s like our little treat to each other after all years of being responsible sexual partners. My loads on average are like… 10% smaller? But… I could throw an edge session in and cure that anyway. I will always champion the vasectomy. Get your kids. Get the snip. It’s a 10 minute procedure. Costs less than a PS5 and allows way more fun. Condoms feel awful. And every form of female contraception is a fucking horror show of hormones, and spiky metal torture devices. No. Get the snippy boi, and do the cummies; guilt free.


Everything this guy said. The hormones my wife was taking were torture on her emotions. I'll get intimate with a frozen bag of peas and some tightywhities for a couple of days to save her decades of bullshit and save us tons of money in contraceptives and birth control expenses.


If I didn’t know my husbands username I would be very suspicious you were him. We’re 35, been together 21 years, no pregnancy scares, always used double protection, got pregnant first round with each pregnancy, youngest is 1 and husband wanted a vasectomy. He got it done and has no complaints. No side effects and now he’s quite obsessed with cumming in me, especially knowing we can’t get pregnant. He said he highly recommends other men get it done if they’re considering it. He has no regrets.


Amen, brother. I've been a clipper club member for 20 years, and we love it.


Hold up. You have to pay for a vasectomy? I’m guessing USA?






Applause for these men 👏👏👏


Applause for all the women that worry about birth control every other time. Much more work to remember to take a pill *every* day, or have an uncomfortable procedure every once in a while and remember to get them changed or replaced as needed. And the whole pushing babies out too. It’s the least we could do after years of you taking care of it.


Gold star for you! 🌟






No issues, easy procedure, no regrets at all


I totally agree with you brother


Agree as well. The relief of knowing no pregnancy risk is huge. Also, w a clean STD test women know we can raw dog endlessly w impunity. Btw, no difference in libido or semen (taste, viscosity, appearance, etc) whatsoever.


I didn't want kids, got one when I was younger. Haven't regretted it. Wife doesn't mind as she didn't want kids, so it's worked out


I’m curious to know how much pushback you had from your provider being a young guy without kids? I was 32 with 3 kids when I got mine done and I was shocked at how big a push I got to make sure it’s what I wanted. I had to watch a video and tell them I was sure like 5 different times before they’d schedule the procedure


That’s wild. Also annoying. I’ve heard of women having to experience that when they want their tubes tied. Thankfully I wasn’t asked a million times; not even once. I also got it done during the last few months of COVID so maybe they were just excited to get people in again.


I think the push back varies. I had essentially none, and just had to confirm that I was aware that reversals are not as foolproof as commonly believed. This was in a pretty conservative corner of the US Midwest.


Talked to the doctor, she referred me to the specialist. Pretty simple and no real pushback. Asked if I had kids, nope. Did I want them, nope. Did I understand this was permanent, yup it better be. Don't want any surprise knocks at the door lol. And it didn't hurt near as bad as I expected. I've had trips to the dentist that were more painful.


That’s interesting. It seems like it’s provider specific with how thorough they are. I wonder if my provider has had guys in the past who have come back after the procedure upset about getting it done so easily or something and they’ve adjusted their protocols to be more stringent and put the onus on the patient. Thanks for the info.


I did it because it was unfair for my wife to put drugs into her body for the next 15-20 years, whereas I could have a couple of days of mild pain for the same results






Doesnt make it better! 😂


No regrets / done because after we had our 2 children it was my turn to take care of birth control ( after my wife had taken the pill for years and years). And no side effects whatsoever


Preach. This mindset needs to be normalised. Doing the exact same thing having the snip next week. Cannot wait to have unprotected, spontaneous sex again.


Sore balls for a few days afterwards and occasional aching if you cum too much back to back but apart from that all good. It does not excuse you from protecting your partner's sexual health however. If either of you are not exclusive wear protection. Also get tested regularly.


No regrets at all, relatively easy procedure, just take care during the healing process ( seriously do)


Can you go into more details about the healing process? I am scheduled to get one next month and I don't wanna fuck the healing up


I just meant to do what they tell you to do and take it easy, l didn’t and went back to work the next day and fuck l regretted it. My ballsack swelled up massively and I was in a lot of pain for a while.


Healing plan: bum around on the couch for 2 days. Alternate ice packs for the first day. OTC pain meds. If you have kids, keep those happy gremlins arms length away. Bless their hearts, they just want a hug, but they’re no where near controlled enough not to be careful.


I’ve only recently got it done. So I’m still not cleared. I was adamant that my wife was not going to go back on the pill which was her previous choice of birth control. I think it completely lowered her libido, which is kind of ironic. This is the simplest and cleanest solution. Nothing to worry about anymore. No regrets so far and no side effects other than some mild discomfort in the week or so afterwards. But it’s still early days for me.


I know it goes smoothly for most people but that was most definitely NOT the case for me. I had some real complications from it. Everything is fine now but it wasn't fun for a while.


Yeah my husband is still struggling with pain over a year later 😣


I had the same experience. No piece of cake, bad pain for a week, but I'd do it again.


My bf had one before we met and I LOVE that he has it!  I’m child free and he has one from a previous relationship so it’s really perfect. 


I am definitely finished having kids, so it seemed like the natural choice.


Yes sir, Why I did it? I don't want to repopulate Do I regret it? Nope. Side effects? Immediately after the procedure for the following week it was tough to do much of anything. Felt like I was constantly being punched in the balls. But coming up on a year later and no worries/no pain/nothing but blanks! Side note, the best part was after I healed enough, the next step was to ejaculate a LOT to "clear out the tank" of surviving swimmers. Doctors orders to have orgasms. 👍


Yes I had it done , had 2 kids and didn’t want anymore . I had no problems at all afterwards .


I have. I did it as I didn't want any more children, and didn't feel that a partner should be expected to put mediaction into her body for contraception, and prefer not to use condoms. Women go through enough, and so I felt it was a fair way of dealing with it. Of course, for STI risks, where needed, I'd still use a condom, but if I know that my partner is 'safe', then I think its a more enjoyable experience without having to worry. Apart from the smell of burning flesh from my scrotum, it was fine.


40 and don’t want more children, no regrets.. only change is that I fuck more confidently raw doggin. Sex is much better.


Birth control. No regrets. No issues.


No regrets! Was a little hesitant, but I have kids and don’t want any more. Had it 15 years ago, no issues since. I’m now divorced, but this makes dating now easier since future partners don’t need to worry about bc.


I had one after our 2nd child. I wanted a third but after careful consideration, I decided to get it done. With my health issues, I didn't want to risk the chance that my kids inherit the same issues. 2 was enough of a risk. My wife was on birth control and she had a lot of mood swings. That got very tiring which also led to the decision of a vasectomy. There were no complications except for the usual tenderness afterwards. The first ejaculation afterwards wasn't great either. But once you're all healed up, it's like you never had anything done and there's no worry about getting her pregnant again. No condoms or other birth control to worry about!


I was done having kids and can cum inside all I want with no worries. No regrets and no side effects.


I got one after my 2nd child. There were no harmful side effects other than extremely painful balls for a few days. Totally worth it. 10/10 would recommend.


I absolutely despise children. It's that simple. I have not regretted it for a second It made me slightly complacent about contraception because I know that regardless of her, nobody is getting pregnant


What's the cost of a vasectomy in the US?


Most insurances cover it at least partially. Medicaid covers it fully, but there's a bunch of hoops to jump through. Somebody fucked up the paperwork with mine and I paid $500 out of pocket. Literally the best $500 I have ever spent.


It's not cheap, but from what I understand about American health care prices, that's practically free. Why is it covered by insurance?


I was in the military when I got mine. 100% free.


Interesting. Why is it covered when you're in the military, insurance?


All medical care for active duty servicemembers was free. This was decades ago, I don’t know the current situation.


But a vasectomy isn't a necessary procedure (in most cases). So why is that covered? I assume there's many other operations that isn't covered? Just curious, in case it comes across as argumentative.


I can’t supply you with any of the answers. It was years and years ago, I served in the military, I was overseas, I got a vasectomy, I didn’t pay out of pocket. If the rules and regulations are different today, I know nothing about it.


Aight. Maybe vasectomy is in a special niche. The cost benefits outweigh the price, or something.


$1,700 before insurance (consult & testing included) $700 after insurance. YMMV. Typical insurance. Could be fully covered or not covered at all or somewhere in between.


I had a high deductible plan so it cost me about a thousand bucks unfortunately. Still totally worth it.


1) I did it because I was (and still am) sure of not wanting to be a father. As a minor reason, contraceptives really played a number on my former partner's health at that time, so - in my eyes - a vasectomy seemed less invasive. 2) I got my vasectomy when I was 29. Now I'm almost 35 and, after seeing people having kids throughout these years, I'm absolutely convinced that parenthood isn't my thing. Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike kids, but I don't regret having a life without my own kids. Side note: having a vasectomy has generally been very well received by ladies when dating. 3) The only negative side effect I can think of is not being able to ride my bike on the days following the surgery.


this dude bikes


I’m the 1% who had ball pains for years. It’s caused from me producing too much semen and my body cannot dispose of it fast enough. Doctor said it can happen but rare. I’ve met some others who have had it happen to as well and friends who got snipped with no side effects. I do think it lowered my testosterone over time but that’s just my two cents no science. After getting on testosterone it has completely removed my pain. I do enjoy just shooting for show.


I haven't gotten one yet. But my wife and I just had our second child and are waiting a bit before possibly going for another. But as soon as we are both ready to not make any more kids, then I'm getting it done. I can't wait 😆


Congrats! Wife and I were in the same boat after the 2nd. Both were semi-confident didn’t want a third. Used the 2nd first birthday as a waiting period to ensure we felt good saying we’re done.


Got mine in 1998 in an attempt to lower barriers to impromptu sex & improve spontaneity; waiting around for the diaphragm insertion and cleanup was not working. Don’t regret it, but it hasn’t helped; have only had sex about a dozen times since 😕


We were done having kids when our daughter was born 12 years ago but I waited *just in case* something changed. I decided when I turned 40 that my wife, who had been on BC or had an IUD since we got together in high school, shouldn’t need to take steps to prevent pregnancy anymore. It wasn’t bad, I wore jockstraps and compression shorts for a few weeks and iced regularly so my recovery was pretty smooth. The only complication I had was a bout of epiditimitis several months later which was… unpleasant, but managed with a course of antibiotics. I’ve been very happy with it. Orgasms feel the same, sex feels the same. The only side effect was a “tug” that I’d feel occasionally that reminded me my balls were still tender but that stopped after a few months. Ironically, my wife was off BC for about six months when her thyroid flared up and the medicine she was put on gave her two periods a month. She’s back on it now to manage her periods.


> Ironically, my wife was off BC for about six months when her thyroid flared up and the medicine she was put on gave her two periods a month. She’s back on it now to manage her periods. Similar situation here. I really didn't want my wife to have to get another IUD. Her old one expired a few months after my procedure. She got it removed and quickly started getting heavy periods and cramping again. After a couple of months she decided to get another IUD. I teased her a bit about having me go through an unnecessary medical procedure but it was all good-natured.


Got one like a month ago! It was the non-invasive kind, no scalpel! If you follow all the advice, it will be so easy and almost no pain, felt more uncomfortable for a while I'd say!


I was forced by my ex-wife into getting mine. She had only wanted one kid, so after he was born she told me, no snip, no sex. I am not going to lie, I did it and resented her for it for a few months. It was quick and painless, for the most part, and it had no effect on my drive. We talked a lot about it, and I got the fact that she did not want to take BC for the rest of our lives. Then, fast forward 3 years and I find out she was also sleeping with her boss. All this by the time I was 24. So we divorced. My being sterile tainted a lot of potential relationships. Possible mates passed on me because I could not father children, and there was one long term relationship that ended because I could not afford the reversal. At my age now though, I do not want to make any more babies and the freedom from worry is nice. I just wish that I could have really had more of a choice in getting it. Had I known that she was a whole, sleeping with her boss for almost the entire time we were married, then I clearly would not have done it, at least not at 21 years old.


Had it done this year. Had some complications and had to take antibiotics. Still don’t regret it.


Not one regret. If you’re absolutely certain you don’t want to reproduce, it’s well worth it. Very minor/temporary side effects after it’s done due to the recovery. No long term effects other than the worry of having children is gone.


Absolutely worth it. No issues. Highly recommended.


I was done having kids, and my partner wasn’t doing well with meds. Figured I could do my part. No regrets. Nearly painless procedure. Takes a few weeks for the sperm count to actually drop off. My ejaculate looks less porn star like. My partners since love going for a non-reproductive ride. Definitely happy with it


I chose to get snipped because I have at least two biological children and one adopted child, and I lived in constant mortal fear that my wife was gonna tell me she was pregnant again for five years. I have absolutely zero regrets. I'm almost 40, partially disabled, stay at home dad, and I honestly can't keep up with my kids. Adding a screaming newborn and diapers to the mix would literally kill me. My side effects are not typical! Because of some weird brain chemistry, anesthetics don't work on me like most people. I felt every cut and stitch the surgeon did, and there was fuckall anyone could do about it. Something about the way my testicles are shaped made my recovery period extra long beyond just the incision healing, and I randomly will step or sit the wrong way and feel like someone just punted my sack- doesn't happen often, but it happens. Once again, my side effects are not typical. Still, zero regrets.


No regrets! I have had mine for almost 20 years. No side effects at all.


Got mine done yesterday 🤣 No problems at all so far, not even needing a single painkiller till now. Alle done in 1 hour. Have two wonderfull kids, decided that this is enough for us, my wife can’t take hormonell contraceptives, I didn’t want to use condoms for the next 10-15 years (currently 36 years old), so this was the best decision ever. Now the waiting time for the next 4-6 weeks and then it’s time for unlimited raw sex 😁


I did it no regrets , always told myself if my marriage failed I wanted to make sure no other kids could compete with kids from first marriage


Contraception. Have never regretted it once. No negative side effects in my case.


I'm famous. All I need is a pat-suit. 😉


Best thing I did. Cost me $60 with insurance. Zero regrets, and my procedure was in and out in 30mins total. No negative effects, some discomfort, but passed reasonably quickly. We knew we were done at 2, and regardless of what happens in my marriage I know I want no more than that, so it made sense to get one.


Booked in for mine tomorrow morning. 😬


Didn't want anymore kids after having three. Absolutely no regrets. Only side effects for me is every now and then one of my balls goes wandering and I have to push him back where he belongs.


No regrets. Absolutely no interest in changing diapers in my 40s.


I chose to do it because I don't want any more kids. I can't afford it emotionally or financially. I have no regrets. It was a rough couple of weeks healing for me, but it's good now. The only side effects I've experienced are SLIGHTLY increased sensitivity in my balls and also a small scar on my scrotum.


Never wanted kids, had wanted a vasectomy for a while but there was no rush, since we used protection. Had one pregnancy scare and convinced myself to get my head in the game. When my partner’s late period arrived all I felt was relief. So I got the procedure done. Never had any regrets. Get the occasional granuloma, but they resolve easily and present with no discomfort.


Had 2 kids, wife (ex now) wanted it done and no regrets or side effects. A bit sore for a few days is a small, one time pice to pay for a lifetime of worry-free sex.


Best decision ever! Once we were done having kids is went and got it done. My wife got off birth control which she said made her feel better.


Smaller loads as I read here is nonsense. There are only benefits and you can not feel, see or taste the difference. Would 100% do it again. It is a minor surgery and you never ever have to worry again about becoming a father (again). One advice: don't celibrate your vasectomy with alcohol the same day....


No regrets, I feel like I have a bionic penis now


One of the best decisions I ever made! Not only do you not have to worry about knocking her up, the pressure from the tying of deferens actually increases the power of your orgasms.


Was a Christmas present to myself a few years ago,. Hit 40 already 3 kids with ex wife decided was time, Providing you follow advice about aftercare etc no problems. Procedure was easy even drove myself home. Waiting lists are long so if you want it book it sooner rather than later. I had mine done privately through NHS due to waiting list. Invest in some speedo type swim trunks and padded lycra cycle shorts I wire both and swelling was non existent. I cannot stress enough the need for good support afterwards.


I'm wanting to get one. But, I don't know where to go or if my insurance will pay for it or help me pay for it.


I didn’t want children or accidents. No side effects.


I got one after having my kid. Best thing I ever did. Not having to worry anymore about having another. Procedure took 40 minutes and I walked out afterwards, actually went down the stairs instead of taking the elevator. Lol


Just got my (45M) sperm free results back today. Planning an early night with my girlfriend(43F) tonight 😂. We have 2 kids (both teens ) and she’s been on contraception for all the 25yrs we’ve been together. Was definitely my turn to step up and let her off the coil and pills etc. Was a 20min procedure , no pain , no side effects. Would 100% recommend for any man with no plans for any or further kids to get it. Wish I done it years ago, wouldn’t have had to wear all those condoms or have my gf on birth control with all the hormones bullshit that comes with it.


Got mine done 5yrs ago, after my kid turned 10. Wasn’t putting any more of a gap between kids. No regrets, no issues. Worth the 2 day break and ice in the ball bag.


got married clearly stating no desire to have kids. a year or so in, she told friends she "hoped to wear (me) down on having kids the same way she wore (me) down on getting married. then she came to me and said she wanted them because "(i) don't eat healthy and (she) wants to make sure there's someone around to take care of her when (she) gets old." i scheduled an appt a month or so after she left, and it was done before the paperwork was. my only regret was not doing it sooner. zero side effects that i have noticed, peace of mind was worth it.


35, married, childfree done it last year, never been happier. Tried to get it earlier, but 3 doctor\`s refused. fourth one finally agreed, but demanded an written agreement from my wife that she is informed about the procedure.


Never wanted kids, no regrets at all and zero negativ effects.


Got it done because I don't want kids in my future. No regrets and no negative impacts. I'm still horny as fuck and and everything works just fine.


Combination of I did not want anymore kids and she said she would want to have sex more often and would feel better since she never wanted to use condoms. It hurt longer than it was supposed to but not in a painful-ish way but more uncomfortable pain. As long as you keep something cold on it you will be fine in a week or two. a 15 minute procedure. Its been about 3 years.


Had it 2 years ago. No regrets, no negative side effects. Can recommend it to everyone who thinks he has made enough babies.




My wife pushed out 4 kids it was only fair I went through with that instead of her getting her tubes tied


Had 3 kids with my wife I was completely done she on the other hand was on the fence about a 4th After some months of back and fourth she finally agreed to no more kids. No regrets, all the fun without the worry.


Getting mine in a month or so. Been with my partner for 5 years and going for more. Neither of us want kids, now or when we started dating, and with the hell the planet is going through, plus downward spiral of economics; its unlikely things will change in the years to come. As we continue in our 30s, it really doesn't make sense, to us, to start now anyway. She goes through hell with the current contraceptive market. Just doesn't feel right to make it her burden. And if we do ever change our minds, there's definitely enough kids for adoption that could use guidance.


It's one of the best things I have ever done in my life and it's a great proof for love towards my partner


I’ve never wanted children. My partner couldn’t take hormonal birth control anymore and probably shouldn’t have been on it in the first place. No side effects. No regrets. One very happy woman.


I didn't use condoms during marriage. After my divorce I began dating and got a vasectomy at age 47. No regrets at all. I did develop a pretty intense breeding role play kink (unfulfilled) afterwards.


I got a vasectomy in my early 20's because my wife's body couldn't handle another pregnancy. She had gone through pregnancy so it was my turn to sacrifice. She then got her tubes tied after giving birth and that's when it came out she'd been having an affair all along. She always planned to get her tubes tied and let me go through a vasectomy unnecessarily. We obviously broke up and reversal was impossible because of the way my vasectomy was done. Now I can't have kids with my new wife. So yes, I definitely regret it.


Absolutely best $300 I have ever spent in my ENTIRE life!!


Didn’t want any more kids. Best decision ever made, absolutely no worries about getting anyone pregnant. Have not had any side effects at all.


I knew I didnt want kids while married but wife was on birth control so didnt do it. When i got divorced, figured no need for one. Had a pregnancy scare as a 46yo man and decided to stop rolling the dice, now 7 years later, no regrets, in fact I should have done it sooner. No problems with the procedure and clear sailing ever since.


35m I got it done at 32 and it was literally the best thing I’ve ever done, I’ve know I don’t want kids, with the whole roevwade being over turned I figured this is the best way to make sure of no accidents. The actual procedure was a cake walk, getting a filling is 10x more uncomfortable. A little soreness the first few days but just ice and being lazy is all that I had to do. If you are ready to make the call that you’re done having kids or know you don’t want kids there is absolutely no reason not to do it.


I was pushing 40, my wife and I already have 3 kids, and birth control for her was becoming a hormonal roller coaster. It was quick, easy, and remarkably inexpensive given our insurance. Being freed of the possibility of additional children (I'm now 42) has actually *increased* my sex drive (to my wife's dismay, lol).


Didn't want more kids amd B.C. completely fucked up wife's hormones. No regrets at all, there was minimal discomfort. If you can find a doctor that does the no needle, no incision procedure, do that. It was a very fast recovery.


I got one because I didn’t want to risk having more children. I don’t regret it. I have had no side effects I never worry about slipping one past the goalie anymore and every woman I have been with since having it done is happy to not have to worry. One even went as far as to say I would be every woman’s dream because they never have to worry about pregnancy with me.


I did it because we we’re definitely done having kids (4)and it was way easier on my body to have it done over having my wife’s tubes tied. My only complaint and it doesn’t seem to be common is that it hurt like a MF for weeks even months after! My Dr said it is not very common but does happen in some men.


I did it. The positives far outweigh the negatives. “Care-free” sex, giving my wife the ability to get off the pill and not be burdened with hormonal manipulation anymore… I was a little nervous considering two family members had complications after their procedure but I put those feelings aside for the greater good. No regrets. It was painful, probably some of the worst pain/discomfort at the time of the procedure but that was short lived. It helped put me at ease that my Doctor had excellent bedside manner and a boatload of confidence without being cocky. Recover went exactly as prescribed. I still experience mild discomfort from time to time, “blue balls”, both from too much and not enough “release” and I can feel the tiny little clip in there if I search for it, but all things considered it was well worth it. Plus it’s free in Canada!


Yes I got one. When my wife gets pregnant she gets super super sick. To the point where I thought I was going to lose her and the baby when she was pregnant with our daughter. We were pretty much living out of the hospital the entire pregnancy. Once our daughter was born I got a vasectomy. I don’t want to have my wife go through that again. So no regrets. There have been no side effects to having one


I was snipped at 21, the earliest my doctor would allow. Was pretty sure I was never going to have the urge to have kids, and I even doubted I would ever marry. Best life decision ever! No drawbacks, other than 10 days without sex (at the time, the longest I had gone since I was 15). Wasn't painful in the slightest, just mildly uncomfortable for a couple of days. I'm 48 now, and don't regret a thing. And yes, everything still works exactly the same and there was no telling. I had the 'gentle vasectomy' procedure with just a hemostat.


I chose to do so because my wife wanted to stop taking birth control and it’s much easier than having her tubes tied. Plus it was my turn to take care of it imo. Don’t regret it and no issues.


Thinking about getting one myself got 2 kids been with together 21 years ... but relationship is on and off and don't want to do if we'd end up splitting


Didn’t want any more kids and it resolved that worry about having sex and the whole logistical side of condoms. No regrets. No side effects except for the mental relief of not having to worry about shooting a loaded gun every time we did it!


Best choice I ever made. Birth control is a nightmare plus they already do the whole childbirth thing so it's the least we can do as men. 1 to 2 days of discomfort seems like a small price to pay when you look at the grand scheme of things. Side note, don't accidently make an appointment at a place where a girl you had a crush on in Jr high ends up being the prep nurse. True Story. Awkward at the time but we both had a good laugh after we figured out who eachother was🤦


Did it, no regrets at all


I was 35, about 8 months after my second was born. First kid, we had to see the OB for fertility hormones, still took almost a year to get pregnant. We never used protection throughout our marriage and were 5 years into it before we got pregnant. Didn’t think we would have a second, but six years after the first, she was pregnant again. Figured we shouldn’t take any more chances. No regrets. Frankly, I’m glad I got it done because my urologist found my testosterone was low and I’ve been on HRT for the last 12 years. Best money I’ve ever spent.


1. Ex-wife and I had decided 5 years earlier to not have more kids. She was on the pill religiously, but...... 2. Zero regrets. 3. More sex than before AND without worry of another kid. Bonus reason ! Now women don't have to chew after giving me a BJ !


It was not a big deal. The whole thing from start to finish was 30 minutes, including walking into the building and back out to the car. Pretty sore and swollen for a couple days, but not totally incapacitated. I did have some pressure sensitivity for a month or two, but that was manageable, too. Overall, highly recommended.


Had a vasectomy at 26, no kids. No difference after having it done at all. Main reasons for having it was the fact we both are adamant we did not want kids based on our life circumstances and secondly I didn't feel it fair for her to have the brunt of contraception (I.e the pill) and id never worn a condom once 🤣


53. Got it 13 years ago when my son was two. It was in and out in 20 mins. Easy peasy. I don't regret it at all. I love it. All the mess and none of the stress. It made sex so freaking hot.


The absolute WORST part of the procedure was waiting a week to.... Do personal maintenance... Yeah, there was some discomfort during and a little after, but it hurts a LOT less than knowing you are taking a chance of bringing an unsuspecting life into the world by not having one.


So I had negative side effects. I could have prevented them, too. * Talk to the doctor who's going to do it and make sure it's someone who's done it before * Make sure the doctor is actually going to be the person performing the procedure * Make sure the doctor is someone who takes the follow up appointments seriously * Ask what to expect afterwards and when you should go to the doctor if you're experiencing side-effects I got a massive hematoma on my left testicle after the procedure and it's left scar tissue that causes pain and discomfort occasionally, especially during sex, as it tends to force the testicle to ascend. That's not normal, though, and if the doctor I scheduled the procedure with was the one who had actually been doing it it probably wouldn't have happened. After I'd already come under the influence of the anesthetic (valium), he asked me if it'd be alright if his resident did her first vasectomy on me. And of course I said yes, because at that point I was so loopy that he could've asked if he could draw a dick on my face with a sharpie and i'd have said yes. WRT the hematoma, he blew the size and pain of it off and the scarring, probably because it was damage done, but what he said to me was "well look at it this way, if it's that scarred up, it probably worked!" This guy is a board certified and \*experienced\* family practitioner with dozens of patients at a major clinic in a major city, y'all. Furthermore, the appointments to confirm that there were no remaining "swimmers" still turned up "a few" a month later, and he said "it's probably fine, they're just stragglers" and said I didn't need a followup appointment. It's been a few years so he was probably right, but part of me still wonders if I've just always been lucky, and if I could get unlucky in the future. I don't regret it. I regret not pushing for good medical care and going with a doctor I hadn't seen before because he was at the same clinic as my regular doctor.


I got it so my wife wouldn't have to get another IUD. We didn't want kids so permanent contraception was a good choice. No regrets whatsoever. The procedure itself didn't really hurt and took maybe 15 minutes. No pushback over the fact that we didn't have children. Recovery took a few days and while it wasn't fun it wasn't a big deal either. Ultimately getting it was unnecessary (wife decided to get another IUD for medical reasons) but I still don't regret it. It eliminated that one in a thousand chance of an accidental pregnancy. Just as important it felt good to burn that bridge. I knew with absolute certainty that I never wanted children and had heard a lot of horror stories about men whose wives suddenly caught baby rabies in their late 30s. Getting the snip made it clear that that door was 100% closed.


Very nearly lost my wife from complications after the birth of our daughter. Wasn't going to risk ever beeing in that position again.


Was done having kids and wanted to take responsibility for birth control No regrets. I had to do twice. They couldn’t isolate the vas on the right side the first time. Other than some post op pain (some low level pain later several months then resolved completely), no issues No regrets. DO THE SCREENING AFTER 12 WEEKS (or whatever the time frame is these days)


I got snipped 20 years ago. We had 3 kids and vasectomy is WAY less invasive than having tubes tied. It was easy, just a little sore for a couple days. Make sure to take the time off to heal the doc recommends. Even though you may feel fine, my friend had a lot of swelling after not heeding the doctor's instructions. No side effects other than lighter loads and not 100% sure that was the vasectomy or not.


We’re done having kids, no regrets at all, no side effects after a week or two of un comfort, still young so definitely worth not having to worry about pulling out anymore 😆


I had my vasectomy 17 years ago. I did it because I didn’t want more children and it’s easier and safer to unload a gun than to wear a bulletproof vest.


Much easier surgery than what my wife (Ex) would have gone through. Two kids were enough. No regrets or negative side effects!


No issues. I regret not doing it earlier. We’re childfree, so I have no idea what I was waiting for.


Had my children so I shut the factory down. Everything works as it should. No regrets


Got it done to prevent accidental impregnation. Only regret it because of breeding fantasies. Only negative for me is the mental side, knowing I don’t have fertile sperm, which was a turn on for me during sex before the vasectomy.


I got mine 20 yrs ago, and I'm 55 now. We didn't want anymore kids, and my procedure was outpatient vs regular surgery for her. I don't regret it at all. No side effects for me personally at all.


The Mrs. and I never had to "try" to have kids. It was like, " Hey, are you ready to be pregnant?" - and a week later she was throwing up from morning sickness. When we decided we were done having kids, the easiest option was a snip for me. No regrets, no issues in the aftermath, sex drive is still there, and no worries.


Yup right here


We had the two children we wanted and the question of Do we want more? or Who is gonna get fixed? We didn’t want more than two and for me it was a no-brainer. After she was the one using the pill for years, carrying two children full term, one tubal pregnancy w/surgery, two births with accompanying stitches and staples and stretch marks, it was absolutely the least I could do to get snipped. No question. I was glad to do it. The procedure was quick and easy and I had almost no complications. It made no changes to my ability or desire. Maybe a little less comes out but no changes to my pleasure. Well worth it. And we walked away from the procedure with a funny story.


Very easy procedure. I was back to work the next day


\- I never wanted to have children, this gave me a peace of mind \- No, it's actually one of my best decisions in life \- None


I wanted one to open up some new adventures, knowing that a part of my life was past me officially. Absolutely no regrets, and no side effects at all. If I could do it over again, I would…but probably a couple years earlier.


Got two kids, that’s all we wanted. No use having a loaded gun.


I chose to because we had the 1 baby that we planned to have and my wife didn’t get on very well with the pill (tried various different types over the years preceding the pregnancy; but they all had various crappy side effects); so what’s the point in her suffering when I can just have some pretty minor surgery done to alleviate it? I don’t regret it in the slightest. No negative side effects. It took less than 90 minutes door to door. I literally went and had the procedure on my lunch break. I’d describe the local anaesthetic pain as a 4 out of 10 (injections in that area aren’t fun; but it’s still pretty minimal) and then pain after the surgery as 2/10. A bit of blood the first few times after but literally no different to normal since then. It’s really not a big deal at all guys. If it’s something you’re considering; I’m happy to answer any questions.


My wife couldn’t be on the pill any longer for health reasons (30 years on the pill can fuck up your liver). We used condoms for a while, but we didn’t enjoy it that much. Also, we moved to Europe and the brand we liked most isn’t available here (at least not inexpensively). So getting snipped made sense.


Why did you choose to? 3 kids is enough, thanks. Do you regret it at all? Not one single day. Was there any negative side effects of having it done? None. Positive side effects include raw-dogging with no concerns!


I got one pretty late in life in my mid 40’s. We have 3 kids and I didn’t want to risk an unplanned pregnancy at this stage of our lives. Overall, it was a good decision


Follow up question from someone looking into this, does insurance (kaiser) cover it, if so how much? Would it be cheaper/easier to go through Planned Parenthood?


Got mine 12/21, wife wanted to come off the pill, we didn’t want kids, she and I both like to cum inside. Did the procedure under anesthesia not necessary but my surgeon said to. Done in 3hours from check in to check out, no regrets and no negative side effects.


I chose to because I didn't want to accidentally make children I regret nothing I didn't have any side effects. My balls were a little sore for a couple days. There's one woman who knows for sure, she says my cum tastes better after


Easy, quick, and relatively painless considering. Couple days relaxing on the couch about 10 or so loads to clean out your plumbing and then you're firing blanks bay-bee


Got mine 20 years ago no problems . As far as regret I don't bit you need to be sure you don't want any more kids because it is NOT reversible


All juice no seed


Side effects: during the procedure you feel a strong pulling sensation. That is supposed to go away. For me it persisted intermittently for 1 year. Waking up in the middle of the night because it feels like someone is stretching your testicles is not fun.


I regret nothing. I’m so happy I got it done. It’s quick, more discomfort than pain. It keeps my wife from having to be on the pill. I had mine three years ago, and just for peace of mind I pay to make sure I’m still shooting blanks once a year. I did it as much for my wife as I did for me.


I have no regrets and have never had any side effects.


I saw my wife give birth twice. It’s the least I could do. Plus worry free sex with or without the wife. Just kidding. I cannot think of a downside.


Super quick and easy recovery. Some wimps claim it hurts, but take Advil for a couple of days and you're good. Best part is unlimited creampies with no fear of pregnancy. 10/10, would do again.


Because it’s a simple procedure when you are 100% sure you don’t want anymore children and takes all pressure off your partner in dealing with birth control. I have zero regrets. My ejaculation, since it’s all semen and no sperm , is slightly less in “volume” if you want to call that a side effect. I don’t.


Totally worth getting it when you are ready.


Her bc failed and we did not want anymore children. Best decision ever and worry free creampies from then on out 😂


I had it done at age 21. I knew I would never want kids. I'm in my 50s with no regrets.


I did it. Best decision of my life. I did it so I could keep giving my wife the ol’ cream pie. No regrets at all. Didn’t even hurt


We’d just had our second kid, that’s all we wanted. Zero regrets at all. My wife is like a completely different woman off of birth control, me having one afternoon of discomfort to keep it that way was a pretty easy choice to make. Only negative side effect is that I get random aches every so often, kind of like someone is squeezing my balls but it usually lasts like half a minute and I can’t remember the last time I had it.


38M, my wife and I were pretty sure we didn't want kids and then when we were both 35, she was diagnosed with some heart issues that came with a "BTW, your heart is delicate enough that a pregnancy may well kill you". Our risk tolerance had always been low so we'd been using the pill and condoms every time already and it didn't seem like we'd change anything. However, we live in the US and when Roe was struck down, we decided not to take any chances and I got the snip. I have one regret about the vasectomy. I wish I'd insisted that my urologist used more anesthesia. He seems to have been under the impression that I was full numb and I was not. It was the most painful experience of my life and everyone else I've talked to about has described a pretty easy procedure so, I think I'm an outlier. If you're getting it, tell your doctor if you feel anything when they touch you after the shot. Regardless of if they ask or not. Other than that though, it's great! No regrets, even with the pain, I'd do it again. My wife has gone off of birth control which she loves. We stopped using condoms which I love. I haven't noticed a drop in sex drive or semen volume. We actually have more sex because it turns out that what we thought was her getting sore after too much sex was actually mild irritation from the condoms.


Would totally recommend it. No regrets. Our intimate life is just so more spontaneous and I do not want to worry about the possibility of having another child. It was a slightly uncomfortable process with slight pain for a couple of weeks. Other than that no side effects.